Why must you use perfume?

March 22, 2011 4:19am CST
I realize that almost my friends use perfume. The result of it is we must smell full kind odours. My nose is very uncomfortable. Why must we use perfume? I never use it. I only keep my body cleanly and using one kind of deodorants. I think that natural smell of body is the best.
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8 responses
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
29 Mar 11
we use perfume for us to smell good. It builds up our confidence and it's somewhat an expression of our likes. A strong perfume may denote a strong personality, while a soft smelling perfume denotes femininity or simplicity. I guess, wearing perfume is by itself a classic thing.
• Vietnam
30 Mar 11
Maybe this is the reasons which people use perfume
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
Thanks for the BR mark. One thing more, sometimes we use perfume to cover up our not having taken a bath!
• United States
28 Mar 11
I use perfume to smell gooder than the deodorant .
• Vietnam
29 Mar 11
People say that perfume make them more attractive in the eyes of others. Is this right?
• United States
29 Mar 11
Thats True .
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
I take a bath everyday and use deo as well, but I still use perfume. Even if you I don't use perfume everyday, I think it is still essential because it adds fragrance to our body. Others are used to using it already and they love the smell and the feeling of smelling good everyday so we just can't stop them from using it.
• Vietnam
29 Mar 11
I know that there are may persons addict smell of perfume. So, they can't stop to use it. But if they don't use them too much, It will be good.
@ddaguno (3107)
• Philippines
23 Mar 11
I use perfumes daily but I dont use the harsh smelling one. something light and fruity is OK for me.
• Vietnam
29 Mar 11
I think this is good. I also do the same you if I use perfume.
• United States
22 Mar 11
I suppose it can be irritating to someone when they are not use to the scent of perfume. I specifically use Body by Victoria and I can't begin to tell you that men and women both compliment and stop me just about anywhere to write down the name of it. It is a light scent and no one harsh where you infest a room. But when you are not use to it is understandable.
• Vietnam
29 Mar 11
Maybe you're right that I can't understand all I believe that perfume will make you more attractive. But you must stand alone, because if you're in a crowed who also use perfume, the mixed smell is too strong. And It's difficult to say the smell is attractive.
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
22 Mar 11
I don't really love using perfumes but I do love collecting them. I sometimes put it while going out with friends, not always though. I don't know why I use perfumes though, to smell nice maybe lol sometimes I just get random mood to put on perfume. I don't actually have a reason for it
• Vietnam
29 Mar 11
You don't love using perfumes but you love collecting them. Don't you think that this is quite waste?
• South Korea
29 Mar 11
Well I use them sometimes. And my mom and sis also uses them at times. And that's my hobby too. If I enjoy collecting perfume, I don't think it's a waste.
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
My nose also gets easily irritated with perfumes that has such overpowering scent. I really sometimes wonder why some people bathe themselves in perfumes. I do wear perfumes only on special occasions and only those with light scent. My brother both me Clinique-Happy and I just loved the scent. I always get complimented whenever I spray it on.
@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
26 Mar 11
Hello i never use the chemical based perfumes, spray etc, hubby brings pure sandal wood oil from his friend, i just apply a little on the fore head and below neck the sweet smell lasts for over 24 hours thanks for this discussion cheers kalyani