2011..........so far a lousy year!

Regina, Saskatchewan
February 6, 2011 3:26pm CST
I had high hopes for this year. We are barely into February and already this year has gone to hell in a hand basket. Most of you know my hubs is facing hernia surgery any day. While he waits for the call from hospital that a bed is available, he is down south working his butt off to make enough money that we won't starve while he is off work as he doesn't qualify for any kind of sick leave benefits and we will have to live on what he earned in January, and whatever days he can get in during February. But on top of that, I've just learned that the hubs was in the hospital emergency last night and has been diagnosed with, as he put it, 'a touch of angina'. Not good. He is stubborn and refuses to leave work until the hernia surgery, but now I am doubly worried about him. His time off could be extended from the expected 6 to 8 weeks, to months. The only upside to that is, if he is off longer because of his heart, then eventually we will be able to collect disability benefits. Doesn't help in the short term when the money will really be needed though. And to top all that off, we are putting the house back on the market AGAIN, this year. It HAS to sell this year. The hubs HAS to quit the oilfields before he kills himself with over work and strain. But that's not an option as long as we live where we do, carrying the debt load we have. Selling the house will change all that. We'll be able to move to a larger town where he can start his own business and be home every night, get our debts paid, and live mortgage free. We are not high maintenance people and can live quite happily on what his business would bring in. We can't do that where we are now so this house HAS to get sold. I won't even bother to complain about the excess snow we have received since Christmas, or the rise in food and gas prices etc., etc. They all really pale in comparison to what is happening to my hubs. Sometimes you just want to bay at the moon, you know? I've been married to this man for only 6 years and we've had our wonderful ups and terrible downs. We get to see each other for barely 3 days out of every month and that alone can strain a marriage to it's limits, though I believe in our case, it was the saving of us. Heart trouble is rampant in my hubs family and the symptoms he is now suffering are, to me, terrifying, coupled with the fear of an embolism which is a real possibility according to the doctors. Because of where he is and the weather, I have to carry this burden alone, as he does because we can't get to each other. So. How's your year been so far?
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28 responses
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
6 Feb 11
Oh Sparks, I so much wished we lived closer to each other so we could be there for each other. We both have so much going on that is similar. I still have you and your hubby in my prayers. This year has been really rough for us as well. You know last year was not good for you or us and this year must get better for both of us. We are financially in about the same boat as you two are in. My hubby is not the one that has the bad health it's me. Oh he has some problems, but I'm the one that has the worst ones. The thing is he is gone all the time and I'm left alone for the most part. He is gone for about 2 months or longer and comes home for about a week and is gone again. Sometimes he is gone for 3 months or more before he can come home. If we could get out of debt that would be a great blessing. It's bad enough just having the normal monthly bills that are beyond what one check is at times, (when he comes home) when he comes home it's without pay. So that hurts and sets us back. We get 2 checks a month. I have cut back, and then cut back some more. I can not find anything to cut back on anymore. It's so hard on everyone these days. I clip coupons, I do all I can to make things stretch. This is already a rough year. Yes, and I wonder...will it get any better?
5 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Feb 11
I wished we lived closer to each other too Moonbeam. We would be a great support to each other. I know you've been ill, and so have I. This getting old business really sucks! Right now though, my focus is on the hubs. He is SO stubborn and like most men, figures if you ignore the problem it will go away.............but I know it won't and will be SO glad to finally get him into the hospital for a proper check up though it could mean an extension of his time off and no income. So I'll make you a deal. You cast a spell for me and mine and I'll cast one for you and yours. Candles are already lit....................
5 people like this
• United States
6 Feb 11
You got a deal, although I was already going to do that...lol My hubby is the same way. He had a minor skin irritation and some chest pain...he kept putting it all off. I told him go see the dr. he said, I'll be alright... Now the skin problem is all over his body just about and extremely bad. His pain in chest is worry...stuff like that. I have tuns of stuff for my rituals and will get started right away.
4 people like this
• United States
6 Feb 11
Both of u ladies are in my thougts & prayers. love & hugs to both of u.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
7 Feb 11
Hi Sparks. I'm so very sorry to hear about all this! Trouble always seems to trip over trouble, then more trouble comes along and trips over that. I wish the very best for you and yours and hope your hubs is well soon and you can sell that house this year! Sadly, your problems seem very similar to ours here in this house. I started it off last year in September with cervical spine surgery because of a herniated disc that was crushing the nerve to my right arm. They went in through the front of my neck so now I have a pretty, new scar. Then, food began getting stuck in my esophagus once a week or so, lower down than where the scar is so that had nothing to do with it. I had some procedures done and it turns out that I have a hiatal hernia with esophageal stricture. The stricture is scar tissue caused by stomach acid which is weird because I've never suffered terribly with acid reflux. Anyway, they stretched my esophagus so I'm good to go for at least a year, then I may need to have this done again. They told me, every one to five years. Fun, eh? THEN, my husband is going to the hospital tomorrow morning for his spine surgery. His is his lumbar spine, though, not quite as serious as mine was but, still, he's a nervous wreck right now. OH! I almost forgot, IRS has put a lien on our house because of owed taxes that my husband was SUPPOSED to take care of almost a year ago but never did. If we give them $41,000.00, they'll take the lien off our house or, if we miss one of the newly-established payments, they'll freeze our bank accounts. Fun, huh? Maybe 2011 will end just opposite of the way it has come in? Wouldn't that be wonderful?!?! So, I have to agree with you. 2011....... so far, a lousy year.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Damn woman, it never rains but it pours eh? I often wonder just how far 'rock bottom' really is cause it seems you think you've hit it and then the bottom drops out once again! So next full moon, I'll be in my yard baying my little heart out for you and me and everyone else who is having a lousy 2011!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
I'm more worried about my regular/auto monthly payments than food Louie. It would SO mess us up if they went into default. Thank god we don't live on credit! Love you too, to the moon and back dear friend.
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
7 Feb 11
Hey Girls, Just remember if things get worse, or doesn't get better, there is help out there. Daffy, I know you are in Canada but I'm sure there must be financial and food banks. Anyway, it is very hard to drop our egos and pride but sometimes you have to. We lost our jobs between 3/10 and 6/10. It took 4 years and a lot of begging on the phone and tears to find that help. Here in the states we have legal sevices who can get you started. Marty, you should find the local Legal service about your Taxes. Well hubby and I are both on disability. Hubs mainly with his COPD but also his heart. I've got a whole list that I won't bore you with. If you have any questions please email me. Be strong. And never forget that you are capable of doing anything. Love you both, Leenie
2 people like this
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
6 Feb 11
I am worried about you both I tried to ring you but you must have been away from the phone please keep me updated no matter what You know how dear you are both to me Well my year has not been to great but I am more concerned about you both
4 people like this
• United States
6 Feb 11
Has Gissi seen the doctor yet? Is he any better? I hope he is better even a little....
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Feb 11
Hi sweets. Sorry about the phone, but I'm not answering it unless it's the hubs.... You have enough to worry about with Gissi, so you concentrate on him and don't worry about me and the hubs. I'm sure we'll get through this. We've gotten through worse! It's just that until he's checked out thoroughly, I'm not in the mood to talk.............just write. lol And of course I'll keep you updated. No worries. Love you.
4 people like this
• United States
6 Feb 11
All my faves in one discussion, sorry about the circumstances. Want u all to keep me updated. love to all.
4 people like this
• United States
8 Feb 11
So sorry to hear all this Sparks, yes it seems like the pit's this year for us too. Larry has had half his foot removed at New Years, but Praise God, his leg was saved by the healing powers of Jesus, and the wisdom given to a Plastic Surgeon in Wake Forrest, NC who has invented a pump type machine that takes the infection out of wounds by suction. The surgeon say's it is a miracle, he had expected to have to go back and do a below the knee amputation, but so far, so good. Praise God. Now back to your hubby. He needs to have that heart checked before his hernia surgery. I don't know where his hernia is, but it may be the cause of the angina. Larry's sister had a hernia rupture and it affected several of the organs it was close to. Not to mention, if his heart is acting up, they may not want to give him anestia (sp). Because the methods they use can cause the heart to slow down, and his lungs to slow also, the two could be a serious thing if his heart is malfunctioning. Please get him to have a check up by a heart doctor before his hernia surgery. Keep us updated, and your hub's and you will be in my prayers. Love Ya, Marilyn
4 people like this
• United States
9 Feb 11
Sparks, You know I am always here for you, if you need a shoulder, a prayer, a giggle, or a good old fashioned butt kick, whatever your need's call on me. That's what friends are for!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Feb 11
You're the best Marilyn. You DO know I love you right............? Of course you do! lol
• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Feb 11
As much as my heart bleeds for everyone else's probs and as much as I worry about it all, it's kind of comforting in a way to know that others have probs too and still manage to carry on with love and laughter. Gives me hope you know? Thanks for the prayers Marilyn. Big hugs to you.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
7 Feb 11
Ooooo, I didn't know. I hope they find room for him soon because that's not something you want to let linger!! And, as you said, "on top of that" a touch of angina is NOT what he needs to add to the mix. I think you need someone to stomp down on your ex-husband and take the assets he squirreled away to deny to you and hand them over. Then you'll be OK for this year without worries. Whattaya think?
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Hey gorgeous............good news. Finally got SO pissed at the ex and his horror show wife that I've filed for a variance on the court support order (first time EVER!) to make the ex pay IN FULL AT ONCE! I have a good case too cause the fool sued me last year and I now have proof from HIM in writing of his assets and worth. Wish me luck................
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
7 Feb 11
He sued YOU??? What the EFF for???
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
The fool tried to get his entire 20 year debt to me wiped out! lol He lost of course and now I have the proof from his own hand that he can afford to pay what he owes in full. Men can be stubborn like my hubs, but oh it's much more fun when they are stupid like my ex! lol
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@celticeagle (172057)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Feb 11
Ah, the hell in a hand basket theme. Hernia surgery? How fun. Oh, and a touch of angina. You mean to tell you don't have AFLAC. Oilfields. Your poor husband! I am speechless. I hope this rolls over and he gets to the hospital too sweet, gets his surgery and is well on the road to recovery very soon. What a year! Hope it gets better. They say God only gives you as much as you can handle. I hope that is the case here. Take care.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Feb 11
No AFLAC! lol Trust me sweets, God has given me a LOT more than this to handle at one time and I've come out ok. And I will this time too. What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger....
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@celticeagle (172057)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Feb 11
Well being strong is a good thing. I have had to go through, put up with and so forth but like you said- what doesn't kill us makes us stronger! Go Girl! Keep us posted. My thoughts will be with you.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Feb 11
Very sad news this is. Energies sending to him to get thru all this wih flying colors. MAke sure he take the baby asprin every day that should help with the Angina. Thats what theytold me to take when I had and attack.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Feb 11
its a little pill so shouldnt mind and tste like oranges he better
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
I will be sure to pass that on to him. While he's home recovering from his surgery I'll get him into the habit of taking his aspirin every day. That'll teach to spend more than 3 days at home at one time! lol
• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Thanks Lakota. It's nice to see you. The hubs is now on aspirin and I just hope he takes it every day. He hates medicines of any kind, but hopefully he'll be smart enough to at least take his aspirin every day. lol
• United States
6 Feb 11
It lost my response!!! Grrrr! My prayers are with you and your hubs Sparks. As for me, I moved about 2 1/2 months ago, about 70 miles away from family and friends for love. I met someone new, and boy has it been a series of ups and downs. The weather has been bad for my multiple sclerosis but I fell yesterday behind my car, sliding partway under my car. Needless to say, my confidence is gone and I'm afraid to go outside alone, and I don't know that Jim (my boyfriend) fully comprehends the situation. So I'm between having a good year and a sucky year, though nothing like yours. Glad to see you back though!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Damn, I lost my response too! lol What a year eh? Take care of yourself sweets and stay safe and if your Jim doesn't get it, then send him to me for a tune up! lol Big hugs darlin'.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
8 Feb 11
For what it's worth, I'm sending you and your husband well wishes..... You have to believe that he's going to be alright and he will. Stay strong for he needs you to be there for him at his time of need and I'm sure you will be. Blessings to you both.....
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Feb 11
Hey sweets, good to see you and thanks so much for your well wishes and blessings. They mean a LOT my friend!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Feb 11
oh goss sparky my year so far is way better compared to yours. I hope your husband does take better care of himself. this economy here in California sucks right now, jobless rate very high,no jobs and hte cost of living does no come down either. my son was out of work for months and just lately got a part time job b ut it will not pay him enough to build up funds for us to get back into an apt, in fact he would not be able to pay the ridiculous rents we h ave here. so he stays put in transitional housing for single men and me here in Gold crest retirement center . so am stuck here for who knows how long.I do hope your house sells soon. houses sell at high prices here in C a. hope y ou get a goodly amount too.I am going to send some prayers for you and your hubby to get well and too to sell that house at top dollar too.all my love and best wishes sparky hugs from hatley they might help who knows.,
• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Hatley, first it is sooooo nice to see you with a proper avvy! Well done and so pretty. As for the typos......no worries. I never bother about typos when I read. Thanks so much for sharing your own probs with me. Gives me hope to know that I'm not alone and that others care enough to worry and pray for me and mine. Thank you dear friend.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Feb 11
typos galore sorry goss should have been gosh no should have been not,I should have edited but did not see the errors til after I hit post.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
7 Feb 11
oh sparX *squish* sorry things been so rough. you kow how my year began.. since then its been a bit of an upsweep. i SEEEM to be on themend finally *knocks on wood, crosses fingers & spits on the floor* not to mention im marrying THE man in 7 days! still the same money woes.. housing troubles, etc. but as long as we are healthy and together.. we can weather anything. heres hoping yer year improves starting with yer hubs getting healthy and selling the house =o)
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Thanks tessah. I have your day circled in red on my calendar and will be happy dancing around the house on your behalf on the day itself. A week later on the calendar another date is circled, which is of course when I expect to get pics of your wedding! lol
• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Well just remember, I'm counting the days! LOL
@tessah (6617)
• United States
7 Feb 11
lol pics shall be posted before the weeks out =oP
3 people like this
• United States
6 Feb 11
BLESS YOUR HEART, i'm so sorry to hear about your hubs. Sounds like to me he's skating on thin ice here. I didn't know about his hernia but this heart thing worries me more & i know it does u to. Men either go to one extreme or the other it seems w/thier health. I don't know the deal on your house & it's sure none of my buisness but a big house or whatever the deal is , is not worth struggling to pay for it etc. Home is where the heart is, SPARKS. i'M ALWAYS PREACHING TO EVERYONE TO SAVE FOR THOSE RAINY DAYS BECAUSE THEY SURE COME AROUND, been there done that. Was working one day, thought everything was o.k. & never got to work another day. GRRRR! It can happen sooooo quick. Get that man home if u can. U know i wish u the very best of everything. I'm around if u need to talk. I believe u have my phone #. love & hugs.
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Feb 11
It's not the house that's killing us financially Jo, it's the loans for our RV and car. Combined, they are worse than a mortgage. Plus, the hubs uses the RV to live in at work, and so essentially we are supporting two households in terms of expenses every month, and that's just got to stop. But more than the money, it's his health that of course worries me the most, because without it, we are screwed blued and tattooed! I don't have your phone #, but I've your email. Thanks for the invite to talk.........love you too.
5 people like this
• United States
6 Feb 11
Know u both are in my thoughts & prayers.
2 people like this
7 Feb 11
Hi sparky, I am so very sorry to hear about what you and your hub is going through, sometimes life just sucks,so many bad news I am receiving at the moment, I just hope things will improve for you, sending healing and prayers for your hub and you, love and hugs always. Tamara xxxx
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Thanks Marie. And I know what you mean about so much bad news at the moment. Seems nearly everyone I know is having a hard time. Especially Gabs. I'm SO worried about her, if anything should happen to Gissi.............
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Oh Marie I cried buckets this morning for Gabs when I read about Gissi here and other places. I am so so worried about how Gabs is going to get through the loss when the time comes. As for me and my hubs.....we'll get through it. Thank you so much for your prayers. Let's concentrate on our Gabs now as she is so much more fragile and in need than my stubborn husband who will be fine with proper care.
7 Feb 11
Hi Sparky, I know, I met the little man myself and he is so sweet, then I have had some conversation with him on the phone too, I am crying at the moment for Gissi and Gabs, I just cannot bear it, I know just how it is, as I lost my Roley,Boots and my other cats in the past, its so heart breaking, but hopefully Gissi get better, praying for him, but please hun, look after yourself, you have a lot to worry about with hubs being so ill, I am holding you both in my prayers, love and hugs always. Tamara xxxx
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
7 Feb 11
I am so sorry that you are bearing this heavy burden. The stress is making your husband sick and when we are stressed we cannot see the wood from the trees. I would write down all of your problems and of course, you husband's health is number 1. Once your problems are all written down then decide which ones you can actively fix now. The hernia is important but can your husband help the angina by diet and exercise? Is he willing to make food changes or is this all just stress that is making me ill. Once you have it all down on paper then you will feel that you are in control of some of these problems. Can he get free health care anywhere? I don't know your health system so I cannot offer advice in this area but it is the mega one. I believe in the power of prayer so I will pray for you. My year is much better than yours as my family is well and that is what matters. Many blessings to you. You will get through this as nothing ever remains the same and you will be stronger.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Hi cynthiann, and good advice as always. Yes, we have good health care here so that's not an issue. GETTING the stubborn man to take advantage of that health care is another issue altogether. lol All of this is stress related as he eats properly and gets lots of exercise. And frankly I can't see the stress levels going down anytime soon or at least until the house sells, and that's what worries me the most. His hernia surgery is scary for him as he's never been operated on before, but he'll recover from that ok I'm pretty sure. With his family's heart history, it's the angina that is the real threat. But we are at that time of life the hubs and I so things like this are to be expected. Getting old really sucks! lol
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Feb 11
Oh sweetie, I'm sorry. The second time I saw my hubs, he had come to my apartment to move a washer and dryer out of the basement. Here's this little guy with stubborn written all over him, and I couldn't believe my eyes watching him literally STOMP up the stairs carrying first the huge old fashioned washer and then the dryer in his arms as if they weighed no more than a pound, get them through the door and hefted into the air and onto the back of his pick up truck! So you gotta believe he's one man I'm very careful not to get too pushy with! lol But he has promised me he'll have a proper check up and if he has to take meds, he will..............
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
8 Feb 11
I have always held the view that we are each responsible for our own health. Having said that, your husband sounds like man. I would have to give him the medication and watch him take it before my eyes. he was awful about looking after himself. I had to drag him to doctors and hospitals etc. Absolute nightmare. But I would do it all over again in a heartbeat - if I could have him back for just one more day or even one minute to give him a hug. Oh, hell now I am crying
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
7 Feb 11
My year hasn't been great so far, but compared to yours its been peachy. Last year was the pits too, this year just has to be better. Gee whiz Sparks, I am so sorry to hear of yours and hubby's troubles. I know what a worry that is. I had the same worry about my hubby, then 5 years ago the worst happened. Keep the faith that everything will be ok. Getting out from under excess debt will help with the stress level. Its good to know there might be a problem, that way the docs can check him out real good. Good luck, I wish you all the best.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
7 Feb 11
I positive we were on each others friends list. Somehow we got deleted from each other. It has happened before. I happened to spot this post and didn't get notification in my email, thats why I checked to see if we were still on each others list. We are again, thats what matters. Things are going to get better for you. Most of us probably have already said a prayer for you. Don't face all of this alone, you have all of us. I know we can't be there in person but we are there for you in spirit and thoughts. When things come up, come here and ask for specific prayer, you know we will be happy to pray for you. Take care. Your a good person, your not being punished.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Thanks Polly and glad you're back on my list. Can't think how or why the deletion happened....I never delete people unless they are no longer here. I've not been here much lately myself, but i'st funny how mylot was the first place I thought of when I needed to get all this off my chest. There is a community of real caring here that draws me back again and again when I need to connect with love and support. The magick of the lot I call it.....
• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Polly we've known each other here forever, so why weren't you on my friend's list? No matter, you are now and so glad you are! Thanks for your good wishes. I don't think I could stand to lose any more this year, especially my hubs. We've been through hell together and now, finally, when we are truly happy with each other, crap like this happens. Makes me wonder I did in a former life that I'm paying for now. lol
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• Philippines
9 Feb 11
My prayers are with you and your hubs, sparks. Both of you are strong individuals and I love how you are as a couple. Stubborn in your own special way but your love for each other is so great that I know both of you could get through whatever trials challenges you. My start of the year is pretty rough, too. Unrequited love. Lost a job. Plus my gastritis is getting worst. LOL. Rough start alright. If only money is not a problem. Just hold on and have faith. You are a strong woman and I admire you so much for I can never muster so much courage like what you have in facing life's trials. Hope you'll give us updates soon. Please take care always. =)
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Feb 11
LOL sweets, you warmed my heart with your response. Thank you SO much and I will take your advice! We learned yesterday that my hubs WILL be covered with some benefits while he is off work, so last night I slept through the night for the first time in months! What a relief. It's still going to be tight, but at least we won't go further into debt and that's what really had me worried. So things are looking up already and I am so grateful for that and for my friends here who have seen me through the worst of my depression over all this.
7 Feb 11
Well your life sounds as bad as mine this year so far i had to do doctor/hospital visits between myself and kids about 17times we all keep getting ill,also my servere bad back has given me agony since boxing day and im waiting to go into hospital also my dad had a brain tumour and now is housebound and in a wheelchair with only 25% sight and we have to take him to london hospital every 6 weeks which is a hour away as he has no other way also i have to go to dads every other day and my husband does any shopping,appointments etc for them.i have also had 2 deaths this year and i have 5 kids 3 have multiple disabilitys like cerebral palsy,autism,epilepsy,adhd,tourettes so im totally burnt out and still hoping this year will get better,i hope yours improves to.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Wowza sweets, and I thought I had probs! You and yours are in my prayers and please use the lot to write about what's happening with you. You won't find a better place to vent and the love and support you will get back will lift your spirits, believe me.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Feb 11
Oh that sucks. Hope he's better soon. As for my year, sick cats, Dearra's anxiety came back, she needs teeth pulled, she needs glasses, I need tires, my shoulder needs physical therapy, seems like one thing after another. At least what's his head signed the settlement agreement on Friday. Oh goody, now I can move forward with dealing with all this stuff on one salary. lol
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Tell Jason he's not a squirrel and to spit out those nuts! lol Hope he's ok...........
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
At least the settlement is signed Dawn and that's got to have reduced your own anxiety...? Being a single mom is hard with all the things and more that you described, but trust me, those things are manageable compared to living with someone who makes you feel the way you've been made to feel. I wish you SO much more peace and happiness in your future, kid probs and all.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Feb 11
Yeah I hope. Today I have to call the vet about Jason, poor kitty is sitting there breathing with his mouth open and his cheeks are all swollen...
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
7 Feb 11
Hi sparks~ I'm so sorry to hear all the lousy stuff that you've been going through. I do hope that your hubby will be ok with the surgery and the heart problems. I have been having a really bad 2011 myself. I knew that I would because the "odd number years" have always been a nightmare. I have been having my own health issues, financial problems and thanks to the NYS Govt. I have to skip months without health insurance with scares the crap out of me because I have a serious history of heart disease on both sides of my family. I have disability with a $447 Medicaid Spenddown, meaning they give me $1234 a month and I have to give them back $447 for Medicaid which NO DOCTORS take! So, since the money that is left doesn't barely pay the rent I have to go uninsured, without my meds, for at least every other month and the phucking STATE ON NY doesn't give a crap! I just have to pray I don't get sick on that "off month". And I have been having "chest pains, and tightness"! It is very complicated! I am afraid to go out because of my brital bones and falling is not allowed! So, I have been in the house for weeks because of the lousy snow that keeps coming every few days here and I have to try to get help with going to the store and I am not one to depend on anyone either. So, life has been sucking big time here too! I will be praying for you and your hubs and I'm sure things will work out. Mostly I do hope that this time around the house will sell! I'm here for you, if you need a friend! Love, Les
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Oh my sweet Opal, I so wish I could cradle you in duvets soft as clouds and keep you safe, warm and unbroken....................
• Pamplona, Spain
7 Feb 11
Hiya sparks, Really sorry to hear of your plight. 2011 is not starting very well for you is it at all. He needs a lot of rest and instead he has to go to work and a long way off. Hope you can get your House sold then if that is the real solution and your Hubby gets his Operation over and done with and a real long deserved rest too. I cannot complain reading other People´s problems mine seem like nothing and besides I don´t want to bore anyone with mine. Wishing you all the best Sparks really do and that everything will work out well for both of you in the long run.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 11
Thanks sweets. I'm keeping the faith........... And do 'bore' us with your probs. That's the beauty of the lot.........the love and support you get here is second to none and it keeps us coming back time after time.
• Pamplona, Spain
12 Mar 11
Hiya Sparks and Alice, Well alright then if you twist my arm enough I might tell you all about them some Day till then I will keep quiet about that. Alice you´re right some get more problems than what they deserve. Sparks I hope that your Hubby is working things out and that he is much much better as you can see I am responding quite late. But better late than never. I really hope that you are able to get things sorted out on all levels you deserve more peace and quiet gal.