It is a boon to have normal children.
By kalav56
@kalav56 (11464)
February 10, 2011 12:36pm CST
Many parents have so many expectations from children and push them very hard , beyond their potential. While it is necessary to discipline and motivate a child I have also seen parents thrusting their own expectations and ambitions on their offspring putting undue pressure on them.
Recently , I shifted residence and there is a child upstairs in the first floor. He does not look absolutely normal and I sense that he has some sort of retardation. I have also seen other problem children in some close quarters. That is why I said that if we have normal healthy children that is itself a very big boon.But some parents fail to realize this.
What are your views regarding this?
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18 responses
@BestMomEver (46)
• United States
10 Feb 11
I am a prime example of this. I put a lot pressure on my kids for success. I grew up with one parent in the household and my mama work 2-3 three jobs most of our childhood lives. She was not there to tell me good job well done when I got an A, help me with math homework to pass to the next grade, or there to encourage me at ROTC when we would perform in a competition. I will push my kids and be behind them one hundred percent, because I want the best. I guess I'm not like some parents trying to make my dreams theirs, I just want the best. The world we live in now is so hard. Nowadays you have to have a high school diploma to get a job at your local McDonald's and they don't even pay that well. Now for the parents who turn their son's into drama queens and turn their daughters into competitive sport's player...I would have to say that is over doing it. But being for real, everyone wants the best for their kids, no matter who you are.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
11 Feb 11
I totally agree with you. It is understandeable that you strove to give full support to your kids . I admit I did it with my son too, worked with him all the way but it was easy because he is inherently brilliant and was always a top performer. It is a blessing , a real boon to have healthy , normal children and this idea gets reinforced when you come across 'special' kids with health problems.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
10 Feb 11
My son has autism. I'm grateful that only one child out of three has it, and I'm grateful that his autism is only mild. Funny though, the teenager has been a lot more work than the kid with autism the last year, anxiety, teeth, glasses, stomach problems....
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
11 Feb 11
Interesting discussion.
I had a student who seemed like he had a problem (no eye contact, hyperactive, hard to control, etc). The mother refused to accept the fact and get her son checked. Though I felt it could be autism, I couldn't be sure because I wasn't trained to help such children. I even offered to ask a friend of mine who was working with children with special needs to have a look at the boy. But the mom refused.
But some children (normal ones) do need a little pressure to perform to their maximum potential (in any area). And it is for us parents and teachers to identify which child needs that extra push and which child needs to be left alone to grow.
Competition in today's world is so high that the parents tend to push the children without realizing it themselves. Their intention is good...they do not want their children being left behind in the rat race. But they do not realize the tremendous pressure they put on the the process.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
11 Feb 11
Sometimes I see that the parents don't intend to really push too hard but it becomes a habit and they do so without realizing. As the years go, the standard they set for their children increase. I know I have done it myself and sometimes I need to stop myself and think before I realize what I am doing.
Having said that....even a child who isn't 'normal' is loved by the parents. It might be a boon to have normal children because it's a lot easier than the challenge of handling and protecting (from others around them) a child who is not 'normal'. Some children are just 'different' and not really challenged in any way...they just need a different approach.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
11 Feb 11
I agree Sandhya and all children are loved by their parents. I always remind my self thta we cannot too many thing s for granted in life and if we are blessed with normal children then it is great.Of course, we are forced to make them perform too because their future may be at stake.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
11 Feb 11
HulloSv! What you say is true; in this day of severe competition, it is necessary to give the right push to children. Sometimes it may be slightly high too. But the problem really arises when a child who struggles to get 60 marks, is very hard-working is expected to get 90 marks. Not all children grow with the same sort of environment and capacity. It is a blessing to have normal children, and if the child is brilliant then there is nothing more one can ask for.
It is sad that the mother refused to face reality in the case you have mentioned. In your job , you would have seen many children and would be able to assess a child instinctively.

@drannhh (15219)
• United States
21 Feb 11
I think it is good to have high expectations for a child, but bad to expect them to act a different age than what they are. An example is young girls given high heels and makeup and told to strut around like grown women for so-called beauty shows and that sort of thing. Another example is parents screaming at their boys to play better baseball in little league. Grrr.
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
12 Feb 11
To be fair, parenting today is challenging and who can we blame but our society.
First, we have the a society which goes with the scariest motto: "the fittest survives" which after coming so far till this century - but sadly, still adopt the Spartan mythology which has warped into atrocious proportions.
Where do you think the terms like "designer kid", "special kid" or other superlative titles come from?
Aren't society guilty of creating the added pressure on children with the best kindergarten, top school or top university?
Now, I am sure you will agree with me that children today are born into a very challenging environment and have the most sophisticated toys or otherwise known as media. Look around, they (children) are no longer playing marbles, catching spiders, playing house, police and thief or many of our former childhood favorites any more. Where are they?
Well, for all we know....probably in the safe confines of their own house playing game consoles, computer or worse squinting their little beady eyes on some portable PSP compatible playing brick out. Why?
I think in today's society, you have to agree with me that we no longer treat our neighbors like the way our forefathers do. Disagree? Look at the sophisticated locks on the doors and by the way, I am sure most of these doors stay shut even when there's someone at home.
Then what?
Take the games away and limit television.....then what happens? The child goes to school and finds a hard time relating with his/her classmates with the latest television program or computer game or PSP. He/She cannot get along and encounters many conflicts and problems. So much for enjoying school.
Exams, if I may add you know what children are tested in examinations today? I don't think parents will ever know if schools do not let their children bring home their papers. Do you know why?
Let me just say that most of the questions set are not what they have studied and in some schools (I do not have to tell you which ones) the papers contain at least 60 percent outside of textbooks. Now, how do you think an average child could pass the papers?
I think before we go about being judgmental on other parents, let's look around and also at ourselves on how we are making this society to be. What seems to you as parents thrusting their own expectations and ambitions to you - may in fact be society's cruel and harsh realities. You may say that this is a free society and people are free to make their own decisions. But, I wonder if there's any choice for parents to parent in this harsh world.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
17 Feb 11
It is not being judgemental about parents skysuccess.I am well aware of the challenging environment here; in fact, in our country the situation is difficult and I am aware that not all children can do well all the time.Getting admission in prmier institutes is an uphill task . Not all children can be in the 98th percentile. Parenting is indeed challenging; I agree wiht this too.
I have interacted with a number of mothers who sent their students to me and many of them did thrust their expectations on the chidl without giving them the proper support.THe environment must be conducive. PeopLE make the society.
Wherever mothers were sensible and responsible, I could see my student perform to his/her potential.
THere were a set of self-sacrificing parents too who would pay for a seat thereby making up for the difficulties a sincere student had [when he did not get the full marks expected of him]
My discussion was about children with health problems and IQ problems where nothing can be done. Normal children would still come up in life but some of these unfortunate children are dependent lifelong.
@allknowing (141579)
• India
11 Feb 11
There cannot be two opinions on this kala. No parent should impose their ambitions on their kids to compete with the Joneses so to say. But this is going on and very little can be done to arrest this malady. After all it is between the parents and the child and others have no role to play there.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
11 Feb 11
I always remind my self that we cannot too many thing s for granted in life and if we are blessed with normal children then it is great.THe htought gets reinforced when I see some really difficult children or as I had mentioned, children like my niece who suffered like God knows what.
@allknowing (141579)
• India
12 Feb 11
I think this applies to life in general which keeps us in the attitude of gratitude every moment of the day.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
11 Feb 11
It all depends on the parent. Some parents see their child as an extension of themselves. " My son/daughter will be the ( insert their dream profession) I never was!" And they push the child to do it and never give up until the child is a success. Then there are True parents. They see their child as a person they will care for and support the best they can. They will wait and see what the child wants to be. I agree with you, if your child is healthy, then you are blessed!
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Feb 11
You are very right Kala, those who get normal children are really blessed. It is very very difficult to bring up physically or mentally challenged or say differently able child. I think those of us who have 'normal' children should always thank the Great God for his favour and should always feel indebted to Him.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 Feb 11

@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
11 Feb 11
Ya it is definitely a boon to have normal children.
I have had a terrible pregnancy and at one point the doctor told me that if the situation continued then she had to abort the child.It was the shock of my life.But luckily i changed the doctor and did everything which she told me to do and then i was blessed with a son.I always apprehended that he would be healthy and normal physically and mentally since i had been under heavy medication.But i must thank God that he just showered his blessings on to me and my child is healthy physically and mentally.He is doing good and i always pray for his well being .
As far as expectations are concerned ,i will never impose anything on him.I do not see in him a future engineer or doctor but i just wish that he grows to be an honest gentleman .The rest is up to him.

@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
11 Feb 11
Hi kalav,
This is indeed a potential issue. Earlier people did not bother much having children but today right from the the conceive parents are worried about the nature of the child as well as wellbeing of the baby.
The fundamental cause of a child turning abnormal is they hardly get to mix up with the children of their age. Hence social alienation hits hard on them.
Secondly, even the parents find lesser time to accompany their child who most of the time looked after by maid servant or the like.
Another thing is freedom. When we were children we would do a lot many things right from paying hide and seek to swimming in the river.
We have so much of things to recollect in our pensive mood as we grow older.But what these children would be lift with?
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Mar 11
I'm blessed to have two children that are very intelligent. However, I also think that there are some problems with having children like them. The main one that I see right off the top of my head is that because of their intelligence it is easy to forget that they are only four and eight years old and I tend to expect a little bit too much out of them. All in all, however, I love my children and I don't want to push them beyond their potential.
@zralte (4176)
• India
13 Feb 11
I totally agree with you. At the same time, I also understand the parents' mind, not that that makes it right, that they want their child to succeed, probably the way they conceive success to be.
When my children were born, my husband and I were so happy when the babies were declared normal - as in, all 10 fingers and all 10 toes, APGAR scores,weight, etc. And by God's grace, they are still normal. I could not hope for anything better than that. Yes, I want my children to be the best in their age group, as is normal with every mother, but I am just happy that I have healthy and happy kids.
I recently found out that my close friend found out her baby's health problem (I posted a discussion about it ) That and seeing other babies with problems make me realise every day how lucky we are to have 'normal' children.
Yes, I do want the best for my children, but that does not mean that they have to live out my dream. Or that I should push them to achieve what I could not achieve. Of course my children are still too young, but as and when the time comes, I will try not to push them too hard to excel as long as they try their best.
@devijay78 (1573)
• India
11 Feb 11
I do completely agree with what you say kalav56. I am the parent of a three year old and when I see the lengths to which other parents would go to ensure that their child has to participate in any competition, it make me cringe. I do not force my daughter to perform, rather, I would like her to enjoy whatever she does. I do make her participate in competitions, but I make sure that there is no pressure to perform and both myself and her enjoy participating. Even though she did not win any prizes, I am happy that it is slowly building her confidence to perform without stage fear.
I do not pressurize her to study everyday too. She studies at her own pace and even though finishing her home lessons are a big struggle, I make sure that she completes them on time and plays some more. She is happy that way.
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@amirev777 (4117)
• India
10 Feb 11
Hi Kalav
Yes it is indeed a boon to have normal and healthy children. There are so many cases where the children are born with congenital defects or abnormalities, something with which they will have to live for rest of their lives. also there are some cases where there are no children born at all.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
11 Feb 11
I am sure your child would do well because you have a very simple attitude. ALl parents would want their children to shine. THere is no doubt about it.We thank GOd forst of all if the child is normal and healthy. It is really traumatic for parents to have problem children .
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
10 Feb 11
Hi Kalav,
I am not sure about this yet but I think it is the result of our lifestyles that in today's world it is a boon to have a normal child. Going by the lifestyles, the expecting mom should take more rest - the chances are less when both are working and also the woman is in IT or uses computers.
After delivery, the newly born, is into TV, Mobiles (quite an early age) and then as the kid grows, there is always the pressure of Do this, do this, do this. There are more medications that follow just to fill in the nutrients that we believe are a must so that the kid/newly born is able to cope up with the pollution, the race and so many more...
Somewhere I do feel that all of these do have their ill effects on the newly born
The parents fail to realize because they know that things are not going to be that easy for anyone in the present scenario and a simple living is the last thing anyone wants.
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
11 Feb 11
Hi Kala, I feel as a parent i should motivate, support and guide my child but never want to pressurize them for anything.
And you know kala retarded children should be treat in a mild way, we should have more patience and show more intimacy and love and affection on them then they will listen and they try to understand, also try to implement too.
Have a nice day kala.