What is success for you?

@mayrah (1144)
United States
December 21, 2010 2:13am CST
Success definition is very complex, Some people believes that gaining so much wealth is equivalent to success, while other people believes that success can be found in love, family or other things even without so much money in his bank account. Personally my own definition of success is achieving my long term goals as soon as possible while having my love ones beside me. That is like when I grow old I could say to my self that I have live with integrity during my younger years up to the time that I have grown old. How about you what is your definition of success or what is success for you? And why?
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11 responses
• Philippines
21 Dec 10
For me, success is something you have achieved or accomplished which you never achieved or even better than what you have achieved before.
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@Arteta (77)
21 Dec 10
that sounds like a good definition of sucess to me. Yeah you should aim higher or lower maybe, and then be surprised at the end.
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@mtrguanlao (5522)
• Philippines
21 Dec 10
Success for me is what I have now,a family that I treasure so much! The achievements of my family is also my achievements,my son just gratuated from college and as a parent,it has been a big success on my part! I was able to surpass the hardships that I had during my pregnancy to my baby,and it is success for me,both of us made it to the exact time of delivery! Success is not the material things we had now but the achievements of each one of us in the family. See you around!
• Philippines
21 Dec 10
For my personal opinion worldly success like gaining all material wealth in this world is nothing without God or Without Christ, Real success is to live a life that is pleasing God a life that is assured of his eternity.
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@ansi09 (151)
• Tunisia
21 Dec 10
Like you said mayrah, i gess the word success is defined by each person based on his point of view. For me succees is to achieve what i look for in the shortest time, like you , i suppose we all agree on that. But, one thing am ssure of it that defines the perfect success in life, is love + health + money, you may wonder why money comes the last, well i believe so. anyone will be so much lucky if he got all that together, coz this combination is for me the perfect definition of the word " success in life " .
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• Philippines
22 Dec 10
Whenever I get what I want in life, I consider it as a "success" even if it's be big, small or the simpliest things.. I know I have'nt been achieving much in my side of this world, so as quoted "" but, counting in blessings of knowledge i accept in to my system of living creates wonderful outlines that gives me edge to pursue the little dreams and farmost the big things.. So for me, success is when I'm finaly gaining strength and courage to achieve more than what i dream..
• Philippines
22 Dec 10
"In order to succeed, You must first be willing to fail."
• Philippines
22 Dec 10
Nice partner 2 thumbs up!!!!!
• Philippines
22 Dec 10
Whenever I get what I want in life, I consider it as a "success" even if it's be big, small or the simpliest things.. I know I have'nt been achieving much in my side of this world, so as quoted "" but, counting in blessings of knowledge i accept in to my system of living creates wonderful outlines that gives me edge to pursue the little dreams and farmost the big things.. So for me, success is when I'm finaly gaining strength and courage to achieve more than what i dream..
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
22 Dec 10
success for me is similar to you... it is when i can achieve my dreams and goals... but not according to my will, but His will... because by doing that, that means i also bring glory to Him and that is my utmost goal in my life... to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever... nothing else matters to me in this life other than that... take care and have a nice day...
• China
22 Dec 10
my defition to success is very simple not complex. if you have a happy life, you get success even you are in poor, in low position. our inner heart is the criterion of how much success we got. the more happy you are, the more success you got. many people might think rich man is the most success people, i would like to say, in a sense, it is, but in other sense, it is not. if rich people can not feel happy, which outsider can not tell, only themself know it, they are difinitely not success at all.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
21 Dec 10
Very interesting and complex question to answer I'll give it a shot and try to answer..um well success to me means finding and having somthing in your life that makes you happy and feel fulfilled such as having a good career, also having finacal stability in your life is a form of success to me, stability means not having to worry about how your going to pay the bills or feed your family, and success is having a happy healthy family and love life, in a nutshell thats my definition of success is Financial security a good career, and family and friends who love you. I have family and friends who love me now if I could just work on the rest haha I think I'll be successful.
• India
21 Dec 10
Yes you are right that.Success definition is very complex,Though many thinks their success in life but i think, success is very critical when it not meet satisfaction.
• Philippines
21 Dec 10
hello there! For me, success only means, achievement. When I am able to have what I am been working hard for and what I have wanted for a long time and finally getting it in the end, that I consider a success. It is hard earned effort that continuously motivates you to achieve more and more.