Distraction problems when I try to write.

United States
January 8, 2011 11:06am CST
I work at home and often find that I can't seem to get enough writing done because I am often distracted by phone calls, TV and family. I have tried to write early in the day before many are awake but it seems I need to get up earlier and earlier to get the quiet time I need to concentrate. I hate to go to the library because it can be very distracting also. I end up looking at books instead of writing. ((blush)) Restaurants are often noisy and I feel bad if I am not eating something while I am trying to write. Does anyone else have such problems writing? Any suggestions?
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14 responses
@narayan2006 (2954)
• India
8 Jan 11
I feel,it is a common problem to each of us,no matter where we live and what profession we pursue.Life is getting more complex,uncertain and problematic day by day due to various reasons that are beyond our control. However,in the midst of all distractions and disturbance,one needs to keep balance of mind and decide the priorities of jobs and activities that needs his or attention each time. We must prepare ourselves to live in noisy and chaotic environments, and simultaneously move having full control of our mind and environment.
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• United States
9 Jan 11
Yes, I agree. With so much going on with our information generation, it is getting harder to not get stress and distracted. This is very true with the cellphones we carry now that do everything but cook for us. Thanks for your reply!
• United States
12 Jan 11
Well, I am very lucky to have my den where I can get away from most distractions, especially the TV. I do try to prioritize but my priorities are not necessarily other people's (hubby and friends) priorities. I know this can be done though. I just need to keep on top of what needs to be done with my writing. Thanks for the input.
9 Jan 11
I agree with Narayan. Prepare cos you dont have an option. Prioritize or you wont have anything to think what is impo. Wouldnt it be 'nice' if you were given a quiet room to come home with straight A cards.
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@UmiNoor (4521)
• Malaysia
9 Jan 11
I know what you mean leafygreens. Now that school has started, I'm very much distracted and very busy. And if it's not the distraction, it's feeling tired after a long day of ferrying my children to and from school. So I write less when school reopens. I think the best thing to do is not to stress out too much on it. If you're stressed out, you'll not be able to write anything at all. Just aim to write one article a week should be good I think and then try to increase the number. It's better than not writing at all. The best is of course to write daily so you won't lose touch with writing. That's where myLot is a good place to just pour out whatever that is bothering you. When you find the time to really concentrate on article writing, write the best article that can earn you the most money.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
9 Jan 11
Yes, journal writing is a good place to start as well. That's easy to do anywhere since concentration is not mandatory. You are just writing about whatever. Or as Julia Cameron says, write morning pages (which is the same as journal-ing to me).
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• United States
9 Jan 11
Thank you both! Yes, the trouble is not so much WHAT to write but how do I overcome distractions that make writing difficult. I have gotten a lot of good ideas here though. And you are right, UmiNoor, even if I only get one article a week done, it's still better than nothing. I do try to write more but life just keeps pulling me away from the laptop or distracting me so I lose my train of thought. I do enjoy journaling too. It's lots of fun and brings me close to the truest form of WRITING that man and woman has been doing for centuries. :) Thanks for the replies!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
9 Jan 11
i'm not a writer... but i know what you mean when you say that you need the peace and quiet to be able to concentrate to write... i am as well... when i am focusing on doing something, i also don't want to be disturbed and interrupted because i can't focus... take care and have a nice day...
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• United States
9 Jan 11
Thank you for your reply. Yes, it can be daunting at times, especially when one is at a certain scene you want to finish. Take care!
@artistry (4151)
• United States
8 Jan 11
...Hi there leafygreen. I think we all suffer with the same type of things. At home when I am writing and have the television on, I have to mute the sound because it tends to interfere with my concentration. Maybe if you meditate a little every other day to try to build your reserve for not paying attention to things going on around you. To just tune it all out that might help. I guess we have to get into a zone where the only thing that matters is what we are writing with the goal of completing it no matter what. Good luck with your writing in the future. Take good care.
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• United States
9 Jan 11
Trust me, I have tried to tune out people and TV. I hide in my den where is no TV but then the phone rings and its for me. I must get into that zone often cuz sometimes my hubby has trouble getting my attention. Hahahaha!! Thank and take care also.
• United States
8 Jan 11
I have the same problem.. I use to write short stories and poems all the time, at any time something comes to me. But now that I am a little older I can't seem to find anything to write about, and then when I think of something I end up getting distracted with something so then I forget what I was going to write about. Sounds like you have done several things to help you.. Maybe going to a near park and just sitting in your car would help. You would have piece and quiet since you are in your car, and you would have a good view. Have you tried writing when you are taking a bath, or at least writing some ideas down so you don't forget later. Hope some of this helps!! I know its not much..
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• United States
9 Jan 11
No. A park would be too lovely and I would be very uncomfortable trying to write for a long time inside a car. I have tried the bath idea. I can't take my laptop there though. A notepad gets wrinkled and sometimes wet if I move around too much and splash it. I have thought that maybe a voice recorder would help but that is only good for capturing ideas, not really writing. Thanks for you help though. =D
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
8 Jan 11
While distractions are annoying they can also be inspiration. Earnest Hemingway spent a lot of time in exotic places for inspiration. I believe he spent so much time in one place to become bored and start to tell a wonder story that came to mind while he was there. For me, writing a "beautiful" (at least that's what I'm told), I have to think about it a long time. Sometimes bits of inspiration come when I'm doing dishes or something. I wish I could become inspired by exotic places but I'm not a millionaire.
• United States
9 Jan 11
That was very interesting. I wish I had the money to do that too. Thanks for replying. Yes, it's funny how one can come up with an idea while doing housework. Heheh!
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
8 Jan 11
Oops, A wonderful story, and beautiful letter, I meant to say.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
9 Jan 11
Wow, story of my life. When I became ill 15 years ago after a few years I realized this was an opportunity to follow my dream of becoming a published author. I worked hard on a novel. Writing seemed to be the easy part, editing not so much. Now I have 2 teenage daughters, and I am being pulled in so many directions that I can't seem to get anything done. My current novel has been sitting on the shelf for a year untouched after about 7 edits. At New Year's I made a very strong resolution that I was determined to keep. Two things: Get back on that treadmill and get back to editing my novel. Last week I was on the treadmill 3 days in a row. I started writing a short story. I printed out my manuscript and started editing. That lasted one night. Now I'm being pulled in different directions having to drive people here, there and everywhere (even though my 17 yo can drive) and having to make dinner is a real problem for me. I hate coming up with ideas. I spend all day thinking about what to make and in the end I make nothing or throw something stupid together. And if I don't make DH a lunch for work then he doesn't eat (he works 12 hour shifts). And then there is the laundry. The girls seem to change their clothes 2 or 3 times a day. When do I get time for me? That's what is SUPPOSED to be important. We need to make time for ourselves but why can't others let us have that time? I am a member of a writing group in my town. We meet every other Sunday and that seems to be the only time I get any writing done, and it is usually unassociated to anything I want to write about. It has also become a social time because the group has grown so big. But at least it is something. You may want to find a writing group in your area. I wrote a whole book from prompts I wrote during group. It's great. It was like putting together a puzzle or a quilt. Check out these articles (they're not long). They may be of some help: http://writinghood.com/writing/10-benefits-of-joining-a-writing-group/ http://writinghood.com/writing/how-to-start-and-manage-a-writing-group/ And if you need a little more help in writing, try writing for Triond. You can earn a little money while you are honing your writing skills and writing what you want to write. To sign up go to http://www.triond.com/rw/13431. You really need to make some writing friends. Good luck.
@Wanderlaugh (1622)
• Australia
9 Jan 11
You're right about the routine and having the quiet time. Turn off the TV! There's nothing you haven't seen before. The phone can wait, too, unless you need direct contact with particular people. Tell your friends not to call between certain times unless it's urgent. Time management is the basic skill. Organize your routine and leave gaps for your writing. Forget restaurants and get some of your favorite nibbles to eat while you work. I've been writing for years, have written 12 books and thousands of articles, and I can tell you, writing needs room. Don't get confused, get organized.
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
8 Jan 11
This is becoming a serious issue in our house as well. I find that at the times that I am sitting to write are the times that they all want to interrupt. My daughter doesn't realize that a quick question can distract the whole article that I am writing. I do not know why they can't accept the fact that I am working and leave me alone. My husband and daughter both are old enough to understand!
• United States
9 Jan 11
It sounds like they just don't understand how important your writing it. My hubby tries to respect it as long as it is a means to bringing in income. If I am only writing "for fun" then it's just a hobby or something. I am working on articles and a novel, so he tries to treat my writing as "work" and supports me the best he can. Maybe you need to show them what you are doing and why it's important?
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
8 Jan 11
White noise. A good headset and some neutral music or anything that cancels out everyday noise. Set up your workstation away from the center of household activity. For family interruptions, set up boundaries. You are working during these hours and no interruptions. It does depend on the kid's ages though. If you have a toddler, you might try daycare for one or two days a week. From the age mobility till they start school, it is nearly impossible to write during daylight hours. You might catch a few hours here and there during nap time. You might try making a schedule. Many writers actually have this same problem.
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• United States
9 Jan 11
Actually, I do that too. I agree! I use New Age music to help me ignore the TV in the livingroom several feet away. My husband tries his best not to bother me but sometimes he just can't help it. He doesn't undertstand how even asking me questions can be distracting. I don't have kids, but I do have the phone and parents and friends who call. And Hubby does take naps sometimes, so I do some writing then. :)Thanks for the reply!
• Singapore
13 Jan 11
Hi leafygreens, It's crazy, isn't it? Like there are not enough distractions to deter us away from writing. I'm telling you that there is never going to be a perfect time to write, when there is NO distractions. It's just not going to happen. I have a four-year old who distracts me from my train of thought as I type this. I can't remember what I'm supposed to say to you... wait a minute... I try to find any opportunity that comes my way to write. It may be a few minutes in the bus or train on the way to work, or a few minutes here and there while waiting for my daughter to be released from school or waiting for clients to arrive. If I don't do this, I will never be able to write a single article. The other thing that may be helpful is to learn to write WITH all the distractions. I have learnt to write when the TV is on, when heavy traffic is rushing in front of you, when my daughter is pulling me to play with her... okay, just kidding... anyway i think you get the idea... I have learnt to shut the noises around me or I will never get anythign done. I know what you mean when you need some quiet moments to hear yourself think. Maybe you could go to the park instead of the restaurant or the library... Find a spot you can work...
• United States
9 Jan 11
Those lovely earmuff still earphones block everything outside them. Remove the wire or if you don't want to look silly in a book store, library, etc., keep it, hook it into a cd player with no cd and write away. It works!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
14 Jan 11
Well, I don't have that kind of problem. I work at home too and make some cash online. One this things is here in mylot. I am alone in my room and no one distract me on what I am doing...
• United States
8 Jan 11
I am an online student and used to work from home. Being at home can be distracting in itself because if housework needs done you may think about that too much and so on. The TV can also be very distracting. To do my school work and get it completed I have to make "space". My husband helps me out and does what he can to not distract me, even if that means leaving the house for an hour. Try to be in a room with no television if possible. I do my school work within my office where there is nothing but a desk, bookcase, books, filing cabinet, and papers. Nothing in there to distract me but the internet or my thoughts. I also use the dining room from time to time. I don't know if you can let people know to not call during a certain time unless an emergency (dont know what type of phone calls you are referring to) but that would cut out one distraction. And by family I do not know if you mean a spouse or kids but if you mean a spouse or older kids than they need to have a set time they do not bother you/distract you.
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• United States
9 Jan 11
Yes, that's why I try to wake up early. My hubby gives me time in the mornings each day but I working on a book and I need more than a few hours a day to make any real progress. My elderly parents is what I mean by "family." They call or come to visit or want us to visit. Thanks for your thoughts on this. I do have a den I can go to that doesn't have a TV.