How Do You Feel About Racism?

United States
November 28, 2010 2:39am CST
I'm totally against it. I have noticed that bad people come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. And often you really can't even tell what race a person is by looking at them. I've had a lot of racist comments directed towards me for being a white girl... but that is not totally accurate since I'm 1/8 Cherokee Indian. I know a lot of people that are completely racist against other people and I keep telling them that I have a problem with it, but they just don't seem to understand why I have a problem with it. I have been screwed over by people of many races, so I just really don't see the point in blaming all the world's problems on one race. How do you feel about racism? Have you been a victim of it? Have you ever tried to step into a sticky racist situation?
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21 responses
@babyanna (1216)
• China
28 Nov 10
Hi,dismalgrin! I'm totally against it as well.Actually,I hate it.I know there are some people who are racists.And they think their own race is the best. I believe all races in the world are equal.There is no such thing as superior race or inferior race.We are all human beings.The only difference between different races are their appearance and may be some certain cultures.But we all have same kinds of emotions.Maybe there are more bullies in one race than others.But it's not because of their race,but because of their poverty and lack of education.If different races are given the same rights to study,to live,I'm pretty sure that we can be just as smart. Lucky for me,I have never been a victim of racism.I live in China.And most people here are Chinese.Though we have 56 different nations here,we are taught to respect each other as we all live in the bigger nation,China.And all the foreigners I've met so far,they are also very polite and friendly.I like talking with them and learn from them.And they also like learning from my friends and me.And it feels pretty good. Really hope that one day racism will be eliminated.And I'm sorry for your experience.Those who neglected you,I'm sure,are not true friends. Have a nice day!
• United States
29 Nov 10
I think that much of racism happens in countries where there is more than one race. It saddens me that my country was founded on racist ideals really, nothing is more racist in my mind than going to another country and killing off the natives there because they don't think and act like you do. But, in the end my own race is a mixture of the people that did the killing and the people that were killed and really, I'm just a person because that what everyone is. That is an interesting fact that you mentioned about China having 56 nations. I has always that that China was China all one nation like my own country. Lol, but you learn something new every day.
@babyanna (1216)
• China
4 Apr 11
Hi!Sorry for the late reply.I didn't check my e-mail box pretty often previously.I'm trying to do it now. Well,yeah,China has 56 nations.The biggest one is Han Zu.And we make up the majority of the population.There are big ones like Zhuang Zu as well.I have never met anyone from other nations though.Hope I can get to know some one day.
@ansi09 (151)
• Tunisia
28 Nov 10
Thank god we live in a culture where racism is something so bad to even think of it, Like you said " bad people come in all shapes, sizes, and colors ". This summarizes all what i was going to say, I gess believing in a race's superiority is something related to bad Ex-cultures rather than a conviction or a belief in it such a silly ideology which was made by colonialist, who have one goal, to occupy other civilizations. All that started with what we know " the white supremacy " in the old ages, when huge empires like great britain at that time, spread such a belief inorder to take over other nations.I gess what started as a mean to an end, ended up as a vicious disease, which will take soooooo long to get rid of it.
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• United States
28 Nov 10
I totally agree with you, I think also that many cultures trap themselves into the cycle of racial hatred. I fault my father for many racist remarks he made over the years and when I brought it up to him he pointed out to me that non of his remarks were in fact hateful, but that they were generalizations and that a generalization can be broken. In my city the biggest minority that receives racist comments are the black people, and my father pointed out to me that really these are a community that are generally good people, but they are stuck in a cycle of societal oppression. And anytime to oppress a group of people long enough they end up fighting back and that is where most of the crime is coming from. We need to change that, we need to show respect to the underdogs so that they are no longer oppressed and stuck in a cycle of oppression.
• India
28 Nov 10
I am against racism. You cannot comment against colour at any time. It hurts a lot for the person who gets such comments. We do not have any rights to say about colour, racism, religion, etc.
• United States
29 Nov 10
I think there is a wrong way and a right way to go about mentioning color. I used to have my daughter play with children of other races so that she would be comfortable about them. One thing I appreciate about the innocence of youth is that they are so matter of fact without letting hatred get in the way of their interactions. She would have so many friends she couldn't keep their names straight and would yell back at me before heading out the door "I'm going to go play with my brown friends today, Mommy!" It was so cute because they would all sit there on the front porch discussing the colors of their skin together with no judgment or hatred in their hearts. I think that grown ups can learn a valuable lesson from children about racism.
• India
28 Nov 10
I am completely against any kind of discrimination, maybe it is based on color, race or gender. People who are subjected to discrimination feel very bad.
• United States
29 Nov 10
Yes, I agree, and I would also add religion if I may. I think that just because someone doesn't share the exact same beliefs as you does not make them any less of a person. I have a cousin that goes around telling everyone they are going to 'burn in h***' and that bothers me that he does that. He says he does it because he cares about the souls of others, but I think he is tearing down people's spirits in the way he goes about things.
@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
28 Nov 10
Hi dear, It emerges due to some kind of complex. It can be superior or inferior, but some people really don't like others life based on this racial difference. I just want to tell that ignore this and don't give too much importance to it. It is my desire that it should be stopped and do not allow to go ahead with such racial thoughts. The majority and superior want to dominate the minor and inferior (there is no inferior), I used this word only to understanding purposes only. All are equal and have equal opportunities to live and die peacefully. This is a epidemic and the authorities are the body to step appropriate control such attitudes. If the top people in the authorities are holding such positions and they have the same mentality, it is difficult to stop. However, everyone should strongly oppose such act and protest against racial thinking and deeds. Thank-s
• United States
28 Nov 10
I think that people tend to pass on these views to their children. My boyfriend's niece's daughter wanted a baby doll of a different color and her mom popped off a hateful racist remark about it. This child is 3 years old and all seem the same to her at this point in time, but being raised by a mother like that, the innocence will soon vanish. I think it's really a form of child abuse to raise your child to hate a person of a different color. I'm pleased that the United States has voted a black president into the office, my boyfriend thinks this is racist of me to think, but not me... I see it as progress who knows what race of person we will vote in next, we are no longer bound to choose old white men that want to dictate our lives for us. Now we can choose a person of any color that honestly wants to make a positive change in the world.
• India
29 Nov 10
Hi dear, We need to understand the world around to have some peace of mind. The world is so miserable around with various repercussions. We need to choose and make right choices to make good for our life. Upon certain things we need to close our eyes and act like not seen. Even I am a victim of favouratism and partiality in many ways and experienced the bitterness from the very child hood. Even though it is not of pure racism, but some other kind of separation. So, this is an ongoing phenomenon throughout the world and we can observe the same everywhere. If we closely observe, the world wars and such many wars are happened as a result of the thinking of this racial thoughts and superiority trends only. Cast, colour, inferiority complex, etc have made a lots reasons for clash among the people in various countries. My Michael Jackson had to adopt a plastic surgery? He had the complex and wish to come up like a white person to become stabilize with others. So, such complex is there in the minds of each and every person. Only because of such differentiation, people are tempted to do anything as they have much choice for it. Only because of people are born in different race, it is not their mistake and we cannot blame anybody on this. Unless we think about the equality among the human beings, we cannot regain the peace and harmony within ourselves. Thank-s
• Indonesia
28 Nov 10
No tolerance on racism. It is very bullying. All those racists should live in the nearest jungle. I once experienced that. I'm a minority coming from a particular tribe. Simply some those brainless fellow mock at me. What is that? I'm really sick of racism. we must fight against racism! No place for all those racists but the jungle!
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• United States
28 Nov 10
It is bullying, isn't it! That is a great way to put it! Yes we should put all the racist people in a huge cage and let the hate crimes begin until the world is free of them. Teehee.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
28 Nov 10
I am 100% totally against racism. I am a very experienced traveler of the world. I believe skin color depends on how hot a country is. People in Kenya have a black skin. Indians look different to Chinese people. I noticed in Malaysia some Chinese looking people and some Indian looking people.
• United States
28 Nov 10
Sure the outside of a person often adapt to their environment, but the outside of a person is not a reflection of their soul.
• India
28 Nov 10
Racism is a really unfortunate thing to occur to mankind.I think each of us humans deserves to be treated respectfully and with dignity.Color of the skin is not even important.But it is really bad to see so much of racial hatred in the world.But racism is just one thing.In my country there are many languages and sub systems called castes and sects.Now people here also sometimes comment on other's caste and sects.So I think racism is just a global reflection of local class system mindset.
• United States
29 Nov 10
Oh yes, that oh social discrimination is here too. Lol I have that in my family as well. My mom was disowned by her family for marrying my father who grew up poor. My mother's family was upper middle class. When she divorced my father they wanted to accept her back, but she wouldn't have any of it. My father's family started out poor, but they worked their way up the ranks to the income of upper middle class, but they are still considered a little lower on the chain. I'm dating a poor man... and my family has a huge problem with that because they tried to hard to build out of the poor lifestyle. But, in the end I love him and I don't think out thick his wallet is lined should have anything to do with that.
@fishpool (186)
• China
28 Nov 10
I agree with you,I hate the racism.because it's not fair.nowaday,we are living a global village.we should help each.and the people who discrimate against others have no rights to do something bad for other nation and it's wrong.
• United States
28 Nov 10
Yes, one thing I've noticed on mylot is that the younger generation of people from other countries think a lot more like I do than some of the older generations, we are the change the world needs... but I wonder how far that will go with the hateful racism still circulation in the world.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
29 Nov 10
I can't imagine anyone disagreeing with you, I really can't. I went to an urban high school... and I was part of the minority (although I am white, which everyone thinks is the majority EVERYWHERE but it's not true). If we want to get technical... I am 1/4 Czech with a little bit of Swedish in there too somewhere I think. Hehe. Anyway, I've had people badger me because I was the "wrong color" but I never worried about it whatsoever. I don't care. People can call me what they want - it doesn't make it true. Racism is obviously bad and it's sad to think that some people are still living in the 18th century where racism was commonplace. Ugh
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
28 May 11
I believe that people who are racist are just ignorant honestly. I think that not every one is full white, hispanic or whatever, that everyone has a little bit of something in them. I have indian in me but I am mainly African American. I don't like it when people are racist, and sometimes too the racism is directed towards me as well because I'm African American. I haven't gotten jobs because of my race and some people don't even shake my hand because of my race. Like I said above I believe that people who are racist are just ignorant.
28 Nov 10
Ive never had any racist comments, I dont agree with it and am completely against it. What I find surprising is when you meet people who dont believe that they are racist, and then through getting to know them you realise that they have some racist veiws. You would have never thought that this person was a racist and they would never believe theirselves that they are a racist either, but then they say something that shocks you, and you ask them "do you really believe that" they say yes, and you think, "but thats racist", however they dont beleive that their views are racist. I have recently come across one person like this, I never thought they were racist, and they have even said they dont agree with racism, but we were having a conversation about something and I was shocked by the things they were saying, I consider them to have some racist views without even being aware of it.
• United States
28 Nov 10
I think many of us have a few racist ideas ingrained into our heads that sometimes we don't realize. I know I have a few and I often catch myself... but I can understand to some extend racial grouping, what I despise is the racial hating. Like one day I was at the tax office in the deep city and this one guy's ringtone went off and it sounded like a cop car. Most of the people in the office were black and they all jumped at the sound. It was funny and even they laughed at themselves for it and told the guy you don't go in a group of black folks with a ringtone like that. Is that kind of racist, yes... but is it hateful, not really... we all could appreciate the humor in that since the police in our city do happen to be very racist and they had good reason to jump at the sound.
@markleob (1902)
• Philippines
28 Nov 10
i am totally against it as well. i hate racist people. but we cant blame them since it is their personally. however, all i want is for them to play fair.
• United States
28 Nov 10
I'm not so sure it is a personality thing, I think it is a cycle thing. But, we all can 'be the change we want to see in the world.' and sure there will always be bad people in the world, but they are of all different colors. Lol, I have a sister that is a bad person, she is of the same racial background as me. But, we are two different people... and the world should recognize that.
@mustread (224)
• Bulgaria
28 Nov 10
Many people act differently when they talk to people from other races . It's normal to not trust things different from you , but i think humans are much more smarter and should start getting along with others, no matter of their skin color .
• United States
29 Nov 10
I heard somewhere that it is thought that in 20 or so years all the children being born in my country will have no particular race because there is so much interracial marrying. Yes, there are many open minded people out there, but there are also so many stuck in the past. And you are right, you would think that our minds would have evolved past those archaic ideas of superiority based on skin color.
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
29 Nov 10
Yup racism is pathetic,Cause we live in the same world.We all human being.Why racist against other people,just becuase of their skin or their shape,But i think the case of racist,sometime it depends on where you been brought up.Dont wear colorized-eyes look at people,it just so unfair
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
28 Nov 10
I wish there was no such word as racism. it is hurtful and degrading to everyone. People may look different and have different views and support different cultures. We are still people and everyone should be treated with the same courtesy and care and respect. Showing off racism is just showing off ignorance.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
For me not because I have normal in height and our religion don't teach us that way to be racism.
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
we dont have to be judgmental cuz its not our fault if were born to look this way...and people look different from each other according to races so we have to be considerate enough
28 Nov 10
I agree that bad people are from many different backgrounds. Also i would agree that it is difficult to know the race of a person by just looking at them. I have never been on the receiving end of racism, i am totally against it. There is no need for it at all and what does a person achieve with coming out with racist comments or actions? To me it just shows exactly how small their minds really are. There are many different people from different cultures, backgrounds around. Why create a problem when there does not need to be one? Obviously some small minded idiots have nothing better to do with there time. I just feel sorry that they have yet to really grow up.
@Alley1 (1)
• China
29 Nov 10
I have talked about this problem in class and read it in books or seen it in movies, but to be honest, in actual life, I have never come across racial problems.That is because i have never been abroad and in China I don't think it's a problem. I agree with your opinion and I think it's aburd to think of or treat someone differently due to his skin coulour or natinality. I have just logged in Mylot and I am glad to my first response here. Glad to know you, I can see you are a nice girl through your opinion on this problem.