Cold winters are a sign of GLOBAL WARMING!

@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
January 9, 2011 8:50am CST
What is with the people who believe this load of crap? Are they so sold on this crap that they'll believe ANYTHING that happens supports their belief in global warming? The last two years have had much colder winters than usual, but rather than causing the global warming crowd to contemplate their position, the cold has led them to be even more sure in their beliefs. Let's see. If it's too warm during winter... GLOBAL WARMING! If it's too cold during winter... GLOBAL WARMING!I guess if you're on board with this crap anything can be used to support your theory. Can anyone tell me exactly what kind of winter does NOT equal global warming?
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19 responses
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
9 Jan 11
Look at it from your little corner of the globe or from this year (or last year) only, and it seems inconsistent and ridiculous that COLD winters can be a result of GLOBAL warming but if you look at it from a wider and longer perspective there is incontrovertible evidence that the Earth, as a whole, is getting warmer. Cold winters are due to instabilities in the atmosphere which allow the Arctic and Antarctic air streams to stray into more southerly latitudes; a warmer climate generally encourages more evaporation from the seas which causes higher precipitation - which means heavier snowfalls.
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@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
9 Jan 11
(The Antarctic air streams, of course, stray into more NORTHERLY latitudes!)
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
10 Jan 11
Yes, the Earth has been warming since the last ice age. Yippy skip. The claim though, is that CO2 from the industrial revolution is what caused it. Yet the warming trend, since the last ice age, started BEFORE the industrial revolution. Finally, if the cause is CO2, and CO2 levels have continued to increase over the past 20 years (and they have), then it would be impossible for the global temp to decrease in the past 2 years (which it has). The bottom line is, CO2 is not, nor ever has been, the cause of global warming.
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• United States
10 Jan 11
Perhaps the winter storms and flooding that took place in Australia a few weeks ago? Oh, wait. That is their summer. And, yet, they had snowstorms. Climate is changing, librarian. Read about it, would ya?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Jan 11
The "weather" changes four times a year in most places. What's happening in many places today isn't "weather change" it's CLIMATE CHANGE. It's unfortunate the term "global warming" was used so much from the beginning because the accurate term is climate change although the overall result is global warming. Annie
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Jan 11
Climate changes four times a year in most places. We call those changes "seasons". Do tell me oh wise one, what kind of winter does NOT prove global warming? Apparently a cold winter proves global warming and so does a warm winter. People who believe in this garbage will jump on anything to claim it supports their ultimately flawed theory.
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@urbandekay (18278)
10 Jan 11
Keep your head firmly buried in the sand, go on believing the propagation of oil companies and American pseudo-scientists, the vast majority of reputable scientists world-wide confirm global warming all the best urban
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@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
10 Jan 11
The evidence that GLOBALLY the temperature is rising is incontrovertible and, as you say, is accepted by every scientist worthy of the name. Unfortunately, some of the evidence was shown some years ago to have been "tampered with" under the instigation of certain political and commercial interests who, presumably, wielded a very attractive funding package and needed to base their particular platforms on 'evidence' which was doctored to suit their particular interests. Most of the responses here, sadly, show the influence of this propaganda in some way or another. Trying to argue the case for global warming with such people merely brings up more of the same misinformation and partial information with which they have been fed. I'm afraid that US Americans, in particular (but not as a whole), seem to be more guilty of this than the rest of the world. Most of us, no doubt, tend to be biased somewhat (however little we realise it) towards what our politicians and governmental policies have asked us to consider important but the US, especially, appears to encourage a gay abandon in the face of what everyone else in the world accepts as solid fact.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
12 Jan 11
Just to make a small little note. Scientist aren't calling it "Global Warming" that's Al Gore and the Lefts for the most part in coming up with this term. The Scientist are calling it Climate Change they agree that the climate is indeed changing the only argument is coming from if we are having an effect on it. We can effect the climate of the Earth. Example two Atomic Bombs they raised the average temp of the entire planet something like 1 or 2 degrees if I remember correctly. It might of been more so I am being conservative. CO2 and other gases causes issues as they do block radiation from leaving the planet. As for the reasons with it getting colder during the Winter being a sign of Global Warming not sure how that is. Now the Snow storms in AZ and places that generally don't get snow is a sign of Climate Change now whether or not we are causing it is up for debate right now.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
12 Jan 11
I think renaming it "Climate Change" was just a way for them to blame EVERYTHING on people since they realized that people were catching on to the fact that the global climate has actually been decreasing for years now.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
12 Jan 11
Not really a name change as science was calling it climate change as Global Warming would be the effect of a massive event such as a thermo nuclear war then right after it would be a thermo nuclear winter caused by the Suns radiation being blocked by clouds. Also what has decreased the temp of the Planet is the Volcanoes that have been happening as they don't warm up the planet. Due to the Ash and material that is released it actually decreases the temp despite the Co2 released. As CO2 and other green house gases increase what will happen be that 90% or so of the scientific community that is in on the subject of Climate Change is correct our seasons will become more dramatic so super cold in the winter and super hot in the summer. The main worry is that with the temp of the oceans water warming up then it could cause hurricanes to hit higher and also grow stronger than seen before which would do tons of damage to the United States and other countries that are affected by Hurricanes. There is also the chance that if the Ice Capes melt that the Alantic Ocean Current will stop which will cause it to get a whole lot colder. I am not really an expert in the Environment as well in school I mostly focused on Biology and Physics and not the Climate. So not really a field of science I know a lot about sadly above is only what I have been able to catch.
@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
10 Jan 11
We have had mini ice ages before in the past and they did not then end in global warming. What is happening now, is the beginnings of a polar shift. I think the scientists are too afraid to really talk about it much because it could be the end of us. It has never happened while Mankind was walking the earth and no one knows if we can survive this. They do know for certain that the poles are moving...they just do not know how long it is going to take til they 'jump'. A Polar Shift, will be an awesome event and could be the cause of all of the events happening all over the world. Including "Global Warming" and colder winters.
• Belgium
9 Jan 11
Colder winters are indeed a sign of global warming. If you would follow it a little bit more you would know that. The warming of our planet causes the seas to stream in different ways wich then leads to the cause of a small ice age. Then the ice will melt and global warming will be unstopable. It's a chemical reaction. And for all of you people who don't belive global warming. There is a lot of evidence that Global warming is true. Almost every scientist in the world is now accepting is as a fact. So please don't deny it
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
10 Jan 11
i'm not really an expert in this topic... so i won't be able to comment much on this... but i had heard so many people bring up this issue and how to resolve it... and i believe that some of their arguments are correct even though not all... you are quite right... global warming is a problem that we have to face... but we don't have to be so paranoid until we associate every single weird weather that is happening nowadays as global warming... tale care and have a nice day...
• United States
10 Jan 11
This isn't true. The world constantly goes through these kinds of changes. Some years the winters are not that cold and some winters they are very cold. Last winter in California was just nice. It wasn't that cold. This year, sadly it is very cold. It changes from year to year, and some years are worse than others. Personally, global warming is not as big of a deal as everyone thinks it is. Are there some things that we need to change to prevent global warming, yes, but will we die from it any time soon? No. It would take more than hundreds of years for people to see the true effects of global warming if we were to continue doing things the way that we are doing them now, but it won't happen over night. Just because there are changes in the weather, doesn't mean that global warming has anything to do with it.
• United States
11 Jan 11
global warming is a bad term for what should be called climate change.. climate change is changing areas to being more extreme or opposite based upon the earths temp.. yes the earth is warming which is making the weather crazy but doesnt mean that everyones temp is warming.. just means that the earth temp can make the tides and water temps different which can affect storms and also the pattern the weather goes such as south getting more colder weather because the pattern is different.. ugh i think im not making any sense lol.. the easiest way to think of it to me is to picture the earth then tilt it a little yet think about all the jetstreams and everything in the same place as if the earth was straight.. since its not everything weather wise is shifted and making the elements chaotic.. lol ill go back into my padded cell now...
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
10 Jan 11
I don't believe it's global warming, but rather a global climate shift. The Earth is going through a lot of changes; a transformation that can cause extreme weather conditions.
@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
10 Jan 11
Keep your head buried in the sand as long as you can. Global warming causes more storms and more intense storms, summer and winter. The driving force behind storms is heat, and more heat makes more storms. "The last two years have had much colder winters than usual" Oh, really? Your evidence for this is what? Warming causes more extreme weather, because heat drives it all. You can continue to deny reality and ignore scientific evidence if you choose. It does not make it less real.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
10 Jan 11
Well maybe global warming is a certain thing because as you can see we don't exactly treat the earth like we should like people should recycle more and not pollute the air so much because if we keep going at the pace that we are going right now than it can't be any good now can it. I do my part to help the earth, but just me and other people will make a bit of a difference, but if everybody did it than it would make our earth a much better place than it is now. For me I believe in keeping the earth happy and I will do my part always. It is true though we have had colder days like this year is nothing compared to the others, but this year the weather was a bit off like it was really hot this year it actually broke records and I could not stand the heat it was just unberable to me. Winter this year was a bit behind though, but my chihuahua had no problems with that because she just loves the sun, but I don't so much well right now I kind of do want it to be a bit warm because it's to cold for me and I get sick easily. My hands are to sensitive when it comes to the cold because if I don't put on my gloves than I will get red hands and bumps on them and they will be ithchy not fun at all. Well who knows just help keep the earth clean is all I can say.
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
9 Jan 11
The statistics show the earth is warming. The only theory is whether it is caused by man or not. Is it us or is it a natural cycle of evolution? We are being told to take responsibility for it like we can reverse it! To late! The human condition calls for better, cheaper, faster, all at once. It is the huge corporations that have polluted worse, for the sake of production costs, than any individual can. Do you think they're going to stop any time soon? I don't think so! Great discussion!
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
9 Jan 11
By the way, I remember about 30 years ago one of the fast food chains put a marketing push on green/fresh air. The gave away little pine trees to plant, in a Styrofoam cup! What a joke!
@liuyh0619 (108)
• China
11 Jan 11
Cold winter can't equal the global warming. but it does means the extreme whether become more and the earth isn't suitable to live in the future. People should take responsibility for it and take meassure to protect the environment. Many people say the icebergs has been melt by the global warming, it lead to the cold winter. If that's true, we can live a cool summer. Unfortunatly, it's the exact opposite.So I do belive the global warm theory is produced by some people to make money and is also used as the political tool to impose huge pressure on the developing country to give up industrializing.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
10 Jan 11
It is actually a little scary to listen to the global warming enthusiasts when they try to explain the globally cooler temperatures. Here you have people that are so bought into the global warming idea, that they cannot imagine a world without it. Therefore, the world they are living in today must be distorted to fit the global warming world. This is not rational thinking. I have heard two of these explanations and still do not fully understand. The first one I heard is that increased snows in the arctic and antarctic have increased the land covered in snow. This is causing more of the sun's energy to be reflected away from the earth. (and yes, that also sounds like a shortage of greenhouse gases). The other argument for global warming induced colder temperatures is that when increased amounts of polar ice are melting, the cold water flows into the oceans. Air movements over these colder waters results in much colder temperatures across the globe. If nothing else, we must all agree that they are trying real hard to come up with a reason for the cooler temperatures and why they do not conflict with the global warming agenda. Maybe they just need a little more time.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
9 Jan 11
A winter with out Republicans? I agree this whole global warming crap is just that - crap.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
9 Jan 11
if that is true then we have been experiencing global warming forever here in canada! i heard it was warm winters that equaled global warming.
@Rysonia (310)
• United States
9 Jan 11
While I do believe that Global Warming is definitely a possible theory, I feel it is being pulled out and ranted about to much. Yes, we should consider it and definitely take precaution regarding materials that could potentially be harming our ozone layer, but seriously I have seen no evidence of that the next ice age is going to occur this century. Anytime there is doubt with something of this magnitude, yes take reasonable precautions. But seriously many are going way overboard and spending to much time ranting and screaming and to little time looking at realistic methods to prevent such an occurrence from actually occurring. Problem with the Scientific community IMHO they like to argue to much and be as unproductive as possible (no offense intended to any scientists who may be present, this is generalizing, not personalizing)
• India
9 Jan 11
Correct global warming is a complete joke. And guess which people screams the most about global warming - people who makes money from the hype. The so called "green" companies and NGOs. If any scientist comes out with the truth he is said to be in cahoot with the oil companies. As if pro global warming people never use money. It's just a crap.