The Contradiction of the Bible and the Qur'an

March 8, 2011 3:11am CST
I believe in the authenticity of the Qur'an, and it is the real book of god, well protected by god, And Bible as corrupted book of God, revised and changed.... by people...
7 responses
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
8 Mar 11
The message of the Bible is simple. Matthew 22:37-39 (New International Version, ©2011) 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
8 Mar 11
Whenever you see people fighting and killing, they are far away from the commandments of God and are not obeying him, no matter what they call themselves.
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• Philippines
8 Mar 11
And yes, I agree with that. When you love your neighbor, when you are a true religious person who love your God and His will, you will not accuse your neighbor of following a false religious book, just like what the topic started has said. You will not accuse others of, "Your is false, mine is true."
• Philippines
9 Mar 11
I truly agree with the comments of magtibaygom and 1hopefulman. You should love your neighbor and respect other people's belief. This is the essence of a true follower of God.
@remo86 (252)
• Egypt
14 Mar 11
away from that blog is not working with me :D Yes in our holy Qur'an and Islam this is true fact for us ,and these is part of our believes..BUT "and take big attention here" Islam told us that we all are equal and we have to deal with people in good way,religious is something related to god not related to us so we cant judge people according to their religious
@remo86 (252)
• Egypt
15 Mar 11
No the blog is not working for me ...i'm not saying you did something wrong .And yes we deal with people whatever their religiosity in equal @iamhanifah Nicraz i didn't say Qu'ran is only book from god and no one can say that...Our holy Qu'ran told and learned us that Christina and Jewish are also books of god don't misunderstand my talk
• Philippines
15 Mar 11
You are afraid to tell the truth because you are afraid that christians will get angry with you, in fact Almighty Allah knows what inside your heart. Bible of today is corrupted not like the Bible which is the Torah that has been sent down to prophet Jesus. We believe in all books. My question is: Is the Bible you are using today the same the very Bible before? Then why is it in the English language while the original is in Hebrew. Any book that is revealed by god and has been change is corrupted.
• Philippines
15 Mar 11
Did I do something wrong? I just posted the blog,,, What is wrong with it, if you do not believe then do not believe. I just made it clear the contradiction of the Bible and the Qur'an. Are you saying both are equal?
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
16 Mar 11
Interesting...Your arguement throughout here has been that the various bibles are not authentic. Well, the quran is not either. Mohammed passed his info down orally thru a number of his followers, since he was illiterate and did not use a scribe. The info was actually meant to be just for their small group. Each man passed his memorized bit on to his eldest son. This was done for each generation until finally (against mohammed's teaching) they decided to write it down. They had grown to such a large group that they wanted written copies to pass around. Their size was another thing that was against the wishes of mohammed. There is no way that bits and pieces were not changed or lost in this whole process. And the quran has changed. If you read a very old copy, and compare it to a current copy, you will find many changes. Of course, it is very difficult to find a very old copy. I just happen to know someone who possess such. By the way most folks respect the name of their Creator and Capitalize that name out of respect...Why don't you? You write "god" like a pagan god. I know that your god is the ancient moon god, but I thought you folks tried to deny that.
• Philippines
16 Mar 11
Oh really. Angel Gabriel personally sent the verses to prophet Muhammad. Yes he is an illiterate but read the Qur'an and you will find yourself that Qur'an is Noble. It is the way of Almighty Allah to preserve the book through writing it as a book. Have you read the Qur'an. I believe it is never changed for it is protected by Allah. What are you telling about the Prophet Muhammad and his companions are nothing but false accusations. You are an evil in disguise.
• Philippines
16 Mar 11
And what do you know about the Qur'an. God is an english word, not arabic. Sorry if it goes that way. It is not stated in the Qur'an to capitalized it, besides it is an english tradition to do some capitalization. How dare you accusing me of being a pagan? Lol.... How about Jesus? Are you sure that the refugee you are using inside the church is really prophet Jesus? You are mankind worshiper and an idol worshiper too. You put idols into your church. Manufactures of your own hand. You bought it and then you worship it? Is that a justice to our creator? Purchasing an idols and set it as God in front of you is paganistic actions. Lol
• Philippines
16 Mar 11
You are celebrating Christmas, but in reality you choose the fix time yourselves. All christians knew that Prophet's Jesus' birth is not on Dec.25. But you keep on celebrating it. Who do you think you are making fools here?
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
13 Mar 11
But can the word of God be corrupted? I don't think so. That would mean that man is stronger than God if man is able to corrupt God's word. There are poor translations but God's word the Bible cannot be corrupted.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
15 Mar 11
A little honest thinking and little honest research and the Bible stands out as the unique word of God. Nothing compares to the Bible, nothing even comes close in practical wisdom, in reliable history, in accurate prophecy, and in praising the true God Yahweh. These are the facts, these are the truth!
• Philippines
14 Mar 11
But the signs were corrupted for sure. See the evidence above.
• Philippines
15 Mar 11
If you think that way, there's nothing I can do about it.
@zralte (4176)
• India
16 Mar 11
Believe what you want. I don't know what you mean by "corrupted book of God". True, Bible has been translated into different languages and different revisions in English. I don't think that the differences in words really make much difference to what the teachings are. Love your neighbour, Don't commit murder, don't commit adultery, etc.etc. are still the same, however way it is translated. Having never read the Quran, I cannot really say anything about it. The only thing I would like to ask is that: When you say Quran is the real book of god, do you really believe that god came as a human being and write it himself?
• Philippines
16 Mar 11
The words in the Qur'an are dictated by the Angel Gabriel to Muhammad peace be upon him. It is made through inspiration to the Prophet.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
9 Mar 11
Not very spiritual are you? You condemn a book that is respected and revered by millions and millions of Christians worldwide.Comparing your belief to any other and saying yours is better, is not only offensive but serves no good purpose whatsoever. what you believe to be the true word of God is your belief and your right, but to do this while condemning anyone else's faith is as wrong as it gets.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
9 Mar 11
When you say the Bible is "corrupt", that is a condemnation, not a comparison. and i don't appreciate the "tsk", "tsk" remark and asking me to "think twice" as if i was a child.What you call defensive, i call an opinion and the last time i checked, that is everyones right.
• Philippines
9 Mar 11
Did I really condemned? I just made comparison among the two, how could you be so defensive? What is million people believing in different books of various mistakes and changes.... tsk tsk think twice. It's not all about the population it's about the authenticity.
• Philippines
10 Mar 11
sorry if it goes that way.. Well which among the bible's edition is original? The really bible that sent to the prophets? Why is it, it has so many care offs? There is a third person involved... My religious instructor in college who was a chrisitan was confused, which bible is original in meaning and text...
• India
2 Jun 12
There are mnay contradiction in both these books