Losing my Catholic faith..

December 28, 2010 3:16am CST
I'd like to have a discussion about my loss of faith. Before you go off in a huff, hear me out :) I was born and raised in a Catholic household. Very sheltered and kept to mself. I have a brother and a sister who are my best friends. One day, my sister declaired she was gay to the family. This had upset me beyond belief, being a 13year old at the time. I thought she would go to hell, lived in sin yadayadayada. As I grew up, I realized that my faith had taken a hold of my mindset. I began to ask questions. Why does my religion claim God loves ALL but condemn gays? Why should my sister and other kind, giving gays of the world, be looked down on by Christan people? Why should I be apart of a faith that harbors and protects priests that have done evil things to children? I don't know what kind of God exsists but I know my faith in him has not faltered. I just want to know one thing: Why do we as a society NEED religion? Is believing in God and doing the right thing in life not good enough? Any thoughts :)
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4 responses
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
29 Dec 10
There are so many people and religions who speak for God yet do not even know Him. Let's take your sister for example. How has her being gay changed things???? What would you be like now if she had been straight???Would you have seen the truth about religion without her?? How many people are showing their true colors when they express hatred toward her. When problems like these surface then people around can help teach them. Life is about learning and growing as people. Those in our lives are there for a reason. They are exactly the ones we need in our lives. In time we will all acquire great wisdom. We will learn not to hate. We will learn that unconditional love is the only answer. Never worry about your sister and God. God loves all His children unconditionally. That includes your sister. If people really knew God, they would know this!!!
• China
29 Dec 10
Hi bird123, may i ask you a question? Actually, I know catholic for a few years and now go to church every Sunday, I am i get a lot from it. However, i can't understand, why all the people have original sin because of Adam and Eva's fault? If a man commit a serious crime, according to the law, he need to put into prison or other punishment, but his son, grandson, great granson till thousands of generations, right? Don't you think it is really cruel to punish all the people? Thanks!
• Canada
29 Dec 10
Bird, those questions that you asked, especially about people showing their true colors, is exactly how my sister can live on without worry. All they can do is live their life. She continues on with her life. Its just sad because people who claim to be Christian don't act as such..
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
30 Dec 10
Summerrainylily. One must remember that religion must find something wrong with you so that you need them to help fix you. This is not God. This is mankind. ilikesake.Interaction brings knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. One should never avoid interaction simply because there is Drama. So many times, Drama is where the learning happens. Return their hatred with unconditional love. Maybe they will start to see what it's really all about!!
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
29 Dec 10
My family wasn't extremely religious in that I wasn't sheltered or any of that growing up. I lost my faith at about the time I hit third Grade. I found Roman Catholic to be one of the most depressing things ever I was going to Bible Study after school and they where very much against questioning the Bible it was a thou shall not question. I like discussing things and they didn't like that so at about the time I hit Six Grade my dad asked if I wanted to continue going and I said "no" I have since lost my faith in the Bible and nearly everything in it as well. I then noticed at this time all the Hyprocracy that is in every single Christan Faith every church is infected with it if not all of Organized religion so I have since moved to Buddhism and haven't looked back.
• Canada
29 Dec 10
I'm glad you're a part of something that makes you happy. It just seems like these religions have been created to cause confusion in the masses. I think it's people who have destroyed religion, not the belief in God Himself. Because faith has made people do the most amazing things. BUT people who are trying to speak for God and trying to tell people "this is what he wants" are the ones to blame for all the problems
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
30 Dec 10
There is a saying Religion is the opiate for the masses.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
29 Dec 10
i am being told once by my pastor that religion is just something that is created by human beings... the most important thing is not the religion... but our personal relationship with God and our faith in Him... religion is actually about relationship and not just about a 'name' like a brand per se... take care and have a nice day...
• Canada
29 Dec 10
Thank you very much for saying what I truly believe at this point. like I said before being in a religion doesn't make people holier. It just makes them more close minded in my opinion.
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
29 Dec 10
Sinners want to enjoy God's blessing and yet they do not want to follow His path. God loves all? No, God loves all that please Him. Christianity is a balance of Mercy and Justice. New Age Christians want to make it all about Mercy. Sorry but that's not Christianity. Jesus talks more about hell than anything else in the New Testament. Hell is real and something Christians need to take seriously. The Catholic Church has been perverted over time. Just like the minds of Christian have been perverted over time. Accepting sin and growing weak to its forces.
• Canada
29 Dec 10
And that's why I will no longer have any part of it. I won't be apart of any cult that has people judging me. I don't believe I deserve to go to the same place unappologetic muderers go just because I sin. If you ask me, being a part of a religion doesn't make people any more faithful. And the God you described is not the same God I envision