Is it must to "have a religion"to live in this world.....

@umadper (947)
January 2, 2011 7:06am CST
Don't say it's a must with the fear of God....why it is useful....
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14 responses
@Galena (9110)
2 Jan 11
I think by the fact that there are so very many atheists and agnostics living good, happy and fulfilled lives we can safely say that a religion isn't necessary to live in this world, don't you? and any God that expected me to fear them isn't worth honouring. my Gods don't instil fear in me.
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@umadper (947)
• India
4 Jan 11
hi,Gale,i am happy with your response and views.All the best and have a wonderful time.
@Galena (9110)
4 Jan 11
my morality comes from within me and what I believe right and wrong. my beliefs about the paranormal are based on personal experiences. I would agree that athiesm is a religion, but Agnosticism is just the completely honest human reaction that there is no way of really knowing. I am neither. but I respect both. Agnositicism more so than Atheism, if I'm honest. I don't fear Gods because I don't presume that I am important enough for them to punish or reward. humans have existed so short a time. in comparison to the Universe itself, we are insignificant. I respect and honour them. I do not fear them. to fear a deity doesn't seem healthy. it's like being afraid of existance itself.
• Canada
4 Jan 11
But your religion is your beliefs about morality and the paranormal. Therefore atheism and agnosticism are religions. I think this is demonstrated by the hostility atheists and agnostics often show towards organized religions and those who follow them. Surely any God is capable of doing anything he wants to you and therefore should be feared. You have less reason to fear God if you do what he wants but that assumes you have a reasonable understanding of God.
@piya84 (2580)
• India
2 Jan 11
As i see around i think most of the people carry that label because they have grown up in religious family.Fasting on particular day and celebrating festivals become part of your life.Its just way of life and part of your identity as it connect you to you heritage.Religion is not necessary though.We ca live without it happily.There are lot of non believers in this world and they are living happily without any label.
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@VirtGod (58)
• Portugal
6 Jan 11
It's NOT. Not at all! Illusion, false hopes, false promises, put fear in others, all is based in false asumptions and myths. Indoctrination makes it all work and people fall for it. They play with their unprovable teories and win slaves for life. And those who say those that don't believe in a god have no purpose, no morals, or happiness is uterly ridicule.
• India
2 Jan 11
I think the main objective of religion is to know one's self. If there is anything else that brings you the joy of self realization then we can call that our religion. If there is a therapy, a voyage, a job or a place that gives you more happiness then we will abandon our religion and adopt that thing. This is actually a simple proposition. We need religion because we haven't yet found anything else that is better in fulfilling the objective.
• Canada
4 Jan 11
I don't think that's true, at least not of most organized religions. The objectives of most is to serve God or the gods and/or to have a better afterlife. Of course, it could be argued that you're programmed to relate to God (or whatever) and therefore understanding God makes it easier to understand yourself. You don't necessarily have to give up your religion for something else that give you joy. You can often marry that marvelous person or do that great job or live in the friendly community and still follow your religion, you might even think (perhaps rightly) that you enjoy that thing so much because it's what God wants you to do.
• India
3 Jan 11
Hi Uma as a lame man needs a crutch to trudge along, in the same way we also need a religion to let us walk righteously. Religion is a prop everyone needs because we cannot act the way we should. We may call ourselves humans but we are not. We can only pretend to be a human. We can make a show of love, even though we might not love. We can show ourselves to be caring, patient and tolerant though we might not be one. To lace our conduct with the nature that God had given us we need a religion. Religion shows us the way how we can keep our conduct right. Since there is nothing in this world we may emulate to be righteous, it has kept God or his image as an ideal. When we adore and worship that image the right conduct seeps into us and this helps us to turn better and better.
@Galena (9110)
3 Jan 11
that's a very sad attitude. of course atheists are human or course atheists can feel love, just as strongly as anyone else of course atheists can be caring, patient and tolerant without pretending. you have a very low opinion of your fellow man. thankfully you are also very wrong.
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• India
3 Jan 11
Galena those who believe in God they believe in Him without any fuss or ado, whereas atheists seek more proof. Besides, imitation is always more attractive than the things real. Religion merely brings about a subduing affect; it does not make one kindly and humane.
@Galena (9110)
3 Jan 11
love isn't exclusive to those that believe in deities.
@mdorki (125)
• Germany
4 Jan 11
I do not think it is a must. I personally picked no religion. Though, I was lucky enough to be born to parents who did not enforce any beliefs onto me. As someone already mentioned here, many (probably most) people stick to some religion only because they were taught that it is the only true one ever since they were born. Also, there are many religions in today's world and you are free to choose one in most countries or at least remain free of any religion. As for getting through the hard times/experiences, religion is not a must either. Belief is something else though. But it does not have to be a belief in some god or gods. Believing that the bad situation will end soon is usually enough too. Nonetheless, it is up to you whether you have some religion or not, even if you grew in religious family, you get drop the religion, choose another or even create your own one.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
3 Jan 11
for some people, it is. for me, no. we don't need religion to know and believe the Divine exists
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
3 Jan 11
For most of my life I have felt that it was not necessary for folks to have Religion or Spirituality in their lives to maintain a moral path. Now I am not so sure. As I watch the younger generations reaching adulthood..The ones raised with little or no such guidance, I begin to worry. Their morals stink. They care little about how they treat each other. They have no respect for their elders. They are greedy and think only of themselves....Something very important is missing in their lives. One of course is family...most of them were raised by babysitters and daycare. I think the other is the closeness that a religious community brings. They are like a big family. They have activities for all age groups that are there when no one else is. There is something to be said for this. There are Aggressive religious groups that are starting to entice our young people. Maybe we should start paying attention to the fact that they may need a less aggressive religion to keep them closer to home and away from the more aggressive ones. Food for thought.
@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
2 Jan 11
Having faith gets you through those difficult times in your life. When life seems to be hard, just knowing that God really is looking out for you, makes it easier. Knowing that he will never let anything bad happen to you, gives you the courage to go forward. He gives me strength.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 Jan 11
No, it's not a must to join a religion. We must all remember that God doesn't belong to a religion. People believing in God has never been important to God. That's not what is going on with this world. Regardless of any of our choices, our lives will be touched by God in some way. God loves us all unconditionally!!
@marguicha (225680)
• Chile
4 Jan 11
I have been living in this world for 65 years without having a religion and it hasn´t hindered me in any way. I truty believe there´s room for everyone as long as you respect the others. I cannot talk about "usefulness" of any religion, bacause I don´t live in a religion dependent country. I´m an agnostic, so I cannot "fear" God. Spirituality, looking for the trascendental, has nothing to do with a religion and I think this is a normal search in many human beings. Happy posting!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
3 Jan 11
Nope it is not a must. However, if you believe in something strongly enough, why does it have to be boxed in with a certain religion? There are religions in this world where I agree with a lot of what they agree. At the same time, there are other parts of religions that I strongly disagree with. In the same religion. So I don't think it is necessary to have a religion, although I am sure many would stronger disagree.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
3 Jan 11
I honestly do not see a need for religion in my life as it is. I believe in a god, not necessarily a traditional one, but a higher power that is out there. I do not beleive that the higher power is sitting there playing havoc with my life, nor do i really believe that he/she will intervene in my life to make it better. I do believe that religion is useful as a social networking tool, a way to make connections. Also, religion is a good way to teach social norms and morals to children.
• South Africa
3 Jan 11
if we don't fear God how are we going to obey him , i mean if we disobey him/her we could get a flood hitting us in real quick time or fire and brimstone raining down on us :) a way for the faithful not question the beliefs they are vested in ....I would think an all powerful creator would be beyond our petty human emotions