Remember when $3+ Per Gallon Gasoline was "All Bush's Fault"?

@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
January 3, 2011 10:03am CST
Remember back during the Bush administration, the Bush Bash Bus kept telling us that the price of gas was so high in the US because Bush and Cheney made a deal with the "oil industry" to keep it high? Now that the Democrats have controlled both Houses of Congress and the White House, you would think the price would stay low... "for the little guy". But no, it has steadily increased since Obama took office and was at record highs while Congress was dominated by Democrats. So where are all the LIARS in the Bush Bash Bus now? Conveniently silent.
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10 responses
@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
3 Jan 11
Read response #2...It is still Bushes Autually the reason the price of fuel going up is pure GREED!!! No one ever asks why it costs more for diesel than for gas...You do know that it costs less to process diesel don't you? Once more it is pure GREED!!! Diesel vehicles use less fuel and are better for the atmosphere when they are functioning properly, but they gouge them on fuel prices. It is not the administration as much as it is the tree huggers and the American oil companies and the stock market. It is not even the arabs...They have stayed pretty much the same recently. If everyone on the Net got together and picked one oil company to boycott for one month..we would bring it to its its KNEES! What is wrong with the world...? We could do this one company at a time and gain complete control of the price of fuel and they could never do this to us again for FEAR! Boycotts do work. They cannot stop a just do not buy gas or diesel there...
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Jan 11
Well, not really since all it would do is make more oil available for China, India and the parts of Africa that have become industrialized enough for the average person to own cars. Oil isn't really a company or even nation specific commodity. All the available oil goes to the open market, and the buyers bid against each other.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Jan 11
Diesel often costs more because there are more penalty environmental taxes on its production. When gas prices got really high in 2008, Diesel was actually the cheapest fuel because the taxes didn't go up and it had low refining costs. Still, it's all Bush's fault...
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
3 Jan 11
Simple. The world price of oil keeps going up, while your dollar keep slumping. So it is normal that it cost you more. The price of oil has stabilise in Australia since our dollar is on parity with the US dollar.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Jan 11
BINGO! Demand is up, supply is down, the comparative value of the US dollar is down.. That's the reason the price of gas is going up. It's also the reason the price will probably continue to go up. It isn't Obama, it isn't Bush, it's just basic economics.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
4 Jan 11
There will never be any regulation of the oil industry other than to make sure no one ever can possibly start their own company to bring any competition against them. They own our politicians, we are no longer a free country but a corporate controlled country. They own our politicians as every bit as much as the federal reserve owns every American like a slave. Only thing that could ever change oil prices is if a few of the oil company big wigs were tarred and feathered in a good old vigilante justice because they own the legal system also.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
4 Jan 11
Is that why US companies can't drill off our own coasts, but almost every other country can?
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
4 Jan 11
You said there will never be any regulation, but oil is heavily regulated, even to the point of not allowing drilling. You can't say the oil companies are in bed with the politicians that don't allow them to drill.
• United States
4 Jan 11
I fail to see where I said there was any difference between domestic big oil and foreign big as far as buying our politicians. After all it could have something to do with the fact that BP donated at least 4.8 million to political campaigns in the past seven years that got them the off shore drilling accounts to begin with. But it is nothing unusual for politicians to take payoffs I mean campaign contributions from foreign entities after all one of the largest lobbyist is AIPAC.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Jan 11
I didn't know they had called off the "Blame Bush" campaign. As far as going to Iraq for oil, all I can say is that I paid my taxes, I supported the troops and I want my oil. Oil is high and will go higher like all energy costs simply because this administration wants them to. In some twisted logic they believe that they must use punitive measures to get us all to switch to green energy. Trouble is, no one can afford that either.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Jan 11
"As far as going to Iraq for oil, all I can say is that I paid my taxes, I supported the troops and I want my oil." I keep saying that if we went there for oil where the f$%k is it? I want a freaking hose leading straight from the gulf to my backyard.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Jan 11
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
4 Jan 11
Apparently it wasn't about oil, was it.
@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
3 Jan 11
If it were not for Busch, we wouldn't be where we are..the economy sucks because he wanted to control the oil fields. Well, we still have soldiers over in Iraq because he had his own agenda. And, just because someone has an opinion, does not make them a liar. I'm still better off than I was when Busch was in office.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Jan 11
Didn't Obama PROMISE to have all troops out of Iraq in 16 months? It's been 24 months since he took office and they're still there. Why aren't you mad at him for such a blatant violation of a campaign pledge? If we're controlling oil fields in Iraq, why do they have a massive budget surplus? Wouldn't we be raiding their coffers if we controlled that?
@millertime (1394)
• United States
8 Jan 11
What's amazing is that Bush is STILL getting blamed for everything. I heard Nancy Pelosi blame him again the other day. For some reason, Obama just gets a free pass for anything that is happening during his reign. Why is that? I guess for some people, no matter who is president or who controls congress, if something good happens, it's because of the democrats, if anything bad happens, it's the republicans' fault.
• United States
3 Jan 11
It seems that they may reach $4.00 in 2011: Rising gas prices speculated to reach $4 / gallon by end of 2011 Oil crude traded in dollars; a weak dollar raises crude prices Cold weather in Europe and U.S. affecting demand Economic activity resurging in Germany, China, and India Casino-like betting in crude on exchange markets could be creating a pricing bubble Significant Points Gas prices in PA have risen from $2.71 to $3.09 in last year Gas peaked at $4 in summer of 2008 Since Nov 17 crude oil prices gone from $80 / barrel to $89; July 2008 crude oil was $147 / barrel Each barrel contains 42 gallons w/ each $10 increase per barrel adding $.20 to gallon of gas Says "I think when it comes near the end of 2011, people will start looking at $4.00. We're going to come back to $4. There's no doubt about it." -- Shawkat Hammoudeh, professor of economics, Drexel University
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Jan 11
It's still Bush's fault Ted. Obama's wonderful, but he can't fix everything. Obama will fix it. Give him time. Obama is great, Bush is bad. There's the left wing response for you. Simply put, anyone with a brain, and that number seems rather small, knows that the president has almost ZERO control over gas prices in the US. It's a global market so we're largely dealing with global prices that effect the price at the pumps here. If anything, the democrats WANT gas prices higher so they can use that to push that Ethanol crap on us. They know it's garbage, they know it's not cost effective, and could seriously damage vehicles not designed for it, but it's renewable and green and all that crap so they'll force it on us whether we like it or not.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
5 Jan 11
Not a Bush fan at all but this was one thing that I didn't blame him for entirely other than I felt that maybe he could have done something to stop it...not even sure if he could have. Likewise, not an Obama fan either...and still am not blaming him. Obviously, I'm not a fan of politicians from either side of this coin but there are some things we just can't put full blame on them for. I actually don't know why the prices jump as they do so without knowing that then it would be unfair for me to place the blame on anyone.
@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
4 Jan 11
So many people accused Bush of so many things that he did not always have control over, frankly I got really sick of hearing it. They just bashed him because he was of the other party. Bush had to deal with one of the most major incidence ever on American soil and I believe he acted in the countries best interest, but all people want to do is criticize him. I don't think he was always given the correct information, but I do believe he always did what he thought was right.