Paying to Stay away.

United States
December 2, 2010 11:45pm CST
I just had this thought. A father can just pay child support and Never see the child.So in a way, he is paying to not be in the child's life. I have always thought No one can make a person love a child. He/she either does or doesn't. And kids can sense when someone doesn't like them. So it is better that the child gets money from a uncaring father than Have to visit him and Know he doesn't love the child. Your thoughts.
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15 responses
• United States
3 Dec 10
Sounds like a good deal for the father. But if I was the child, it would suck to live without a father as it is easier to have an agreement with your mom than your dad.
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• United States
3 Dec 10
* with your dad than your mom.
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• United States
3 Dec 10
I never wanted to have children. So this is great for me. To pay so I Don't have to be a full time parent sounds ideal for me. YOu are correct,the child won't have one of his/her parents. So they will suffer I'm Sooo Glad I will never have children!
• United States
3 Dec 10
The thing about having children for men I think is to be able to keep their name alive for the generations to come. I don't know about women, why would they want children?
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
3 Dec 10
Hi Sarah, I agree that you can't force a parent to see his child and the courts don't do that. They do order child support whether the father sees the child or not. There are many fathers who do neither. I'm not sure I'm following the that that paying child support has anything to do with the father staying away. There are fathers that pay little to no child support that see their kids regularly. Child support and visitation are to entirely different issues.
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• United States
4 Dec 10
I agree , But they shouldn't be. A good father would support the child both financially and emotionally.But sadly it seems like it rarely happens these days
• United States
4 Dec 10
I agree. The dad could have Just lost a job. In that case he has All this time he could spend with his child.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
4 Dec 10
I agree that a father should support his child both financially and otherwise. I know that while many of them do pay faithfully, others don't pay unless forced to by the courts. I can't agree that it is a good idea to deny the child time with his dad just because his dad doesn't pay. That is only going to further hurt the child. They can go after him for the money but there is nothing that will make up lost time for that child. Then there are all the individual cases....the dad is out of work for some reason or other or any number of stories. While many of them are deadbeats when it comes to paying, not all of them are.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
24 Dec 10
It is a shame what an unwanted child has to endure in their mind. I lived with my grandparents and never really wanted to go to my father's. He wasn't the best guy..not even to his "new" family. I never sensed that my mother didn't want to be around me when I was young and would go visit her..but as I got older...I started to pick up on it. I remember the first thing that I noticed was that there were no pictures of albums..but not on the wall or in frames. When she had my half sister...they were everywhere. I think that it was ok that I learned it.. It helped me to not long for her. It helped me to accept where I was better. It took me a longtime to realize that it was not my fault...that it was my parents issues. I don't think a child should be forced to visit an uncaring parent.
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• United States
1 Jan 11
I'm so glad. No child should feel unwanted. I Know you are a great mom! Take care.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
26 Dec 10
Thanks for the best response. To be honest my childhood was a wonderful one that I spent with my grandparents. It was just that as I got older and realized that other kids had their moms and/or bothered me and I didn't understand it. My childhood would have been a lot worse had I been with my mother or my father..they had issues that a child couldn't understand but as an adult..I am thankful things were the way they were for me and it was a gift to have been with my grandparents. I have a good life and have become for my children all that my parents could not be for me. I think I'm doing pretty good at it. I never want my children to feel like they are less or that there is something wrong with them.
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• United States
3 Dec 10
I definitely think that if the parent does not want to be part of the child's life, then he or she should pay support but not be forced into visitation. Otherwise, the child will be able to sense the resentment and negative feelings of the parent and it will affect the child's self-esteem and well-being. Similarly, if the parent is being forced to spend time with the child, then he or she will most likely not make decisions that are in the best interests of the child, which could put the child into physical danger as well as being harmful mentally and emotionally.
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• United States
3 Dec 10
Exactly! Children can snse things and Most of he time when things are not right, they blame themselves.
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
3 Dec 10
My aunt and uncle were foster parents of a girl who's mother said, "I just don't like her, would you please take her?" The girl was 4 when the mother said, under oath, "I don't want to take care of her because I don't like her".
• United States
4 Dec 10
If I were a guy who Never wanted kids I would complain too. I wouldn't want to be a guy today. Rightly so , it is the woman who decides if she will keep the baby. The guy has no say.
• United States
3 Dec 10
And they took her in and loved her. I see this a happy ending. The mother gave away a child she didn't want and your folks got a child to love.
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
3 Dec 10
And that's exactly my point. He can stay away from the children he doesn't love, he just has to pay, and take responsibility for his actions. I can't count the number of idiot guys out there have complained to me that their kids get all of their income. Well duh!
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@toniganzon (72547)
• Philippines
3 Dec 10
Financial support is just about money, it doesn't extend the father's love or thoughtfulness at all. If the father dearly loves his own kid, then he would give more than just financial support! My brother has an illegitimate son, but the son is staying with him and not the mom!
• United States
3 Dec 10
Because he loves his child. Not all men want and love their children. It is the uncaring father who should just give the mom the money and stay away. No child needs an Uncaring Parent.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
3 Dec 10
i think this happens a lot nowadays... the father just pay for the child support without visiting the child at all... i think this is better if the father really doesn't love the child at all as you say that a child has a very sensitive feeling and will know straight away if somebody doesn't love him/her... take care and have a nice day...
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@jesi06 (279)
• United States
5 Feb 11
I agree 100%!! Some courts will actually force the child to see the parent and this to me is just CRAZY! Not many "fathers" like the ones your speaking of even pay support WILLINGLY. The only reason they are is because the court is forcing them to. And sometimes, unfortunately they take this out on the child. I have already seen a man in a mall with a young child, the child crying and asking if he could have an item and the man replied with "Ask your mom, She takes all my GO*DA** money!" This is just sad. If you don't want to spend time with the child/are not loving to the child....JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE! This is WHY we have so many young people filled with anger and hatred. A child is better off without this kind of person in their lives.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
3 Dec 10
My husband paid his child support faithfully and tried to get regular visitaation and never could. He had a court order for visitation and yet the court would never enforce it. However, he was in court every 3 months to be sure he was in compliance so the courts are not fair in this aspect. Many men want to see their children and aren't allowed by the moms.
• United States
3 Dec 10
That's when there shoud be another hearing.He is paying for his child faithfully then he Should be able to see his child! The courts or even the police should make her let him se his child. I know if ghe stopped paying support , he would be ij jail. So The mom shoud be risk losing custody if he can't see his kids. I wonder how many moms would let the kids see their fathers if she Knew if she doesn't , the kids go to him to live?
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
3 Dec 10
So you hit the nail on the head with this kids' dad acted like he didn't give a rats behind if he saw them or not..many Friday nights they waited for no one to show up..and as their mother let me tell you how hard it is to try to patch up those hurtful feelings when daddy doesn't come. After the first year though he only came on holidays when he wanted to take them to his parents to show them what a good daddy he was....and they would instantly forgive him....go figure?
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
9 Dec 10
Either way, I think it is sad that a child has to endure growing up without a father. No matter how much the dad pays, seeing the kid or not, I think it is still not enough. But yes, if the kid is better off not seeing the father, then we could look at this payment just as that -payment to stay away.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
3 Dec 10
Hi Sarah, Yes, you might be right. But as usual I have a different thought here too. I believe that if you stay together with any one, there is some attachment going to exist between you two - maybe delayed but it happens. Kids usually have gifts from God and they can change even the heart of a dreaded criminal(I know that there are not quite appropriate words but couldnt get better words as of now lol). So I see a positive thing is somewhere going to happen if the kids and the dad or the parent stayed together. The uncaring father can change and become a caring father (happens rarely as the uncaring fathers mostly do not try it out and prefer staying away). Cheers, theSids.
• United States
3 Dec 10
I Know would be a uncaring mother and that's why I Never will have kids. In most cases The father Never wanted kids and like me , he never wants to give a try to see if he will change his mind or heart. This is why I think it is best he stays away. if he stays his it may be his resentment , niot his love that will show. And No kid needs that! Can you imagine Knowing you were never wanted by one of your parents?I can. And it wouldn't be nice nor ideal.
• India
3 Dec 10
Kids can sense lohe or hate for sure. they may not speak out the things but that can be seen in their nature. I believe that kids should get love of parents for sure, money is not substitute for that. Thank you for sharing.
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• United States
3 Dec 10
Agreed. So if the other parent does Want to b in the child's life , then he/she should stay away.
• Portugal
3 Dec 10
well i guess that kids can sense if the father really loves them or not thats true. but is sad that sometimes they just see the kids per obligation. thats too stupid and i agree is better to just give money and help with money than seeing the kid and not being sweet to him. children need care and love and dont need a father that sees them just to dont feel guilty but dont love them.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
3 Dec 10
While child support can be forced, visitation can't, so if a father doesn't want to have a relationship with his child...or a mother...the court is unlikely to order forced visitation. I agree that it's better for the child to grow up surrounded by people who really care about him/her than a biological parent who doesn't.
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