Can you become a millionaire by creating a website?

@tck_01 (96)
December 7, 2010 3:49pm CST
Mark Zukerberg and others have made millions, if not billions, by creating their own websites. Creating a website is free and only requires advanced knowledge and techniques to be online. Is it possible for anyone to become a millionaire only by creating a website? I mean if you create a website that's fun and interesting to use, can you make a lot of money? Should you keep your full time job while launching a new website or does it require so much time that you had better quit your job?
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17 responses
• Pamplona, Spain
9 Dec 10
Hiya tck, Have read before about certain lucky people making money out of their websites or blogs if you prefer to call them that. I don´t know anyone here in this Country suppose there must be somebody who has made some cash with his. As for over there in America either they make false claims which I don´t think these did because someone else wrote the review of those Websites in particular and stated the money that they were making a Month. It would be enough to retire on for the rest of your Life. I just came across that bit ages ago so I would not have a clue as to where to look for the link now. But make money they certainly do. Question of luck I suppose goes into it as well.
• Mumbai, India
8 Dec 10
Such huge success is reserved only for a few my friend. I don't think its possible to earn such huge money by just creating your website. You need to know a lot of things and working of search engines, Ranking your site, Keywords Etc. to bring your site to number 1 and attract a lot of traffic. Still it does not promise that you will earn a billions of dollars, because it completely depends on what you are doing on the site and for what purpose it is being created and how much money is it capable of generating. Besides setting up a website is never free :D. You need to purchase a domain name, server for a site, then design it in a way that people get attracted. All this comes at a fee ;). Free sub-domain sites are never going to earn you huge money. Why would you require to do a job if you earn enough through a website :D ?. But yes you can keep a full time job while earning from a website. It will depend on what kind of site you are making, you can also update your site once a week on holidays and continue with your full time job as well :).
@duujii (34)
8 Dec 10
Why it cannot be possible?
@zenkey23 (416)
• Philippines
8 Dec 10
Its possible but a very low rate of attaining it. Making a website for example affiliate programs can make you a millionaire especially when you alway`s sell a lot of products:) But its hard to do that because there are many afiiliate programs on the web. But nothing is impossible if you have the will,determination and dedication to be a millionaire:) If you are planning. Gudluck to you:) Happy myLotting:)
• Philippines
8 Dec 10
To answer your question sir, It is possible for anyone to become a millionaire with just a website. It may seem like a very insurmountable task, but in time, you can get enough money especially if your site has tons of connections to other sites for publicity. You also have to make sure that what people are purchasing or paying for in your site is worth the money that they pay and keeps them satisfied enough to make them visit and purchase stuff on your site regularly. As for the full time job part, Might i suggest that you hire people to take over the site while you are working? Or better yet, when you have free time or on your break from work, make sure you visit your site from time to time just to monitor any activity. There might be a possibility that you will be forced to quit your job because of the website, but in time, you will probably manage both your site and your job.
• Switzerland
8 Dec 10
Yes, it is possible, becoming rich is all about being smart and creative, here's a way a person got very rich by just being very smart: There was this bloke who bought an email list of one million email addresses. He sent half of them a stock tip that a certain stock would raise, the other half got the same message predicting the stock would go down. 50% of them saw him proved right. He ignored the rest and split this 50% into two groups. Half got an email with another up prediction, the other half got the same mail with a down prediction. He rinsed and repeated a few times till he was left with about 15'000 people who saw him get it right several times in a row. They were obviously very impressed. He then invited them to pay $5000 each for a seminar with him on picking stocks... ;-) Do you get my point?
@tonyllenium (6252)
• Italy
7 Dec 10
i think is possible but not as easy as many people think when they started their online sites or reality we always take as example one person over 10 million of people so naturally in amny cases you are not the one you mentioned also ebcause in the online busienss as in others you should take fortune on your side and this is not easy!!You can try it if you have a good idea but naturally a good website need so mcuh time either developing or managing it!!
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
8 Dec 10
Best to keep your day job until your site is making you millions or thousands a month for a consistent amount of time. Also creating a website isn't a guarentee way to make tons of money you can how ever if you work hard at it for several months like 6 or so you could be on your way to making a good income off it enough to where you can maybe only need to work a part-time job or if you want keep your full-time job and use this money as a spending money which always works but remember websites take a lot of time and care to keep earning once they start. As they are like a living creature they need to be loved too.
@suman2008 (683)
• India
8 Dec 10
Well after being a millionaire you can leave your job easily.If you earn more than your current salary then you can give it a try. Thanks.Have a nice day.
@iwrite (5034)
• Singapore
7 Dec 10
For the many that have made it, there are many more that had failed and you never got to know about it. The is more effort needed that what we imagine, I know because I am trying to create one that works.
• India
8 Dec 10
It all depends on your timing and what types of products or services you offer, as if it were so easy,everyone would be rich.Making millions of dollars is not for just any website as there are thousands of websites created everyday which may be at par or better than yours so what are your chances that your website gets the most money and customers?.Mark zukerberg made that much money because more than content,he had very precise timing in 2004 where social networking sites where just a mere concept.So the amount of money your website will make all depends upon the demand and supply of the product or service you are selling.If the service or product you are trading in has lot of competition but lesser number of prospective buyers,than your profits will be very slim.So if you plan to quit your job and start this venture i suggest you make a good research on the web for your product and check out sites like or where you can see and compare prices from different retailers just like you.
@Kapoios1 (83)
• Greece
8 Dec 10
If you can think of the greatest idea for a new site, then you could become a millionaire.
8 Dec 10
Hi tck_01, I will not quit first my full time job because I will make a trial and error in this matter, but if this thing that creating website is good and I earn much money rather than having a full time job maybe that is the time I quit but it is much better to have your own job as well while creating jobs as your extra income.
• Romania
8 Dec 10
Becoming a milionaire from a website is very possible by nowadays standards. The problem is and forever will be the fact that the process is painful and takes a long time. It requires a unique ideea and a lot of marketing to be made. The more popular the site gets, the more revenue it will produce but getiing the website to become popular is the first problem that appears. It is a paiful process that involves using a lot of knowkledge and time.
@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
7 Dec 10
I think anything is possible, but I think it all has to do with the amount of time that you put into the website. Pretty soon, there will be a new invention other than the computer, can you think of the possibilities?
@hushi22 (4928)
7 Dec 10
i think that is possible but the percentage is very low. if the person is that intelligent and creative with so many "out-of-the-box" ideas that would be a great help. i personally say it depends on the person. i know one who starts his own site and he doesnt quite his job. he does his site while not working and he has no problem about it.
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
7 Dec 10
Before you ever think you should quit your job you better be sure you are going to replace at least the income you need to survive! Obviously you have a lot to learn about marketing first!