Eating what is in the fridge or cooking every day?

@Suggar (3606)
January 12, 2011 11:02am CST
Hello pals, in my mothers house there is always cooked food, she does it every day. In their fridge we always can find salami, cheese, yellow cheese when we go there. So if there is nothing cooked, we can find something for fast eating, for making sandwiches or so on - there is always products for that. But soon i met another humans habit and it's done from people who buy such stuff like cheese, yellow cheese and other ready food and don't cook before that ready food finish. For me that's strange, because the daily cooking can be much more cheap than the bought food and if we cook, it will be for more people, so good amount of the dish will be always available when people in one home are hungry. At the same time here people live with too little salaries to afford expensive food often. That's why in most families that kind of cheese, yellow cheese, flat sausages, salami and other stuff ready for eating could be eaten rare only if there is no cooked food. So now my question is do you finish with all ready food in your fridge before cooking? Two days ago we bought good amount of ready stuff for sandwiches, little ham, done meat and so on. But i'm still cooking, because sometimes before cooking we get hungry and when we have something fast for doing in the fridge, it's more than brilliant, that doesn't make me to hurry up with cooking or so. Experience?
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20 responses
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
15 Jan 11
We also cook food almost everyday. Mostly, we cook to much so there is also left overs, s we just heat them up to eat them the next day. Yes, it's definitely cheaper t cook than t buy your own, it's much healthier too.
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• Philippines
31 Mar 21
@rebelann yes better to have more food than less.
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@rebelann (112254)
• El Paso, Texas
28 Mar 21
I like to cook enough to last at least 2 or 3 days, leftovers are always good to have
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@rebelann (112254)
• El Paso, Texas
31 Mar 21
I agree
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13 Jan 11
i like to have a few options of different foods in my fridge that i know i can snack on really or make something quick just incase i am in a rush. I like to have plenty in as i am a busy person and also some of the stuff that i have in can be used for differnt things, like to add to a meal, to make a sandwich, to just eat on it's own etc. I do like to nibble on things when i cook, but this just means that i do not need to eat as much when putting my meal on my plate. I often try to get long dates on foods that i have in my fridge so that they can last, i hate to throw food away.
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@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
Diversity is something great and i'm happy that you can afford to keep many stuff in your fridge.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
13 Jan 11
Hi suggar! I think you have stated a very valid point, cooking fresh food everyday is better than eating ready to eat food. I think ready to eat food like cheese and salami etc. are stored for those occasions, when there is no time to cook and one is feeling too hungry to wait. Eating ready-made pre-cooked food frequently is not good for health.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
14 Jan 11
You do a wise job of cooking fresh meals.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
Thank you dpk, actually here salami cheese and other sub products are more expensive and that's why i cook every day, because we don't eat the other things often. I let them stay for fast eating in the fridge, because i like to be able to take something from the fridge and to make sandwich from that.
@marguicha (219877)
• Chile
13 Jan 11
I cook everyday, be it a new thing or leftovers make from odds and ends in the fridge. But I still have cheese, hamm and all the to make sandwiches in case I don´t feel up to eat a normal meal. I also have lots of jams to use in different ways. I am always prepared for posible guests even if I live alone. Some niceties (like cheese and hams or salamis) help with an entree or a salad for visitors and pesto will be easy if I don´t have time to defrost meat. Risottos are easy for guests too. And you can put away part of those and reheat when needed
@marguicha (219877)
• Chile
13 Jan 11
I make jams on Summer and now that my children have their own homes they last all year (even if I give away most of it, specially to my children). My girls save the jars (I leave the smallest for me) and give me the sugar. I put the fruit, the work and the love.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
My mother is doing the same, but since we don't have trees in our own garden, our summer is getting heavy. She buys cucumbers, all products for that pickles i told you before in pm, pepper to make baked pepper in jars, tomatoes to make them in jars too, fruits to make with them not jam, but fruit juices with little fruits in every jar and it's getting so so expensive when she buys everything alone. I feel little guilty, because i couldn't send her some money for all products, but i won't make that mistake next summer. She make also one spice with carrots, parsley and celery and put it in very little bags in the freezer, so she got fresh carrots all year long, even in the winter when everything here is not produced in it's natural way.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
Thanks for that Marguicha, the answer is exactly to the topic. May be i wasn't right in my explanations if people took it more for the left overs than in sub products. I like keeping cheese and others in our fridge too and to cook every day. That's how i keep the sub products from milk or meat in the fridge for longer and we can use them in sandwiches or others. Great that you have jams. We had something like 5-6 jars from my mom, but finished them.
• United States
12 Jan 11
When my children were little I always had a refrigerator and freezer with all sorts of quick and easy items. I also cooked seven days a week so my children have experienced all the home cooking in ways that they will carry in their own families some day. Now that it is my boyfriend and I, we both do cooking almost everyday. There are days that we do have quick and simple sandwiches also. As being that it is he and I we have that flexibility. We both are very cautious not to waste as financially we are very skimpy. So it is great to be wise and not spend so much on restaurant food. We do from time to time, but are wise to be cautious.
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@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
I had same habit as your kids hun and believe me there is nothing more useful than that. There were times when my mom didn't have products for cooking, so i learned very good from her how i can save some money with my cooking. A lot of stews and other dishes, which are not so popular but tasty for eating. We don't go to restaurants too - too expensive for same food you can cook by yourself at home. There is no sense so much money to be spent. Thank you for sharing.
• United States
12 Jan 11
We are not real fond of leftovers in my house. There are only two of us so you'd think there wouldn't be too much left over but I guess I just cook too much at one time. My eating habits have changed drasticly lately. I used to eat a lot of meat but I find I don't care so much for it now. But I still cook the same way as before. My daughter takes a lunch to work so some of the leftovers get used that way. The rest of it usually goes to the dogs. They have to eat too, right? And it helps save on the cost of dog food. We like to keep ready to eat food in the fridge. I eat more of small bits at a time now and it's easier to just grab something fast that I don't have to cook. Also I have to take medication that needs food with it so someting quick and ready to grab is easier. We keep a lot of fruit on hand, that's quick and healthy for a small snack. I still cook every day. I think it's just habit sometimes. But it is cheaper to cook than it is to buy snacks and junk food. (but we still keep some of that stuff around)
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
I understand you really good CommonGround, i changed my eating habit lately too. I eat once a day and it's in diner time. Two slices bread with something cooked. We always got some left overs after cooking, because we are only two people at home and we can't finish whole cooked food at the day. Also for me that's cheaper a bit, because i save from electricity because we can eat same as i cooked last, without cooking again in the next afternoon.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
13 Jan 11
i will eat whatever is available inside my fridge first before i will cook again... i don't want to cook everyday if i can and it is a waste of money if the food turn bad because i cook too much... so my philosophy is, if i still have food in the fridge, i won't cook... also, i like to eat fresh food rather than left overs... so i prefer to cook little bit at a time... take care and have a nice day...
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
Thank you for sharing Lingli, we do the same here. When i cook and there are left overs, we finish them, but we live two people at home, so it's easy all left overs to be eaten at least on the next day.
@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
13 Jan 11
I always stock up my fridge and cuppards. We don't cook every night in my household sometimes we just vend for ourselfs because everyone works and nobody is home at the same time. I mostly just eat sandwhiches or cook lil meals thats enough just for me like mac n cheese, grilled cheese, noodles and sauce but sometimes i'll make a big meal too. I was never one to cook really and never learned how to but i'm slowly learning from my sister and I can say i'm starting to love to cook but i'm better at baking!
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
Cooking can be such fun and also it's kind of art for me. There are people who just has not the talent to mix foods. At the same time there are people who can work without recipes and cooking advices, they just start and finish successfully. I think that you will like it, specially when you learn to cook without someone's else tips. You will use more creativity and that's what is making our dishes tasty.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
14 Jan 11
Hi Suggar! I would say that I have both in my house. It is just me and my bf and he works in a College Cafeteria during the week and has most of his meals there. He even brings home some cooked meals so I have things to eat during the week. I usually do my cooking on the weekends. When I was working I used to cook on the weekends for the whole week so that I would just have to warm the food up when I got home from work. I also don't mind just having a sandwich or salad especially in the Summertime when it's really hot out. But, now during the Winter I like to make sure that we have hot meals everyday.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
14 Jan 11
It's so great when you are able to say - today i'm not going to cook, i'll take a rest day from that and will make sandwiches. I understand you very good.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
12 Jan 11
Hi Suggar, Cooked food in the fridge and warm it up and eat again something unfriendly for my bowel. Here we get vegetables I mean fresh ones. This is one advantage for that we do not have to get every edibles in the fridge. Recharters have found that cooking the major food item for each dinner should be must. The fridge items can get damaged easily though its outside looks fresh. Better if it is still possible to cook the every lunch and dinner is much better.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
13 Jan 11
Yes suggar, Even the vegetable kept in the cold storage does not last. You can use it better for preserving some other important items.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
Hello Kraji, i was taking more about sub products like cheese, salami, sausages and so on. Vegetables are impossible to stay fresh in fridge, but here they are expensive and as usual we are not so good with the money, so to buy them. I wish i could afford, even two times a week, but there is such problem right now, in the winter, when really a lot of vegetables are not fresh - they produce them not in natural way and i believe they are not so healthy that way. Thank you for sharing.
• India
13 Jan 11
Hi Suggar You will never find cooked food in our freeze, we eat warm, right from the oven, cooker or frying pan always, if some food is left we give to maid servant or cows.. my wife always cook daily fresh, my daughter in laws too do that by habit, by tradition lol.. Thank you so much. Professor ‘Bhuwan’. . God bless you. Welcome always.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
Thank you for your response Professor.
@calpro (930)
• India
13 Jan 11
Hi Suggar, I am from India and it is a tropical country. In India people cook food everyday, not once but twice minimum. Coming to my home my wife cooks food in the morning i.e for lunch and again in the evening for dinner. 99% of Indians have this practice. In the fridge maybe some fast food or sack or fruits for a quick munching but not for lunch and dinner. Also she prepares (cooks) breakfast every morning. Typically it is a healthy habit of cooking food and eating it fresh. Stocked and frozen food lose the nutrients required to the body. For Indians (South Indians) Rice is our staple food, and we also cook vegetables and soup and finally curd to mix with rice. After food it is personal choice whether to have fruits or not. Always better eat well cooked and home made food o stay healthy and keep fit. Happy Living Calpro
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
Thank you for sharing Calpro, our food here and specially the vegetables and fruits are not so fresh in the winter, so people don't buy them often. Here it cold and lots of vegetables and fruits has not grown in their natural way, but with the help of the producer, which means as example that cucumbers and tomatoes doesn't have taste at all in the winter. Instead of the taste the prices are large.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
12 Jan 11
We have no exact plan or routine when it comes to food, we have food in the fridge if you want to make a ready meal, we buy in the market if we want to eat fresh, vendors will pass by our place and wife will still buy food. She also recycles food because my mother taught her how to make entirely new dishes from leftovers, so delicious that you will no know that it was left over from another meal
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
True, true, true. I always keep in my fridge some mushrooms or other stuff in my freezer and refreeze little parts for different meals.
• United States
13 Jan 11
Hi, I usually go with something that is already prepared. When I get a chance I will cook. My family seems to enjoy it more. I also noticed that if you prepare food at home its usually a little cheaper on the wallet.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
Oh it is cheaper for sure friend, because in some restaurant or somewhere else you pay exact money for ready product like hamburger or hotdog, at home you can buy all the products for that same food but in double or more amount for the same money.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
12 Jan 11
I enjoy cooking but it is not something I need to do everyday. There comes a time when you have to clean out the leftovers.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
Left overs from cooking in our home can disappear really easy on the next day.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
12 Jan 11
It must be tough living in a place where there is not enough food or money to go around. I live in north america, and it is a bit different here. Although we have food in the fridge, but mostly it's from leftovers from everytime we cook. We do try to consume the food in the fridge by eating it in-between meals, or by just bringing it as packed-lunch to work.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
Cooked food if it stay to next day, i believe it can't be something not tasty. We do the same here, next day in the afternoon we finish everything cooked in the past day.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
12 Jan 11
It was always eating on Monday through Friday with leftovers on the weekend. With some obvious exceptions. Still, it is the way that I grew up and it is a traditional that really continues to this day. Whatever is left over from the week or whatever is in the fringe, basically fend for yourself. Unless we were having a cookout or something but that was rare.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 11
Great idea Matt, left overs for the weekend. We stay at home every day so i don't count the days so much, i know only which date it is, but don't know which day from the week.
@petersum (4522)
• United States
12 Jan 11
I cook most days, not everyday. My problem is not that there is bought food filling up the fridge, but rather left over plates and bowls of uneaten cooked food. My family eat like sparrows! It is very unusual for them to actually finish a dish in one sitting.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
12 Jan 11
Hello Peter, that's something else i hate too. I'm glad when i can fill the plates with food, but i don't like it when someone start eating and then stop in the middle of the plate. Same person could just say that he wants less food, because he will eat less food. Fortunately we are not that kind of people at home. If i can't eat what i put in my plate, i'll finish it later and my boyfriend loves my cooking, so he eat it as much as i put in his plate.
@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
12 Jan 11
Hi Suggar, Yes, I cook every day with rare exceptions. I like fresh food, prepare everything and sometimes put in the freezer, and when I need only put out the fire. That's a trick I learned from my mother, for example if I have a kilo of meat for kebabs hall, a whole boiled (after I made servings) with condiments and you have until soft and then in a freezer bag, you want to cook, remove,place in skillet and add onion, seasonings and let simmer together in May for taste and look so save time with the baby since I started this job too do not let me do anything.Today I make still have many things to do,I have not had the time (stay on mylot.:)) but I thawed out the white fish fillet and make it all the Tefal with boiled potatoes or rice for fish, I do not decided yet. May bag a salad that is customary with us and have ice cream dessert. Okay, the last day .....evening does not cook anything,usually something very easy to eat a sandwich, yogurt, soup or something sweet fruit. Well, I eat something and the rest of the day (almost always)that I'm hungry,but the point is not cooking, take the fridge to make my eye or I throw it in packages with biscuits, wafers, chips,chocolate (I always have a stock for emergencies).Ready.... to cook with me .. a good evening!:)
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
12 Jan 11
Good evening to you too hun. I'm doing the same. I buy big amount and use it for different dishes, on little parts, only for the taste of the dish, but i don't like empty fridges so i like to have something half or ready there for the moments, before cooking. Because usually i start cooking in the afternoon and whole day i can stay only with one coffee, but my boyfriend is getting hungry after the coffee and he needs something fast for eating.
@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
31 Mar 21
@Suggar Everyone has to do what they feel is right as far as filling up the frig or cooking a meal or doing both. I eat leftovers from my Jewish Sabbath meal on Friday and Saturday and still eat it on Sunday and Monday. What I buy at the store for the other days I eat so I eat leftovers and stuff from inside the refrig.