how did u dream a guy asking you to marry him? ahah u boys how you gonna ask?^^

romantic kiss  - boy is going to kiss girl he loves^^
November 18, 2010 5:33am CST
hi guys how did you dream a guy asking you to marry him? and you boys how you gonna ask your gfs to marry? if you are already married can you share your sweet stories of how you were asked to marry or how you asked? ahah must be really cute^^ me im not married yet but i wish that the boy asks me in a sweet way^^ without me expecting ahah ^^ what about you guys? please share^^ xoxo, Cat
12 responses
• United States
23 Nov 10
i was going to ask them on my birth day, take them out then back to my house which i will have by then an surprise them.
1 person likes this
• Portugal
23 Nov 10
on your birthday? thats very cute really^^ i like that idea really ahah bcs that day she wont expect that you ask her to marry bcs is your party. thats very original. i really like your idea^^ thats very cute also i see that you are a romantic guy. even you dont seem you are a sweet guy inside ahah^^ wish you the best
• Portugal
26 Nov 10
why do you say it wont happen? maybe it will happen^^ for sure you will find a good girl that will like you why do you think so negative? you shouldnt think that way really. you should always see the bright side that we all have someone meant for us and you are not different. just bcs your best friend isnt talking with you now doesnt mean that she doesnt like you. maybe something happened.
• United States
25 Nov 10
don't think it will ever happen but heres hoping.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
21 Nov 10
To make the story short. I will do what is formal way to court the lady and tell the it with sweet words that never heard of...
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
Yup! It is good if made a surprise thing because this is also a kind of sweetness
• Portugal
21 Nov 10
is good that you will court her and say sweet words^^ thats very sweet of you. but would be good if you made a surprise for her right? maybe court isnt already a surprise bcs she already knows you like her. so maybe you could just say sweet words and ask her in a sweet romantic place^^ dont you think she would be happier? ahah but thats cute that you would say sweet words
• Portugal
24 Nov 10
yes thats very cute when the guy makes a very cute surprise for the girl and she is so happy bcs he did it in such a romantic way^^ i really like when guys are so cute and so romantic to girls^^ i be like wow so cute ahah i love to see those love scenes in the movies. i really like to see boys being so sweet and romantic with girls thats a must to have in life a romantic boy.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
22 Nov 10
I have a lot of dreams and expectations of how a guy should propose to a girl. And i think the best way is to really surprise the girl. The guy should act as if it's a normal date but of course the date should be some place sweet and has a meaning to both. A candle light dinner with songs that the couples both love. Sweet talks and the food of course should have to be something special again for the two. And then the guy should ask the girl with bended knees or one knee will do.. Just my imagination..hahah. I wish my bf wouldn't get to read this so he won't be doing my idea of a proposal, that way im sure i will really be surprised.
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• Portugal
23 Nov 10
ahah so cute dreams you have really^^ i like your idea it is very sweet and very romantic. does he know that you work here in mylot? bcs if he knows maybe sometimes he reads your posts^^ about me if my ex bf was still here commenting i would be too curious about what he would write and would like to read it ahah anyway is better that your bf dont read so he can surprise you better^^ anyway can you show me your bf pic? im a bit curious^^
@aaronfyzeon (1920)
• Philippines
19 Nov 10
I would want my guy to propose to me on a very regular moment that I usually am doing. Like for example I am doing my daily routine adhering to my good time management that I am doing then while I am doing my regular stuff talking to him he will break up a surprise for me that I will forget all the things that I should be doing and stop right from there. It will mean so much to me if he will be able to get me out of focus managing my time really well. That would be unforgettable.
• Philippines
19 Nov 10
I would like that kind of proposal! Yes, that would be perfect, an unexpected moment, no special occasions or whatever, just an ordinary day, with me still tired from the days work, and then that question would take the tiredness away..;)
• Portugal
19 Nov 10
aaron thats cute^^ bcs if takes you to dinner or out of nowhere to a place you like maybe you will think about that. but if asks suddenly while you are doing your things for sure that would be a surprise and would be more cute ahah anyway what about that guy you told in the discussion? the one you saw in the company you work? did you see him and talk with him already? emerillus i guess you are right^^ that kind is sweet bcs if you are tired from work can make you feel better and is a bigger surprise^^
• Philippines
19 Nov 10
I will start on monday. I will be able to see him then. I don't know what I am going to do then. Come what may. Thank you for such a nice comment.
• Netherlands
20 Nov 10
I had asked my wife a lot of times ago it was on 31 december/ 1 january 0am and then i ask her to marry me, and she say yes! But to ask someone oldanary in a restaurant or some things isnt fun for me we guys must do it on moments that they didnt expect it! That is very much fun to see ther faces smile like this
1 person likes this
• Portugal
20 Nov 10
ahah yes i guess you are right is better to ask when they dont expect. your way was very romantic in new year ahah im sure that she didnt expect and was too happy. is great that she accepted^^ im very happy that you chose a cute original way to ask her^^ very sweet of you really. wish you the best
@Freezole (246)
• Malaysia
18 Nov 10
I'm not sure about this but if i going to ask her i will make it unforgettable..maybe find to secret place where no one else there just only two of us..set the table up..light the candle..serve my hand make cook with secret inside. the important is to set up the final show...that just a dream..the reality is i must to meet their parent first to get the approval so this maybe not going surprise anymore. Have a nice days..
• Portugal
18 Nov 10
first you should ask her^^ just then you ask her parents. but first its her bcs you need to know if she wants to marry. imagine that her parents say yes and she doesnt want to marry yet? you should talk with her first^^ that way you can surprise her and be polite anyway^^ first ask her if she wants and then talk with her parents if she wants to^^ its not fair that you ask her parents first that isnt romantic and also isnt logic bcs she can say no :(
• Portugal
19 Nov 10
if she says yes and her parents say no if she loves you she be with you anyway. also if you ask her parents and they say yes and she doesnt want? bcs even she loves you maybe she doesnt want to marry yet. it depends of her dreams and personality. anyway i guess that she will say yes but is more sweet and romantic if you ask her before and just then tell her parents.
@Freezole (246)
• Malaysia
19 Nov 10
what i can say is complicated...what if she want to marry me and their parent doesn't approved. If i got the approval first, that should be okay since we are already in relationship, i guess she will not say no..if that happen i should wait for her.
• United States
18 Nov 10
I always imagined something unique or romantic, or maybe even funny. What I got was very awkward and extremely disappointing. Oh well, romantic gestures aren't in the cards for all of us, it seems.
• Portugal
18 Nov 10
thats cute anyway bcs your hubby really loves you^^ what is the use if the boy is so romantic and then his love for the girl is a lie or end fast? at least yours is real^^ and nothing is more important than that^^ dont feel sad^^ cheer up and be happy for having a sweet hubby that really loves you^^ i wish i had a bf that cared for me but all i have is an ex that just said i would be better soon when i said im sick and didnt even ask what i have :( my friends all asked and worried and him just said i be better soon.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
18 Nov 10
My hubby took me to pick out my engagement ring on Valentines Day. He had originally wanted to ask me a month later. I really loved my ring and didn't want to wait a month to wear it. He asked me during the ride in the car. Been married 9 years.
• Portugal
18 Nov 10
ahah thats cute you didnt want to wait so he asked you earlier^^ very sweet of him. 9 years is a long time. but you seem young yet so you married too early right? is cute that you are very happy with him. he asked in the car well thats original but is sweet that he took you to choose the ring. guys usually are the ones that choose the ring but is ok if he did it in a different way. that way he was original.
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
18 Nov 10
Hi dear, It is funny, when I asked this question through a third prty to the real person, the response was, "I have my parants to think of it and when the time comes, they will decide about it". How is it. Regards, Thank-s
• Portugal
18 Nov 10
you shouldnt ask for other person. should be you asking the girl. for me isnt romantic if is someone else asking. if a guy asked his friend or something to ask to marry me my answer would be no. also her parents shouldnt be the ones deciding should be her. its her happiness and not theirs. anyway what happened to that girl? if you like her you should go and ask her before she finds other fiancee. you should really go and talk with her^^ and meet her well, date for awhile and just then marry if both are in love.
@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
18 Nov 10
Hi CAT I am not married yet but still I dont have any type of dream to ask a girl that she ll marry me. But I went a step forward from it, I saw my marriage with the girl whom I like and that was really great moment in my dreams...:) Have a nice day...:)
• Portugal
19 Nov 10
ahah saqi^^ thats cute that you dreamt with that^^ anyway why dont you tell her that you like her?^^ im sure that maybe she can like you also. you are a sweet guy. all girls like sweet and romantic guys^^ so im sure that she doesnt feel different. go ahead and tell her how you feel. im sure that she will also like you and maybe can marry later on^^ have a nice day too
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
24 Nov 10
I don't want to marry now, but if I decide in future then I will simply ask the girl to marry me. I have a gf but I told her that I don't have any marriage plans yet, she agreed with that.
• Portugal
24 Nov 10
yes i understand^^ you are young yet and is normal that you want to settle your life first before marry. is normal that you rather have a good job that assure your future and just then you can make plans. besides i agree that you need some time to meet your gf better and just then ask to marry her. when we marry we must be sure that is that person the right one.
@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
23 Nov 10
I'm faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar to young to even think about it :P but well it really depends on the girlfriend :P Some of them might like it on some romantic dinner , others will be happy if you just do it , i can even do it on a lake in the moonlight if i have too , it really depends on the girl :P
• Portugal
24 Nov 10
ahah yes i see you are young maybe you are 18? ahah im not sure^^ anyway i like your idea of the lake and the moonlight ahah thats too cute really that would be super romantic. anyway im happy that you are willing to be so romantic with the girl that you love. you are a sweet guy huh? ahah funny and sweet^^ im very happy that you answer my discussions really^^