Religous discussions
By meeandnotyou
@meeandnotyou (2548)
United States
December 22, 2010 1:45am CST
Do people post these discussions to learn or do they post to make a couple of cents off of myLot?
I have seen some rather elementary questions asked on this site, questions that can be answered by simply cracking open a Bible. So what really is the purpose of asking questions like this except to receive a payout from myLot?
Those that know me know that I am not at a loss for words , especially when it comes to the Topic of religion but some of these questions could be answered by anyone that has even a rudimentary knowledge of the Bible even if it is only second hand knowledge.
Maybe my views are jaded as I am a perpetual student and love to learn, so maybe what I see as elementary some others may feel is difficult to understand, but anyways this is my rant so please let me know what you think.
Have a great day!!
BTW: If I have offended and you really are trying to learn then I apologize in advance!
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13 responses
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
22 Dec 10
I will not post in a religious topic unless I feel that there is something to be gained from the discussion as a whole. I was raised in the catholic church but have an atheist for a father. I did not realize my dad's lack of a religion until I was well into adulthood and brought it up.
I do agree that some questions seem to just be brought up to just earn a few cents. I try to not respond to any discussion, in any forum that is like that. I really do enjoy the conversational aspect of this website. Something that is not found in many others that i frequent.

@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
22 Dec 10
Oh and just for the record, to avoid the harboring of hate that so many fall into and that she felt last night, I did inform my daughter that the Jews had a role to play and they played it. It was something that was destined by the Almighty since the Old Testament and their role was played so there is no reason for Antisemitism. Her first response was, "no wonder so many people hate the Jews ,how could they do that, God they are EVIL!" so I had to correct the thinking she was having. The Jews had a part to play in the story as the Almighty had set forth and that is what they did, there is no reason to hate since if the Christ wanted us to hate and hold a grudge he would not have chastised Peter for cutting off the ear of the arresting officer nor heal the ear.
John18:11 "...the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?"
It was a role to play and so it was played.
Once again....have a great day
@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
22 Dec 10
When I was young and I rebelled against religion, I still attended the main services such as Christmas and Easter with my dad as I knew that it brought him joy. I did not believe and rebelled for a while and my dad, a devout Christian, accepted that. So that is wonderful that your dad was supportive of the choices although they were not his own, God does bless the humble and meek.
That is so funny how you justified in your mind. It is great that your mom never pointed it out, if she did not. It sounds as if you have a pretty great family from what I am hearing. God bless the both of them!!
Once again thank you for the reply and have a great day!!

@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
23 Dec 10
I thank you for the response and I look forward to seeing you around in the future as you seem like one that does not get into a lot of nonsense.
Once again thank you and Blessed be!!
@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
22 Dec 10
I commented on Religion as it is one of my favorite topics, as you can see from my history. I usually do not look at the other topics very much as I grew tired of the discussions that are answered with a single word of a simple phrase.
I have been on myLot for a few years now and have actually went away for a little while. There was so much garbage in the other topics that I naturally gravitated to religion as it was the only one that, at that time, enlisted any thought.
This is the reason that I was concerned about religion as I was concerned with the others before.
Thank you for the response and have a great day!!

@Gorillafootprints925 (3586)
• United States
22 Dec 10
Most of the time when I ask something about religion it is either that I am testing people's reasoning, attitude, emotion, or my knowledge. I'm too lazy to read the bible, and besides what would be the use of those who read the bible if they can't share it with us who don't. I ask about different religions as I have little knowledge of them though it is probably more than what an average person would know.
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
22 Dec 10
So you are a Book on Tape type, lol! I never thought of that aspect of it I guess as I am checking my Bible and other literature numerous times a day as I believe very little that I hear second hand, whether it is from the Clergy or read online, even the other Literature I cross reference it back to the revered text it is about as I do not want to be misinformed.
Thank you for the reply and have a great day!
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
23 Dec 10
There could be a variety of reasons why anyone would ask these types of questions, but I believe the main reason is to find out how the responder feels, hoping they'll write something provocative so a good discussion can get started. I could be wrong, but I think most people who participate in the religious and political discussions are basically opinionated and passionate about their beliefs and are determined to have their say and that makes for a more lively discussion. I also think it's a competition to see who has the more convincing argument.
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
24 Dec 10
So if I understand you right, some of these are for the ability to reach out to many to try to convert?!? I am right with this assumption? Hmmm... If not for the idea for conversion then for the ability to, pardon the phrase, toot their own horn.
Hmmmm.... this is a good senerio as well as it makes sense.
thank you for the reply and have a great day!!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Dec 10
I think that there are several things that play into this. I think that sometimes people are ready for a challenge..other times I think that people want to see in what way another might think about something they heard or read. It might be the same thus making it sound silly. I think that there might be a curiousity among the different religions and that the only way to approach it is to ask a question that will fuel a conversation that might lead to something that they really want to discuss with someone with the knowledge of it. might be the money for the post.
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
24 Dec 10
A lot of good scenarios you have given here, they make sense.
From the consensus that have responded I guess that it might just be semantics, the way they are posted, since if there was more information give than I guess it would show depth and that is what I am always looking for.
thank you for the reply and have a great day!!
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
22 Dec 10
since my joining this site I have observed that people do not like that much to indulge in the discussion related to religion. It could be due to fear of some controversy or other things but I do not mind to put my words if I feel I am confident about this.
There should be discussion and real discussion on religion too for most of us following religious activities without knowing the inside story.
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
22 Dec 10
Religions and Politics are two hot button topics as people get so emotionally involved into each of them, so sometimes it is things that are better left unsaid.
The second part of your response is what I am talking about as there should be real, substantial discussion about religion so that others may learn.
Thank you for the response and have a great day!
@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
23 Dec 10
Yes it a matter of respect and the lack of it. We are to be meek and where does Disrespectfulness fall into meekness? Are we not to be slow to wrath and to provoke not our brother to anger?
These are some of the qualities that have gone the way of the dodo-bird. If it does not fit into what you believe then you need to belittle and disrespect, this is not right. It is not until people respect each other that peace will ensue.
Thank you for the response and have a great day!!

@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
23 Dec 10
i can't really say the reason why people are posting about religious discussions... whether it is for the sake of earning money per se... or they really want to learn more about the Bible... they know it best within their hearts and they are responsible to God about their motives... take care and have a nice day...
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
23 Dec 10
I do believe that most of the posters on here are seeking knowledge and understanding but there are some that post simply to make a penny or two and for those there is shame.
Thank you for the response and have a great day!!
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
22 Dec 10
Simple as it sounds but many people are confused or ignorant about the many aspects of the bible teachings. While it cannot be denied that they get paid for their ignorance. And the know all who come to their aid gets compensated for reading and responding.
@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
22 Dec 10
Well I guess with this being the case it is a win-win situation for all involved.
Back when I started on myLot the pay rate was much higher than it is now and I believe that the pay rate has dropped due to people posting these simplistic questions be it in religion or elsewhere.
If it truly is a case of confusion or ignorance then I do apologize if I have offended, but in the case of making a penny..... is it really worth it?!?
Thank you for the response and have a great day!!
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
22 Dec 10
Dear friend,
If it is for better cause, it is better to discuss, but at time if it taken in negative ways I hope not to get into any unpleasant things that may rise to any conflicts. Anyhow to respect others religion with all upholding its good side is my part to religious discussions

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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
22 Dec 10
That is a good stance to have, if it is a good discussion, then discuss, if not then flee from it.
I do not discuss religion to inflame either. I only discuss to help in truth and edification. I talk about a lot of different religions although I discuss Christian mostly as that is what I am most knowledgeable about.
Thank you for the reply and have a great day!
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
22 Dec 10
The answer to you first question is, YES. There are some people, not just in this category but in all of them, that are only trying to build up their account; but there are also people who want to learn. Why those in the religious category don't just go to the Bible can be for numerous reasons. They might not have a Bible, they might not know where to find the information, they might want to see if other's opinion agrees with theirs. I know there is at least one person who won't go the the Bible because he has already read it, thinks it doesn't add up, and besides, he has been enlightened and is above the petty things of man, the Bible being one of them.
@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
22 Dec 10
If someone does not have a Bible there is a wonderful site called that has many translations and has an integrated search engine so that it covers the not knowing where to look as well.
As for a person looking for a different opinion then why not give an opinion and ask about it. For example:
Theirs: What is Heaven?
Mine: I have read that Heaven and Hell are both a state of mind and there is no real "Physical" place as such. What is your opinion?
This would show that it is not just a discussion to make a penny but an actual search for more information. Or in the case of the person you referred to: What is your views of "??" it makes no sense to me?
I thank you for the response and Have a great day!!
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
22 Dec 10
Maybe that is your observation and thinking about in some discussion here specially in religion. But we cannot tell them that we don't like your discussion because it is elementary question only - that is offending. So in my point of view wait a good and quality discussion and response - just simple like that. see you around
@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
22 Dec 10
I was not trying to offend anyone as I try to never lead someone to wrath. I do wait for a decent discussion to respond to as I only want to respond when I can actually contribute something.
There are some very good discussions here on religion but there are also some that appear just to make a penny.
Thank you for your response and have a great day!!
@dibs2010 (132)
• India
23 Dec 10
Religion, this is a great topic to discuss but some time people forgot to discuss it then they try to make their religion on the top. This is should not be done, because this is wrong. you please forgot this and keep my loting. and enjoy the holiday's.
@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
23 Dec 10
Yes there are so many that try to turn the subject into a (sorry for the quote) "Pissing Match". Everyone tries to "prove" that their path is the one and only path, the only true layer of light in this dark dismal world.
I do not try to do this as I respect all paths. I believe it is entirely possible that the Almighty has revealed Himself differently to different people so that all may find the way.
Thank you for the reply and have a great day!!