What is love when a man do violence to his girlfriend?

January 22, 2011 12:48am CST
Yesterday night, a man fight his girlfriend in their room. They closed the door so we can't do every thing for the girl. After he left, we care the girl with many injuries in her face and arm. We were known that that was not the first time he do violence to her. I wonder why she can stand up this thing? Why she don't leave him? Why he do this? And Is he love her? What is love when a man do violence to his girlfriend?
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12 responses
• United States
23 Jan 11
Well, a guy like the one you described could be under the influence of a mental disorder or something of that sort... Should you blame a sick man for coughing when he's come down with a cold? No, you should probably ensure he gets some medicine for his illness. Perhaps the same concept should apply to the situation you described... Make sure the guy gets some mental therapy or something. Then again, it could be something else. I don't know the circumstances, so I don't want to be unfair in what I say about him. That's kind of one of my philosophies, that one should know before judging. Don't get me wrong though, I don't support abuse in any shape, way, or form, but you know, there's a story behind everything...
• United States
23 Jan 11
Precisely! That's what I meant, and you are absolutely correct. The point I meant to convey was that we can't, or rather, 'shouldn't', just look at him and think of him as an evil person... The way our modern world seems to respond to these situations just seems so narrow-minded. You have to look at it from all perspectives, I think.
• United States
25 Jan 11
Excuse me? I have not been antagonising anyone or anything *at all* on this thread, or *ever* on MyLot. I suggest you take the time to read my posts and actually try to hear my point. To be blunt, I'm actually the one who feels antagonised right now. I would suggest you stop pointing fingers, because to be quite frank, I have had enough of getting on MyLot every day only to see your disparaging responses to my good-natured posts. Repeatedly, I have said this.... I am only elaborating my stances on certain things, and not even one thing I've said on this thread is in contradiction with any of the points that you people have made. I'm just pointing out certain ideas, positions, certain philosophies that I believe in, and nothing that I've said in this thread was inflammatory. I agree that this warrants law enforcement intervention. Did I ever say that it didn't?? No. *Repeatedly*, all I did was share some of my opinions on things related to the subject, and *nothing* I said was said in a harsh, rude, offensive, etc. tone. Let me be clear on this. NO. I NEVER said that the police should not be notified. I request that you stop *your* antagonising, as it really *is* quite offensive; offense taken. Don't read more into my posts than there is. I swear to everyone here- I've been polite on this thread, and really, nothing I said was really very controversial, as long as you take the time to actually understand what I'm trying to say, instead of playing the blame game and pointing fingers and heaping fault on me. I regret to say this, but I seriously feel taken aback right now at how you repeatedly target me. I *do* feel quite antagonised right now. Good day to you.
• Vietnam
24 Jan 11
I don't think the guy could be under the influence of a mental disorder. It's only his character. When he has an argue, he can't control his actions. It's very dangerous for girls for a long time.
@annie_ako (102)
• Philippines
23 Jan 11
yeah!! there's no reason for that boy to be loved.. and if he really love that girl, he will do things for their relationship to grow no to hurt the girl and feel sorry for herself.. and for the girl, we cannot question her why she was still let her BF do that for her.. 'coz we don't know wat love means to her.. but for me, love does'nt mean sacrifice..it does'nt need some sacrifices just for you to be loved but instead love one another without hurting each other..love the girl the way she loves you.. :)
• Vietnam
24 Jan 11
I don't think that there is sacrifice in this situation, only there is stand up. I hope that the girls can leave this actions as soon as possible. This is the best for her.
• Vietnam
25 Jan 11
I wish there are not any women sacrifice following this way.
• Philippines
24 Jan 11
maybe you can't see the sacrifice that i mean.. even you say that its better for that girl to leave that action, if that girl really love that boy, she can't leave him and just forget him again and again..and that's the sacrifice that i said.. hmp..:)
@skysuccess (8858)
• Singapore
22 Jan 11
tkonlinevn, I am shocked with what this girl's neighbor including you when the least one of you could have called the police. I am sorry but this is not a debate of love and a life is at stake. No one has any prerogative or right to lay hands on any one and when such outbreak of violence happens, you call the police irregardless if this is just some private domestic dispute and let them (police) determine that it is alright. I do not have to tell you that some of these outbreaks can result in fatalities where people especially the oppressed will get killed. So, don't wait and you will be doing this girl a great favor.
• United States
23 Jan 11
I give credit to you for not discerning male/female in this instance, as it's somewhat irrelevant, in my opinion. I don't quite like the sexist notions of people being against domestic abuse and violence solely for the reason that there is a female involved. Please notice that I said 'solely'. That shouldn't be someone's only reason to be concerned about a situation like that... It's a human thing... You are right when you say "No one" has any right to harm another... We seem to think these days that it's just males that shouldn't be allowed to harm females... What about male-male violence? Female-male violence? Society favours females so much in instances like these, when there are male victims too. That's just my opinion....
• United States
24 Jan 11
I don't understand what you guys are saying??? I'm not arguing or debating about anything, just elaborating on my stance on certain things. I never agreed or disagreed with anything said in any of anyone's posts... I don't see what the fuss is about...
• Vietnam
24 Jan 11
Hi skysuccess, I like your response. Yes, we didn't call police. Because we don't know any things until we talked to the girl. I agree with you that the girl can be dangerous if we don't intervene in time. Women should be protected in this the same situation. The matters which phr4nkr4wk5 tell are logic. But I don't want to say in this discussion. We maybe say about them in an other occasions. agree?
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
23 Jan 11
There is no love when there is an anger. Love is always a love which show care and respect...
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
25 Jan 11
Well, if you really concerned about your friend. You need to talk the guys to stop doing it with your friend...
• Vietnam
24 Jan 11
This is only right on theory. Therefore I get furious about the guy but I think that he still love the girl. He always regret about himself action to his girlfriend. I only want him stop to fight her.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
23 Jan 11
Actually in that kind of action is not love in the part of the guy but love in the part of the lady because she endure sacrifices. We are commonly adviced that she should be left such guy but we don't know yet what was the real story why doing that to her. I'm not depending the guy may be he was his character but what if something deeper that the lady done. What do you think? see you around
• Vietnam
24 Jan 11
There are no reason in order that the guy can fight the girl. If the girl is wrong, he can talk to her, to leave her etc...but not fight.
@shrijsr (574)
• Bangalore, India
22 Jan 11
Hi there, thats so rude of that guy to behave in such a manner. I don't really understand why such people tend to have someone with them who can't at least be without hurting the girl even if they are not pampering her! Well, from the girls point of view, Kudos to her. The girl is standing all these violence only for one reason! LOVE! Love for that same guy who hurts her physically and mentally! I don't think she will leave him for this and move out, its just that, she know something more about him(good thing about him) that she has seen in him, sees in him and that makes her stay with him even if things are not actually going well! But, i must say, that girls tolerance has really touched heights! I hope the guy understands the girl well and be happy with her! I'm really happy to see such girls still living here and there while everyone break up for silly reasons these days! She really inspires me! Thanks for sharing!
• Vietnam
24 Jan 11
hi Shrijsr, I think that you should listen to what Rebecca said. I know that the guy is not bad, but doing violence to woman is ugly. And this can become a habit. Why the girl must stand up this thing when she can escape it? She would live better if she wants. Don't anybody was fight other people, special it's a woman!
@shrijsr (574)
• Bangalore, India
24 Jan 11
Yeah yeah, I agree guys! But it was just my opinion about it! May be i can listen to you just in case I will have to face such a thing, which I am very sure that I will never come across. All by god's grace! :)
@yogeshdhusa (2236)
• India
22 Jan 11
I think ask her why does she stand with that? i feel she is just behind her and he is not into her. Ask her to find if he really loves her. Does she feel insecure that he will leave her then that is the reason of the fight. I can say that they should both talk out the problem, if not at the end he might just kill because of angry.
• Vietnam
24 Jan 11
We ask her about the reasons which are very small. She said that she wants to abandon him, but she can't. Because after all things, he again sorry her. He begged her forgiveness.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
23 Jan 11
I can never understand how a woman could put herself in that situation again and again. If he hit her once he will do it over and over. If it is a show of love, then it is the sick kind. Another thing I can never understand, is how the woman can feel she deserved it. Even pets don't deserve to be beaten like some women are.
• Vietnam
24 Jan 11
Yes, these are what I'm wondering. If I'm her, I'll reaction then, I'll ask helpfulness from my friends, my family or women organizes in my local.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
3 Feb 11
That is not love anymore. That's being martyr :( The girl should really be leaving that guy and should not let love prevail. She should think of her own safety and not just because she feel love toward the guy doesn't mean she has to sacrifice his life for love.
@rjjavier (42)
• Philippines
22 Jan 11
i have experienced that kind of guy. well, i think he really loves her but thats the only way he can express himself,i learned that people like him are less confident with themselves and the only way thay can express their masculinity or being the ;person who manage the relationship is through violence.as for the girl..she's afraid of him..or rather she's hoping that someday that guy will change eventually. i left him because he's abusing me..and i cant take it anymore that even my parents and relatives got angry because of him.he brainwashed my family, my friends that i was the one who has problems.
• Vietnam
24 Jan 11
Maybe you're right. But I feel in a high dudgeon about this thing. I hope that there are not many people to express theirself by violence.
22 Jan 11
we can see this type of voilance against womens . men will change their loved onece any time . but women are not like that. once they love one person means they can't change them. i love my husband very much . i cant fight with him even if he commite any mistakes or do any harm to me .thats women.
• Vietnam
24 Jan 11
I don't understand you. Why can't we change the husband if we must stand many violence from him? No one has power to make injuries other person. Even that's husband or wife! If your husband fight you, you should have the legit reactions or to ask helpful from women organize or family. You shouldn't stand up.
@Marmot (590)
• United States
23 Jan 11
I resist violence. However, some times violence between lovers does not mean they don't love each other anymore. It is just a way to abreact emotions. although one of them may get hurt slightly, they are still in love. But, if there always occur violence between two people, I doubt if they are in love with each other.
• Vietnam
24 Jan 11
Yes,you're right. But violence is not frequently between lovers. This can make love be eroded day by day.