What would you do?

February 7, 2011 7:15pm CST
If you like someone, then you realize that there is one major obstacle which could not be removed which separate you, what do you do? Are you from the beginning will always stay away from him, ignore him, make him hate you so that he will choose someone else for him to be happy with his choice? or You will not care about these barriers, and perhaps you will be hard to be accepted? I have made a choice to stay away from him from the beginning. but why do I feel is the most stupid people of the world huh? why I feel so sorry now? now he has married, a sense of regret that sometimes arise when remembering his face, till now I still wish that I was the first reply, it was a stupid thing and I already know that he's married!
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8 responses
@nakula2009 (2325)
• Indonesia
15 Feb 11
Love is holy ... and of love that life exists. Know that feeling of love does not look anything like that. Do not know who, why, when, how love is coming. But not blind, because it has no sense of sight. And love is indeed provide great sensation .. and also is a gift, it would be grateful still can feel the love. Like the two poles of the earth. Love also has a contrast thing, is it fair to stay how kta react to it.
@najibdina29 (1309)
• Indonesia
12 Feb 11
although we also need a will but it's good when we share a little or give as best we can to reduce our little quota to those who need, not reduce the burden of difficult person is a non-paid happiness:)
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
8 Feb 11
I don'tt know if age makes a difference or not. I know I went a very long time without anyone. Over 40. This one, I could tell was going to be serious. She is the one for me. And I had decided at 45, even if everyone I knew didn't like her, I would stay with her. Fortunatly, I didn't have to deal with that. But I thought at 45, more than half of my life could be over and I want to be happy. But I also knew i would be hard being in love with someone my family did not like. If you are young, you have a good chance of meeting someone else that
• United States
8 Feb 11
Well, you have already made the decision, so what is the point in rehashing it, over and over again? The best thing you can do, I think, is to realize your mistake, and just not make take mistake again. You can't go through the rest of your life, beating yourself up for this. That is a waste of your life. Just forgive yourself, learn from it, and go on. You're not the only one in this world who makes errors. This I can tell you, for a fact. We've all been there. But the ones who survive are the ones who learn the lesson. (You didn't say what it was that separated you, so this is all I can tell you.)
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
8 Feb 11
What was the barrier that stopped you from being with him in the first place? Now that he is married is it not as important but it would really help me in discussing this topic with you (feeling like a counsellor!) Kidding aside though, you made a choice, in every decision that we make we experience regret on the choices we did not make. On the other hand, we feel a sense of satisfaction when we know we made the right choice. There will always be regrets, but you go through them, don't get stuck in a moment.
• China
8 Feb 11
If i also love him then i will talk with him.Will remove all the misunderstanding and other problem and will talk with him. If the problem solve it out then it's good for us and if not then it's ok. But i will not regret for this latter as i talked with him earlier as it didn't work then i will move out from there.
@xinshunhe (132)
• China
8 Feb 11
we would always have regreted the things we missed,and this happens to almost all of the people. it appears that we are so little power to control the happening outside. But we never dispeared of choosing and planing. Love should be spoken out to let him know. Because may be he also has good feeling about you but fear to speak out due to shame. we missed each other sometimes due to misunderstanding and less of communicating. So,be vibrant if proper.
@raj7shot (838)
• India
8 Feb 11
Misunderstandings will comes in everyone life.We want to face that situation and prove for friendship is work.Never hate your best one for such things, instead you can try to make him understand the course of matter had been done.Its worthful a lot.