Are you creating your best life ever?

@34momma (13882)
United States
January 1, 2011 12:49pm CST
I am always inspired by Oprah. She is always putting her self out there to make sure those she in in touch with are always living a great life. She is always doing her best to give people that extra help to get to the next step in their lives. I have worked so hard last year to make sure i set up this year to be the best year of my life. I am working on some new project that will put no only me and my family in a better place, but those I come in contact with in a better place in their lives. Are you making sure that you are living the best life ever? Are you going to do what ever it is you need to do this year to make sure you are changing your life for the better? Share your story and journey!
11 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
3 Jan 11
Last year I thought that I was going to die. This year I am doing something about living - starting with my weight. 26lbs and counting so far!
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
13 Jan 11
that is so wonderful! i so need to lose 26 pounds! that's super exciting. I am glad you are going to live and live a health life! Good for you my wonderful friend
@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jan 11
31lbs now Momma!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jan 11
Thank you for the BR. That is just what I needed this morning. A great wake up pressie.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
2 Jan 11
I would really like to create a new "career life" for myself this year. I've been a stay at home mom for 9 years and have been struggling to find ways to help out with the family income. I would love to be able to work from home but I still haven't figured out how to do that yet. Always searching though. That for me would help me live my best life ever since that is truly what I want to do.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
13 Jan 11
that's just what i am doing now Shar. it's the best feeling ever. I am helping other stay at home moms make some money with my website. and i am currently creating a website to inspire all women to be the best they can be ever! you have to just go for it. you have to come up with a plan and jump in with both feet.
• United States
2 Jan 11
I'm going to write more this year, of course that means I'm going to be reading more too because one inspires the other. I would love to design my books around life changing events so that people can relate to them. I love fiction but I know that it can't serve as a catalyst for change so I'm going to use real events and expand into human emotion.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
13 Jan 11
i am with you. i am working on writing more and i love reading so reading more is super great! wow i look forward to reading some of your work
@piya84 (2581)
• India
2 Jan 11
Hello there I am working very much hard for last two three years.I had plan to work like crazy for few years,may be up to 30 and then peaceful life.But inflation is shooting up like anything and looks very much different to achieve what i want but still i am trying.Goodluck to you .I like people who are hardworking and who never give up.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
13 Jan 11
working hard now pays off so you don't have to work hard later! that's the best thing to do. that's just what i am doing too. working my a$$ off now so i can relax and not work so hard later!
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
2 Jan 11
I'm certainly always try to run this life better than the year's previously. Sounds easy to create a good but in reality it is difficult to run, many temptations that arise nevertheless I'm still excited to run it
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
3 Jan 11
it's as easy or as hard as you allow it to be. you can do it and i wish you the best of luck this year
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
2 Jan 11
i'm trying...really trying... this year i want to publish my book and i try to always put my self in that belief, i hear a lot about the secret's masters like vitale, demartini and canfield and it really motivates me for the day, nothing to fancy just free stuff that i read in their blog and facebook page i try to help people and animals as i can and to be compassionate, it's not easy sometimes
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
13 Jan 11
wow that sounds so awesome katie. your own book that's great. what would your book be about?
@GreenMoo (11834)
1 Jan 11
If I´m honest. I´m probably not. I wish I were though, and I admire you for your dedication and drive.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
1 Jan 11
Hey GreenMoo you can have it too. you just need to want it. and not allow anyone to tell you that you can't.
@beeduzhe (138)
• China
6 Jan 11
This year I also facing a new big project in the coming months,I must do it well to let my boss know that I have the ability for my job.I am changing myself now for my better life.I will try my best to focus my mind on my job than any other things. I think I am creating my best life now,and I am confident. beeduzhe
• Philippines
2 Jan 11
hello 34momma! i admire those people who have reached the pinnacle of success in every aspect of their lives and now manages to inspire other people, help them build a better life for themselves. I,for one is still struggling to make a better life, for me and my children despite all the trials and obstacles. I would like to create a life where i can also help other people, for i derive a very fulfilling satisfaction whenever i'm able to help someone else. However, with my present situation where i can ill-afford to give the best money can provide for my children, only being able to sustain life from day to day. A worry nags at the back of my head, how will i be able to provide for my children next week? next month? next year? With heavenly blessings, i might be able to provide them enough to sustain them until they're able to provide for themselves. Being a solo parent (their father is making his own life and never even bothering to share his blessings with his children) it's quite hard making ends meet when you still have to settle debts incurred by people who had previously depended on me for support. I i am a happy go lucky person with no thought for responsibilities to other members of my family, i would have been fairly well-off by now. But i cannot live a life where i disregard filial responsibilities and just turn a blind eye towards the pitiful circumstances of family members. I know my primary responsibility is to my children, but i somehow hope that by example, they would also learn to take stock of those around them, to help out those in need and not just work for their own glory. When time comes that my children would be able to provide for themselves and take responsibility for their own self as well as for those who matters to them, then that's the time i can truly say that i have been able to create the best life for me and for my children. Sometimes, creating the best life ever cannot be gauged by financial and social success alone. sometimes, it is through what you have done and contributed to make someone else be the best of whatever they are, as upright citizens of this world, as responsible children/siblings to their parents and brothers/sisters, as a compassionate human being intent on being able to help out those in need in whatever way he can. that's the way i see things.
• United States
2 Jan 11
Are you creating your best life ever? hmmm.. Thought I did that already?? See I use to have it all, and when I say all, I mean more then anyone who perhaps has come in contact with me could ever dream of. Having had the most difficult year of my life, last year don't know that I can do it again, I certainly would like to but still sort of fresh in my mind. I am simply ironing out all the negativity in my life and hoping for positivity. But the only way I can do this by really letting go of anything that comes my way that brings me down. Well now just trying to survive and hope for the best the next day, hoping that tomorrow will be better then the day before. So what am I working towards now to iron out all negativity and looking forward to living the next day, with the hopes that at least I can afford the next full month. If I can earn more then that then I am for it. Good luck to you Sakina and I will pray for you and your family for a very Prosperous and healthy Year!
@34momma (13882)
• United States
3 Jan 11
Thank you Honey! This is seriously going to have the best year of my life. I know it, I feel it! You are right you need to clean out all the negative crap and people out of your life so you can only have the positive. I know you are going to have the best year ever!!!
@calpro (930)
• India
2 Jan 11
Hi 34momma, I really appreciate your efforts and vision to lead a better life. Yes as you rightly said for one who want lead the best life ever they should have built their life on a strong foundation called hard work. When we really work hard and the more skill we gain we can be rest assured of our life to be comfortable. I am in the process of creating best life ever to me and my family and trying to put all the best I can to achieve this. Hopefully I can say this year should be much better than 2010 for me. As we need to progress day by day and year by year. Wishing you good luck. Happy living Calpro
@34momma (13882)
• United States
3 Jan 11
Thanks you calpro! it is super important to work hard now so we don't have to work so hard later on! i am making sure i create the best life ever for not only me, but my family and for all of the people I come in contact with! Wishing you the very best my friend