Do you consider that bringing up children is an art or duty...?

December 11, 2010 6:17am CST
Many of us in mylot have children.Some of us havealready brought up their children and made them self reliant and some are in the process of bringing up their children.As parents it is our duty to take care of children.In earlier days mothers used to be at home and their main duty was to cook and take care of the children besides maintenance of the house hold.Now it is not so.Women are also employed and they have to supplement husband's income to maintain family.The primmary duty of all parents is to bring up their children well so that at a later stage they feel contended and consider that they have done their duty.Some children grow to be bad and the parents are naturaasly blamed.According so some bringing up children is an art and some feel it is the sacred duty of parents..What do you think...
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17 responses
12 Dec 10
I think bringing up children is our duty first . It is also an art as one has to learn how to bring up children so that they become obedient and good
• India
16 Dec 10
When you consider that bringing up children as only duty it is limited to feeding and giving comforts to them.Duty is one which one should not fail to perform.It is not enough if we feed them.We see many useless people around us and we begin to feel that their brought up is not correct.But making children disciplined and worthy citizens of the community is really an art.Many parents contend themselves by feeding and giving comforts to children and neglect to correct them whenever they go wrong.That is why there are so many useless people in the society.So it is an art also to bring up children in the proper way..
@poyemi (6)
12 Dec 10
Yes I believe that bringing up children is both an art & a duty. It's a duty because if we do not take care of them who else will? Each child is a gift from God, a product of two individuals who love each other and I strongly believe that no child is born out of an accident all of us were wonderfully made. When does bringing up a child become an art? I think it's a lifetime learning & discovering how our child can be the best he/she can be. Especially when they reach adolescent stage when it's hard to keep up with their interests. This is the stage when we, parents, need to be really artistic.
• India
16 Dec 10
You have correctly analysed as to when bringing up a child is a duty and when bringing up a child as an art.Excellent.Many parents that feeding and giving comforts to a child is all that is expected of them as parent.It is not so.They should be made useful members of the society and then only the parents can claim to have brought up the child in the right way.The responsibility is more when the parents think it as an art to bring up a child.If the children turn out to be useless to the society it is only the parents who are responsible...
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
11 Dec 10
I think it should be a joy more than anything, but of course it also is partly an art, because not everyone succeeds after all, and of course it is a duty as well. But I think it should be a very joyful experience too!
• India
12 Dec 10
As you rightly said it is a joy and a pleasure to bring up children and it is also the duty of all parents.To make them useful members of the society the parents should take it as an art with pleasure.This pleasure is denied to many who have no children.Some adopt children but they can not be real substitues.Bringing up own children gives immense joy and satisfaction when they grow up to be worthy citizens of the country.If the children do not turn out to be good it is the fault of the parents only.That is how I feel...
• United States
11 Dec 10
The bible tells us to "train up a child in the way he should go" That sounds like a duty to me straight from God. It is our awesome responsibility to teach our children the right way.
• India
12 Dec 10
Yes it is God's order that we should bring up our children in the proper way and God made it as a duty for every human being.If we fail we responsible to God.Therefore it is the sacred duty of every parent not only to feed but also bring them up in a disciplined way.That also give immense satisfaction to parents and the parents can have a feeling that they done the divine duty cast on them by God...
@clovy2 (31)
• Philippines
12 Dec 10
When you're courting a girl, you have plans of getting a baby, when you married exactly you need to have baby. It's gift from God to have a baby. Others try pre- marital trial to see if they can make the girl preggy. And you are the perfect parents if you will have a baby of your own not adopted.
• India
16 Dec 10
So you say that children bring happiness to the couple after marriage.Accordingly one should marry and beget legitimate children and enjoy life.Therefore the prematital relationships do not give real happiness.You are very correct and therefore one should marry and happiness follows and added by children.The people who are single are manytimes selfish and marriage expands self and includes wife or husband and children.After marriage selfish people are likely to become generous..
• Philippines
12 Dec 10
both it is an art because there are ways on how to raise them and if you have better way you can apply it,same as an art it progress everyday,new idea come out.also it is a duty, you made it so it's your responsibility..same as what your parents did.
• India
16 Dec 10
As you rightly say that bringing up children is both duty and art.The God has trusted this sacred duty to both men and women.It is not the duty of husband or a wife alone.Similarly both husband and wife should take upon themselves the art of bringinup children.Unless they have mutual regard and understanding it is very difficult to bring the children to a level of responsibility...
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
11 Dec 10
Well, I think it is both and art as well as a duty. Parents are obligated to provide children food, clothing as well as shelter. They are also obligated to take of their children up to the point that they can stand on their own as a person. Now bringing up child and molding such child into a good person is definitely an art...
• India
11 Dec 10
Yes yoou perfectly right.Feeding them and providing them all comforts in life is the sacred duty of parents but at the same time to bring them and make them as useful members of the sociey is an art in itself.Some give importance only for feeding and providing commforts. They feel that they are enough but if the children do not come up to be good and worthy citizens then parents should be considered to have not done their duty properly.The parents should be blamed..
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
13 Dec 10
According to the bible, the primary duty of parents (both) is ro bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
11 Dec 10
I believe raising children is both a duty and an art. When you have children, you have an obligation to provide for them such things as food, shelter, and clothing. It is an art to bring up children with good moral values. You are shaping and molding them into productive citizens :)
• India
11 Dec 10
Because of their preoccuption many parents satisfy themselves by giving food and providing comforts to their children.No doubt it is the sacred duty of every parent.But at the same they should also consider that bringing up their children in good atmosphere and giving them proper training and education to prove worthy citizens and useful members of the society as sacred duty of the parents.Many neglect this aspect for some reason or the other.There is no use justifying their negligence.They have to regret later...
@marguicha (224428)
• Chile
14 Dec 10
I have always felt that I did what I could with lots of love and making lots of mistakes on the way. I havenĀ“t thought whether it is an art or a duty, but certainly they did not ask to be born. We brought up our children feeling that we should provide as good a food, education and health care as we could. The rest, we did only if we could spare money for luxuries. I know now that we were lucky. Some children do not turn out well in spite of their upbringing. I have read lately that even the best parents can have a son or daughter who is a serial killer. As it is, I still think what I used to_ we have to do the best we can.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
18 Dec 10
Despite the fact that we have to face some struggles in our lives that familes with two working parents don't have to face, I consider myself to be very lucky that I am able to be at home with my two children during the formulative years of their lives. I love the fact that I am able to see everything that my children accomplish and I also love the fact that I am able to know every facet of my children's lives. That said, I wouldn't trade the life that I have right now for the world.
@durgabala (1360)
• India
11 Dec 10
It is both art and duty.parents can have control over their kids only till certain age. till then they can instill good values and kids learn from parents only. so parents need to behave properly and teach thru experiences. kids learn thru observances.
• India
12 Dec 10
Bringing up children is both an art and a sacred duty of the parents.First they should set themselves as examples for their children to emolate.It is not that easy.Parents may have to make many sacrifices in order to bring up their children in a worthy way.They should constantly watch their children and correct them whenever they go wrong.Through love and affection only the parents can correct their children.If they are harsh the results will not good.Both the parents should cooperate with each other and see that they make their children worthy citizens of the society
@mauie0918 (337)
• Philippines
13 Dec 10
I don't know how they call it but for me bringing up my children is my responsibility and it's the right thing to do. Even both parents are working, they need to give time to their children so that they know what's happening to their children while growing up. Parents should always talk to their children even it's not an important issue.
• United States
15 Dec 10
As Toadsticker said before, it is our duty, straight from God, to bring up our children in the way they should go. So yes, it is a duty, but there is also an art to it, I believe. It requires patience, loving kindness, inteligence, a sense of humor and fairness, among other things. I was never much of a "kid" person. I raised my daughter to be a good person, taught her to be fair and honest. Taught her to love God. Taught her right from wrong. Loved her and provided for her the best I could. Did all the things a parent should do. But I don't really have much of a way with kids as some do. That, I think, is the part where it is an art. Some parents just really know how to do it all, real kid people. A good balance of duty and art is involved in raising our children.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
11 Dec 10
According to me bringing up children is a very impoartant responsibility of a perrson. I understand that things will go out of hands sometimes and a child won't accept all the ideas and suggestions of a parent sometimes. A parent should support his child in all the ways he can and provide him/her with all the possiblities help him/her to achieve in his life. You should not give birth to a child if you don't have enough money to take care of the child well. You can't let the child suffer because of your irresponsibility.
@cicisnana (772)
• United States
12 Dec 10
I consider it a parents duty to the child, themselves and their community to raise their child in the right and Godly way.
@sender621 (14893)
• United States
12 Dec 10
I believe that it is a parent's duty to bring up a child. It is a responsibility e should take pride in. i don't think there is a special art about doing it. We will make mistakes as parents. If we can learn from them, we can be better teachers to our children.