i'm stupid.

December 27, 2010 11:18am CST
I did things I must not do. Now,my conscience is really bugging me. I hate it. I'm trying to stop myself from doing those things but, I went to a wrong person again and so I was stucked into trouble again. I wanna tell you mylotters what is it but, there's a part of me saying "no! Don't! it might increase your burden." And so, what I'm doing now is just telling my emotions. Have you ever did something that messed up somebody, you want to change it, but there's no way to return and push the rewind button of your life? I regret it. I had never been this stupid. I could say others, some don't mind it because it is part of their lifestyle but for me, it's never. If only I could turn back time. . .
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15 responses
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
27 Dec 10
Hi zaga, I know that you regret your choice, but you must forgive yourself. We all have made some wrong choice in our lives, so no one can cast a stone on your wrong turn. Stop beating yourself up and learn from your mistake. That would be the sad part, if you don't learn from your mistake.
• United States
1 Jan 11
You can learn from your mistake, when you realize that you have made a mistake. Moving forward with different or better choices would mean that the mistake is not in vain. 2011, gives us all the opportunity to do better.
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
2011 gives new hope for a new beginning. I hope this wouldn't be just another year. I'll make use everything out of it.
• Philippines
28 Dec 10
Thanks for the advice. I must held my head up still. No matter what I'm human. Nobody is perfect. Just like I am who committed mistakes.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
27 Dec 10
Hi zaga, Enough of regretting. Time to buckle up the shoes and get prepared for the next day. If you get this straight, you would realize that what happened was for good, you have learned your lessons well and the thing is to overcome them... so that you are a better person - yes a really better person - in the days ahead. Realizing is one thing, learning from mistakes is another (this another will see you reach the top and be successful). Cheers, theSids.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
29 Dec 10
We are all so very similar arent we? It is great that you realized and even better that you dont end up re-doing that. Good Luck and All the Best Dear HAPPY NEW YEAR theSids
• Philippines
30 Dec 10
Of course,, everyone I think, when they felt like they commit mistakes they don't want to redo it. Happy new year too.
• Philippines
29 Dec 10
Halo Thesids. Things happened for a reason. I may not know it now, but I know, I realized one day, it will help me. I just wish not to redo it. Thanks for cheering me up.
@eurekafemme (5877)
• Philippines
27 Dec 10
we all have done stupid things in our lives, so you are not alone here ,dear. We regret them and wishing the same wishing thinking of turning back the time and undone what we did, but, we can not. So, the best thing to do is to move on and learn from the mistakes in our past. Let's call it charge to experience and make sure not to do it again or else we are really indeed stupid to not to learn.:)
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• Philippines
29 Dec 10
I guess that's the reason why I called myself stupid. I realized that I'm stuck again on the same situation that I've been in the past. I'm escaping and so I found myself doing it again. That's enough to call myself stupid. I must learn. I must think of my ways. I know it is not me. It's because of the situation but I can't just blame it. Still, I am the one who committed it and so I am the one to be blame.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
27 Dec 10
I've done stupid things and a lot of them since my teen age years, so i know how you feel. May be angry at yourself and looking for way to make everything better, as it was before. What i would do, if i can't do something to change my mistake is to keep doing something interesting, so i'll stop thinking of what i made. If one mistake can't be fixed, we better save us from nerves moments we can have blaming ourselves, just keep yourself busy. I hope everything will move on with the time. If we can't fix our mistakes, we will have to give them time for forgetting. There is nothing more you can do in my opinion. And don't be too cruel with yourself...
• Philippines
27 Dec 10
Thanks suggar. That helps. I was thinking of too busy with mylot and other sites too. That makes me forget about what I did. But, everytime I remember it, I can't deny that I'm really angry to myself. I keeps on questioning myself why? and if only? I just can't see the point why I did it, and so now I have to blame myself. Maybe I need to become busy. I wanna forget it.
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@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
27 Dec 10
Sometimes we act strange and different than usual. Don't blame yourself, forgive yourself for what you did, because time will cure you. I'm talking to you, but i'm the same as you. Sometimes i do something because of emotions, something irrational, something different than i am used to do and i blame myself for months after that. Good thing is that our mind start to forget in a time and we start to forgive ourselves slowly. That's just the way we are ... colored and we make mistakes, it's normal.
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• Philippines
28 Dec 10
Yes. I think it's normal. But it seems like what I did is . . I don't know. I really hate myself after knowing and realizing what I did. I never thought I can do that. Why is it hard to frogive ourselves than to forgive others?
• Philippines
27 Dec 10
There are things that we can no longer undo. All of us have done something not right at one point in our life. You can call it stupid or whatever words but it's up to you how you are going to face your future. Life is not all about what happened yesterday or today. It's always a question of "What are you going to do about it?" I hope everything turns out ok with you. God bless.
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• Philippines
28 Dec 10
Well, honestly until now, I don't know how to correct it. It made me think that maybe, sometimes, doing nothing is better than doing something, just to avoid more serious thing to occur. I think it'f better for me to just wait and see. Thank you sinawaliboy. God bless you too. Enjoy.
@anitoton (389)
• Kolkata, India
27 Dec 10
yes i did once..i let one of my friend to ride who claimed that he can ride bike.and he broken his ball and socket joint at the knee,thogh he transplanted it still he cannot run anymore. so i miss him when i am playing cricket or football.in cricket always we used too open and in football i was right forward and he was left.and we had an really good understanding.so sometime when i am playing and i see himsitting nearby i feel very bad and sometime i just hit the wicket.i feel really bad for him.
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• Philippines
27 Dec 10
Yes i felt the same feeling. I'm so sorry for your friend. I hope that forgetting will not be like how you feeling now. Because I can't take the ghost of my stupidity for long.
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• Philippines
28 Dec 10
Because you keep on blaming yourself for what had happened just like I am right now.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
28 Dec 10
we are just human beings and of course we do make mistakes every now and then... it is inevitable... and after that we regret it... it is the same like me... i had made many stupid mistakes in the past which make me regret now... but there is no use... we can only look forward, not backward... i treat my past as my lessons in life and make sure that i won't make the same mistakes again in the future... take care and have a nice day...
• Philippines
29 Dec 10
Looking forward is difficult when the ghosts of the past is still haunting me. I will just wait til the time tells me to forgive myself and to let things back to normal. Thanks Lingli_78.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
28 Dec 10
Hi zaga, What is gone is gone and would not come back. You think you did something you should not have done. But now as you did it finally what else can you do? You just can not push the rewind button and make thing as they were before. Better be careful lest similar things happen and you are guilt ridden.
• Philippines
29 Dec 10
Yes I think i must be careful now. I must be more vigilant too. Thanks for the reply krajibg.
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
27 Dec 10
We all do stupid things and regret later. life unfortunately has no rewind button. However there is a silver lining here. To have the courage and honesty to take responsibility and the resolve not to do it again. I have done some very stupid things in life and have also learnt from these mistakes. We are humans and it is human to err. Try to forgive yourself, but do not ever forget the mistakes.
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• Philippines
28 Dec 10
Mistakes teach me. And the lesson I learned will always remain. I do really hope that I won't forget that, because, I will never forgive myself if I'll do it for the second time around.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
29 Dec 10
I'm sure there is nobody here that would say they haven't done something stupid in their lives. And for some, including me, we keep the making the same mistakes over and over again. I don't think it is stupid, I think it just says you're human. We could always try find comfort and wisdom with others. And if it helps to be anonymous, myLot friends would be a good place to turn to. If you need help or advice, you could always PM me.
• Philippines
30 Dec 10
Wow. Thanks so much. It is really a human nature to commit mistakes. But they say nature can adopt to what is around so I guess, I was just carried away with what the society usually do. And I never like that. I hope to forgive myself soon.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
28 Dec 10
Hi Zaga_cleuth and welcome to my lot. We all have things in our lives that we are not proud of. We all wish we could turn back time and go back to that moment in our lives. But alas we can't go back in time and change our mistakes we have to face what we did and repent of it and ask God to forgive us. These are called learning experiences no human is prefect we had one who walked with us but look what we did to HIM. We put HIM on a cross and killed HIM! So we all make mistakes forget about it and move on. Ask God to guide you and keep you from doing the wrong things. But if you slip up don't worry about it repent and ask God for HIS forgiveness and move on! God is the judge thank God for that!
@free_man (7330)
• United States
29 Dec 10
Hi Zaga. That is what is called spiritual discernment it is to help us to not commit our sins again and again. It is to remind us to Love and worship God. Forgive yourself and move on God don't want to hear about sins we have repented of, that in itself is calling God a liar if we don't forgive ourselves we are saying that God can't forgive us. Have faith that if you ask God for forgiveness then you are forgiven even though we remember the sins we do it doesn't mean that God didn't forgive us if we repent. God loves all of us and all HE wants in return is our love for him.
• Philippines
30 Dec 10
Thanks free_man. I love your username. =) It makes me think that I am a free man too. Can be free from sins through Jesus Christ. He suffers fr us to be free. And so, though my sins or my mistakes seem to be unforgivable I know, he will accept me still. Happy new year. Blessed year ahead us all.
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• Philippines
29 Dec 10
What a forgiving God he is. I always asks his forgiveness and He always allow me and forgive me. I repent to Him and cried many times because of what i did. Still, I can't forget. I need him always. I'm always telling him to hold me tight though I wanna turn back against him. I'd rather be tied up to him than to live my life without meaning and without having him. I hope I could start again with my journey with the Lord though I made a lot of mistakes and this one as one of the biggest humiliation I made after Him. Thanks for the inspiring response.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
27 Dec 10
Oh, great, not another Masihi in this world, I mean, ain't one of me bad enough??? Seriously, I try so hard to be good, but I always seem to have run-ins with people, maybe it's because of my anxiety disorder, I rarely know if my head's screewed on properly :-p I've done stupid things like biting peoples' heads off everytime they said something to me to getting my family into major debt due to a pyramid scheme to getting sucked in by a smooth-talking guy into an online affair. I'm lucky that I still have my head attached to my shoulders. Now I'm straightening out my life, trying to as much as I can. I regret every little bit of irresponsibility I did, but there's nothing I can do about it except to throw those times into the trash, so to speak, and seek to change by becoming self-aware and taking responsility for my actions. I wish that I can give you some magic advise, but the truth is, you can't change your past. Regretting and rehashing over the past will only get you further into depression. I know, because I been there. The *ONLY* thing you can do is own up to responsibility and change yourself to the best person you know how to be. It isn't too late while you still have breath in you.
• Philippines
29 Dec 10
There's always no rewind button. Regret has no place here on earth. Why? Because there is no way for us to push the rewind button. We cannot just redo things whenever we want to. And so that makes life so unfair. I maybe feeling down today but I know things will be fixed too. Thanks for sharing your stupidity. And I congratulate you for maintaining the screw of your brain still tight. LOL Enjoy mylotting.
• Indonesia
28 Dec 10
the most important is that we learn from the mistakes we made. With our regret at least we realize that made a mistake. The second thing is commitment to change.
• Philippines
29 Dec 10
Yes. Indeed. Thanks for the response.
• Austria
28 Dec 10
I understand that. To forget such things, you really should try not to stick on this one thought where you made this mistake. I also have that sometimes, and then I have trouble not to think about it anymore. But then I try to distract me from that by doing something else. This isn't easy for me, but else there's now way to get rid of these thoughts that you cannot change anymore.
• Philippines
29 Dec 10
Seems like it haunting me. Well, there's no way but to move forward and use those mistakes as stepping stone to betterment.
• United States
27 Dec 10
• Philippines
27 Dec 10
Straight answer. Thanks then.
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