what your views on abortion?
@bobbypaulturner (54)
14 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
24 Dec 06
I have considered it, I had a miscarriage instead. As for should it be legal or illegal, it should remain legal. Abortion should remain a safe choice for all women. What they carry or do not carry in their uterus is no ones business but hers. Who are we to think we can dictate something as serious as pregnancy for other woman?
@AIKOMEI (300)
• Singapore
17 Dec 06
I think abortion is never justified. If one is not really to bear the responsibility of having a baby, some form of protection should have been used. To me, abortion is killing a life. Killing a life is murder and as such, against humanity and should be outlawed.
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
17 Dec 06
So, if a twelve year old girl is raped by her father and gets pregnant, she should be forced to have that baby? Even though she's not mentally or emotionally stable enough to handle a pregnancy and she's traumatized already from incestual abuse? If a mental hospital patient is raped by an attendant and gets pregnant, she should be forced to have that baby? Even though she can't even comprehend what pregnancy is and can't be trusted to take proper care of herself during pregnancy, and the changes in her body as well as birth would traumatize her? A woman with severe spinal degeneration gets pregnant despite using birth control, and pregnancy would kill her, she should still be forced to have that baby?
There are times when abortion is very much justified. Not every pregnancy is conceived between two willing parties.
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@luvgold (264)
• Indonesia
6 Jan 07
The abortion action inside medical that the last method, if the life both of them were threatened and some must die then the abortion action was just carried out so we not say that is legal or illegal but Whatever that was more important
@reagan_007 (35)
• India
8 Jan 07
According to me Abortion should be Illegal.
But during critical conditions when there is no other way and the only way is through abortion then i will consider it.
@Gigglygrrl (362)
• United States
6 Jan 07
It absolutely should be legal. I have miscarried, aborted, and birthed children. Abortion is a personal decision and should be left to the woman and her doctor. If a person doesn't believe in abortion don't have one. I personally don't like the consealed carry law in my state, so I don't carry a weapon. That is my choice. We have a sign on our business door that states you are not allowed to bring a weapon into our salon. But it is not my decision to make for someone who feels they want to carry a weapon and go through the proper channels to do so. Choice is a great thing and one thing that sets this country apart from many others.
@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
20 Nov 06
It should be legal, because when it's illegal, women still get abortions; the procedure just become more dangerous.
I'm married with children and would not mind having another baby, even if it were unplanned. In some circumstances I probably would (for example if I were carrying a baby with trisomy or tay sachs, where the baby will die after a few, painful weeks or months), or if I had been raped.
@Rumble (523)
• United States
20 Nov 06
I am against abortion but believe that a woman has a choice as well and like the other guy mentioned if she wants it done its going to happen, so the services should be there to protect her care. With all the people in the world that cant have children and want them its a shame to see this waste of life.
@sanjaypatel250174 (250)
• India
17 Dec 06
I beleive abortion should be the last resort.Killing a life even before it comes into this world is really wrong.
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Of course it should remain legal and safe. If you do not want to have an abortion you have the choice not to have one, but you should never impose your choice on someone else, because you do not know the circumstances of their life, nor will you be there to assist them after you force your choice upon them.
We hear all about why we should make abortion illegal, yet most who support making it illegal have no clue what problems occured in society when it was illegal, and I am not just speaking about butchered and botched illegal abortions. There are socioeconomical ramifications which increase, and society has to be prepared to positively assist in those aspects.
It should be interesting to also note that women that seek abortions are not in the majority of using it as a form of birthcontrol and the percent of women that abuse it in that manner is significantly small. Most abortions are sought by women over the age of 35 and another percentage are sought by teenage girls.
I hate that there is an overwhelming amount of misinformation passed out from anti-abortion groups, and many of these groups are against social welfare on a whole, so they do not have any fixes for the problems that do indeed occur when and if abortion becomes illegal.
here's a good informational on the facts about abortion in the United States: