A perfect world, do you think it's possible?
By kris182_2000
@kris182_2000 (5475)
March 18, 2011 8:29pm CST
Do you think it's possible to ever live in a perfect world? I mean one without all the problems of today, such as poverty, war, famine, etc?
Natural disasters are going to remain a common occurrence, nothing will stop that, it's just nature's way of dealing with the cycle of life.
But in reality, I think we could all do our part and prevent the rest of the world's problems if we tried.
Developing countries need help in order to continue to develop, they will not thrive without being given the opportunity to do so.
There is clearly not enough help for these countries, as there is still much famine, drought is a big issue that could be prevented with proper irrigation in farm fields in these countries. There may not be much rain, but there has got to be a way to keep crops growing in these countries so they can survive.
Those who live in poverty don't have the supports they need in order to survive, for some reason, politicians just don't seem to care about these poor people. Maybe it's because they've never had to live that way, they've never known what it's like to struggle just to survive day to day.
Those brave soldiers who are dying overseas, why are they dying? Who are they dying for? They shouldn't be, they should be home with their families, not fighting an unnecessary war. It's not right, and something should be done.
Why is the war still going on? Bush started it, he's not in power, so it should have already ended. Hasn't the world suffered enough from this war?
If the war ended tomorrow, don't you think that the world would be a better place? I don't see the need for such violence every day, there's far too much of it locally anyways.
I dream of a perfect world, even though it probably will never happen, but it sure would be nice if it could become a reality don't you think?
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15 responses
@luanakent (794)
• Brazil
20 Mar 11
i believe in the perfect world.
If everyone followed the advice of the biblie, the world would be infinitely better here now.. even with so many imperfections
@kel9111 (60)
• United States
19 Mar 11
The world itself is perfect. The people that live in the world makes it non perfect. However, we need problems in the world to say the truth, that's how life works. It's like Ying and Yang (bad and good). Even though what your saying does makes sense and I agree with u life wouldn't exit in my opinion without issues in this world. If its a perfect world then there will be no cops, firefighters, wars, the United states expanding to the west, Hitler would be an great great man, Mao Zedong would never took control of china, and etc... The best thing is to just help other nations, countries, and our self's through tough times. A perfect world would be great but the human minds are not always capable to control our issues in a well known matter,and friendliness. This is what i believe.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
19 Mar 11
I don't think so. It would be nice, but will never happen. You bring up a good point, but things just don't go that smoothly.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
19 Mar 11
To have the kind of of world you envision where injustice and man-made problems would not exist and even natural disasters could be minimized, it would take at least two important things:
1) A world government that would be just and fair and treat every individual equally
2) An educated people that would understand why at times tough laws and policies would have to be set up and enforced (example: no smoking allowed anywhere, anytime)
Will that ever happen? It already exists!
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
19 Mar 11

@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
19 Mar 11
A perfect world would be wonderful, but I can't see it ever happening, too many greedy people in the world and seeing as everyone has different ideas on what perfect would be I can't see it really happening but we can all hope.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
19 Mar 11
That is a tough one. As far as famine, there really is plenty of food in the world. It is just a matter of getting it where it needs to be. Instead of selling excess corn to companies that make "high fructose corn syrup" (the major cause of obesity in this country since it is in EVERYTHING), they should send to to the countries where people are starving. The same could be done with other grains.
As far as poverty goes, I really think the wealth in this country needs to be equalized. Those who have little should have their needs subsidized in some way. Instead of people paying taxes to the government so they can waste the money on things that don't matter (wars and bailing out failing businesses), there should be a flat tax on ALL income (say 1%?) with NO returns of any kind. This should be used to support individuals who don't make enough to survive on and would include food, shelter and medical care.
As far as war goes, it should be stopped! It is not doing any good for anyone, except the companies that provide services to the military. These businesses should get into something that would help people instead of killing them (directly or indirectly).
For the world to be a better place, I think they would have to eliminate big business and most government agencies and ALL politicians. It would also help to eliminate international borders so that people could travel freely without having to worry about whether they stepped a few feet across the border and wind up jailed for long periods of time.
We can dream big, but unless action is taken, nothing will happen. Thanks for bringing this up! Have a great weekend!
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
19 Mar 11
I sure would be a perfect world to have overall peace. However with the difference in personality, characters and opinions this will never happen. Not in personal lives and or political views unfortunately.
Pride will never allow the different cultures to fully grasp that we truly are all one in the same. Although many would like it not many willing to admit errors.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
19 Mar 11
I think it is, I think we are becoming better people. There were many wars in the past compearing today, there were the gladiators, human used to throw man and aplaud they be eaten alive by tigers...there were canibals...now we have animal activists, people protesting for great causes, when a place has a natural disaster most of the people actually help, donate, volunteer....The world is definitely getting better, can't imgagine how it will be in the next century or even 50 years from now, can't wait!
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
19 Mar 11
I think a perfect world would never be a possibility and if it happens any day in the future, it would make life dull and monotonous.
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
19 Mar 11
This world is a fallen world. No doubt there is human compassion around, there is also as much evil. we see how weird sms are sent reporting of the radioactive fallouts in japan and how the museums in Egypt are being robbed when there is no government in place. So with the good, there is also the bad. How to be perfect then? Having said that, we are promised a perfect world, which will come for the elect.
@jhonnysherlin (179)
• India
19 Mar 11
may not be it is not possible to live in perfect world we doesn't change this world and we cannot change this world as a perfect world. So there is a war and murders and thefts everything going on but we can't change those things to built the world as a perfect world and to live in that world. If the perfect world comes when we again rebirth. So in this birth its not possible to live in perfect world our home and our mother land that is our home this is our perfect world not the world leave this world it doesn't change
@sksdoll (1)
• Indonesia
19 Mar 11
Human try to get better life relation and peaceful life to but it's hardly to achieve because other people that get bitter experience is disturbing the good people and it's like chain reaction. The good people become bad and even more every day just to survive. The only possible way is to make a balance money where it is easy to earn money. So people will not get greedy and make a mass again
@13tyates (1606)
• United States
19 Mar 11
I believe it would never be possible to have a perfect world. The problem with this is that no matter how hard we try as humans we always make mistakes. There is no ifs ands or buts about it. I do think we could work hard and prevent a lot of the harmful things that are happening. It's all about how much we care. If we go on the way we are there will never be a better world. Something has to change if we want it to be better.