English language.

@Lore2009 (7378)
United States
February 22, 2011 1:26pm CST
There are a lot of people here from many "English" speaking countries, but there are many who are not from there but speak(or write) very fluent English. How did you all learn English... is everyone bilingual in your country(which country?)? How has it benefit you from knowing English in your life.
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18 responses
@akangirl (2436)
• India
22 Feb 11
Actually we are taught english at school from nursery onwards and not only as language.Hindi is our mother tongue but mostly we are taught english.I studied in english medium school which are more popular than hindi medium ones. English is considered a important language here in India.
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@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
23 Feb 11
Oh yes, I have heard that in India, almost everyone can speak English there, especially from your history and all. Do you think it is good that it is required for you in school?
@staria (2780)
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
English is a common language here in the Philippines, we have a lot of native language that varies from every city and provinces. So we also use English aside from Tagalog. We are taught to speak in English since the preparatory years in school up to college. It is also the main language used when applying for jobs here, so basically it is a plus if you knew how to speak English well enough. I know that I have not perfected my English speaking skills, but I do practice once in a while and try to read more books so I can learn new vocabulary. English has played a big part in terms of my career. Because I knew how to speak the language, I got a job for a SG based company.
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@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
23 Feb 11
That's really good! Congrats. I think it's good that everyone learns as much languages they can. I think here in the US, should require more other languages also, after all we live with so many cultures here.
@staria (2780)
• Philippines
24 Feb 11
Thanks but let me share my opinion on having many languages.. It is not really beneficial at times. I mean it is great to have a multilingual nation where every province of every culture can express themselves in their own way. But sometimes communicating w/ them's aint easy. There were those who live far away (as in, in the mountains etc) who cannot really interact in Tagalog (our main language) or in English. So this also results to language barriers.
• Canada
22 Feb 11
My mother came from Denmark in 1957, when she was only seven years old. She learned by immersion, and taught the rest of the family how to speak English. Other members of my family live in Quebec, and are raising their children to speak both French and English.
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@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
23 Feb 11
I think it's good that people learn as much languages as they can, and especially from when they're young so they can remember faster.
• United States
23 Feb 11
I was born and raised in the US although I am Puerto Rican. I speak both languages fluently and so do many of my acquaintances. There are some who either speak broken Spanish or do not speak it all. When both my kids were born I spoke nothing but Spanish at home as I knew they would pick up English quickly. As they entered kindergarten neither spoke and or understood English and both are very fluent in English and Spanish. They also write it fluently. So it was from school and home that all of learned both languages.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
23 Feb 11
That's really good. If I ever get kids, I want to put them in those schools that teach in Spanish so they can be fluent in Spanish as well. Is English a frequently spoken language in Puerto Rico also?
• United States
23 Feb 11
It is taught much more now then years ago. Most Puerto Ricans speak strictly in Spanish to one another but if they encounter areas that English is commonly spoken they will. Same as here I would generally speak in English but if I go somewhere and notice that most are primarily speaking in Spanish my brain auto thinks and speaks in Spanish. That is an excellent idea Lore about the kids speaking Spanish as it is becoming more common these days that the Hispanic kids are not being taught Spanish at all and I think to my self, awh what a shame that they are not as the US is such a diverse country and there are so many opportunities for bilingual speakers, as well as Hispanics/all countries really, should be familiar with their heritage.
@Lucifa (42)
• China
23 Feb 11
hi there, I am a Chinese college student and I'm an English major student. Some of the seniors in my school can use English fluently. although I'm a fresh man I'll work harder to catch up with them! I think the main purpose of learning English is communication. We can talk to English speakers smoothly then we could get a job easily.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
23 Feb 11
Wow, your English is very good! Good job! How old were you when you started to learn English?
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
25 Feb 11
English is my first language, I was born and raised in the US.
@Lucifa (42)
• China
24 Feb 11
I think I started learning English when I was in primary school. What about you?
• Turkey
23 Feb 11
I learned from school. My country speaks Turkish but English is an international language so i have to learn. Now i am working a company which has the relations from other countries. So i have needed English so many time. It is very important in my life.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
23 Feb 11
That's very good! Do a lot of other people speak English in Turkey also?
• Turkey
23 Feb 11
Actually approximately %20 of population can speak English. But for the new generation, %60 of them can speak. So younger people are more interested to learn English.
@GreenMoo (11834)
25 Feb 11
English is my first language, but I actually live somewhere where I need to speak a second language. Unfortunately I am not nearly as good at it as I'd like to be, but then I don't put as much effort into it as I probably should. I think English speakers are very poor at learning languages compared to the rest of the world. It's embarrassing really.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
5 Mar 11
It IS embarrassing!
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
24 Feb 11
I was born here so I learned English from my parents and from going to school. I guess mine is not really the answer you were looking for. But I wanted to respond. I think it is great that people from other countries know English so well, I wish I knew another language the only one I know a little bit is Spanish. Although they are making kids in Junior High and High School take a good amount of a foreign language now. I kind of wish they had when I was in high school. I never hat to take a foreign language. I learned what I know from working with people from Mexico.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
25 Feb 11
I think it's unfortunate that we don't learn more too and I think it's great when people can be multilingual because language is the first step to understand each other.
• China
5 Mar 11
in fact in no way is everyone bilingual in any country,and there's difference between speak a language and express well in that language.can you sort people who only know how to say thank you and byebye english users?in my exprience people who really speak fluent english in countries that are not english-native ,very few.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
5 Mar 11
I know a few people who are very fluent two other languages. They are rare but they're there.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
23 Feb 11
I started learnting English when I was at kindergarten. Our country used to be British so English was part of the subject inthe shool. I didn't like it when I was in primary school, I thought it was very difficult, I had no idea what the books were talking about... I didn't have some basic english knowledge until I was in junior high school, then I started to feel more comfortable with it as I talked more at school.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
23 Feb 11
Which country are you from?
@marguicha (221837)
• Chile
23 Feb 11
In my country, Chile, we speak Spanish. I learnt English when I was 11 years old and I went for a year and a half to the US with my parents. As I always liked to read my English vocabulary has been growing ever since then even though my pronunciation is horrible. For me it, the biggest benefit has been to be able to read the English classics in English instead of in translations. It has also helped me a lot to comunicate when I go to English speaking countries. A bonus has been being able to have friends here in mylot
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
23 Feb 11
Wow, that's amazing. Your English is very good! I guess mylot can help you practice also.
@NicoZieg (591)
• Denmark
23 Feb 11
I'm from Denmark, and my english language is not very fluent, but I try as good as I can. I have learned to speak english in the school since I was 8 years old.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
23 Feb 11
Is it a requirement in school in Denmark? Your English seems very good!
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
In my case, I learned the English language from watching english TV shows and cartoons since I was just young (like 5 years old). Also, since I was in prep school, English was already a medium in pur school. I guess I was just lucky since my parents back then could afford sending us to private school. In our country, about 70% of the population understands the English language. We may not necessarily fluent at it, but we can write and speak it.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
23 Feb 11
Wow, you learned from cartoons and TV!? Amazing! Which country are you from?
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
Perhaps it is a skill. My mother is an English Professor. Also, I love English books and English movies. That way I get exposed to words and expressions in English. As a child i also watch English cartoons. But above all, reading and constant practice really helps.. :)
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
23 Feb 11
Wow, your English is really good if you learned from cartoons alone!
@llsling (331)
• China
19 Mar 11
HEY Im from china.Been learning English for quite a log time but found it's too tough without communicating with native speakers.So now as u see there're really some problems for me on expressing clearly.I've been workin on this since about I was 14,15 some and now im 25.In china there are not really too many opportunities for people truly understanding what English is really about though kids are been taught since years old in some big cities.Till Like a couple yrs ago when i Was still In college majoring in German,i didn't know what is American accent and what is british accent.And now i'm trying to pick up american english all on my own.I dropped out of school,cuz they are too square for me to stand not a single day.
• China
16 Mar 11
My mother tongue is not English but i tough it from my school.In my country from the beginning we must learn English and it's compulsory. So we must learn it yes i got benefit for learning english. As i know English that's why i am responding here.Now i do live another country and taking higher education so i must need english and as i know it so it's easy for me to study and lead a comfortable life.
@jhaidro (877)
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
I am from the Philippines and I think that my English is fair. Learning English has always been a part of school. You will not be able to go on to the next grade without passing your English subject. So I believe that almost everyone here knows the basic English. I think that there are a lot of good things that may happen when you know the language. It helped me once to have a job. I became a call center agent before and I think I did well with the language however I quit because of how demanding the work was.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
23 Feb 11
Your English is very good. I think it's beneficial when everyone can be multilingual, with any language. I think more languages should be required more here in the US too.
• United States
11 Apr 11
well i am from Egypt and i started to learn English at the age of 5 we basically learn two languages at school Arabic (mother language ) and English so it comes easy and most of the people here can speak both .and some other point is that the internet is all English so if u don't speak it u cant use internet (duh .right ) and its an international language u can use it anywhere with any one if its china -india -Russia or even south Africa . and one more little thing u say that they write it very well . well u forgot that most people use firefox . and firefox has a spelling checker i mean we all do miss spell some words in this respond i got all the times i wrote (language) forgot letters ohh and about benefit in my life i am in the faculty of commerce the english section so all the learning i di was worth it . alot of people here in egypt know english but don't use it so they forget it