When was the last time you had a fight with your family?

November 25, 2010 10:22pm CST
i think in everyone's life there would come a time, that you would fight really bad with your parents or sibling, i had mine, 4months ago with my parents and until now, we are still no talking to each other, of course i want to make peace with them, but i am taking my time away from them, let time, heals all of it first. imss them badly because Christamas is coming now and its the first time that i wont be spending it with them. But i dont want to rush into it because maybe will be okay in Christamas and end up fighting again after that.
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14 responses
@ElicBxn (63642)
• United States
27 Nov 10
I used to fight all the time with my brother, but it has been a while because we never wanted to upset mom. Now, I just avoid him, and will probably seldom see him since mom is gone.
@ElicBxn (63642)
• United States
28 Nov 10
We also have a sister, who we both get along with. No, my roommate is more like family than my brother, I think the last 40-45 years have rather ingrained the problem. Oh, somewhere we have cousins and stuff, but my sister does more to stay in touch than I do.
• Philippines
28 Nov 10
is he the only immediate family that you have? i hope you guys would have a better relationship, since you are family. its hard to rely on stranger while families would guide and take your back. but im not judging, i think i have the worst family situation right now.
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26 Nov 10
I had a little arguement with my sister earlier, but we're always having little arguements so I know we'll be back talking properly soon. Although christmas might be a bit difficult since Im not speaking to her boyfriend and she wants us to have christmas dinner over her house this year, so that might be pretty difficult for us. Im not in a rush to make it up with him but I would rush to make it up with my sister and parents. If you feel like you want time to heal things, why dont you at least write them a letter?
3 Dec 10
A letter might even open the communication a bit, they will always be there for you but with big arguments sometimes it takes time to deal with it, so take your time but send that letter so that they know that things can be fixed.
• Philippines
28 Nov 10
Thank you, this is a great idea, step by step no rush, thank you for sharing this with me. a letter could actually work, at least they would know that i really love them and despite what happened im always here and still their family.
• Malaysia
27 Nov 10
I do have arguments. Not to the extent of fisticuffs. I have one black sheep in the family and he is very violent. He does not fight with any one but he destroys home property like chairs and side tables.
• Philippines
28 Nov 10
ouch, how old is he? he might still change and might be acting out on something that had happened to him.
@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
28 Nov 10
My mom 10 minutes ago , my dad 10 years ago :P
• Philippines
28 Nov 10
oooh...if its just trivial things, i hope itll get better as soon as it started...
• Vietnam
26 Nov 10
I fought with my family last week. After an argument between my mom and me, I left home, walked along the road to think about my behavior. Sometime, we can't control myself. When i walked on the road, i think what happened if i left my home. Did i have a palce to live? Could i make my dream come true if i left home? And i realized that there is no place better then my home. After I walked on the road, i came back home. I didn't say anything with my mom and dad. The day after, my mom asked me to sweep the floor, wash the dishes... And the next few days, we are healed. therefor, if you and your family are okey in Christmas, you should control yourself to make the days after christmas be the happy time in your family. Wishing you the happiness family.
• Philippines
28 Nov 10
Thank you so much. thats a very good way to think but hopefully even if you have a place to go, you would stillfind ways to make it better with your family, becasuei know even if i have a misunderstanding with them nobody will love me as much as they did. thank you so much and i hope you'll have the same happiness that u wished for me in your family! ^_^
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
family would be family. boyfriend, girlfriend, friends may leave you but never your family. no matter how big the fight is, the love of the family is still bigger than that! (: just have a positive approach no matter how rigid and crucial the situation is. just try to look at the perspectives & see what it brings back! i think fighting normally happens in a family. i believe, problems can make the family ties even more closer. however, it all depends on your approach. so for you to feel at home, find inner peace within yourself first so you may then realize how important your family is for you & how much you love them! family is made for each other, not the other way around! (;
• Philippines
28 Nov 10
Thank you, i appreciate this advice very much. i do believe that fights make you realize who you really are, and what kind of people your family is and love them for that discovery and be stronger together. so i hope that after this fight whether we think one is nt as we think they are we will love them still for who they are now.
@ladysakurax (1161)
• Canada
26 Nov 10
There was one big argument I had like a few years ago. It as with my aunt's family. I wanted to make peace but it was their decision to just cut the relationship like that so i got nothing to feel guilty because i tried my best. I hope that your relationship with your parents will get better. Fights with your aunt or friends aren't the same as with your parents. Parents love their children unconditionally and I believe that they will always love you. I used to have some arguments with my mom too but i know that most of the time when she says something harsh and hurtful out of anger and you barely control your emotion. But the next morning, we forget everything and a new day begins. Good luck and i hope everything will get better
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
thank you somuch, i do, i am wishing for the same thing, that our relationship would heal soon and we can mend it well, and hopefully this fight would make us understand each other differences and make our relationship better.
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
26 Nov 10
I fight with my dad and mom and bro all the time. Maybe they can't tolerate my attitude and I can't tolerate with them either. I remember I was initially diagnosed with depression but they don't know it until I was throwing mirror on the floor and broke my arm. And they biased towards me because I am never clever than my bro. After the fight, our relationships getting poorer and we seldom talk heart to heart unless if necessary only with my mom. I feel regret a bit and I have tried my best to mend their hearts and this is their only wish, so what can I do? Mom also wants me out of the house but I am stubborn and won't let go easily and still staying in this house after 10 years, amazing patience didn't I?
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
26 Nov 10
I threw my sister out of my house about three years ago and I still haven't talked to her. I have since sold the house that I threw her out of and have acutally moved out of the US. I threw her out because I couldn't stand the way she treated people who didn't have have alot and especially the way she treated my youngest daughter. I have no plans to talk to her again and yes this is my blood sister. I can't be nice or a friend to someone who lives thinking they are better then others. Its just not in my makeup. I would wait if I were you till after the holidays to straighten everything out because everyone will then say you are only making mends because its Christmas an you don't want to miss out on gifts.
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
Thank you so much for this good advice, (i didnt think about gifts...oh right there would be that too huh?) thank you so much, that is a very hard fight to mend, if you don't like a person like tha its hard to keep on letting her be in your house and influencing your children. i hope though even as an acquaintance and nothing closer you'll mend this too.
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
The worst fight you can have with a family is with parents. They can do far worse than with brothers, which is usually physical. I'm used to fighting with brothers but with parents, it's a different story. They once limited my allowance so that i could only eat lunch and dinner to prevent me from going out on weekends. Harsh.
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
i see, parents are indeed very smart and tricky, i hoope though that this is the worst fight you'll have with yourfmaily and nothing more, it is really hard when its your family that you have disagreement with.
@hushi22 (4928)
26 Nov 10
the last time i had a fight with my family was last month when my voice wasnt heard for about 3 weeks and that no matter how much i tried to get their attention because of something important they didnt listen. i was glad that it only last for about 3 days. it went fine on.
• Philippines
28 Nov 10
thats good to know. keep fighting for your rights girl! especially if it lasted that long, though sometimes i know we have to understand that the wold doesn't revolve around us, but sometimes we deserve to be heard especially if its really important for us and our growth isn't it?
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
26 Nov 10
I am having one right now! With my sister. But I do not worry about that too much, these things happen in families from time to time.
• Philippines
28 Nov 10
yes it does, but i hope you'll soon get over it and become good again with a stronger relationship. ^_^
@rajiv22 (167)
• Chengalpattu, India
26 Nov 10
Big fights? Ah... I remember all those.. Some five years ago when i was at high school, i used have big fights with my family members related to my studies, non understandable brother and ego and things like that almost twice a month which even lasts for 1 or 2 days. Even plates and things would fly from one corner to another especially between me and my father.. some 16months ago my beloved fathers passed away. Now i feel for it and even cry, that there is no one that good to fight with me. But now too we hav fight, especially between me and my mother and that to daily but these are all small fights related to some kiddie things like arguments in TV or Food and these fights last just for minutes. What i would say is Fight are good within family which makes u and family understandable between other well in different aspects but i dont recommend harsh and hurting fights, it can even go worser till even get u to courts. Understanding and control-ability speaks :-)
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
i understand, you are right, no matter how angry and sensitive the fights are, harsh worlds and pgysical fights are not good to have, it will leave marks of worst feelings towards each other and would add to the time of not making peace. instead of a few days without takking with physical pain it mightg become weeks and might even get worst depending on the fight.
@bnd8884 (98)
• India
26 Nov 10
Its amazing to me that how people can fight with their family. There should be no fight with family what so ever. If you fight with them it will not be family more. we should live in peace and harmony
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
of course nobody likes to fight with our families, but part of being human is having our own beliefs and perspectives, that sometimes clashes or disagrees with the other family members. i would really like to never fight with my family, but as it turns out it can't always be that way.