Obama The good and bad things he did
By tehmoneydude
@tehmoneydude (149)
January 5, 2011 12:57pm CST
What do you think are the good and the bad things he did?
Do you think he is a good president?
I think he did fantastic things in America,
but he didn't communicate enough with the people in the end.
That's why the democrats didn't win in the senate.
And now he is stuck because they are with more in the senate.
I also think He should have made more decisions without the republicans instead of involving them every time. But overall he was one of the best presidents of the USA. What do you think Obama did good and what do you think he did bad?
9 responses
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
5 Jan 11
No I don't think he is a good president. I didn't drink the koolaid. He hasn't really done anything helpful and he cheapened the nobel peace prize. I think people only like him because he is "cool".
@tehmoneydude (149)
• Belgium
5 Jan 11
His ideas were fantastic,
the health care was just like European health care and european health care is really fantastic! He had great ideas to stop global warming and so on. I think that is what makes him truly great
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
6 Jan 11
Well great ideas or not, our health care is still messed up and climate shift is still a problem. He's just like every other president we have ever had. They talk big during elections, but when it comes down to it, most of it doesn't happen.
@tehmoneydude (149)
• Belgium
6 Jan 11
It think most Americans thought unrealistic of him.
He still is a human.
I mean he can't do miracles.
And he just couldn't do all he's promises with the time he had.
Almost all the promises he worked on he won.
If the people would still trust him he would most likely be able to do all his promises. But then some some republicans made some stupid commercials on all his topics to convince the people of thing that aren't even true.
And so he can't do much anymore now.
It's not only his fault.
The people should have trusted him till the end.
Now look at what Bush did. Obama has to clean his huge pile of mess.

@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
6 Jan 11
Isn't it sad that tired excuse has been used so many times. He has been on tv giving speeches more than any other President (since the television was massed produced). You might want to actually read the health care bill if you think it is so great. It sounds good till you read the whole thing. The economy is still in the toilet figuratively speaking. There is still a 9% unemployment rate. Approval rating in Europe is at an all time low for him. He's pretty much shown the world how weak of a President he actually is. Housing has yet to hit bottom. Inflation is in the very near future and gas prices predictions are still going up. Green energy has finally hit reality and "green" jobs simply don't exist. (Yup, another blatant lie.) His ideas are actually horrible for the country and many of them violate the spirit if not the terms of the US Constitution.
However, there is one good thing that he has done and I will give him credit for. That is the signing of the Ledbetter bill. After that, it has all been downhill.

@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
6 Jan 11
Obviously, you have never read how solar panels are produced. It might change your mind about their production being "green." Solar panels contain chemicals that are hazardous to the environment and if not properly disposed of, add dangerous chemicals in the landfills. You know just like those CFL that still contain Mercury. The only thing "green" about solar panels is how they collect the sun rays. Beyond that they are certainly not good for the environment. Some people think that just because one aspect of something is "green," it automatically makes the product "green." I reiterate, "Green" jobs do not exist because even the so-called "green" projects are not as good for the environment as people are lead to believe.
As for health care, what makes you think the corruption will get any better once the government takes over? After all, the government can't even police its own corruption. The reason prescription prices are lower in Canada is due to price controls. This is something that is blatantly missing from the health care bill. He can't make medical care cheaper unless he puts price controls in place. That is a fact. You will notice that price controls are used in all countries that have socialized health care. Even those in Japan, Germany, and the UK.
@tehmoneydude (149)
• Belgium
6 Jan 11
Of course green jobs exist.
Green jobs are the jobs in a green economy.
For example making solar panels.
That kind of things are green jobs and they are the future.
And about health care.
The previous system was very corrupt.
The price of medicines was so high that you could better go to any country around it to buy them.
And why were they so high because all these corrupt doctors went away with the money.
I am not even talking about the health insurance.
They hired doctors to sign contracts to people that it was their own fault they had health problems and the insurance wasn't responsible for it.
That is what he tried to stop he was making all medical things cheaper for everyone and tried to stop those people from making corrupt money.

@laglen (19759)
• United States
6 Jan 11
Ok dude, I see you are in Belgium so dont have to live under the wonder of Obama.
Most Americans understand him perfectly.
We do NOT approve of the constant spending
we do NOT approve of the healthcare
we do NOT approve of the Cap and Trade
we do NOT approve of the lavish spending that he is doing personally
we do NOT approve of his "friends" holding positions of power
we do NOT approve of government take over of private business
we do NOT approve of his arrogance
we do NOT approve of his "apology tour"
we do NOT approve of his airing our civil rights violations to countries that rape and pillage their citizenry on a constant basis
we do NOT approve of him butting into how businesses conduct business
we do NOT approve of his nanny state
we do NOT approve of his sending more jobs overseas
we do NOT approve of his pathetic attempt at transparency
we do NOT approve of his "passing the buck" constantly
we do NOT approve of his denial of facts
we do NOT approve of his superiority complex
we do NOT approve of the back room deals
the good he did -
tax cuts (kind of)
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
6 Jan 11
We've got to remember that the republicans didn't want him as president in the first place. The republican leadership put out the word from the get-go that they were to do everything in their power to see that his initiatives did not succeed. They obstructed continually. The health care bill ended up being what they allowed it to be, not what Obama wanted it to be. So they could come back later (which is now) and say that it is so horrible that it should be repealed. Obama doesn't work alone in a vacuum, you know. He has advisors and party leaders who have a lot of say in what eventually gets out to the American public. This last round with the republicans on the extension of the tax cuts was not what he wanted. It ended up being what the republicans wanted. They're going to come back in two years and force the tax cuts into permanancy. You think Obama hasn't done anything since being elected? In spite of the obstruction of the republicans, there is a long list of accomplishments. You might want to give them a read at http://www.blueoregon.com/2010/12/obamas-accomplishments/
Now whether the accomplishments are good or bad depends solely upon your point of view. It's the historical point of view which matters the most and is the only one which is of any significance in the long run.
@piya84 (2580)
• India
6 Jan 11
Well i am not american but i follow American politics closely so i think i can have say.Obama turned out just like any other politician.He talks smart does nothing.Apart from healthcare decision he has not done anything big.Common he came to power with slogan "Change".Where is it?I do not see any change anywhere in USA.
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
6 Jan 11
I think Mr. Obama was one of the cool Presidents of America. I don't know what went wrong but it is democracy so nobody knows what happens next. I want to know more about the updates. I don't read news often so I have now little knowledge about what is going in America.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
5 Jan 11
"I think he did fantastic things in America, but he didn't communicate enough with the people in the end"
That is something I have really gotten tired of hearing. Ok, lets put this to rest, I know full well what he wanted to do. It wasn't how he delivered the message...it was what the message said. you cannot make something constitutional by communicating it better. It had nothing to do with people not understanding him, we understood fully, even before he was elected.
"What do you think are the good and the bad things he did?"
The one thing he did that I thought was good was to sign the ending of DADT. Other than that....I really can't think of much. The man interprets the constitution in a way that would have it's authors turning in their graves. He puts too much stock in the authority of the federal government and sees power and authority in it where none exists.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
5 Jan 11
Obama had the chance to be the most awesome president ever...He claimed to have all of the young people behind him...all of the democrats with him and many of the republicans....He had the country in the palm of his hand~and he blew it, big time. He took billions of dollars that this country did not have and spent it on programs that we did not need. He said it was going to put folks back to work, well they are still not working and now he has printed so much " funny money" that it is insane. Why did Obama do this???
He decided it was time for the "best health care system in the world to be passed". Well good for him, we sure do need it. The only problem is, the authors of course did NOT have the interest of the AMERICAN people at heart. It is one big NASTY bill. I have read it and all of the changes and additions. They are all NASTY. DO NOT PLAN ON LIVING PAST 60 OR BEING FEMALE. Another thought is eventually there will be no one to fund it as the rich are and will continue to move their funds and themselves offshore. I don't blame them. Why does Obama want this???
On immigration, people keep saying that we are a country of immigrants. Well, the first groups that came over, slaughtered everyone that got in their way. That made it easy to take over this nice rich land. After that, believe it or not they did have immigration laws, ask the Irish or Italians...Ask the Jews who were trying to escape being slaughtered in Europe. OH, yeah, ask the British right now!!!! It is easy to control people who are educated and realize that there are reasons for laws and who respect laws. It is difficult to deal with rebels and criminals. Of course those are the ones that you want to keep out and those are the ones who yell discrimination the loudest...lol. Why does Obama want these folks in our country???
Then there was the Junk car thing...Best scam yet...It also took viable used cars away from the poorer classes. They did not have used cars to by and it jacked up the prices of the ones that were available. It also hurt car donations to charities for awhile.
Then there is the Banking industry...Big Banks are showing bigger profits than ever...Little banks are going belly up. Hurray for Bailouts, get rid of the competition....I'd say that worked out real well for the big banks. It crushed the middle class American...I think that is just what Obama wants....