I am totally shocked! Good customer service for once!

@diamania (7011)
December 23, 2010 7:38am CST
I lost my AlertPay transaction PIN, without it you can't make transactions. So I mailed the customer service and within a few hours I got an email saying what I needed to do to reset it. So I gave them the info and again just a few hours later they told me it's reset. Have you ever came across a good customer service? Which company? :) Let's be positive for a change!
4 people like this
25 responses
@steelfist (175)
• India
23 Dec 10
Nice! That didn't actually happen to me,But paypal helped me once when i was having problems in getting my Credit car verified..They were too good to me..I wish that thing what happened to you doesn't happen again,But nice luck! Cheers
1 person likes this
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
24 Dec 10
Recently i just got the food stamp card. It was either the first or second time i was using it. I hadnt had then since my children were very small. Everyting has changed since then. Its been many years. I kept entering the pin number twice. So it kept being rejected. I was so embarrised when i looked at the growing angry line. I finally told the cashier the pin number and he entered it. He knew it was only 4 numbers and not 8. i appoligized for my error. He just said it was no problem and made me feel much better. I praise his patience for my error. We need more people like him.
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
24 Dec 10
Oooops...i totally forgot to mention. It was a walmart store.
@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
23 Dec 10
Wow! I can sense your excitement about having reclaimed this good customer service. It almost sounds like a family company...you know similar to Johnson&Johnson :) I am in shock too. Good customer service is truly hard to find. Congratulations!!
@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
23 Dec 10
I do have very negative experiences too... :( My mum made a call to our cooperative building society because of some water leaks in the kitchen and they came up with all kinds of questions to evade the need of a repairman fixing it. Stuff like: "That's probably happening because of the recent thaw, just wait until it's over and everything might just be alright!". This is an easy one, of course it's not going to be alright, thawing has nothing to do with it. So she got a bit angry and they said: "Errrrr, ok well then we'll send someone for the 4th of January. Or is it an emergency? Because if it is we can send you one earlier but if we assess it's not an emergency when we arrive we will bill you for it big time.." So she hung up. They're absolutely a terrible company but I would mention their name, I don't feel like getting sued lol. They're that terrible. We're having several problems with our home for years now and nothing is being done about it. 2 complete bathroom renos and nothing's really fixed... -.- So it came as a surprise that there are still companies who take costumers serious.
• United States
23 Dec 10
My cell phone company is one I will never give up as although it is the most expensive there is around here. Verizon wireless is one that all I have to do is call them and bingo I get what I pay for in an instant.
• United States
24 Dec 10
A few of my friends have Sprint and are always complaining about the customer service. Anytime I have an issue all I do is call them up and can't begin to explain the caring and good nature their representative have. I have been with them now for 9 years and again although expensive it is by far the best. I tried like 6 others prior to them and will never let them go unless I no longer can afford a cell phone.
@NarutoFTW (134)
23 Dec 10
i hardly ever come acorsss good serivce. But when i do its normally a shoip where i am woundering what to buy as a gift and cant decide.
@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
23 Dec 10
Haha! Yeah, I can relate to that. Salespersons always help you if you can't decide so that they can influence what you buy. The more you spend the better for their salary. :)
• Austria
23 Dec 10
OK, fortunately that didn't happen to me. for me this is very easy because if I make an online transaction from my bank account I get a text message to my cellphone with a code that I have to enter.
@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
23 Dec 10
Yeah I know. Here in Holland there are two methods. Either, with what we call a 'calculator' which is a machine that requires you to insert your bank card and filling out your PIN number then you get a response code you need to fill out or you get a text/sms with a 'TAN code'.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
25 Dec 10
In my experience Paypal has an excellent customer service department. I had a problem with some fraudulent charges on my debit card and they cleared it up almost instantly and were very courteous and friendly. Also, Progressive Insurance is great and they're there 24/7. Hey, it actually feels GOOD to be positive for a change, doesn't it? Annie
• United States
24 Dec 10
I can't remember, its been a while since I have to deal with customer service. Well, I did have to contact the electric company about some extra charges on my bill and they helped explain it very well, I still had to pay and it wasn't it like they justified it, she explained it and it made sense. They say that a satisfied customer tells 5 people and that a dissatisfied customer tells 15 people.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
24 Dec 10
just last night, as in my discussion about it, i got good service from an online chat. but, just before that from (pogo club) i got bad service first from the same company. the first gal didnt know crap and messed up my computer worse then i went back and got a different one that really knew her stuff. so i got bad and good service from the same place just different people and thats what we should try sometimes. get someone else if the first one is messing up.
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
26 Dec 10
dear diamania, i have had opened and joined alertpay very recently and this post made me really happy and trustful. hoping when i reach my pay out i will get a really easy withdrawal and hopefully if i get any problems like yours, the same polite and accommodating service comes by way. merry christmas! ann
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
I have also had a great experience with alertpay's customer support. I have actually filed about 3 disputes through them against some untrustworthy sites. I always get a reply within 2 days(max) and the problem gets solved not long afterwards.
@liuyh0619 (108)
• China
24 Dec 10
I shopped online recently and came across all kins of customer service. A couple weeks ago, I bought a desk for my son's doing homework and found one of the thin board was tear apart,when I reached the customer service, they argue that it's not their fault. I hate to bother by that things and won't buy anything from that company again. I also hope that thing doesn't happen to my online account, I don't want to deal with any custoner service.
24 Dec 10
I am not with alertpay as yet, it is something that i am looking into and when i have contacted them for more information i am happy to say that they provided me with it and was extremely quick. I like the fact that they do seem to provide excellent customer service, as you say they were great with you and you are a member and they also are great with me who as yet is not a member. I like the fact that they are like this and it shows what a well run company they are. As for any other time i really am waiting quite a while for responses which can get extremely frustrating, the last thing you want is to contact them and wait ages for a response, that is bad customer service.
@spencari (265)
• Indonesia
24 Dec 10
never happened for me before, i used conventional method go to the bank for saving and transfer money to my business partner, but someday may be i should try modern ones, people says that make our transaction easier... nice posting give me new experience from this discussion thanks,,,
@silentwill (1685)
• Philippines
23 Dec 10
Looks like I'm the only one so far on the other side of the fence. But what I wanna share is getting a good feedback for my team from our customers whom we helped. I know people always comment about bad "customer service" but we also always have to deal with difficult customers so it's also refreshing and it feels good whenever we encounter friendly customers who give positive comments regarding the experience they have had when dealing with customer service.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
24 Dec 10
Wow, that's very rare! I just recently had ANOTHER bad, experience... but the best once I had, was... I really can't think of any right now!
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
23 Dec 10
Yes, really good customer service is hard to find nowadays. I have been there with some customer service person at my local grocery store. They were really nice in replacing a product that had become defective for me. I find if you talk in a nice and calm manner then they will respond nicely to your inquiry. I hope that thing doesn't happen with my money online account. Thanks for sharing.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
23 Dec 10
You know given all of the bad customer service experience I have had in the world, there are a few times where it has been good. I think that actually the actual academic department of my school, the technical side at least, is very responsive and on the ball. The financial aid department is another matter entirely, but let's not open that wound. Still there was some kind of problem with my password and it turns out that it was a problem with the system and they really thanked me for bringing it to their attention. Its good service when they actually thank you. Most customer service or service in general asks like its a burden when they actually have to do their jobs.
@vineshv (49)
• India
23 Dec 10
I have came across few such services .One example was airtel india broadband customer service. At the same time , i had very bad experience with most of the DTH customer care services in india. I was also not satisfied with comcast.
• Netherlands
23 Dec 10
Well, to be honest, I've had both bad and good experiences with customer services. I'm not going to tell you the entire story but I think customer service is getting better and better, also with technology's improving quality so you can now keep in touch with the company through e-mail or even Team Viewer.