By blue65packer
@blue65packer (11826)
United States
December 19, 2010 7:09pm CST
I can't stand tattoos! I think they are ugly and degrading! I am a people watcher. I like to look at woman is sexy swimsuits and men in shorts or swim trunks. I get turned off when I see a person with tons of tattoos! It is not sexy and a big,big,turn off! I also think some peole don't know when to stop with Tattoos! Yikes!
My 19yr.old niece has what some people referr to a "tramp Stamp"! That is a sick name and I wish she had had gottan one Her brother has two. Tire tracks on his leftt arm the goes around his arm. He has a "colored Flame" tattoo sleeve on his left arm from hand to elbow! I think is so ugly! He even went in the Navy and they could care less about his tattoos! You know my opinion,what is yours?
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22 responses

@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
22 Dec 10
Most tattoo shops arn't unclean! The ones around here are very clean and let you see everything before they go ahead with a tattoo! Anyone who goes to a place that doesn't look clean they should just walk out and report it!
I will never likde tattoes! One or two I can handle but when someone goes over board liks some NBA and NFL players I really hate that! It is like that have all this money to spend and they could be buying something else! Instead they go crazy with the tattooes! Yikes! I'll never get it!
@Vnyard (286)
• Philippines
20 Dec 10
May I kindly disagree on this one? It looks good for people who like tattoos and it looks good if it's done by great tattoo artists. It's ok not to donate blood for a year coz donating blood too much can be harmful to a person as well. Lastly, Only foolish people would go to an unclean tattoo parlor to get a tattoo as well as hepatitis. Eating junk food can give you hepatitis as well...I bet you still eat them...Good day!

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
20 Dec 10
I'm your polar opposite. I find Tattoos lovely . The more the better. I loved watching both Miami Ink and L.A. Ink . With both shows I saw all people from all walks of life that wanted to get a tattoo to celebrate the life of a loved one they have lost or to celebrate their new life they are living. Me? I want a tattoo of my avatar on my wrist , my left wrist. Why? My reason is a little silly and poignant. when I was 5 I had chicken pox. I had two dots on my left wrist and it helped me learn left from right. Now they are faded. My avatar is my favorite symbol. Music was All at one time now it is just a huge part of my life. Sorry my tattoo will be beautiful.

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
22 Dec 10
To me there is no such thing as overboard. We are total opposites.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
22 Dec 10
I know and have seen people have tattoes done to celebrate life of someone or event. I can handle seing one or two small tattooes but I can't watch people with so many it is like they went overboard!
I never watched Miami Ink or LA Ink. I can't get into that at all! Hey if you want to get a tattoo I can't stop you! I just am not a tattoo lover and never will be!
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@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
20 Dec 10
What I really don't understand is why they are choosing the same tattoos everyone else has. If I ever decide to get one, I want it to be my own artwork, and no one else's. Or so original that no one would have thought. How about a yellow circle tattooed on my bald oath on my head, like a halo? That would be most original, though probably painful on the thin skin of the scalp.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
22 Dec 10
So you want a tatttoo. I have nothing against it I just don't like tattoos and the more a person has the more I hate them! I have seen guys with sleeves that go all the way up their arms! If my nephew Dan would of just stopped after one know big deal! He had to get another! it seems most poeople aren't satisfied with one!
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
20 Dec 10
I just noticed the little damn processing thing in the corner....That is just too cute. Where did you find that?
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
24 Dec 10
Maybe you can't see it, but in the top right-hand corner of the screen/window, there is a little thing that says processing request....
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
20 Dec 10
I do not and will never have any tatoos. That being said, I do not have a problem with other people getting small, tasteful ones.I never seen why women want to mark themselves up with tatoos, but think something small on the ankle area is alright. I don't like the phrase "tramp stamp" either. I fail to understand why any one would want to cover his/her entire body with tatoos. I have seen some remarkable tatoos that I thought were amazing, but still dont understand why anyone would want all that done to their body.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
22 Dec 10
Small tasefull tattooes I can handle! The more a person has the more I hate them! I don't like women with a ton of tattoes! I really think thaty is ugly! Like you I have seen some incredible tattoes! I never will understand why people want to do this to themselves! Especially if the tattoo is called a "tramp stamp"! I don't know whay my neice was thinking when she had her's done!
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
24 Dec 10
Is your niece stil young? That could explain her thinking at the time. When we were young, we all did things that seemed strange to the older people around us.
From an artistic view, tatoos can be right beautiful, but I believe art like that should be put on a canvas, not the human body.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Dec 10
I'd never get a tattoo and share some of your opinions about them. However, if I see a unique or interesting one, I often ask the person about them (even complete strangers). I've found that most people are eager to talk about them, and the stories or usually pretty fun to hear.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
25 Dec 10
Yes I have seen some unique tattoos on people. I am not one who would go up to a stranger and ask about it! I have asked people,relitives and friends about theirs. I don't like tattoos but asking about them is just being courious! I think alot of it is human nature!
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
27 Dec 10
I love tattoos and consider it body art. I don't always like the designs I see and I prefer unique designs because I think that is the nature of a must be unique so the wearer is one of a kind.
Yes, some designs are not to my taste and some people seem to go overboard but who am I to judge??
I have yet to get one and I would like a fine bracelet on my wrist with my Organ Donor registration number there. This is in the hope that if I am critically injured and my organs are retrievable then the hospital won't have to hunt for my info.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
28 Dec 10
You idea of an tattoo I have never heard before! Interesting idea! The more I woatch sports the more tattoos I see and more I hate them! Instead of doing the over tattooing these athletes could donate some of that money to charity! That is one look I look at it!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
25 Dec 10
I never will like tattoos but I can get used to my nephews's! I guess it is each its own when it comes to tattoos! I don't mind little ones! I do know other people that have tattoos. They don't bother me and most of thse tattoos are small. I have not seen my nieces but I have seen alot of "Tramp stamps" on woman who's shirt likes to ride up or their pants are to low! Those I can't stnad!
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
21 Dec 10
I think about these people (especially the women) when they become old and their tattoos have faded. Will they still show them proudly or try to hide them? Can't you just see grandma with a bunch of tattoos all over her body?
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
25 Dec 10
I have thought of that too! I can't see a woamn who is a grandma like in her 70's showing off her tattoos! Yikes! By that time they could be regreting their tattoos? Good question! I have heard of older men who have tattoes on the top part of their arms but you can't tell what they are until the skin is pulled tighter! Gross!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
26 Dec 10
Yeah I'll be honest with you. Tattoos are something I never really got. Sure they might seem cool when you are younger. However, people do in fact get a bit older all things considered and thus it looks less cool. Trust me, I have talked to a couple of older friends of my parents, who really regretted getting a tattoo when they were younger, because it really does look bad. Still not really a fan of tattoos.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
28 Dec 10
I think alot of people get tattoos but never think on how the tattoos look like when they get older. My niece and her brother might regret their tattoos in the future! I love what their mom told them"get a tattoo you will want forever"! yikes! That might not happen!
@RebeccaScarlett (2532)
• Canada
20 Dec 10
I think small, well-placed tattoos are very sexy. To me they are a turn-on, but when someone doesn't know when to stop as you said, or when they are very big tattoos, it is a turn-off. I think it is very sweet when parents tattoo their children's names or birthdates.
Out of curiosity, have you never seen one tattoo that you find attractive? Would you refuse to date someone with a small, unoffensive tattoo?
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
22 Dec 10
I probaly would date someone if they had one or two small tattoos that are attractive. I could handle that!
I see so many people around who have gone overboard! Some are colleges students or student athletics. In the summer when people wear summer clothes I see the tattoes and it is so much of a turn off! Men and women! Then when I watch sports on tv I see players like examples NBA Stars LeBon James and Carmelo Anthony! Now those 2 went over board! It is bad enough I have lost alot of my love for the NBA but I lost all my love after I seen those tattoos freaks! 

@ren1982 (341)
31 Dec 10
so your are saying tattooed people are freaks? and we are freaks cos we want to do our thing? i dont think it is nice to lable people just cos of how they want to act/look/dress or whatever. we have the right just like you to do what ever we want to our bodys. it is not hurting you. and for you to call people with tattoos freaks is just out of order. fair enough you have your say about not liking them we are not asking you to get them or love them but dont call us names for something we choose to do.
@fgb_fritz (278)
• Philippines
20 Dec 10
i dont like tatoo neither
makes skin dirty, and in some cases, you cant hired in a job if you have this or travel abroad.
and i heard that tatoos can create skin cancer..
thats why i am big no no and no!
to tatoo
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
22 Dec 10
I know there are places that will not hire you if you have tattoos! Some branches of the military won't let you join with tattoos or at least let people in like the arm sleeve my nehpew has! The Navy made in exception and I hear all branches of the military are overlooking the tattoo thng! Mostly because they need the recurits! Yikes! That is crazy!
@ren1982 (341)
31 Dec 10
i have tattoos and i am not just talking about a few. my tattoos have never stopped me from getting a job. has never made my skin go dry and i have traveled also and never had any problems. tattoos and skin cancer? i have never had any problems with my tattoos, and i also no lot of people in the military who have tattoos. just cant have them on face,neck,or hands.
@leeh2229 (85)
• Philippines
21 Dec 10
I guess that is your opinion and the way you think about Tattoo.. tattoo for me is an expression! Though i don't have one, but i'm open of having one or two. But still i will not cover myself with it! Maybe some people used it to express themselves. ;)
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
25 Dec 10
I have heard the terms expressing yourself and it is a form of art! Well as you know I don't look at it that way and never will! It will always be degrading to! The more there is the more degrading it is!
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
5 Jan 11
I love tattoos and I plan on getting many. I can understand if you don't like them, but I don't understand why you would think that they are degrading. And of course they didn't care about his tattoos when your nephew went into the navy. It doesn't affect what kind of person he is or anything.
@thenextnoel (396)
• Philippines
20 Dec 10
I don't really mind much as long as the tattoo is well made. Their are some people who get cheap tattoos from horrible artists and it really looks awful.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
22 Dec 10
I really hate people who have all differnet parts of their bodies done! I even seen people with face tattoes! OOO! Most tattoes I have seen are not done by cheap ta.too artists. The only one was when my nephew Dan had his put on his arm,the sleeve. It was suppose to be a flame but he went to a local tattoo atrist to fix it. Now it is colored in because that is how Dan wanted it!
@Nadinest1 (2016)
• Canada
29 Dec 10
I don't like them either.
It's just that they are ugly, to me.
And will cost a fortune to remove as well.
There is nothing uglier than a bride in her pretty gown with a tattoo on her shoulder.
@kodukodu84 (1567)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 10
Even though I don't really care whether someone has it or not, but I dislike to have it for myself too. None of my family members have tattoo and it is nice to see it the way it is. I also don't intend to find a man who has tattoo because the look is not that pleasing, sexy, and beautiful to me. Thanks for sharing and have a nice day

@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
25 Dec 10
I would never get a tattoo! Like I said it is degrading! Besides my nephew and his sister,their mom and their dad,my brother,only ones in the family who have them. Mom has a small rose on her right hand and a tattoo on her left arem with her three kids name in the tattoo. It looks like a charm braclet. My brohter has a barb wire on his left arm. He wanted something to remeind him of growing up so decided on the barb wire because we grew up on a farm. No matter who get them I never will like tattoos!
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
20 Dec 10
My husband has a small wolf's head with an RIP in rememberance of our friend who passed away at a young age. He has never wanted a tattoo, and only got this one when a bunch of our other friends got it. He placed it in a manner that he can hide, up on his bicep. He keeps it covered for professional things.
i have never wanted a tattoo, but they are becoming less and less taboo. There are a ton of teachers in my school district that have visible tattoos, either at the ankle or on the arm.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
22 Dec 10
It seems like just about everyone has a tattoo and you can see them! I won't mind if a person would have one as long as it is hidden! You rarely see that in this day an age! Yikes! Especailly when summer roles around and people are in summer clothes or swimwear! Then you see all the tattoes! OOOO!
@zaga_cleuth (1407)
• Philippines
20 Dec 10
Oh.. I disagree. I love tattoos. In fact, That is one way on how to show others your art. People with tattoo is enduring the pain just to satisfy their artistic side. And for that, i admire them.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
22 Dec 10
I know people call tattooes art! maybe it is but I don't get into it! Never have and never will! I can't believe that some people can get through the pain to have one done! That just creeps me out!