Bullying?...is it that serious?

@lady1993 (27224)
January 27, 2011 9:02pm CST
I've never really seen bullying in real life. When I was little some people did make me cry or hurt me a bit but it wasn't that serious...No one really bullied anyone to the point that they committed suicide. I just saw bullying in movies and heard some in the news. Why do some people bully other? Does it make them feel better? If someone was bullied would you help them? Is there bullying in you school?
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9 responses
@marguicha (221915)
• Chile
28 Jan 11
Although I think that there has always been a social behaviour that we can call bullying, there are factors now that make it worse than what it was some time ago. There is more violence in what children see in TV and they are generally less protected by their parents because both of them must work. Schools have changed too as now teachers don´t have the authority that they once had. Children have been given a lot of rights but they are not taught about using their freedom. If they traspass their line, they are not letting the other have his own freedom. As long as there´s noone to teach that, bullying will be an issue.
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• United States
28 Jan 11
Everyone in my neighborhood grew up with each other and knew each other very well. because of this, i never saw that much bullying in my life. Some people might bully other people because they are insecure about themselves and bullying deflects attention of their flaws to others. I never saw someone get bullied personally so i'm not sure if i would help. For some reason, verbal and physical bullying is not seen as much now as cyberbullying.
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@chitchat (179)
• United States
28 Jan 11
People bully other people because they are unhappy and they want others to feel unhappy too. Somehow in their own lives, bullies feeled bullied themselves--physically, emotionally. In order to gain some control in all of this, they bully others. It makes them feel better but not for long because they don't bully someone once, it's a constant, consistent act. You hear about those kids who hate going to school because they are constantly being threatened by one of their peers. When I was younger, bullying was never as serious as what the news has been showing lately. Are kids getting meaner? Or is coverage on this topic just increasing? These days, there are so many ways to bully a person thanks to the internet so it magnifies everything that much more. I think bullies need to get help for their anger and self-hatred.
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@sender621 (14894)
• United States
28 Jan 11
I have seen bullying in school in action. I never took it that seriously. I am sure there were times when I should have. Bullying can get out of control and people can be hurt. I suppose bullies feel powerful and good about themselves when they torment people who can't stand up to them. i wonder how bullies would feel if the shoe was on the other foot?
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
28 Jan 11
I been bullied by my senior in the primary school, he slap me on my face and ran away. I was stun by the sudden attack and cry. Later I report it to my teacher in-charge and the senior have got punished in from of all the students.
@hlgmdt (300)
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
Bullying has been a serious topic even among psychologists and child development experts. They say that bullying could be some form of displaced aggression. The bully child may be a victim of abuse at home but is helpless in the face of his parents or the aggressors, so in school, he tries to act as if he had the power. Bullying could be a result of emotional issues such as insecurity, low self-esteem, and jealousy.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
28 Jan 11
Wow, you're the luckiest person I have ever read. Also, you're the first person who I see saying that has never seen real bullying in real life. Unfortunately, where I come from, it's really common, and teachers usually just ignore the bullying, or even make it worse. In my school there was a lot of bullying, and teachers would even scold the bullied kids if they tried to cry for help, probably for not to get involved. If someone tried to help, just more bullying happened. I don't understand either why kids are so horribly cruel, but I hope that people who bully receive the same traumatic experience later in their lifes so they understand how horrible is what they did.
@topffer (42156)
• France
28 Jan 11
I have never seen bullying at school, but I saw hazing -- it is forbidden today -- which was a sort of ritual in some colleges/great school/universities, and it was not always fun . It was intended as a sort ritual of integration and was lasting a few days max, but these days were difficult to live, so I can understand the feelings of people bullied. I think that bullying has to be taken seriously, and stopped as soon as possible. Whipping boy is no more a job today.
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
This thing really happens. Some are serious that it destroys life and family. I've seen a lot but thanks the victim was rescued early and the damage has been limited. We all, parents, teachers, students should be aware of this bad thing so that we can do positive actions against it and generally put a stop on it!