(Philippines) PNoy ordered to clean Metro Manila SG (Singapore) style
By adnileb
@adnileb (5282)
February 27, 2011 8:23am CST
We all know that Singapore is one of the cleanest country. I wonder if that will happen in Manila as PNoy wants MMDA officials to clean the city SG style.
Do they really know what SG style means?
I think they can succeed with this plan as long as Manila has rude people that keeps on littering anywhere.
To all Filipino myLotters, what is your opinion about this?
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19 responses
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
27 Feb 11

@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
I agree with you LetranKnight.... Sometimes the rules are being thrown out and the officers don't care anymore. That's happening now doggydimon so I guess your wish won't come true but then you really think it won't. =)
They're good at implementing rules but where are they when there's someone who threw litter?? There gone somewhere else. They must assign a person for that so that they can keep track of the progress and also to discipline Filipinos. How can we be disciplined if the person to discipline us is undisciplined?
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@doggydimon (1369)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
I wish it was not true but I think it is. I remember MMDA implementing the anti-littering campaign a few months back but where is it now? If only those who are working at MMDA are dedicated enough just to make this work, I think we can clean the streets.
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@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
For now, it's not 100% sure that all Filipinos will learn to follow the rules that's why there are officials to take over. They are the ones who implement it, so they should also do their jobs when someone disobeys it. They should also take their duty seriously, like when they say they will fine you, they should fine you. Because sometimes they don't see the ones who disobeyed.
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@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
Hi ip!
This time they should get serious when it comes to penalty. I think some Filipinos don't follow because they really don't fine the person. One time, I saw one officer put litter on the road. I'm thinking, where are the rules anyway if they are the ones who don't really follow? When they implement something, they should really implement it by action not just by writing it. =)
Have a nice day!
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
1 Mar 11
I could not wait for the time when we can see the Philippines as clean as Singapore. It takes one person who has the political will to make things work. It takes one leader who has a strong leadership abilities to make his constituents follow him.
@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
2 Mar 11
Hope the smoke belchers will be gone too. Sure there's no place like Manila if that can happen. As you said, it only takes person. And that one person is PNoy. There's no harm in trying. And it's a good start if he really plans to clean Manila. But this should also be implemented to other cities so that the whole country is clean.
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
hi there.
oh well only a miracle can make this happen hehe ;) because well some Filipinos just don't care about their surroundings. for me, i think they should start from one place first, then another so at least they can really look after the people and see the changes but i dont know. i really want that to happen. but changes should always start within one's self and at home :)
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@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
Hehehe.. What a sad situation we have if only miracle can help us. =)
You're right, changes should start within ourselves. But we can really never control others as they want to litter. =) So rules should be provided and implemented dutifully by the government. By these means, Filipinos will be disciplined. (How I wish)
I just can't imagine Philippines as one of the cleanest countries in Asia.
=) Well, there's no harm in trying. Goodluck to PNoy..
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@redandwhitescarf08 (128)
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Cleaning would not be enough if people would not be disciplined to throw their garbage properly. Aside from cleaning, laws must be properly implemented to clean the city clean. Its a very tasking job, but If we want our country to be as beautiful as Singapore, its our part as a citizen to help beautify it.
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@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
Yes, it's our part to make this country clean. But as you know, lots of Filipinos are naughty and with bad attitude. They don't follow rules. Sometimes when they implement something like "No Littering. Fine:P100.00", people does not follow. Why? Because no officer saw him. Meaning they made the policy just in writing. They don't take action, that's what the other officials lack.
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@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
1 Mar 11
Two things, discipline and commitment. Those are the things that are lacking the denizens of Metro Manila. If these two are instilled in our being then having a clean Metro Manila would be well within our reach.
@cupcyke (363)
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
If our president only do the cleaning but Filipinos are still on their bad attitude regarding proper disposal of individuals garbage then it will never be succeed.
Singapore's clean community was succeed because every work as a team and they really respect each others property and especially they give importance in taking care of any places in their country.
@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
Teamwork is the best. In following the rules, attitude is the main problem in some Filipinos. But sometimes, you can't just blame the Filipinos because the enforcers seem not to take the rules seriously. I think they should hire an official for litter purpose only so that they can focus on the problem Some officers now are focused just on traffic and violent someone who has no violation. There comes the corruption. That's why Philippines don't succeed =)
@Ingkingderders (3831)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
I do hope that the government will succeed in cleaning the city, but as you said, they will never succeed until the people themselves help the government. I think what they did in Singapore is give out huge fines for littering, and after that the people started following rules. It's all about creating rules and actually enforcing them, because if the people know that they will never get caught even if they violate the rules then we'll just go back to where we started.

@Ingkingderders (3831)
• Philippines
1 Mar 11
Yeah, I really don't get why people love doing that.. I just wish that we learn how to discipline ourselves, and help our country to move forward and to prosper.
@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
1 Mar 11
Yes, definitely true that when they create rules, they should implement them. We know the Filipinos attitude, some likes doing unnecessary things specially when they are not really violated. And the worst, they will do it again and again until the whole place gets dirty.
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@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
1 Mar 11
I hope they can really implement this rule/law... I would really follow it, it would be better if they put up sanctions for those who don't follow it.
It's for the benefit of everyone anyway, who doesn't want clean surroundings?
It would be nice if everyone cooperates with this so that Manila would be cleaner and not that polluted anymore- illnesses can be prevented too. 

@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
1 Mar 11
Yes, but they should also implement this to other cities and not only Manila. Hope everyone will participate so that we can start to have a good reputation among other countries by being clean on the surroundings and hopefully clean by heart. Meaning, NO CORRUPTION. =)
@luram626 (30)
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
well for me this is not impossible, but it might not happen during his administration or the next administration, it will involve a lot of projects to consider, first Budget, second relocation of those living in the squatters area, third how about their means of living, will they be able to earn money in their new places? you know cleaning the Metro Manila includes this people who are living along the road, under the bridges etc. well I don't think it will happen right now, if it is just MMDA is involve then it will not happen. but if people will change especially those who are in the authority, the corruption in the government will cease then it will be possible to have Metro Manila like Singapore, not just Metro Manila but the whole country will be cleansed and prosper.
@annateresa (107)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
Good day luram!
You're correct not only the MMDA should be involved in cleaning the Metro Manila, should be all up to the small position in the government plus all of us. BUDGET, no problem if the budget will use in correct expenditure, the only problem maybe is the word CORRUPT. If there is no corrupt, we can clean the whole Philippines.
We cannot remove the squatter people, they can stay there whatever or whereever they want as long as they have the discipline attitude including the non-squatter people. I'm in favor of relocating the people from under the bridge, it's dangerous for them and it's not good to see them in that way.
I'm always thinking of corruption, to achieve our goal there should be no corruption, the President itself should have an example for that.
Help our President to make the Philippines, a good place to live.
@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
Hi there luram and anna!
Corruption is one of the biggest problems here in the Philippines. For me, even though the President is not corrupt, when his people are, there's still no gain for our country. And you're both right that in order to classify Philippines as a clean country like Singapore, all cities should be cleaned not only Manila. Some projects for the poor should also be established so they can get jobs and build their house so as not to live along the road or under the bridge. Because no matter how clean the city is literally, when there are beggars and people living along the road, Philippines is still dirty by heart.
Hope everyday, something good happens in our country. We can't be a perfect country in an instant anyway.
Have a nice day to both of you!
@greenpeas (998)
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
I think that will mean using scrubs...Scrub the street and use soap and water to remove all the dirt and grime.
In USA they do this easily by using trucks with gigantic scrubs that spins and quickly cleans the street as it passes.
@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
Well, I think that's good also. But for now, maybe they should clean first the people living along the roads and under the bridge, same with the vendors along the street so that they can clean the streets with the gigantic scrub hassle-free. =)
They should start thinking of where to put those people so that the city will look really clean without flaws.
They shouldn't be doing this in Manila only. It should be implemented in the whole of Philippines. You can't say this whole country is clean if it's only Manila anyway, right? =)
Have a nice day, greenpeas!
@jeanneyvonne (5501)
• Philippines
1 Mar 11
There is good intention in this plan but I don't think that it can be a reality. I am supposing that you are Filipino so you have an understanding what kind of people the majority of society/country is.
It's not that I lost faith but I don't think that the discipline that Singaporeans have in their society can be implemented to us. As a people, we already experience a form of disciplined society - that is Martial Law under very aggressive methods. I think we were traumatized by that event and we would rather be undisciplined and free rather than disciplined but not free.
@staria (2780)
• Philippines
2 Mar 11
It would only be possible if Filipinos will implement self discipline. Even if MMDA clean our streets, even if we remove all the informal settlers, even if we remove those who sell on the streets. If one or a couple of citizens wont be disciplined enough to throw even a small liter, it wont work.
But that's a great plan and I wish that it'll work out! 

@blungel0830 (841)
• Philippines
1 Mar 11
I think this is not impossible for the Filipinos if only each one will have different mindset about keeping Manila clean and beautiful. It will not be just the job of the MMDA officials and street sweepers. It should be everyones responsibility to keep our streets clean.
Manila will have clean streets if everyone will only put their garbage where they belong and if everyone keeps clean their immediate surroundings.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
It's not an impossible dream actually. It's just a matter of self discipline and implementing the law. As one of the poster here said, Filipinos are quite obedient when they're somewhere else than the Philippines. It's just political will since there are cities in the Philippines who have this kind of policy already, examples are Marikina and Davao.
@dheckerz (473)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
That would be awesome. Little work will make changes. It may take time, funds and tons of effort but at least it would be a good start. Another thing that i would suggest to implement is to fine people who throw garbage or spit anywhere. It adds up to the mess if only Filipinos were thought to be very disciplined then it should not be a problem.
Everyone is responsible to contribute on his/her own.It wouldn't make any sense if MMDA cleans till they drop if people in that area doesn't cooperate. Every citizen must be responsible for this and must work with MMDA for a greater result.
@scja16 (322)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
All I can say if we say that we want this to happen then lets start doing it within our connections and reach then hopefully it will spread all the way. Then if we see people doing this then we should tell them not to. This only applies and describe and reflect who they are. I wish the same thing to happen for our country.
@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
This is long overdue. That should be the programs of the past Presidents and the next President. It is a simple task and should not gone worst if the Previous government heads has started it long time ago. It doesn't requires large amount of budget to have it, but since it reach the worst point, it looks like it is impossible. If we all do our share, nothing is impossible for us Filipinos.