How Many Pair Of Spectacles/ Glasses You Have?
By AKRao24
@AKRao24 (27424)
February 20, 2011 4:17pm CST
Sounds funny? I am having spectacle for my short sightedness and for my long sightedness. Thus I need a different spectacle for reading than for looking at the distant objects!
Now apart from these two I need another pair of glasses to use my Lap Top!
So, I have got two pair of spectacles which are bifocal,one of them I use when I am on the farm which is sturdy and another one I use when I go out! Similarly I have got three pair of spectacles of distance sight and three pair for near sight or reading! I require these as I find it convenient to place them at various places like one pair at my place one pair in the Car and another at my work place, which makes me free from carrying these things every time I move! I have got two air of spectacles for my computer ,one I always keep it near by my computer and one I keep it as a spare!
Now If I start counting them they must be some where between nine or ten !And all these are being used by me only!
Now having read all these things ,please don't be under the impression that I am very systematic and I don't face any problem in finding my spectacles when I need them! You are wrong. If you are thinking so ! In fact these many spectacles have created more confusion in my life as some times I come to home with my Workplace spectacle and forget to keep it back where it belongs to! Sometimes the spectacle in the Car is left in the home as I was mistakenly kept at home etc etc.LOL!
So What is your story, How many pair of specs do you use? Please respond! Thanks ! 

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26 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
21 Feb 11
My vision has always been good, thankfully, so I've never had to wear eyeglasses. But when I was 16 through 22 or so, I was absolutely addicted to sunglasses! Oakleys were my brand of choice.
I probably spent over $5k on Oakley sunglasses. I had some OG $50 pairs up to the polarized $300+ pairs. I don't know why. Heck, in hindsight that money was better spent on anything but sunglasss. But I would buy a pair every other paycheck.
I guess that's the advantage of living at home instead of having to pay rent and all the bills, a lesson I've learned now.
I had about 70 pairs of sunglasses. The reason? I have no clue. Most of them looked the same. I even got ripped off a few times with Faukleys!
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
22 Feb 11
Hi Dear Matersfish! I am really impressed to know that you have got about 70 pairs of Sunglasses with you! That too with few of them which are really quite expensive ones! Wow that is great ! I think since as you said you are living at home and you are saving a lot of money, and you have got a flair for shopping, you have ended with s many sets of goggles!
With the speed what I can see within a span of 6 years , if you could manage to get 70 sunglasses, I think it would not take much of time for you to cross the Hundred mark!Keep it up!
Thanks for responding and sharing your interesting story!

@matersfish (6306)
• United States
22 Feb 11
Haha. Yes, the duck of the rabbit!
And I had that many glasses. When I found out that you have to not only pay rent but also cable, gas, car insurance, groceries, etc, I had to give up on my collection when I got my own place.
I've since gave most of them away, sold some of them, and some are still kept away in a box somewhere.

@chelseaalawn (717)
• Hong Kong
21 Feb 11
I only have one pair. And I am thinking to get a new. Its suck when you forget your glasses and you are going to a movie. I think a pair of contact lens would be a great choice too. It is so much more convenient.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
22 Feb 11
Hi Dear Chelseaalawn! Yes, I think it would be always better to have a back up spectacles! I can understand how one can feel if he/she forgets the glasses when going to a movie.
This reminds me of a funny incidence which I faced at an Multiplex. Having taken the ticket when I entered the lounge I realised that I have forgotten my spectacles and in the dim light I couldn't read which was the Auditorium I was supposed to go in! There were few people in the lounge, I approached a person and requested to read the ticket for me, so that I can go to particular Auditorium. This person after looking at the ticket for few second said 'Sorry Sir I am also an illiterate like you!'...You can really understand what might have been my situation at that time! I oversighted my wife smiling quietly at me standing bit away from us! LOL!
Yes I think contact lenses would be a great choice but I heard that they require lot of maintenance! All the best! Thanks for responding! 

@chelseaalawn (717)
• Hong Kong
22 Feb 11
Sometimes, we I have to meet somebody. I couldnt even recognise him or her. I have to focus and make sure thats her and say hello LOL
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
21 Feb 11
Wow that is a great question. I have worn contacts for about 20 years now and the only time I use my glasses is when I 'give my eyes a rest'.
About a month ago I got lazy and wore glasses for a few weeks and honestly I don't know if they were my wife's or my own but I could see so I wore them.
To answer the question, I probably have three pair (they usually come free with some promo with the contacts) and I wear whatever ones I can find at the time.
I don't have to wear different glasses for different purposes (bifocals etc...) YET... I am sure my day is coming though!
Thanks for a GREAT question

@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
21 Feb 11
Hi Dear Zeloguy! It is really great thing to know that you have been on contact lenses for last 20 years without any problem! It is good idea to use the pair of spectacles for giving rest to your eyes!
The situation, where you have used the pair of spectacles few weeks back,though looks bit hilarious, but not too away from the facts of life. I myself used to use the spects of my wife when our powers used to get matched! Now I am too ahead of her and so this privilege is now written off for me!
Now,you have three spectacles, but the saving grace is all are of same powered which enables you to wear them as per your convenience or rather their availability!
Be happy so long you need not have to wear any bifocal lenses, as the confusion begins from here only! LOL!
Thanks for responding, I liked

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@dreamnishu (1247)
• China
22 Feb 11
hello friend!
i do not wear any spectacles/ right now i do not have any glass.but most of my friends wear glass.and it is so difficult to maintain it and they sometime lost it very best friend have a habit,her glass broke so many time.she use so many glasses.i do not like glasses.
thanks a lot.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
22 Feb 11
Hi Dear Dreamnishu! I am happy to know that you don't require any glasses! Life without glasses is really a happy one! Well I need not explain this as you have good experience of it through your friends! Since you don't like glasses please take care of your eyes properly so that they will stay healthy and you may not require to use any glasses at all! All the best!
Thanks for responding!

@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
21 Feb 11
Having that much spectacles will surely make you feel confused. With just two glasses has make my world upside down.Ten pairs??? My world will go crazy.~
I really have problem looking for my glasses as I always forgot where I put it before.Then my family will come and help me looking for it and usually they will find it for me.

@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
21 Feb 11
Hi Dear CT Hanum! With so many Spectacles my World is no way going any thing less than Crazy! Yes with a couple of spectacles also we can have real tough time when we unable to find them when they are most required!
I think almost it is same story in every family that the family members get tuned themselves and readily get ready to search for spectacles when we lose them in the ocean of things at our home! Through this discussion I would like to extend my thanks to all those family members of the World who are at this Work!
Thanks dear friend for responding!

@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
21 Feb 11
No problem as we are having the same funny problem and situation.I wonder why I can't just put my glasses into its own cases so I will find it easily. Haha...that is because I am too lazy too do that simple thing. I always get scolded by my family because of this.

@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
23 Feb 11
Hi Dear Syoti! It is always better to have a single spectacle to avoid unnecessary complications which we have when we have more than one pair of spectacles ! I bet you must be really happy with your single pair Spectacles as you must be using these with utmost care and storing/keeping them at a proper place.
when we have any thing as back up, we tend to become bit more careless and this is what makes our life a miserable one!
Thanks for responding!

@dio123 (1788)
• India
21 Feb 11
By reading your topic I can guess that how difficult it is to maintain all those spectacles. As I m having one pair for long sightedness. One I use to keep at my home and another one I use when going out. Both this are quit old now. I think I must need a new pair of spectacles with some latest looks and suitable to the modern trend. I wish I can collect as much spectacles as possible.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
22 Feb 11
Hi Dear Dio! I am happy to know that you have one pair of spectacles for home and another for the time when you are going out! This is a clean arrangement and with this I think you don't have any problems. I am happy that you are intended to buy an new pair of spectacles with latest looks and suiting the modern trend! All the best!
Thanks for responding!

@sammy14 (834)
• Philippines
21 Feb 11
Hello friend.. I have only one and I use it to see far objects which I cannot clearly see if I don't use my spectacles other than that I have no problems.. For convenience wise what you are doing is good, that is if you have money to buy all of them! Why don't you try using contact lenses, that way you don't have to buy nine pieces of spectacles...
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
21 Feb 11
Hi Dear Sammy! You are lucky one as you really don't need a spectacle for reading1 You need one to see the far objects which can be coped up to some extent even if you forget the spectacle accidentally to carry along!
Yes your idea of using contact lens is good but then I am staying on a Stud Farm and I don't have fixed time to attend my work! Practically I need to attend cases on the farm at any time (i.e Round the clock), so it would not be possible for me to use contact lenses a they demand lot of care and maintenance which is impossible for me to provide!
Your interest is sincerely appreciated! Thanks for responding!

@dreamsharmin (2281)
• China
21 Feb 11
Few days ago i had 2 pair glass but right now i have only one pair glass. One pair my friend lost it. And that's why i have only one pair which is also broken.I alreay told my parents about it as they always make glass for me any my all eye sight doctors paper in my parents hand. Very soon my father will come to see me with that 2 pairs glass. I always make one pairs extra as i always broken frame and sometime broke by my friends.
But right now i have only one pair spectacles.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
21 Feb 11
Hi Dear Dreamsharmin! That is the advantage of keeping second pair of glasses! Since you have got your both the pairs got damaged, I think very soon you are going to get your new pairs! take care of the spectacles are these are very important objects to support our one of the vital sense organs!
Thanks for responding and All the best!

@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
21 Feb 11
I have only one pair of spectacles. It is a bifocal and so I can use it for both near and distant vision.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
22 Feb 11
Hi Dear DoctorDidi! You are having a better time with your glasses as you don't really need to change different glasses for different purposes! You must really feel happy about it, as too many spectacles just create a confusion instead of coming to our help when needed!
Thanks for responding!

@Liliac26 (557)
• Romania
21 Feb 11
My "only" problem is that I'm short-sighted (myopia). I have three pairs of glasses: one that I normally wear every day, one that I wear when I go out, or for formal occasions, and a really old one that I only wear if I can't find the other two. I actually need some new pairs quick!
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
22 Feb 11
Hi Dear Liliac! So you are also having pretty good number of spectacles meant for each occasion, and in spite of that you want to go in for some new pairs? I really appreciate your zeal and enthusiasm in handling all these stuff! All the best!

Thanks for responding! Take Care!

@destinybattlefield (294)
• Netherlands
21 Feb 11
Actually, I don't have glasses or lenses or whatever you want to call them.
I sure hope I can keep it this way, because I do spend alot of time behind my computer, so my sight might decrease in a while..
Also, my dad, mother and sisther all have glasses, so yeah, who knows!
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
22 Feb 11
Hi Dear Destinybattlefield! Welcome to Mylot! I am happy to know that you are free from those hassles what we face by having spectacles for our vision! Take care of your eyes so that you would have best vision with out the help of any spectacles! But then since all the members of your family have spectacles,there is every chance you also can have one in near future! Till that time have a fun filled nice time!
Thanks for responding!

@nj_1022 (251)
21 Feb 11
Fortunately, I do not have any glasses yet. Though in my family, I am the only one who does not have it yet. I think it is difficult to have glasses especially that you have to have at least two considering your eyes sight. My boss have different pairs for different occasion and think it is difficult.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
22 Feb 11
Hi Dear nj! You are lucky one who don't have a spectacles so far! Take care of your eyes and try to postpone to have these spectacles by having some good habits helping the eyes! Life with spectacles is too irritating some times! Better avoid it!
Some people like your Boss have the tendency to use different Spectacles at different occasions! Some people feel their spectacles as their Lucky Charm also!
Thanks for responding!

@tikbalang56 (195)
• United States
21 Feb 11
I have 2 one is reading glass and bifocal I used bifocal for reading.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
21 Feb 11
Hi Dear Chiyosan! Your situation is really a happy one because you don't have any confusions and problems with more than one pair of spectacles at your disposal. Since your other pair is obsolete one ,there is no point of your using it!
Thanks for responding!

@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
21 Feb 11
I just recently started having to wear glasses, I mean in the last two months, that is how recent. I don't have to wear them all the time, just when I drive at night and watch movies or TV, or if I need to see something really far away. I can't wear them when I am looking at things close up or they hurt my eyes. So I only have one pair right now. This one pair cost me an arm and a leg though, the thought of losing them scares me.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
21 Feb 11
Hi Dear LadyM! You are really lucky that you had your spectacles just two months back! More over since you need to wear them all the times, your life is bit easier as far as the use of these problem makers are concerned!
It is really good idea to have only one good pair of spectacles which is bit expensive, so that one would be careful about it to prevent it from getting it lost! while doing so the spectacle is always within known place and easily be found whenever it is required!
Thanks dear for responding!

@artistry (4151)
• United States
21 Feb 11
...Hi there, I have one pair of glasses which I take off to read and see close things. I refuse to get bifocals although they have some without the distinction on the lens. I just don't want to get bifocal glasses. Vanity. Your story is iteresting but I guess you want to always be prepared wherever you are. I would also think it would be somewhat confusing unless all of your shortsighted glasses have the same color frame and the rest are of a different color. But whatever works for you is what counts. Take care.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
21 Feb 11
Hi Dear Artistry! I can understand your apathy about the bifocal glasses!
Yes! It is really very difficult to manage so many spectacles at a time! I think your idea of having a single colored frame for one type may solve the purpose! But then the problem what I am encountering right now is because of the frames which I have been using for last so many years have been all fitted with new lenses which my range really a varied one with several colors!
Now this has become a part and parcel of my life and I enjoy it also some times as I feel the importance which my family members give me in the event I misplace my spectacles, by readily helping in retrieving them out!LOL!
Thanks dear friend for responding!

@Brook909 (110)
21 Feb 11
Hi,Dear AKRao:
what a coincidence.I have the same idea as what you've done.just as what you said,we thought it was convenient if we had mulitple pairs of spectacles,but when we really have more,and we really forget leave it to the place where it belongs to.So,now I have two pairs of glasses all for driving and for working,the other only for reading,and i've never worn the one for reading outside my home,and i alway keep this one near by my computer.this is my choice.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
21 Feb 11
Hi Dear Brook! Nice meeting you, so we are sailing in the same boat!
Yes, initially I thought I would be doing a great thing by having so many spectacles at my disposal , so that I can have some easy time in my life!
Now having realised the confusions and comedy of errors, which has become a part and parcel of life I am now thinking to do some thing else to do to solve the problem! and honestly I have no idea what I am going to do to strike my jackpot idea! LOL!
Thanks for responding!

@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
21 Feb 11
Hi Dear JohnMach! I must say that you have been very lucky so far that you never felt the need of wearing any spectacles! Enjoy the life without spectacles as much as you can , as life with spectacles is some times very tiring and hilarious too! LOL!
Thanks for responding!

@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
21 Feb 11
Hi Dear Zxskyfw! So you need to carry at least two of them every time with you! I think this is also not an easy task to accomplish! I would like to know which is the spare pair of spectacles you have that is one for working or for the purpose of game?
Thanks for responding!