Child Abuse.
By tash01
@tash01 (2030)
March 23, 2011 9:33pm CST
Today i was on my way out,going to the supermarket.When i saw a mother hit her child,and after the child fell she just keep on hitting him harder an harder an he was laying their a for a while.I know know what that child have done but no matter what he have done,she does not have the right to be hitting him like that.
I know that in some country you can slap/hit a child, here in Jamaica i think they should pass that law there.
There are millions of child are are been abuse around the world are been abuse, but yet some people turn a blind eye to that crime in some country.I don't know if what i did today is wrong, but that little boy could have die by the way his mother was hitting him.
I rush down an take up the little boy and place him under the pipe with running water and call the police.
Children are our future,we should protect them and love them so they can grow healthy and know they are being love an care for.Some parents are heartless don't deserve to be parents at all.
Love your children,also love others children as their are your own they are the future of tomorrow.
So my fellow mylotters you think i have done the right today?
how about child abuse in your country are community ?
What would you do in a situation like this?
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12 responses
@dreamsharmin (2281)
• China
24 Mar 11
Well when parents hit there child that doesn't mean abuse child in my opinion. Parents have there right to punish there child if they do mistake and if parents punish them then may be the child will not repeat the mistake. I know you can say that we should convince the children. But always convince is not enough for them. I do feel also bad when some one hit the child and try to protect them like you but later i do regret because i know in this way if we protect the child then the child will do the mistake again. In some country parents can't hit there child doesn't mater what's the mistake have done by child and this way child do there mistake again and again and one day they do big crime as no body to stop them.
But if parents have right to punish there children then they can stop the things from the beginning and parents know there child more then any one.
Good luck!
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
25 Mar 11
Yes i agree with you on that all parents have the right ho punish his are her child.but the way she was beating that child,with everything she touch that's not how you punish a child.
I know that beating a child,an cutting him are her is not punish.An i know that if your punishing your child you would have approach it in a better manner than what that woman did yesterday.
Parents know their child more than me,but the point is she did not have to beat the child like so with cuts on all over his body.No matter what that child has done he don't deserve such beating.
Sometimes when you beat a child are punish a child,sometimes they go back an do the same thing over and over again.
That child was being abuse because that boy eyes is swollen and his skin have cit all over the body.
If i did not step in an take that child away be maybe it have been worst.Look at it from my point of view.
@dreamsharmin (2281)
• China
25 Mar 11
Yes i understand your point. Every thing should be limit that i do agree with you. parents should not beat there child so badly.They should convince there child then beat them.
But one thing i always think that a mother love there child more then anybody.
Have a good time!
@devijay78 (1573)
• India
24 Mar 11
Hi tash. Here in India, hitting or slapping is common and nobody bothers about it too much. But it is done in moderation in some families and in some, it is extreme. In my family, it was bad and we were scared that our parents would whip us if we did something wrong. But that was only upto a certain age and when we were young. My parents stopped hitting us once we entered our teens. But we did become rebellious and made mistakes and now understand that they should not have hit us nor should we have become rebellious. Well that is all in the past now and I have a wonderful daughter who is almost 4. I do scold her and even yell sometimes but make sure that I explain that mommy was angry and she was wrong to have done something naughty. I do not want her to remember me as a mother who was a tyrant.
That mother should have been insane to hit the child in public first. Secondly, did she not realise that the child was harmed and not in a positon to take the abuse she was heaping on him? For god's sake, it is a small child, and not a grown up to hit back and fight! Let us see if she would hit a grown up that way? You were right in helping soothe the boy and hope at least seeing you interefere, the mom would be more scared to hit in public at least. And he would have the idea that he can approach other people when his mother hits him.

@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
24 Mar 11
It is common here as well but some a child have done something wrong an the parents want to teach them right and wrong.But they don't deserve to be treated like an animal.
I never hit my child in public,parents should have respect for their child because if you beat them in public,it like your humiliating them in public.
If she hit a growing up that way trust you would like the outcome of it,that would be more than a fight.
I have a year son who will be next month an i yell sometime like an i do scold him because i want to him to do the right thing and know right from wrong.
But i will never never ever treat my child in that manner like that woman do to that little boy.
Love your kids are child that the way they should be love ,also love other people child an treat them the way you would treat yours.
@devijay78 (1573)
• India
24 Mar 11
And I would never slap my child. I am scared that it would affect her ears and pose serious problems later on. It is better to control ourselves now than to repent later.

@carolscash (9492)
• United States
11 Apr 11
I believe that you did the right thing. I think that children must be disciplined but they do not deserve to be beat in a violent way. I think that this boy never deserved what type of beating he got no matter what he had done. Children must be corrected, but never like that. Hopefully the mother learns what she did wrong and hopefully she learns some better parenting skills.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
24 Mar 11
I think that you did a great thing for that child by stepping in and standing up for him. I hope that the mother realizes what a precious gift he really is. You should feel good about taking a stand and helping that boy. I know that kids can be unruly at times, but no human being dserves to be treated like that.
I can't help but wonder what that boy is feeling and thinking right now. I hope that he is feeling a sense of relief to know that there are people out there who won't just turn away. I would have done the same thing.
Child abuse is by far a global problem. It happens more than we all realize, and not all children are saved. It goes beyond physical abuse into emotional abuse as well. Sadly, many abused children are killed at the hands of their own parents, take their own lives due to the abuse,and many more grow up and continue the cycle of abuse. There are some who do get out of the situation and grow to be caring and loving parents on their own though, and those are remarkable human beings.
It is a parent's job to love, protect and teach their children to grow to their potential and become loving and caring human beings. I cannot understand why any parent would ever want to harm a child at all.
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
24 Mar 11
I can i just imagine,how he feels right now.I step in because am a mother,and i love kids they are the future of tomorrow an they don't deserve to be treated like a animal.I always stand up for what is right because i know someone have done the same for me.
Too much kids are being abuse around the world today an we just turn a blind eye to it,people reach out an help a child to day.Kids are abuse in a lot of ways some abuse show an some don't ,some kids cant even talk about.
People who abuse their kids don't deserve to be parents at all
@johan143 (164)
• Philippines
24 Mar 11
This is really, really bad.hitting a child will only aggravate rebelious attitude and lead to violence when they grow up. here in the philippines,we also hit or slap our kids to tell them that what they are doing is not right. and we do it because we love them.we also tell them that when they are physically hurt we are doubly emotionally hurt. we (particularly in our family) do it privately so that the child will still have his/her self-respect intact because if publicly seen by their friends or other children, they might tease him/her which will also decrease the child's self confidence and might make him/her aggressive to others.
you did the right thing in helping the child. may people like you increase in your community and i just hope the authority have done something good about it.
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
24 Mar 11
She is a very ignorant person,but as a mother she should not beat the little boy like that.
If a child have done something wrong use a belt to beat that child if he/she have done something wrong.
I beat my child when have done something, and tell don't ever let me see you do that again,because i want to grow him in the right.
She was using all kind of stuff to beat the little boy,if your going to show your child right from wrong if he/she have something wrong use a strap.Don't beat the child like you want to kill him/her.
I know that little boy will be affected emotionally, even how i thinking about the while situation.
In my community people some people will help while some stand a side an look an don't even try to help.
@tikbalang56 (195)
• United States
11 Apr 11
call 911 immediately have the mother arrested by the police or call the children protective services
@noorhizat (209)
• Malaysia
24 Mar 11
1. You did the right thing.
2. Don't stop at that, continue what you are doing when ever you see a child is in similar situation or in need of security.
3. I some times spank my children. I admit it, but I do not do it overboard until the children is hurt. there are ways to spank a child as to not hurt them.
4. If you see me spank my child, even once, talk to me . Remind me that what I just did is wrong. Children knows nothing, they just want to play, we have to remind them if they are doing something wrong.
5. Spanking a child can be used in extreme situation where by it is the las resort.
6. Calling the police is the next best thing if you cannot do anything to stop the child from being beaten or you cannot handle the matters your self.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
24 Mar 11
Oh my gosh tash that is terrible. You absolutely did the right thing. If more people did as you we would not have abusers so apt to continuing this behavior, well I hope she has learned a lesson, how dare she hurt a child and mold the child into being an abuser later in life.
I don't understand why people do not get help when they need it. It is better to feel a bit less pride in asking for help then to have to fight legal battles that a person is an abuser. I would have done exactly like you and if she dared touch me I would have had to defend myself.
@closetgaara (128)
• United States
24 Mar 11
You absolutely did the right thing and I'm glad to know that there are people out there who wouldn't stand idly by while a child is being hurt. I personally don't believe in hitting your children at all (I was hit and I really don't think it's a good form of teaching right and wrong. It just made me upset and start to resent my parents), but whatever anyone's stance on that position, beating a child the way you described is ridiculous and despicable. No one should ever treat anyone that way, not even an animal. I'm so happy that you stepped in and absolutely did the right thing. You're right - children are the future of tomorrow and we certainly shouldn't treat them the way that woman did.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
24 Mar 11
I know you did the right thing, Tash. And perhaps the mother wasn't right for the boy at the time---maybe she had some PMS going on, some trouble at work, disagreements with husband, etc.
There's a level of violence that is acceptable, though. Not anything you'll ever see on TV, a level the woman seems to have gone above; but privately, time heals all wounds. (In children for sure, and more slowly--if at all--in adults.)
@iva75cpb (729)
• Bulgaria
24 Mar 11
You did very well calling the police. Despite some people think hitting their children is a good way to impose a discipline rules, I don't think it's appropriate and that we must just stand aside and watch. I would to the same thing - I'd call the police and take the child away. And maybe I would call the child care services to take care of this child temporarily or even permanently, depending on how systematic the beatings are.
@AnnalizeFacius (5)
• South Africa
24 Mar 11
I totally agree with you. We need to protect the children today...Well Done!!!!