The Meaning of Satan and Angels

Marikina, Philippines
March 10, 2011 5:37am CST
How do Christians interpret Satan and Angels? Is it Satan that have two horns, skin is red with a pointed tail and Angels with wings? I do not understand the meaning of a real Satan and a real Angels because what I understand that Satan is just a spirit - a dark forces which people would not see them literally and Angels are also a spirit which people would not see them as a real person, wearing white robe with wings ... how about you? How did you interpret these two? Do you really believe that there is such a real Satan or Devil that have two horns, skin is red with pointed tail and an Angel with wings that can fly in the air?
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15 responses
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
14 Mar 11
My interpretation is simply to read what the Bible says. Satan is an Angel. Angels are spirit beings, and thus do not necessarily have bodies. Angel are described in the Bible in various forms. Some human looking, others with wings, some fly, some walk. Since Angels are spirits, it's possible they can change what they look like. At the same time, it's possible they can not, and G-d created different kinds of Angels. It doesn't specifically say either way, so I would guess I'll find out when I get there. As for Satan, the Bible says that he was the most beautiful of all Angels. There is no description of Satan anywhere in the Bible that says he has red skin, or a tail of any kind, or horns. I would suspect that the modern pathetic imagine of Satan is simply the wild imagination of un-believing people, to marginalize who he really is.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
16 Mar 11
Job 1:6, Matthew 4:1-3, Matthew 12:24, John 12:31 And many other passages all teach that Satan is real. As for your claims about angels, based on what do you claim this? Especially when there are specific instances in the Bible that say otherwise.
• Romania
16 Mar 11
The angels don't have bodies, except the times when they are punished or they have a mission on earth or other planets and they get a body. They all have wings but every astral entity can fly. In astral you can do what you want and make your wings if you like the first time when you get back in your body, you feel like you go to jail. In astral you get to know the true freedom. And about satan, is just some storyes accepted as true.
• Romania
18 Mar 11
This are based on personal experience. Bible was rewrited in16-17 century.(don't know the year)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
just joking, satan could be someone like you who deliberatly would ask such a question (in hindi satan also means naughty) hehe... You're right satan and angels are spirits that enter become someone's personality depending on the situation. Some people remain as satans even after the situation is resolved, some are just born that way but at some point in time they turn into angels. People who have had a long tough life usually end up turning into angels while spoilt brats and the ones born with silver spoon usually never learn to value anything in their lives and turn into satans. It's our own way of interpreting satan's with horns, satan's personality usually is very angry and they run after everybody with their horns. Where as Angels with wings since they run towards people with open arms.
• Canada
12 Mar 11
Wow! you know so much about number of skys and who comes from where. I have no clue where I came from except that my mom and dad got married and conceived me as a child and I was born with the grace of god. I don't know anything about bible, I know some of Ramayana and Mahabharata but definitely nothing about sky. From what you're saying and with all due respect, what I understand is that since Jesus was on 9th sky and we are on 3rd sky it is like caste system, being on the lower sky we are in hell. Correct me if I'm wrong but which sky is below us? I see our sky (world) to be the perfect heaven and it's up to us to make it a hell or a heaven, isn't it. I am lost in skies... Heeeeeeeeeeelp
• Romania
12 Mar 11
Below us is 2nd sky and is worse that this.As you go up you lose your body and become an astral entity. Is like a skyscraper as you rise in rank you rise in floors and the payment rises. PS:It's werry hard to explain this way, face to face is easyer.
• Romania
11 Mar 11
What you say is half true, if you have a tought life you don't become an angel, is true that you will rise your vibration but angels are like employes, it's a job. There are many peoples that are brighter that some angels. And this is true for Satan thing too. Is very simple, you have a vibration and there is 11 skyes and depends of your vibration where you are. We are in 3th sky now. And Jesus was from 9th, so for him Earth was a Hell. From here comes the concept of Hel and Haven.
• United States
10 Mar 11
Well Satan is actually a fallen angel, but he isn't real. Many people think of him as the "Prince of Darkness" or the "Bringer of all Evil", but the truth is that he is just the Adversary. God and Satan will even work together to test people.
• Australia
11 Mar 11
thats so far from the truth (work together) it should be ignored.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Mar 11
Excuse me, the Story of Job, or have you never heard of that one? God said that Job would never turn his back on God, and Satan said if that is true why don't you test that theory? And he did, and God proved to Satan that he was right. Ever heard of the "Devil's Advocate". Satan is like a lawyer or a District Attorney. God may have punished Satan for his rebellion against him, but that doesn't mean that he hates him. If God hated Satan, he would have just flat out destroyed him, and he didn't.
• United States
12 Mar 11
Also, what makes you an expert on religion because you seem to respond to all of the religious discussions. I am just curious. Oh, when Satan was testing Jesus. God and Satan weren't working together, but I am sure God knew that Satan was going to test him because that is what he does. Satan can either bring out the best in people (Job and Jesus), or he can bring out the worst in people. Also, it's not like he is real. People are responsible for their own actions, you can't blame God or Satan for the stupid things that people do.
• Slovenia
11 Mar 11
well I pretty much see them as you see them, but still I think this whole imagery is just a commercial stunt that once upon a time someone made up and somehow that's how we believe they look like now. after all it's at least something no, rather than still thinking how would they look like. as for the second question, I don't think they really exist in such forms, like watching over us and such, but I believe that only explanation to explain something good or bad in a person or someting is by bringing these two up which kind of categorize good versus bad.
• Slovenia
11 Mar 11
you mean angels in people, right. cause that I've seen too. :]
• Romania
11 Mar 11
No, i mean real angels in Astral, you feel like a candle in front of the sun...
• Romania
11 Mar 11
Belive me they are real, i've seen angels and run out of words... It's just amaizing.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
10 Mar 11
Satan in the bible is the adversary of God, the old dragon, old snake and the evil who come and go from heaven to earth, he is the roaring lion. while angels are messenger of God, ervant of God... see you around
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Mar 11
I agree that you must have both good and evil. Dark and light. We see many dualities in our universe.
• Romania
11 Mar 11
Yes but without black white doesn't exist, without fire can't be water, the universe is a combination of evil and good mantained in balance. PS:Light energy can do more harm that Dark energy, because dark energy harms your physical body, while the light harms your astral body and once it's harmed it's realy bad and can last more lives until is healed.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
12 Mar 11
yes there black and white but we must try to do good and be in the white side or else we never go to God because is holy... we must become holy.
@cecil04 (408)
• South Africa
11 Mar 11
Remember that satan was once himself an Angel and was sent to hell. I thought Angels had no freewill so why did satan turn on God. Satan may look red because his skin may have burned off.
• Australia
11 Mar 11
look up learnthe and search angels free will.
• Romania
11 Mar 11
If Satan didn't existed we were just some robots doing what God say.Satan gave us the inteligence, but some got more that others.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
@cecil04 hell is a lake of barbecue of fire... meaning... extreme over-cooking so the correction is.... Satan skin looked darker than black because of extreme overcooking and not red or half-cooked.... remember: fire has three colors: 1. Red flame 2. Blue flame 3. Yellow Flame
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
14 Mar 11
Whoever came up with those pics of satan and must have never looked at the discription in the Holy Scriptures. "In Eden, the garden of God, you proved to be. Every precious stone was your covering, ruby, topaz and jasper; chrysolite, onyx and jade; sapphire, turquoise and emerald; and of gold was the workmanship of your settings and your sockets in you. in the day of your being created they were made ready. " Ezek.28:13, Your heart became haughty because of your beauty. You brought your wisdom to ruin on account of your beaming splendor. Onto the earth I throw you. Before kings I will set you, for them to look upon you." Ezek.28:17. Satan=hebrew satan-greeksatanas. means resister, adversary. Devil=From the Greek diabolos meaning false accuser, misirepresenter, slanderer. Given this name because he is the cheif and foremost slanderer and false accuser of Jahovah. Jesus said of him: "That one was a man slayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because the truth is not in him."John8:44; 1John3:3. Jesus here shows that Satin was once in the truth, but forsook it. He made himself the devil by wrong desires. Jas.1:13-15. Demons are rebellious angels that joined satan before the flood. Gen.6:1,2; 1Pe.3:19,20. By personal choice hordesof angels joined satan in his rebellion. Rev.12:7-9; Mt.25:41. Satan is called the ruler of this world in the scriptures. Joh.14:30; Joh.16:11. He is described as being cast out of the heavens. Joh. 12:31. "Then Jahovah said to satan: "Just where do you come from?"At that satan answered Jahovah and said: "From roving about in the earth and from walking about it". Job2:2 "Keep your sences, be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone."1Pe.5:8 "On this accout be gald, you heavens and youwho reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the devil has come down to you, Having great anger, Knowing he has a short time left." Rev.12:12. He is allowed to remain untill the issue of sovernity is settled. Ex.9:16. Then he will be abyssed , then destroyed. Mt.25:41; Lu.8:31; Rev.20:2,3,10. Angel in both hebrew malakh and the greek aggelos means messenger. They are also termed 'sons of the true God', 'morning stars and 'holymyriads' or 'holy ones'. Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7; De.33:2. The angels were created long before man's appearence, for at the 'founding of the earth' the morning stars joyfully cried out together, and all the sons of God began shouting in applause." Job 38:4-7. Yes i very much believe all the scriptures say.
@raven66 (335)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
Angels mean persons not wanting to hurt anything or anyone.. like Mother Taresa and M. Ghandi... Satan.. are all those trying to CONTROL us through media, , Banking, War, Food availability, and Weapons.. amoungst many other ways~~~ like .. the Rothcilds, the Rockafellers, Bush.. families and many others~~
• Canada
13 Mar 11
I can sort of see your point but how do you know there aren't metaphysical angels?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Mar 11
According to the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, satan is Lucifer, the light bearer who fell from heaven because of pride and arrogance. Those angels who followed him in rebellion are deamons now, chained in darkness until the final judgement. Angels have a heirarchy. There are those who fight for mankind, against evil and those who continually praise God before the throne. Some are described as being winged, and some are described as taking human form on earth to bring messages or deliver announcements. What is important is to know that there is spiritual warfare being fought all around us. And if we are on the side of righteousness and truth, they fight on our behalf.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Mar 11
Yes, he was the light bearer. Like a mirror he reflected the SHEKINAH GLORY OF GOD. His pride and intelligence led to his rebellion. He wanted to be GOD, not just reflect God to others. And that is his lie to human beings since the garden, that we will become like God.
• Romania
11 Mar 11
Did you knew that Lucifer in latin means The Light Bringer?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Mar 11
I should have said: that we cam become gods without obeying God.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
11 Mar 11
For me devil and liar if you do that kind of bad thing then it is and you are called Satan.
• Romania
14 Mar 11
Then all people should call satan, and don't tell me that you've never lied.
@dccell (337)
• Indonesia
10 Mar 11
that is the metter of how your thought affecting your lifes... interpreting satan as bad and angels is good... is common.....
@gengeni (3308)
• Indonesia
10 Mar 11
Actually there is nothing I need to explain anymore, because you have to explain everything about the angels and Satan. Human nature is composed of good and bad, good qualities represented by the angel and the bad nature of Satan. Both angels and Satan exist in man and outside man. If someone is good minded, then the nature of the angel that appears, and vice versa, if you do the crime, the nature of Satan that appears, they (angels, and Satan) place or throne is the mind, have now only the second human subject is, whether angels are given to mastering the thought, or Satan. Greeting
• United States
10 Mar 11
These impression comes from the artist painting in the systine chapel over 1500 years ago. If you want to understand the real features of these characters you need to read the bible, or reasearch Jesus teachings about satan. Information is available in the bible study sections online.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
28 Jun 11
and it is found in the bible book of Roman Catholics... by this, another reasons of myth.... even those 40 men who made the bible before as per dictated by the Holy Spirit also believed that even Angel Gabriel has wings of a birdlike angel feathered wings in order to fly....
• Romania
10 Mar 11
Satan is not as bad as we think, he is just lake a jail guardian and doesn't have a look. And angels do have wings, but they aren't material and you can see them in Astral. If you see an angel you can't describe it, belive me.
@murkie (1103)
• Philippines
10 Mar 11
this goatlike image of satan is actually an image of baphomet. back in the early days, paganism was still the religion and baphomet is the overall god. when christianity arrived, the first thing they did to promote the new religion is to destroy all existing beliefs and discredit the pagans' gods. so the conquering christians depicted the bad guy as someone who look like the baphomet. that is how satan came to look like the way he is popularly known today. i just don't know how they came up with the angels. yet.