When Is It The Right Time To Say Goodbye?

@snoopyfan (1312)
United States
March 16, 2011 5:06pm CST
Hey everyone I have my baby girl Bandit who is 11 years old. I am starting to find some small tumors on her. About 5 years ago she had one removed. Right now she is not in any pain when I touch them. I know the our time together is coming to a end. She also has a heart murmur. I am worried if I am being a bad Dog Mom. Right now I can't afford any surgeries to remove them since the last one I had done was $500.00 and who knows what it would be now. She is not in any pain and is acting like her normal self. I am hoping she will hang in there a little longer. Am I being selfish for just waiting it out until then end. I just want her to be happy and not in any pain. I don't want to do anything before the holidays cause that would be even more depressing. I know this is the worst part of being a dog parent. It is so hard especially since she was given to me by my Mom who passed away a few years ago. So Bandit has a lot of baggage attached to her which is going to make it even more difficult than normal. Would love to hear your thoughts on what I should do. Thanks in advance
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11 responses
• United States
17 Mar 11
Your dog is not suffering so I suppose it is okay. Of course it would be ideal but how can you when finances are so low. So continue loving your baby and hope that she can hold on longer. So as all above I agree you are not being selfish dear sometimes this happens, at least you are loving her and keeping her as comfortable as possible.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
17 Mar 11
Trust me she is getting everything she wants. Bandit has me very well trained. I know it is all a part of the circle of life. I can assure you she won't ever be in pain. I guess that happens with a lot of us right. We wish we could have the money for everything but life gets in the way. Thanks
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
16 Mar 11
Jugs is right, as long as the dog is in no pain, they can still live a happy life. You'll know when it's time, your dog will be slower to walk and will show signs of pain and then is the time to consider what to do. Ask your vet and see what he or she suggests, because even when a dog has some problems, a vet will know more about what your dog is really feeling and can give you signs to look for.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
17 Mar 11
I know you are right and I need to check with her doctor. Hopefully they can give me advice without all the xrays and tests cause again they charge a arm and a leg. Trust me if I had the money I would go all out for her. She has had a couple of surgeries when she was younger. And with this economy I just can't afford everything. I am hoping she will hang in there. Thanks for your advice.
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• United States
17 Mar 11
You're welcome and I do hope that whatever is going on with your dog, it isn't serious and that she will be with you longer..:)
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
17 Mar 11
I'm sorry to hear this about Bandit. I know she is your baby. The way I feel about these things is as long as she is not in pain and is not experiencing any discomfort then she should be okay. She is able to do as she normally does. Her life has not changed then she should be okay. When her quality of life changes that is when you need to think about doing something to have her rest. Because when she is no longer able to do as she normally does or is in pain then you don't want that for her. When she looks at you as if she is tired or just can not do things anymore then she don't need to go on like that. You will know when that is. Bless you and bless her. Love her while she is there and give her what she wants. That is what my vet told me.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
17 Mar 11
Thanks moondancer and trust me Bandit always gets what she wants. And if I am not fast enough she will let me know that as well. LOL! For now she is still her normal annoying self. She still does everything normally and is still a walking garbage disposal so hopefully she will hang in there a little longer. Peace
• United States
17 Mar 11
@jazzsue58 (2666)
17 Mar 11
Are these benign tumours? Sometimes, even people get these. I know there's a human condition where they grow and surgeons just have to (ugh) snip 'em off. Unsightly but not life threatening. A lovely 11-year old lab goes regularly to my vet to have hers done. The owner's in the same position as you, but her dog now has mobility problems and failing sight. All the same, the vet says it's up to the owners - she's a good vet, not a money-raker, but says the dog seems happy - she's eating okay etc. Point of fact - got a miniature rabbit with an inherited dental problem so once a month his teeth need trimming. Few months back, aaarrgh - great big lump in his jaw! No pain, eating okay, but vet said it was an abscess that would most likely get bigger. She put him on antibiotics for a couple of months, but kept saying how rabbits with this generally suffer and have to be put down. At this time Smokey was losing weight even though he was eating, but we had an idea it might be due to the exercise he was getting running about and teasing the newest family member (see below.) We regularly cleaned and drained the abscess, and I tweaked the treatment so the rabbit got more antibiotic early on, then reduced the dose as his own immune system took over. Our Dalmatian pup meanwhile took it on himself to "nurse" Smokey, licking the abscess site daily - much to Smokey's disgust. I imagine this helped a lot, cos ... Today, Smokey had his teeth looked at - vet was amazed. Abscess is totally gone, and the rabbit has put on all the weight he lost and then some. We could have had him put down at the beginning and saved a lot of money, BUT HIS QUALITY OF LIFE WAS GOOD SO WE DIDN'T. So long as your pooch isn't in pain and is eating and alert, with bright eyes, I'd say put up with a few vet's bills - it's rare that old dogs don't have a few health problems, like old people. I've got all this to look forward to - Dalmatians are known for kidney problems in later life. Not a damn thing I can do about it - it's an inherited trait ...
@jazzsue58 (2666)
17 Mar 11
Over here we have the PDSA, RSPCA and Blue Cross animal clinics, where payment is what you can afford. They're always on TV, but what people aren't told is - it's a postcode lottery. The clinic vet may be twiddling his thumbs but if you've got an animal emergency outside the "catchment area" it's a no-kan-doo. These are charities forever asking people outside their "catchment areas" to donate each month. Go figure. You may find another vet willing to take instalments - some will defer to payday as well. Good luck!
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
17 Mar 11
Bandit is a pit bull mix and has had a few surgerys. The one I referred to it was a bump on her and yes that one was benign. It was also the cheapest surgery she had. She has had two on her knee joints cause they snap easily on Pits and she had too much fun at the dog park. I don't mind putting up with a few bills but my vet I take her doesn't take payments so if it is really high I can't come up with it all at once. I may look into seeing if there are any clincs for animals that I can take her to.
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
17 Mar 11
I think you are a wonderful dog mother and bandit is very lucky to have you. I know it will be very difficult to say goodbye to your baby, but in a way you are bless because you know you will have to say goodbye and you have that chance to share as many days as allowed. If I were in your situation, I would probably let nature take it course, especially if the little darling is not in any pain. I know she will continue to be in the better hands she could possibly be in. Creating more vet bill for yourself is not a wise choice if it not going to prolong her life for any significant amount of time. Loving her to the end is the end is the best medical you can give her. Blessing to you both.
• United States
13 Apr 11
Hi, Just thought I would check on the condition of your baby, I hope everything is okay with the situation. Peace.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
17 Mar 11
Thanks I know I am lucky to have Bandit as well. She taught me that Pit Bulls are not the mean killing machines the news likes to make them out to be. She is so loving, smart and funny. That is one thing I will have to cherish when it is her time all the funny and crazy things she has done. She would give Marley a run for his money.
• Canada
17 Mar 11
if she not in pain its not time do you know what kind of tumors they are? if they are not cancer then i would not be concerned with them at her age the surgery would be more risky anyways. Many dogs get fatty tumors when they get older and these tumors don't effect there quality of life in the least. When its time for her to go you will know. Like you I am much in the same position if you look back a few discussions you will see one called "saying goodbye" which pretty much explains what i'm going through with my 15 year old pup he has had a heart murmur for 5 years now and is in the final stages of heart failure now. I face the same question you are asking yourself every day for the last few month but I know I will know its time and he will tell me. When they no longer have the joy for life they once had or get excited about the little things like cookies and car rides thats when its time. To me it sounds like your girl still has time left in her and the two of you should focus on making it some of your best times together. Enjoy each day with her baby girl and don't worry about making the wrong choice when the time come you will know deep down inside.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
17 Mar 11
I don't know what kind they are since I haven't taken her to the vet yet. I am hoping they are not cancer. That was what the surgery was for I mentioned about. At that time it was benign. I know the first one I found on her neck has been there awhile and has not changed size. Maybe it is a fatty tumor and that is why she is not reacting. I am sorry for the loss of your pet 15 years is amazing. I am hopeful Bandit will make it that long. And yes I will be making these last years how many we have the best. Bandit is very spoiled and has me well trained. You know how that goes.
• Canada
17 Mar 11
i know how that go's all to well my boy has me wrapped around his little paws. If they are not changing in size i would not worry as much about them and just get them checked out when you do have the money but don't feel like a bad dog mommy becasue you can't afford it right now you can give her many things that money can not buy
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 Mar 11
You sound like a great dog Mom to me and your dog sounds happy and contented and happy with life. I think either you will just know when something changes or Bandit will find a way to let you know. Everything will be okay till then so try and enjoy this time and not worry. The end will be sad enough.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
26 Mar 11
Thanks I have been talking to my friends at home and my friends here and thanks for all of your support. You have all made me feel better. I am going to stop worrying for now until Bandit shows signs for me to worry about. And you are right I need to not think about the end and just enjoy today and how many tomorrows we are going to have.
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
17 Mar 11
My heart breaks with you. I lost my Sherlock not even a month ago. If she is happy, and not in pain, and her quality of life has not suffered, I would say let her be. But the first sign that the pain is going to be something that sticks around, I'd lean towards letting her go. Watching out little ones in pain is torture for us as well as painful for them. In the meantime, and I don't know if she would even have info, try to get ahold of Pyewacket here. She may know some place that you could contact to ger Bandit's surgeries done cheaper.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
17 Mar 11
Sorry for your loss of Sherlock. I will be watching for signs but for now Bandit is acting like a normal dog. She still drives me nuts once in a while so I guess that is the best sign there is right? Thanks for your advice and I will check it out.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
17 Mar 11
Oh snoopyfan.... as long as Bandit is eating, she's not ready to go just yet. When a dog stops eating then it's time to do the hard but best thing which is to have her put down. It's the hardest deg gone thing to do, believe me, I know because we've had to put a couple down and it just breaks your heart but we knew it was time when that time came and you will too. So for now, give her lots of love and enjoy every moment you have with her because it does sound like her time is nearing. Sorry sweetie. Just enjoy every moment you can with her.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
17 Mar 11
Thanks CatsandDogs and yes I am going to enjoy however much time we have. I guess the other thing I am scared of is I never put any of my dogs done. I always said my goodbyes at home and either my mom or dad took them to the vet. Both are deceased and I know I will be a basketcase at the vet's office when that time comes. I hope I will be strong enough to do it.
@jugsjugs (12967)
16 Mar 11
The way i see it, is that if the dog has no pain and seems healthy other than these growths, then why hurry in having the dog put to sleep just yet.Also if the dog is still eating good, drinking and wagging its tail, then i can not see a problem.I think that you are the only person that really knows your dog, so you will know when the time is right to act on when to have her put to sleep.I had my dog put to sleep a few years ago and i asked a vet to come to my house to put him to sleep as i did not want him upset or stressed, he was old as well as really poorly and the vet could do no more for him.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
16 Mar 11
Thanks jugsjugs and she has no problem eating, drinking or wagging her tail. I guess I am just trying to prepare myself now so I can be ready for that day. It's just going to be very hard for me and very emotional. Trust me I don't want to put her down til the last possible second. I won't do anything until then. Thanks
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@flapiz (23292)
• United Kingdom
17 Mar 11
Hello snoopyfan.. i believe that it is not necessary to put her to sleep. for me, maybe God is giving you more time to be with her and so i think you should cherish those times and make more memories. I also don't think you are a bad dog mom. you paid $500 for an operation. that's a lot of money. you are definitely one remarkable dog mom. i am a dog lover too and my mom is a vet. and well i love my pets so much and so i understand the attachment you feel. so i wish you more good memories mate.. :)
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
17 Mar 11
I pray God is giving us more time. He knows how special of a bond Bandit and I have. We have been through a lot together with my mom passing away and then we had to move a few times cause I had to find places I could not only afford but would accept Bandit as well. No matter what God always kept us together cause He knows how much we love each others. Bandit has had a few operations that was the cheapest when I could afford it and when I had pet insurance. Awesome your mom is a vet. You can get advice free not a bad deal. Thanks for your kind words. Peace