wedding Chapels in prisons

United States
February 3, 2011 6:13pm CST
People in prison get married in wedding chapels that are in the prison to people they already Knew before going to prison and to people that they meet after they are in prison Do you think prisons should allow or not allow prisoners to get married while they are in prison?
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11 responses
@birdie816 (1276)
• United States
4 Feb 11
wow that is just plain crazy. i didn't even know that such a thing existed..i definately don;t think there should be chapels in prison for marriage. i mean, it's kinda like a courthouse wedding (which is what i had) and i am not in prison, so i don't know why a prisoner should be able to get married the same way a girl has not even come close to breaking the law ever really. that is messed up that they are offering that luxury to prisoners. that just doesn't seem fair right there..but also i dont think they should be able to get married at all. prison is supposed to be a punishment and i don't see marriage as a punishment so i dont know why they should be able to do it
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
4 Feb 11
birdie816, You said that you don't see marriage as a punishment. It isn't supposed to be, but I think that is why so many marriages end in divorce. How much do you want to bet that a marriage that takes place in a prison will end in divorce? I'm pretty sure it will.
• United States
4 Feb 11
I think it will too. Most of the time as soon as a prisoner gets out of prison they wouldn't need who they married any longer and if they do they will have problems getting a long if they never lived together before prison. You find out a lot about a persons habits if you can stand living with them after you live with them.
• United States
4 Feb 11
Thank you for commenting. I feel the same way as you. I don't see that it is taking a way their human rights because they always can wait to do it when they get out if they love each other enough so it takes away the situations of prisoner marrying people so they can use who they are marrying to make it easier in there and in some cases to have someone help them break out.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
4 Feb 11
I always thought a prison was supposed to be a place people go when they are being punished. I don't think it is right that they should have all the same rights as law abiding citizens and that should include marriage. If a wedding had been planned prior to entering prison, it could be delayed until after release. If a person meets someone while in prison, they could get to know each other, but they should not be allowed to be married because they really could not live together. I don't know of any prison that has men and women in the same cell and that shouldn't happen.
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• United States
4 Feb 11
Thank you for commenting.I don't think it hurts the rights of people to have to wait to get married after-wards. If they love each other enough the love won't go away after-wards and they can get married then and a paper isn't going to change their relationship any. Not in all cases but there is some prisoners that take advantage of people that they meet while they are in prison making them think that they love them so they will have someone to give them money for things to buy in prison , have someone to visit them and in some cases to help them break out of prison. I don't think there is prisons that have both woman and men in them but they meet them from them visiting other prisoners or online or through mail.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
4 Feb 11
I agree with daeckardt...they shouldn't have all the rights as law abiding people do. However, they do. My son works a jail and I am shocked at what criminals are "allowed" to do or have. Plus, why would anyone want to marry someone in jail? If they will be getting out soon, wait and have an nice wedding with all the trimmings. If they are in for life...what's the point of marrying them? They'll never be able to have the benefits of marriage so why bother? However, as I think about it... I guess if they get married while IN jail, the state pays for their wedding. IF they wait till they get OUT of jail...they have to pay for their own.
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• United States
4 Feb 11
Thank you Coffebreak for commenting. I agree with you and daeckardt it doesn't make sense on why they can do that. Coffebreak, I bet you hear lots of interesting stories from your son working at the jail.
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@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
4 Feb 11
In essence, prisons were set up to reform people. Not deprive them of their life. But I guess this is no longer the case since crimes people have done are becoming more and more hideous. Still, we mustn't lose sight of the objective of at least trying to reform those who erred in their ways. Chapels are there to help in their reformation, and allowing prisoners to get married is one good step in achieving such.
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@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
4 Feb 11
Yes, there are prisoners that really would take advantage of any situation. And it is also possible that the marriage is part of an elaborate plan to break out of prison. It's really hard for we're just second-guessing people and I don't think even an Einstein can predict for certain what people are gonna do.
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• United States
4 Feb 11
Thank you for commenting. I believe differently but that is why I like doing these discussions is to get different opinions. It is very interesting to know how people feel about different subjects.I feel that it doesn't deprive them because they can still do it when they get out if they do get out. I feel if they love each other enough the love will still be there when the prisoner gets out. To me it wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't so much situations and this doesn't always happen but there is some prisoners that take advantage of people and get married so the person thinks that they love them so they can have a better time in prison by having a visitor, someone that will bring them money to buy things in prison and in some cases someone to help them break out.
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• United States
4 Feb 11
Thank you for replying back to me. Yes no one knows. Every prisoner is different on what kind of person they are some are there for pettier crimes then others and some are innocent and really good people but I still feel that it wouldn't hurt them any to wait until they get out to get married , if they get to get out. Have a good day.
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• Philippines
4 Feb 11
I think they have the right to marry anyone they want anytime they choose to. For me marriage doesn't have to be grand. At least their love is getting blessed with the ceremony. It's a profession of a couple's love for each other and to have it in prison just shows that their love can surpass anything no matter what situation they have or they were in.
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• United States
4 Feb 11
Thank you for commenting. I think differently then you do on this situation but I appreciate your ideas. That's why I like doing discussions is to get peoples different ideas about things. I believe that if they love each other that it can wait until after they get out of prison and It would take a way the situations of prisoners using there companions to have an easier time in prison on having someone to visit them, having someone give them money to buy things in prison and in some cases to help them break out of prison. I know that not all prisoner would do that and some prisoners are innocent and are in prison for petty crimes but I feel it doesn't hurt them not to get married.
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@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
4 Feb 11
Being in prison could result in cutting off some of your constitutional rights but still maintaining some. The right to freedom in religion and to be wed is one of those maintain. A prison is a place for reform, religion reform a person, so I think a chapel inside a prison is a way of reforming a law offender. The right to love and be loved is still intact and I think there's nothing wrong in getting wed inside a prison wall!
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• United States
4 Feb 11
EdnaReyes and Robynleemillerloves thank your for commenting. I don't believe the way you two do but everyone believes differently about different things.That is why I like having discussions is to get different peoples opinions about things. I believe if they love each other so much they can wait until the person gets out of prison . I believe the way you two do on some people are in prison for petty crimes and are innocent but there is lots of situations where the prisoner wants the other person to think they love them so they get married to them so they can use that person into having someone to visit them , bring money to them so they can buy things they want and in some cases to help them break out. I know that this is in some cases but a lot of this goes one. I feel if they really love each other a lot they can wait to get married after the prisoner gets out of prison. Have a good day!
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4 Feb 11
I couldnt have put it better myself!:)
4 Feb 11
Hi.Interesting topic.I think they should be able to.Not all people are guilty or they have been arrested for petty crimes.Not all criminals are so hard up.I believe they should allow them to get married.Who knows-they might find someone worth fighting for and become a better person.Everyone has an impact on our lives in one way or another.;)
• United States
6 Feb 11
Thank you for your opinion. I commented more to you on the comment you said before this comment. Have a good weekend!
@nyka08 (403)
• Philippines
4 Feb 11
i think they should still allow prisoners to get married. even if they have committed serious crimes, they still have their rights as humans. and i don't think genuine love is a mistake. if those people really do have feelings and love one another, it's their right to get married if they wanted to. we are not in the position to judge how they feel. as long as they are doing it the right way and in accordance to the law, i think there's nothing wrong with prisoners getting married.
• United States
4 Feb 11
Thank you for commenting. I don't agree with how you feel but that is why I do these discussions is to get to know how people feel about different situations. It is very interesting to me on how people feel about different situations and everyone is different.I feel that if they love each other a lot they always can wait until they get out of prison if they do get to get out. It would prevent a lot of situations to where prisoners want their companion to think that they love them so they can have a visitor, money to buy things in prison and in some cases to help them break out of prison. I know that there is some prisoners in prison that are in there for petty crimes and innocent people that might not do that we don't know for sure but I don't feel it hurts them to not be able to get married in there.
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@shaggin (74023)
• United States
4 Feb 11
That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. When people are in jail they are being punished for a crime. Being allowed to marry someone when they are in jail is absurd. They should have to wait to do anything like that until they are out of jail. As far as I am concerned if they are in jail they should lose all their rights.
• United States
4 Feb 11
Thank you for commenting. I think they shouldn't be able to get married either. If there love is so great it can wait until they get out and if they are never going to get out whats the use and prisoners most of the time that marry people while they are there to people they met while they were there through the mail, internet or them visiting someone else is usually just uses them, will marry them to build there trust up so they can have them visit them, give them money to buy things at the prison and in some cases help them break out.
• United States
4 Feb 11
NO, I DO NOT. i THINK THEY HAVE LIFE TOO EASY TO START with. They live alot better than alot of folks that have done nothing to be in prison for just having a hard time financially or whatever.
• United States
4 Feb 11
Thank you for commenting. That is how I feel. I don't think it takes away much of their human rights because they still can do it when they get out. If they love each other enough they can still do it then and there would be less prisoners marrying people just so they can trick that person into thinking that they love them so they can get a visitor,money to buy things that they need in prison and in some cases someone to help them break out because of brain washing their companion.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
4 Feb 11
I don't think that there should be weddings while people are in prison either. I think that is a time when people are supposed to be taken away from the normal ways of life to pay for whatever crime they have committed. I did see something on TV where they were talking about it being a way to help with their reform though. It was talking about a prisoner that had worked their way to a trusted position and how he wanted to change his life and get married so that when he got out, he would be a husband..etc etc. They were saying that it give him something to look forward to and therefore he was working to be a better person. I don't know about all that. Seems like a promise to be married once he got out would be enough to make him want to do better. No...I don't think marriage in prisons are ok.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
5 Feb 11
I agree with that too unless it is is a circumstance where he is never going to get out. I think he should be present though.
• United States
4 Feb 11
@JenInTN, I agree. I don't think they should either. I believe if they want to get married they always can do it after they get out. @The_Lamb_Has_Arisen I think you are right there too. It should depend on the situation though because it wouldn't be right for the spouse that divorces the prisoner to get her way about how the divorce should go just because her husband is in prison. They should have to wait until their husband is out of prison because if they start having marital problems the spouse can wait until they get out to divorce them unless they are never going to be out anyways then they should be able to divorce them since they will never get out anyways. Not being able to get married while a person is in prison would help that too because what if the person that marries the prisoner in prison finds out that the prisoner wasn't what they thought that they were a bad person after all. If you couldn't get divorced until they get out that would mess up that persons life but wouldn't if they weren't allowed to get married in the firs place.
• United States
4 Feb 11
Like I said it depends on the situation if they should be able to divorce the prisoner or not. In a situation where the spouse tried to kill them is why they were in prison I feel they should be able to divorce them then or in other situations like that.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
4 Feb 11
Everyone deserves a chance at love and happiness. Criminals should have to be no exception to this. I think that taxpayers' money can go to a better use than wedding chapels in prisons. If finding love and marriage in prison will turn someone's life around and help them to be a better person, we should not discourage it.
• United States
4 Feb 11
Thank you for giving your opinion. It is cool to know the different opinions people have on different subjects. I feel that if they loved each other enough they could always get married after they got out. I don't think it would hurt them to much to have to wait. I think it would keep the number down on some prisoners tricking the other person in to thinking that they love them by getting married to them so they can have a better time in prison by having a visitor, having money giving to them to buy things in prison and in some cases someone to help them break out. I know that not everyone that wants to get married in prison uses people that way and some prisoners are there for petty crimes or are innocent but I don't think it would hurt them to wait until they got out to be married if they loved the person so much.