All the cardboard that we get at christmas.

@jugsjugs (12967)
November 27, 2010 1:06pm CST
I do my part in the recycling, as in i have a recycle bin to put it in, but when the bin is over flowing at christmas i tend to put all the rubbish that i can burn in my wood burner out side and we have a good fire to get rid of it all, rather than holding on to it.A week before we get to christmas i tend to try to get rid of all the paper, card board and anything else that can be recycled,that way it makes more room in the bin ready for christmas rubbish.
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21 responses
• United States
27 Nov 10
Jugs- I've found that cardboard makes wonderful canvas for little ones. I've cut our recent boxes down into easy size for the kids to use to put their artwork on. They've had a good time and then I can display it by adding on a simple boarder. Those that I cannot reuse (or if I have too much) simply gets broken down. It takes up less room if you break down your boxes and tie them up (for those without a burner). Be careful though with burning wrapping paper as it has chemicals and dyes that are not conducive to people or the environment. You can actually make home made beads from wrapping paper. It's very simply to do. Cut strips of wrapping paper in cone shapes that are approximately 12 inches long. (It will look like an lanky triangle). Use a chopstick or the end of a paint brush and starting with the widest end wrap around the stick or brush. use a dab of blue to secure the end and remove the bead. Allow to dry and when you're done you can make your necklace. It's a great craft for little ones. Namaste-Anora
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@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Nov 10
Sounds like a really good idea.I have loads of children of my own and it would be a great idea when other peoples children come here.I have really alot of cardboard at christmas so in the end i have to have a fire as i have nowhere to store it all.I think that it is great that we can recycle, but shame that we can not keep it all until the empty the bins the following time.
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@ellie333 (21016)
27 Nov 10
Hi Jugs, There is so much packaging still on a lot of the pressies eh! I use cardboard as a base before paper then sawdust and straw for the rabbits and as I have so many of them there is never anything left. Over two weeks I am lucky if I fill one biner for landfill. Sounds like a great idea to have a burn up before hand though to make room - I love watching flames flicker, miss my open fire from my old house, although a lot of work, very reqarding. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Nov 10
There is nothing like a good burn up and i also like to see the flames.I have a coal effect gas fire instead of a normal fire and that is nice to see working all alight.We burn all our rubbish on a log burner outside at christmas, as well as when we have too much rubbish for our bins.
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@celticeagle (171912)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Nov 10
All our recycling stuff goes to my grandson for his projects. He makes planes and trains and wings and all sorts of things our of cardbooard, styro-foam, straws, etc. He is very good at putting things together. He gets a Lego set and has it put together and running in under 60 minutes. He is going to be an engineer.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
27 Nov 10
I would always recycle all the cardboard after Christmas. We had big bins back in New Mexico so we were able to usually get rid of everything within two pickups. Now that I'm living in Puerto Rico there is no recycling for some reason. I was so use to doing it in New York and New Mexico. Now everything goes out in the one trash can once a week. I have to look into why there is no recycling here.
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@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
28 Nov 10
I try to recycle as much as I can. I have a can for glass, plastic and cans. There is a bin nearby for the papers and catalogs, but I have never taken anything to it, because it is hard to get to and it is to hard for me. Sometimes I get a friend of mine to take the papers there. Around this time of year I get tons of catalogs and they make the trash heavy.
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@calpro (930)
• India
28 Nov 10
Recycling rubbish is appreciable, I should say you are responsible towards planet earth. I do recycle the rubbish at home, but I don't have a recycle bin. generally I use to burn all the paper card board and polythene. I do plant some trees and plants whenever and where ever possible. Lets try to give a greener planet to out future generations. Happy living Calpro
• Canada
28 Nov 10
We have a very good recycling program here in Guelph. Our trash is sorted into three categories. Blue bag = paper, plastic, glass, metal, cardboard. Green bag = compostables Clear bag = everything else (candy wrappers, light bulbs, old broken toys, shopping bags, etc.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Dec 10
Oh dear. I'm really glad to hear that your a very conscientious recycler and so thinking environmentally and what's good for our planet but do you realise that by burning your stuff you are causing pollution??? Smoke doesn't just disappear into nothing in the atmosphere you know. Recycling is better. If the bin is too full, just store it till the season is over and get rid of it gradually.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
1 Dec 10
We have lots of boxes broken down and stored in case we get lucky and can move to a better place. But I don't see that happening. I wish we had more convenient places to recycle here. I've got stuff that I would rather not throw away but it's hard to find a place to recycle near where we live.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
27 Nov 10
at least you will some stuff you can burn over the winter. it will make your heating bill less. we have to recycle everything as we are only allowed one bag of garbage per week.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Nov 10
It is an out door burner that we burn our rubbish on so that there is alot less in our bins and no rubbish about until it is time for it to be collected.
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
3 Dec 10
That's nice!! hehe ^_^ I'm often burning things at home as well though i know my mom will nag at me.. haha =D It's a good way to get rid of things, especially rubbish, and it's a waste of plastic bags when i have got too much of rubbish.. lol =D Thus, i will collect whatever i dun want, wait for the right moment before burning them all at home.. haha
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 10
There is a Lutheran church/school pretty close to our house that collects paper, so we take ours to their bins.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
2 Dec 10
We don't get too much cardboard these days at Christmas now that our kids are older, but what we do get, we usually re-use as packaging for our business. We love all the junk mail that comes at this time of year too as we shred it and use it to stuff into parcel for protection. When we did get lots of cardboard and had no use for it, we just saved it up and filled the recycling bin week after week with it. I do not like to burn things like that as it adds to pollution and global warming.
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
2 Dec 10
That's a nice idea. I have alot of rubbish in my house too but i can only throw them away using plastic bags. I tried my best to squeeze as much as i can into a bag, but it never seems enough. I thought of buring my rubbish, but there's no place to do so. I won't want to burn stuffs inside the house because of the lingering buring smell.
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• United States
29 Nov 10
I just recycle it. I use it again for other gifts or other things. I don't see the point in throwing it away.
@shaggin (73973)
• United States
28 Nov 10
Where I live we do not have the option to recycle. If we did I would be doing it happily to help the environment. We can only put out two big garbage cans each week for the garbage men to pick up. At Christmas time thats nearly impossible since usually we fit two big garbage cans each week so theres no extra room for all the toy packaging to go into the garbage cans. So then I have to burn all the packaging instead of throwing it in the garbage cans. To me its better to burn it and have the little bit of smoke go into the air then have that huge amount of boxes just go clutter up the landfill.
@Nadinest1 (2016)
• Canada
30 Nov 10
What our family does is this: We like you, we get lots and lots of cardboard from Christmas Day. We have a wood furnace in which we heat our house. We carry all the wrapping, cardboard etc to the basement and for the next week, we slowly but surely burn it all. There is no recycling of cardboard here. My sorry.
@doormouse (4599)
28 Nov 10
what i tend to do is the recyclable rubbish that won't go into the bin i put in bin bags,they are then kept in the shed until the bin is emptied again,otherwise i put it in someone elses bin if they have space
• Pilot Mountain, North Carolina
1 Dec 10
We accumulate cardboard year round because my wife is a sales consultant for a pocketbook/organizing tote company and she is getting orders in almost weekly. So we build up cardboard boxes all the time. It does get worse around Christmas though. We get presents in cardboard boxes along with the increase in sales that my wife does for people buying Christmas presents for others. If there is any possible way, we normally store the good boxes that we can re-use and take the others to the recycling center.
• Abuja, Nigeria
28 Nov 10
You have done well, destroy more so as to have more space for chritsmas gift and not rubbish. this one is going to be a special one.