What have you done with the toys?

@eileenleyva (27560)
February 6, 2011 5:24am CST
I just watched the third part of the Toy Story series, the Disney/Pixar animation about Woody, Buzz, and Andy. My daughters are the same age with Andy, and when the first Toy Story came out, I was playing with Potato Head, Barbie, and many other toys with my two girls. Now both are all grown up and one is actually graduating from college in April. Andy had passed on his toys to a child who knows how to take care of her toys. And that got me to thinking that I should pass on our Barbie(s) and Ken(s), and all the other toys to the less fortunate children. Have you done the same thing? If not, what have you done with the toys?
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22 responses
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
12 Feb 11
hi eileen, surely it is the right thing to do. that way you and your daughters can make other children happy. but of course, i know you will keep those that you love most and has sentimental value. have a nice day. ann
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• United States
10 Feb 11
I still have some of my Barbies, they are in a drawer, but they are in good condition and in safe keeping. I still have many of my Marvel action figures.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
9 Feb 11
Many of the toys that my daughter is playing with now are toys that belonged to me when I was a young girl. However, there were others of my toys that I did decide to give to other people that weren't as lucky as my family was. I had a younger sister growing up and because of that many of my toys were passed on to her. Then, by the time that she had outgrown them, I was already thinking about having a family of my own. Now, with my own children, I encourage them to pass on their toys to children that don't have any as they outgrow them.
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@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
8 Feb 11
I've thrown away all my toys. I might have given away some to my neighbours but definitely not all of them. I had my toys with me till i'm about 13 before i decide to get rid of them, I don't have much toys to start with, so whatever i can share with my brother, is limited. With that, toys which i can't share with my brother are thrown away.
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• Philippines
8 Feb 11
I am also a grown up and I have lot's of toys. I decided to throw it away or give it the kids. However, my mom decided to keep the toys. So, the toys is just inside our basement, hidden in the dark.
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@margeryann (1845)
• United States
8 Feb 11
My one son is 20 years old now and he still has all of those toy story toys and lots of other toys packed. He is planning on letting his kids when he has some see what they look like and see the movie so they can see what he liked when he was little.
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@ArsonCuff (3114)
• United States
7 Feb 11
I have no idea what happened with my toys, but I wish I had them, not that I would keep them for memories or anything, I'd sell them because He-man and transformer are worth some moolah!
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@nyka08 (403)
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
when i was a kid, i had lots of toys. toys that i've got from my birthday, from Christmas and even toys that i get as rewards for having good grades at school. and now that i'm all grown up, i have no use for my toys. so i've decided to pass them on to my younger siblings and cousins. for some toys, i've given them to less fortunate children as well. but for toys that i have special attachment to or toys that have sentimental value to me, i've kept them on display in my room. :-)
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
7 Feb 11
thats the sweetest movie ever! i love how andy gave them away. my mom kept a few of mine and now of course they are antiques (lol - just kidding!) but certainly vintage. my daughters are 13 and 17 and have gotten rid of most of their stuff. they have just kept their toys that mean the most to them (like the bratz doll named 'leah' because that is her name) that sort of thing.
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@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
7 Feb 11
Haha Eileenleyva this past Christams they went to the less fortunate children, too. Blessings! ... Dainy
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@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
7 Feb 11
I think we gave it away to other children, family friends, etc. I also remember selling them at a garage sale. I wonder what they're all doing now.
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@minnie15 (143)
• United States
7 Feb 11
I usually keep the ones that my child really played with...the ones that ment a lot to her. The rest I give to those who are less fortunate.
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@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
6 Feb 11
mine are in a very wet room so I think in few years they won't exist anymore! lol not my two most important toys are very old and dirty but they are with me, i'm keeping they safe cause they were very special
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• Portugal
7 Feb 11
Yes, I gave them all away.. It was a start to my man hood, I was turning into a man and I had no use for toys. So I gave it to kids that still are enjoying their childhood. :) God Bless
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
6 Feb 11
I also kept alot of my kids' toys...and now the grandkids play with them..my little granddaughter just loves reading the books her daddy read...she loves playing with his lincoln logs...and loves all the other cars etc that belonged to him...I am so glad I kept them.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
6 Feb 11
I didn't have anything from my childhood once I got older. All was sold or gave away. I had nothing to pass to my children. I only remmeber one doll I had and I know I had more..just can't remember, its been so long ago! So I didn't want that to happen to my kids, so I saved many of their favorite things for them..for them to keep themselves for memories now or for passing on to their children now. I just took out a set of 3' tall Raggedy Ann/Andy rag dolls I made for my son on his 5th Christmas (Santa Gifts, waiting under the tree for him! His favorite comfort toy was Raggedy Andy...I just added the Ann to keep the"family" together!) I just got them out and gave them to his daughter for her 5th birthday. She loves them!
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• Mexico
6 Feb 11
Hi eileen leyva: Most of my toys were given to my little cousins but I don't know what happend to them. Maybe they're too old so I think they're just trash now . However I like the message of the film: we should try to reuse the things that we don't need. It's a good action and at the same time it helps our planet to control the number of things that we consider trash and the production of new industrila toys. ALVARO
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@kingparker (9673)
• United States
6 Feb 11
Usually I would simply donate them to the charity, or the salvation army. They have those donation boxes all around those shopping centers nearby, so, I simply pass around there, and drop those toys into one of those boxes. That is what I would do, at least they are in good condition, and I don't have to dump them into trash can.
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@rameshchow (4426)
• India
6 Feb 11
Actually i am busy with my college life(mostly). But we have children in my home(my brother's sons). I will play with them, i will tell stories and tails to them. But i never tried as you said. have a nice day dosth(friend).
• Lithuania
6 Feb 11
Well I have my all toy in the box which is in my boxroom. I hope I will open it when I`l be 60 years old and remember good old times. :)
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