Why muslim dont eat Pork ?
By carlabarbosa
@carlabarbosa (1305)
32 responses
@carlabarbosa (1305)
19 Nov 06
lol really ? lolol ur funny ! :)Thanks for your reply lol.
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@nooreldin (471)
• Kuwait
19 Nov 06
HEY! MR.CRAZY!! PLEASE!!! DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW!!!! you couldn't be more wrong, (pig is God in islam???? )
this is nonesense
pig in islam is a dirty animal its digusting and I'm sure you know why.. and since islam came with all the help and guide for the human beings with all whats good for them
coming from God (ALLAH) who created everything and knows the best.. therefore ..pigs are forbidden to be eaten..
@carlabarbosa (1305)
19 Nov 06
Thanks for your reply nooreldin. I believe Crazy made a few research over the internet and that was his conclusion over on this subject... Maibe has u know alot of it u can Illuminate us all,and tell us the story of why (not only cause pig is dirty and God told us not to eat)Whats the story in between that? Agn wasnt a pig that helped the prophet that was lost in the desert?

@killailla (1301)
• Canada
19 Nov 06
they are not worshiped by muslims (i am a muslim) we do not eat pigs because they are filthy as they roll around in their own filth
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@carlabarbosa (1305)
19 Nov 06
did u read what CrazyP said? I mean if they are sacred... means that they arent that dirty...

@carlabarbosa (1305)
19 Nov 06
So how come they have the Quranic law and we have like the normal bible law? I mean theres nothing to do with not eating pigs over on our bible... or maibe i just didnt read it well?
@carlabarbosa (1305)
19 Nov 06
I guess in their religion says that the "sacret"pig helped their prophets to get out from the desert when he was lost ... i mean A pig in the midle of the desert? This was the version i eard from friends. Dont know if it is really like this ...

@carlabarbosa (1305)
19 Nov 06
Your 10 minuts are off ... whats the answer ?? Do you know it already?? lol just curious
@mountainking (77)
• India
19 Nov 06
you need to ask a muslim scholar he will give you a very convincing answer.
@carlabarbosa (1305)
19 Nov 06
You think so? Did you read the litle story that mchu519 wrote b4? I mean ... just curious i guess ! :)Thanks for your reply!
@mountainking (77)
• India
19 Nov 06
miss i am very sure that his friend is not a muslim or doesnt know the principles a person needs to know to become a muslim.pork is simply banned for us.
@mchu519 (465)
• United States
19 Nov 06
I have something funny to say. My friend is muslim and he never eat any meet other than chicken before. We went to China together and I taught him how to use a chopstick. He ate pork. He put it in his mouth and he asked,"What's this" with an indian accent. We're like "OH CRAP". He just ate pork and said this is pretty good. We're all surprise that he didn't care anymore.

@carlabarbosa (1305)
19 Nov 06
Lol funny lol. But i believe it has something to do with their religions itself ... would like to know more abt it cause its way to ...strange ... i mean they should have a reason... rigth?

@muffy_092000 (379)
• Philippines
19 Nov 06
some religion considered 3 fingered animals (like pigs, ducks etc... ) the most dirtiest animals as state on bible..some religion consider pigs as sacred and it is use only for offering to their gods..
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
6 Mar 07
I am not sure but to me it would make sense that, pigs at one time were infested with tape worms, because pigs will eat just about anything, pigs that were farm raised were given garbage to eat, that was any thing that was not fit for human consumption, as well a lot of religions were and are not allowed to eat pork, if I am not mistaken the only meat all religions allow is goat or sheep. And aside from the fact that goats and sheep are and were the farm animal of the middle east.and Asia. Cattle are considered a work animal, and were only domesticated as food in the last few hundred years. Sorry that is as far as my knowledge goes
@melindagr9 (143)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I know muslims dont eat pork because of religion, I think it has something to do ith it being unclean. And it really is an unclean animal to eat, lots of non-muslims dont eat prk because of this. Me, personally, I know the dangers of pork, and about its uncleanliness but I still chose to eat it.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
19 Nov 06
I have always wondered this about their Religion also. It is interesting sometimes to learn about others, and how they believe.
@wrknggirl68 (96)
• United States
19 Nov 06
I think it has something to do with them believing a pig is an unclean animal and if you eat it it will make you unclean also. I guess a pig will eat anything. It doesn't bother me. I like my ham. I haven't keeled over yet.
@carlabarbosa (1305)
19 Nov 06
Lol .. i like my ham too. Its weird and confused... if we have rules or either warnings how come we do break them? Weird isnt it? Maibe all the desieses we do have in this world is caused by several things we were warned abt in the holly bible? who knows? But yeah i do still eat my ham lol... ai ai ai ... lol.Thanks for your reply:)
@gcarter7984 (57)
• United States
19 Nov 06
I think its because it smells? Someone told me that one time? Can anyone clarify