Being rejected... Being Denied!

January 2, 2011 6:40pm CST
Being single is for those who already have a lot of love. But its like being a prisoner for someone who wants love. When you love someone and propose them, they reject you and deny you even without a proper reason. I wanna share a rule to be followed while proposing and it is "To be patient..." for a response. Cause if you sue your partner for an answer then they feel like they are being pestered and wont find freedom with you. Even though your beloved has a positive response for you, by suing them for a response, they can come out with a negative answer. PATIENCE IS ONE OF THE IMPORTAND LEVERS OF THE KEY TO SUCCESS!!
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9 responses
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
3 Jan 11
Nobody likes the feeling of being rejected. they also don't like to be denied. these two things are not always the same. One can be more devastating to cope with than the other. Being rejected can come from the heart. Being denied can be something different all rogether.
• India
7 Jan 11
Though not clearly... i think i understood what you meant to say... ;)
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
3 Jan 11
I think you probably won't get rejected if both of you are really in love and are ready to get the relationship further. She will accept you if she think that you are the one for her and during the time both of you together, you did not give her much problem and really show your love to her and I think she will definitely accept you. Anyway, proposing to someone, you have to plan ahead, you have be be prepared, do not get fool by the movie where you just pick a flower from the roadside and propose to you girlfriend, that way, she will probably reject you more than accept your proposal.
• India
7 Jan 11
Yes... you are right. If both are in love and ready for a relationshi then there i no question of rejection. And life and love is really not as simple as they show it in the movies...
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
3 Jan 11
patience is definitely a virtue and key to success for every aspects in our lives... not only when we want to pursue somebody... and as the Bible says, God loves patient people... i always try to be a patient person when doing anything and this is not easy for me because i am generally not a patient person... take care and have a nice day...
@piya84 (2581)
• India
3 Jan 11
hello I think one should have a guess about ho much other person like him/her before proposing.Whats the point in getting rejected again and again without any reason.
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
3 Jan 11
I agree that you should assess whether you are prepared for rejection. But even if you are not, no pain no gain. Ask. If rejected, you will be hurt. But hurt recovers with time, and you will be stronger. You need to look for one who is willing to accept you as well. Maybe he/she is also looking out in the crowd for you. Not necessary must be a soul-mate, just a mate with a soul. He he..
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
patience is a virtue which we all must possess, in all our endeavors if we want to achieve success. A lot of people failed in their chosen activity or project because they quit just when they were about to make it to the goal. How many people have experienced failure just because they don't have the patience to hold on much longer? to wait it out for some more time? some more waiting? i agree with you sunnybuddy that if you are courting someone, or wanting someone to accept your proposal, you must wait and wait even more, because there are people who might have wanted to nod their heads i acceptance or agreement to what you're offering but just because you pester them no end, they went beyond their own limit of patience and instead shake their heads at you in disagreement or in denial or rejection. It is better indeed to wait it out, to just wait patiently for the person you're wanting the favor from. Patience will truly pay you for being patient.
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
hello Sunny, No one wants to be rejected but sometimes even how good or ideal a person can be if the presence of love is not there or the feelings is not mutual you will be rejected everyone has the reason why they need to reject someone maybe they don't have enough guts why they can't say the reason. Patience is really important in any aspects of life. have a nice day!
• India
5 Jan 11
yes... feelings must also be mutual. Cause no matter how much you love your mate and she/he doesnt love you back, you cant keep loving forever without expecting any love in return...
@daliaj (5674)
• India
3 Jan 11
I also think that when it comes to proposing you should approach a person with patience and give enough time for the person to think and take a decision. Patience doesn't mean pestering. If you pester somebody, it will only let the person to hate you and you as an irritating factor. Also, guys and girls out there should understand that if a person says 'no' over and over it is better to understand and respect the person and realize that it is time to look for somebody else.
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
I was rejected too. Not once, not twice but a lot of times that's why I'm afraid to love somebody again. Yes, I know there are lot of fishes in the sea but I just can't help myself to like somebody though I know its impossible for him to like me too. That's why I end up being a loser always. Huhu. I always cry and telling my friends that I'm always single and would never have a boyfriend again. Well, its okay, its good to be single because having a boyfriend is not my priority as of now.
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
I have nothing against that view except the fact that as the conditions that must be satisfied become much harder, the relationship tend to be more fairytalish leading women to just talk about how romantic things went and then ignoring the more important matters such as problems just to have a good day discussing romance. As a result, the one who proposed seem to get left behind and couldn't get it out of his mind.