Are you cheap?

@hmkoct5 (2065)
United States
November 28, 2010 11:01pm CST
Do you consider yourself to be cheap? Are you a penny pincher? Do you constantly worry about money? Or, are you more relaxed when it comes to money? I am a worrier. I worry all the time about money and how much I am spending on things. I don't think I'm cheap though. I just try to budget and balance my spending.
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20 responses
@yanyanyow (326)
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
i sometimes worry when im running out of cash especially if my allowance is up to next week and spent already more than half of it this week. after seeing how little money left to me, i start to budget it and limit myself to things i want to buy. sometimes, i just buy cheaper foods so i can save up and ask my dad if i can join him on his way home.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
7 Dec 10
I wouldn't say cheap, but I would say careful I am very careful about comparing prices when I buy things and making sure I am getting the most for my money. I tend to over shop though when I find really good bargains so I try not to shop very often. I am just like that on food not other things. I seldom ever buy clothes and I have wearing the same tennis shoes for years now. There are some things I just don't like spending money on.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
30 Nov 10
When I was young and poor, I never had any money and I was constantly worried about it. As I grew older and gained experience, it seemed that the less I worried about money, the more I had. Presently, I am convinced that we can chase money away from our lives with worry, and penny-pinching.The secret to having plenty of money is to sincerely believe that money grows on your trees, and to demonstrate this you need to give it away, and by doing so you will have a whole orchard of money trees!
@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
6 Dec 10
NO, I don't consider myself cheap. It is a good thing I do not shop a lot because if I do want something I don't care about how much it costs, but it is rare that I actually want something and buy it. My wife does most of the shopping so I never really have to set foot in a store unless there is something specific that I want.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
29 Nov 10
Yes I guess that I do consider myself to be cheap because I always watch what I spend because I don't want to waste my money all so quick. Still I don't like worrying about money all the time, but oh well it would be so nice to be set for life of coarse who wouldn't want that though. If only I had a job I don't think that I would be so cheap or maybe I would be, but since I live with my parents I don't really like to waste my parents money. I guess I should start looking harder for jobs if only jobs or even better money grew on trees if only.
• United States
30 Nov 10
Well... it's hard to say whether or not I'm cheap as it varies on what it is I'm spending money on. I'm frugal when it comes to food, clothing and transportation but on the other hand when it comes to stuff I want (mainly japanese idol related goods) I have no self-control. While I was in Japan you wouldn't believe how much idol related merchandise I bought. However I didn't spend much money at all on food or transportation. I often would walk places that weren't covered by my PASMO (up to 1-2 hours of walking to some places like Ikebukuro) and only ate what my host family gave me at home. I then used all this money on CDs, DVDs, Manga, Photobooks etc... So I guess I'm cheap when it comes to stuff I don't really want (but still sometimes need) but am wasteful otherwise LOL
@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
29 Nov 10
I don't consider myself a worrier, but I am cheap. I buy the least expensive things all the time. It's normal for me to say something is too much money. I can't really see the point of getting something expensive if you can get something just as good for less money.
@Elixiress (3878)
29 Nov 10
I would not consider myself cheap because when I have money, I tend to spend a bit and save a bit. However, at the moment my income is not too good so I do find myself pinching the pennies because I have no other choice. I do not worry much though because I feel that things will pick up soon as I am working my way up the career ladder and the further up I get, the more money I will have.
• United States
29 Nov 10
i THINK U ARE VERY SMART TO BE THAT WAY & DON'T THINK THAT'S being cheap at all just wise. I have always had tocount my pennies to & it's still just a way of life w/me. I wish everybody would be more careful w/the way they spend. U never know when that rainy day is going to come along & u need something to back u up. Keep up the good work.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
29 Nov 10
Hi hmkoct~ I am unfortuately, not very good when it comes to budgeting my money. I don't worry enough. I spend too much. And then it takes me too long to pay it back. I am cheap when it comes to some things, but I really need to stop myself from spending money on things that I can wait to get.
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
Yes I consider myself as cheap lol, it depends whether my budget is filled with butterfiles or not =)). Hehe right now I'm trying to balance it =)
• Indonesia
29 Nov 10
Cheap? big no. I work myself and don't need somebody buy me. That's really insulting. I got self-esteem, baby. I stand on my own feet before those buyer come. Money is important, but not the most. Self-esteem is more important for me. That's why I dare say I'm not cheap.
• United States
29 Nov 10
I am a penny pincher, I'm going to school fulltime right now and my husband is the only one working and paying the bills. So we are very tight on things especially with 4 kids. When payday comes every 2 wks we budget out all the bills and they get paid first, then we look at necessities that we need like diapers, wipes, toothpaste, tp things like that, that we need and we buy those to get us through for 2 wks. Then with whats left over we look at if anyone needs anything, like new shoes, new coat. and we always go out to eat on payday's
@mustread (224)
• Bulgaria
29 Nov 10
Yes , I do my math and check where the prices are the lowest and go shop there . That's how I don't spend my savings , but manage to save even more every month.
@urbandekay (18278)
29 Nov 10
I am prudent, those that call such prudence cheap are themselves idiots all the best urban
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Nov 10
hmkoct5 I am not cheap but I do use common sense. if you overspedn you deserve to suffer. we all must be our own budget managers, a job we migh not relish but common sense says you must pay your bills first then buy food then if you have enough left buy something you want but do not necessarily need.I am never relaxed when i comes to money as I have not enough to be careless with it.I budget and plan for bvills and emergencies too as all I have is my social security and SSI checks.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
29 Nov 10
We are living in critical times.The cost of living has skyrocketed and the prices of commodities has hit the roof.Nowadays survival is the key since economies are weak with the stock markets fluctuating wildly.Many have lost their jobs or have their salaries reduced drastically mainly due to the global economical situation which has suffered a mighty blow.In such a scenario it is prudent to keep ones budget in mind and under control.Spending has to be calibrated to ones paypacket and saving whatever one can should be made a priority.If one has to become a penny pincher,so be it.Better to have a bird in hand than two in the bush.What you are doing is perfectly alright but don`t keep your mind all the time on money otherwise you will become stressed and fall a victim to hypertension.It is enough that you keep an eye on your budget and a watch on what you spend on.That doesn`t mean that you become miserly but spend once in a while and prudently.No, i don`t worry too much about monwy but do what i have told you.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
For me not because if you are you have no money they are not present there self to gave you money by budget you can do more money in creases time.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
29 Nov 10
Yes, i think i am cheap. Money is really hard to find these days so i really care more on where my money is going. Although there are some pay days that i really treat myself and i spend more on it. But somehow i feel relieved from stress from a very long week of work. Sometimes we have to treat ourselves so we won't get tired with our work. Although it's really not good to have it every week or every pay day. Ones is ok i guess.
@calpro (930)
• India
29 Nov 10
Yeah, It happens with me too, but not all the time. When my earnings are low and I still have bills to pay then I would definitely worry for each and every penny I spend. When I have my earning flow quite easily coming up and nothing more to pay for the month then I would not worry about the amount being spend. It happens with me once or twice a year. Suddenly the income inflow will go down and and the pending bills will be going up, then I start counting every penny.I feel this ends when we have surplus bank balance for at least 6 months. Happy Living Calpro