Money can be evil
By nicregi
@nicregi (1934)
22 responses
@luvnidandan (131)
13 Dec 10
My point exactly dawnald! Others would just like to say that money is evil so they have something to blame and brand. They fail to look at themselves and just say that it is "money's" fault. Poor money. lol
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Dec 10
Hello friend, i think that money wouldn't be a problem if we take them in their right way - to face our problems and expenses with them. But some of the people are greedy, they want more and more without doing something special. Without building their education, without finding some good job, they just want easy money for doing nearly nothing.
There is a difference between the rich people and the poor people. Poor people think that money will fix their problems. That's not 100% true, but their needs are less, they want less stress, less nerves, less expenses or just the money to pay their expenses. What the rich guys want? They want more money to buy luxury stuff, to follow their luxury life, to have more power. Do you see how some people are changing the meaning of the money? They are ready to do everything for this money, ready to give everything just to have their luxury life.
Money wouldn't be evil, if our nature was not to be greedy, but generous. If we could understand that happiness can't be bought with money, we could live more peaceful and nice life. The bad in nowadays people is that they grab the money they receive and actually they believe that this is the one way for fixing their problems, which is not true.

@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
16 Dec 10
Nowadays a lot of things happen because of the money friend, there are different points of view. Some of the people kill, because they got mind problems, we never know what is the reason for the mind problems, it might be something which started because of the missing money? Or something else ...
It depends on the point of view, but i know that if we live in a world without money, everything could be much different and crimes would be a problem for us, because they would disappear for sure... The crimes will be out of the game, because there won't be robbers, people, who kill the others, will receive needed medicine support and help as all the people with mind problems deserve, because our brains are not something we can control 100%. Now even the hospitals are working with profit, their aim is not to help to the people so much.
What i want to say is that if we all live without worries and without problems, we will live calm and restful and we will try to build better skills so to be useful for the society. Then we can have free healthy care, which is not possible right now and killers go to jail, not to psychological doctor... Behind one murder, there always has some reasons. We never know what are the reasons. But we know that we all need help for something and if we receive that help for free, our life would be much better.
@nadeerclt (149)
• India
13 Dec 10
Hi Suggar,
I agree with you because your above statements are correct.I think money is not a evil but It will become evil based on usage's. Some of our fellows explained above money will create dangerous situation like killing,smuggling etc I think this kind of activity not need more money just example if one person want to kill another one not need biggest money need only one knife.

@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
13 Dec 10
Money can change a person in many ways. But I think, it entirely depends on the character of the person. To some, they become evil in their effort to earn more. The thing is we often are greedy, and there is the concept of always wanting more. But there are also those that use the money for good deeds. That is to help other people. In the end, it all ends up to what kind of person we are. Its not about the money.
@cachalot (60)
• Australia
14 Dec 10
Hello, jpso138.
My idea is that because with have reasoning powers, we are able to make choices.
This means that we, either consciously or unconsciously, make a decision to be either good or evil. It depends a lot of course on past experiences, paricularly in childhood, no doubt. But, even so, we fundamentally make choices for good or ill. I believe that the majority of ordinary people (ie. not politicians etc) are essentially good, and as you state, there are also people with money who use money for good deeds, sometimes very wealthy people, too. I don't believe that the pursuit of more and more money is worthwhile, beyond a moderate level of affluence.
I agree absolutely that money is just a tool, and no, it's not the money that is evil. These are only my ideas, which are just another way of expressing yours, I think. Cheers.
@marapplestiffy (2182)
• Philippines
13 Dec 10

@krieyszel (330)
• Philippines
13 Dec 10
I am agree with you,money can lead you to be evil.Money can give you power and power and make you evil.If you have been experienced how to be hungry and you will do anything to move out in that hell.Then,when you have money you are afraid to get back in your life before and praise money like your God.Money is the root of all evil,it's depends on how you give value on it.We can't blame them for doing bad in just in money.But, they are not aware that they are being abusive.
@pweety_princess (2012)
• Australia
14 Dec 10
That is very true. Most people who are poor, if they get money, they will spend it most likely till they are living in the best spot it town. The Money itself isn't evil, or the way you spend it, but the evilness is how it changes your emotional state, and as bad as it sounds, you start to care more about your money than your own family or friends. I do think they realize that they are being abusive, they just refuse to admit that it is their fault, if that makes sense.
@yumcookie (146)
• United States
13 Dec 10
Sadly this is what the world is coming too. The world is getting a little bit more eviler everyday but there are good people out there who do keep balance and bring hope for future generations.
@yumcookie (146)
• United States
13 Dec 10
That's really sad. I know some friends and family who got tossed in jail as well. They try to use the "I have a family to support and you wouldn't understand" line for their illegal actions. But their are single parents out there raising one or more kids and working two, sometimes three legal jobs to make ends meet. They just don't want to do hard work, simple as that.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Dec 10
Hi Nicregi,
I actually don't think it is the money that is evil. I know people with lots of money that are very kind and giving. I know plenty of people with no money that are very kind and giving even in the midst of their worst struggles. I don't think it is the money that is evil. It is the people themselves that commit these crimes that are evil to the core and their quest for money is only a fraction of their evilness. Money alone does not close ones eyes to human decency and honesty. I am dirt poor and I could not...just could not rip someone off even knowing I could get away with it. Just the other day, a young man handed me what he thought was 5 ones for gas. Well it was 3 ones and two fives. I could have easily pocketed that extra 8.00. Did I? NO. I ran out and handed him the two fives. It wasn't until later on that it dawned on me that I had to pay 2.00 for my honesty. oops. Still, I slept peacefully that night. I have lived in a tent with 3 small children because I had no other place to go. I was grateful for the tent. I could not imagine doing some of the stuff you describe regardless of how poor. Nope money is not evil....just some people are.
@forcemaster245 (220)
• Singapore
14 Dec 10
I must disagree with this statement that money is evil, because I think money is neither evil or good by itself. It is the person who's using it that is either good or evil. I mean, money is a concept that people created, so it doesn't really make sense to say that it is good or evil. However, money can appear to be evil when a person misunderstands this or totally don't get this idea, and they do something bad for the sake of obtaining money. Likewise, there are also people who see money just as it is and nothing more, as they truly understand what money is.
@JudgeIronFist (2470)
• Singapore
14 Dec 10
Indeed. Have you watched some drama serials that people actually kill their close friends just for money? That's how scary it can go to. I've watched a korean drama in that, the mother forbids the girl whom her son is dating with and the mother used the power of money to render the girl homeless. In real life, there are people like that too. Nowadays, we often see in news of break-ins, robberies, car-thieves etc. How are all these related to? Money. Money is the root of all evil. It can be good or bad. It's just a matter of how we see and use it.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
15 Dec 10
I think money alone is not evil..but money can make us do evil. Yes, i agree that money can close a persons eyes and mind to good things. It's a sad truth but because of poverty and being in a very poor state, one can really do anything to gain money and even power.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
13 Dec 10
HI Nicregi
I don't think its the money that is evil but whats in the heart of the people who are willing to do the things you describe for money ... money is just paper and ink nothing more .. however it is what money can do . .the effect it can have on people be it negative or positive
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
14 Dec 10

@kay2010 (176)
• United States
13 Dec 10
I don't think money is evil, but I do believe that we as humans have made money so important that we have put the need for it before the need to be good people. Everyone has the possibility to do wrong, but it is those who chose to act on those emotions that are evil. As they say, "Money is the root of all evil" and most times, I agree. The need for money can make people do just about anything, so that they can get their hands on it. I truly believe if money did not exist, then we would be a more civil society. There would be no economic problems, people could barter for the things they need and do one favor to receive another. The whole world would be a better place without money.
@luvnidandan (131)
13 Dec 10
Money per se is just an object. It is merely an instrument for people to do evil things. Some of people are evil, not money. Humans gave value to money, humans are the ones who are greedy, and humans have the capability to do something to have money (acceptable or not) to elevate their status. Some people would probably believe that money is evil because they are just looking for something to blame (displacement).
@wonga94 (218)
• Singapore
13 Dec 10
Hi nicregi! I believe that money is the root of all evil. The world has turned into a place where you can't survive without money. Our of desperation, people are willing to do anything to get more money. The rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer. And there isn't a place for those who are poor as they are looked down on by the rich. That's how the system is nowadays.