What's NEXT?

November 15, 2010 6:45am CST
First there was ipod... It was mazing, a player that had 20GB memory. When first Hard Disk based ipod came out we all thought how it is possible to fill 20GB with music because in those days internet was so SLOW. Now 80GB of space is not enough. Anyway. Apple created many different ipod models, shuffle,nano etc. Whenever Apple releases new product - it's always something we haven't seen before. Like First shuffle, Iphone And iPad... But what do you think will be the next big hit from Apple?
1 response
@dufff7 (10)
17 Nov 10
Following the success of the applications for ipod/iphone/ipad i recon a gaming console is on the horizon. Probably would have to power and fan base to dominate sony and microsoft.