Osama Bin Ladin/ Bush

@jehwsm (266)
November 18, 2006 10:32am CST
which one of them in your view is more terrorist or both of them are not terrorists.
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8 responses
@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
18 Nov 06
both of them are terrorists...bin laden is committing terrorism in the name of islam against the West while bush is committing terrorism in the name of christianity against the rest of the world. neither is better than the other...both have killed and are killing innocent people. it's too bad that nobody is out hunting bush for all the crimes he has committed...and it's equally as unfortunate that the US isn't a part of the ICC (International Criminal Court) cause it would have been interesting to see if bush and his administration would be tried for war crimes after his presidency is up.
@jehwsm (266)
• Pakistan
18 Nov 06
yes i totally agree with you.Osama is simply a terrorist whereas Bush is a government terrorist.
• India
18 Nov 06
@jehwsm (266)
• Pakistan
18 Nov 06
bush in my view is more ethical than osama.Although both are chips of the same block.Anyway thanks.
@cikedo (3483)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Osama is the terrorist in my opinion. People may no like Bush but I don't believe he goes out of his way to hurt people.
@jehwsm (266)
• Pakistan
18 Nov 06
Ya bush also believes in ethics whereas Osama he is totally out of control.
@rocknroll (1535)
• India
18 Nov 06
@jehwsm (266)
• Pakistan
18 Nov 06
Well you can say that in a way because he is the cause 9/11 events.
@CMC122003 (316)
• United States
18 Nov 06
I think Osama is the terrorist. Not Bush.
@jehwsm (266)
• Pakistan
18 Nov 06
Ya thanks i also agree with that partially.
@vhmehta (621)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Osama bin laden is the terrorists and a coward.. He attacked America and now instead of fighting in front he is hiding and fighting from back! Bush has made his own mistakes but he is not terrorist..
@habichuelo (3100)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Bush!!!!!!! dont you see whats going on.....???
• United States
29 Dec 06
I think both of them are,since they both are killing inncent people.