one of my article was not published in mylot

@yugasini (12893)
Secunderabad, India
November 19, 2010 9:27pm CST
hi mylot friends, i am sorry to say that one of my new discussion were not accepted by the mylot administration ,due to that i am violating rules,but i have not find any thing in it,once again reading,opening the rule and regulations reading it is impossible,since 20 months i am doing mylot discussions,can any body is ready to read the discussion and let me know the details,if you agree for this i will pm the same,have a nice day
10 responses
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
Hi there my friend! Did mylot not notify you of that unpublished discussion? Or perhaps notify your for deleting it? As far as I know, Mylot will send email notification why they have to delete the discussion and they will provide for the reason. When my discussion got deleted, I no longer question it or complain the Admin why they have to do that for reason that Mylot has reserved their right to delete discussions which to them is in violation of the rules. Indeed for me, I may consider a discussion that is not in violation with the rules, but Mylot staff have their own discretion which is not similar to what I think. In other words, they have that discretion to consider a discussion in violation of the rules which we cannot argue with because your way of thinking is not the same of their way of thinking. On the brighter side. Just keep on posting good discussions my friend because I believe you can do much.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
20 Nov 10
hi maean, thanks for the response,sorry my discussion was not delayed,initially it was not published,the site itself does not accepted my discussion stating that ,some violation is in my discussion,as an 18 month experience in this site,i could not find any reason for not accepting my discussion,but i donot wish to fight with mylot people
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
21 Nov 10
Hello again my friend! I think I already understand what you mean by that. You made a discussion and when you submit it, a "red colored" warning appeared under your discussion box. Am i right? If that was the scenario happened to you, the only way that the admin will accept it is that you need to rephrase your content or perhaps change some mature content words. There are words that the Admin do not accept here. I have encountered the same thing too. If it is about mature content, you have to change your settings that you can accept mature content. Or perhaps you can use underlines or symbols for words that are not accepted. For example, the word "B*llsh^t" is not accepted here and a lot more, I hope you understand what I meant...
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
21 Nov 10
hi maean, thanks once again for one more response,but this time the redletters were found on the top of the discussion ,not below the discussion,they have mentioned that not use some thing,the content was about the wikinut,not any mature content for not accepting it,any how now i have no mood to post the same in mylot,have a nice day
1 person likes this
• China
21 Nov 10
Hi dear I guess if My lot have deleted your discussion must have a reason for them to do that,and they should have sent you an Email by telling you,but I guess they just asking you to read their rules, but not exatly telling you what wrong you did with. I got one of my new discussion deleted last week as well,actually if you cound not find out why they deleted your discussion,you can send them an Email to ask for'll get a prefer answer for sure. have a nice day
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
21 Nov 10
hi tangtang, thanks for the response,my discussion was not deleted,it was not accepted it initially,some red letters come and it was not accepted,i have tried twice and send the same to my friend for verification by mail,yet i have to receive that mail ,after that i have post once again the same discussion,have a nice day
• China
21 Nov 10
Oh I am sorry to heard that. I though not accepted it,so My lot has deleted your discussion.hmmm so both we have met not the same cause ;-) mine has been post on My lot,but later been deleted by some reason. post it once again for the same discussion? is it work now?
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
21 Nov 10
well, the only explanation i can think of is because you have broken mylot rules and regulations... that's why your discussion is rejected by the admin... have you contact the admin and ask them for the reason??? hopefully they will be able to give you a satisfactory and valid explanations... good luck... take care and have a nice day...
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
21 Nov 10
hi lingli, thanks for the response,yes i am thinking that i have broken mylot rules,but i could not find where i have broken mylot rules and regulations,some body have to guide me,already i have send the matter to one of my friend,but i have not got any reply from her,i think she may not seen my mail or she is away from the city,have a nice day
@Revan2009 (469)
20 Nov 10
That is unfortunate, yugasini. Did they say why your discussion was violating mylot rules?
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
21 Nov 10
hi revan, thanks for the response,after long time i am seeing you in my discussion,what is going on where are you, are you busy with some other work,or you have find any more earning site and doing some other money earning sites,let me know all about you,have a nice day,
24 Dec 10
Yes... at peoplestring I have earned a lot of money which I spent on developing my site. I've also been busy working so have not had the time for online work.
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
aw too bad read your email you'll see the reason there it's not something to really feel bad about though i've had many of my posts deleted in the past hahaha
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
21 Nov 10
hi chipesterkhan, thanks for the response, but when i am posting any discussion,i take care not use any unwanted words in mylot discussion, even i take care some times,what will happen like that,so some of my discussions were deleted,what to do,i will try next time to post the discussion with another matter,have a nice day
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
Really? Probably there are reasons for such action, it's best that you'll inquire.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
21 Nov 10
hi lexielilly, thanks for the response,have a nice day
• United States
20 Nov 10
Yugasini- I am sorry that your article was pulled. I agree, write to Mylot administration and find out why your thread has been pulled. I cannot see you making a TOS violation to be honest, and the number of bigoted thread, racist threads, and so forth that administration allow to stay up on Mylot you are far from those types my friend. Namaste-Anora
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
21 Nov 10
hi anora, thanks for the response, i does not have any interest to write to mylot administration again my discussion,it was not accepted ,once again i have to submit for administration for approval,it will take some time to publish,i do not want all the mesh with the discussion,have a nice day
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
20 Nov 10
HI, Why don't you check with MyLot admin why they reject your discussion? Since you mentioned that your discussions does not violate their rules...let's get a confirmation from Mylot admin.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
20 Nov 10
hi shia, thanks for the response,it was not accepted,so i could not posted the discussion ,mylot was stating that with red letters,but i could not find any wrong in my discussion,any how i have saved it and sent to my friend for verification,if you are my friend,i may send it to you,have a nice day
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
20 Nov 10
Hi yugasini, see i recently started a discussion about the weight loss, i got so many tips for that which is really useful to many that was got deleted, i don't know why mylot delete such interesting and useful discussions some times. So don't worry keep posting good topics. Have a good day.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
20 Nov 10
hi jotomy, thanks for the response,thanks for the support,i am not worrying about the thing,but the site is not permitted my discussion,when i have submitted some letter were appeared top of the comment,they have said, but i could not understand the word ,so simply i have posted it to my friend for verification that is there any unwanted content in it,have a nice day
@damned_dle (3942)
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
They (Mylot) must have flagged it unintentionally. You know, like when you accidentally delete an important email. I know you already know, but you can check your email and see what was the reason they deleted it?