My cousin is naming her unborn child the same name i've given to my child!

United States
March 30, 2011 12:02pm CST
Needless to say i am not happy about this. Some might feel that i should feel honored but honored is not one of the emotions i am having. My daughter is 8 months old and my cousin is 5 months pregnant and when i asked what names was she considering she flat out told me she wants the same name as my daughter because she just loves that name! I am pissed. I would never name my daughter a name that is already in the family. If we lived in different states then it's whatever but that's not the case. I think she should be more original in finding a name for her baby. Would anyone else be mad?
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23 responses
• United States
30 Mar 11
Hi Neicy30 and a warm welcome to myLot! Yes I too would be a bit upset to say the least. I would suggest to speak to her and let her know your feelings about her taking the name. Explain to her that it will be a bit odd during gatherings for the two cousins to be named the same. Perhaps suggest she can use it as the middle name but to uniquely get a first name for her baby. She may not want to after you speak to her but maybe it will get her to think for a minute and changer her mind. There are still four months left before she delivers so she might change her mind. So speak to her as soon as you can.
• United States
31 Mar 11
Thank you hardworkinggurl! I did bring up how weird that will be when our girls are playing with one another and we call for one of them and they both turn around. She quietly listened to what i was saying and she seemed to feel what i was saying but after the convo she expressed that she understood where i was coming from but right now that is the only name that she is in love with. I'm not going to make it an issue because it really isn't that serious just annoying but i will be suggesting some new names for her in hopes that she will decide to give her baby a middle name because that will be the name i will call her!
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@zralte (4176)
• India
30 Mar 11
I would be mad too. It's true that you don't own the name, but she's your cousin!!!! Like you've mentioned, some would definitely say you should be honored. Darn...yes it is an honor, but an honor you can do without. It is bad enough that there are enough people with the same name, but a same name within the family of the same generation....nah...I don't like it.
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• United States
30 Mar 11
I so agree and imagine during the family gatherings when they are called by name. Pretty odd for the two to wonder which one is being called.
@zralte (4176)
• India
31 Mar 11
If she liked your daughter's name so much, may be she can use it as a middle name. That way, you would feel honored, and no double name. May be some other family members can suggest that to her???
• United States
31 Mar 11
Thank you both for understanding why this would annoy me. I mean damn there are so many beautiful names to choose from and you want to use the same one i chose? And i am not the only one who feel this way. I already have other family members saying they hope she chooses a middle name because that is the name they will call her by!
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
30 Mar 11
Fortunately there are no patents on names. This means that anyone can use any name they like to name their newborn. There are millions of names in use and millions of people who share these names. Some people seem to think because they used a certain name first, this is now their name, and no other family member can (or should) use it.How narrow-minded is this? My advise is to get over it and get on with your life!
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• United States
31 Mar 11
Obviously we all share the same name with others and never did i say that i owned that name. You obviously missed the whole point on what I wrote and i'm narrow minded? Read carefully before responding! It's not that serious for me to stop my life all because my cousins kid shares the same name as mine but to me i find it quite annoying and i am entitled to my own feelings. Who ever don't like it then keep it moving!
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
1 Apr 11
Is your cousin absolutely certain that she is having a girl? You may be getting upset for no good reason. Under the same circumstances, I would have been annoyed but not MAD. Getting mad only upsets you and harms your relationship with your cousin. The children will have different last names, won't they? Maybe one of the girls can be called by her middle name or a nickname. I'll bet the young cousins will enjoy having the same name. At any time they do not, I'm sure they will resolve the problem themselves. Don't poison your daughter's mind with your annoyance with your cousin's choice of names.
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
Maybe she really like your daughter's name. Well,you can help her to choose names,maybe sound like your daughter's name. Some people like names once they've heard it. I know it's odd to have same name esp that your kids will be cousins too (another generation) Just tell give her other names,maybe she will hear other names more pretty. "welcome to mylot"
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• United States
31 Mar 11
Not to mention i already named her 2nd son for her. While she was pregnant with him, she asked me what boy names i liked and shame on me for telling her the name that i would use if i had a boy because she went ahead and used it!
@misc11 (384)
• United States
30 Mar 11
I would be mad too. That is just kind of weird. Think about when yall have family gatherings and there are two of (we'll just use sarah) sarahs running around. It takes away from them being individuals. There are so many names out there. Tell her to get a book or search the internet and find her own name.
• United States
31 Mar 11
THANK YOU!!! It does take a way from being individuals. I'm glad there are some people on here that understand where i'm coming from!
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
31 Mar 11
that happened to my sister in law too. she told her sister in law what she wanted to name her baby (she wasnt pregnant yet but her sister in law was) and the other sister in law named her baby that name! she was really mad too.
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
24 Apr 11
If they have different last names then it wont be as bad but I agree it isnt very original and it is kind of weird for her to choose the exact same name that you chose. Even if she really loves that name she probably really should choose her own name for her child. Some people truly like to copy and if that is really what she is doing thats sad. If she likes the name she should just really like that your child has that name and find another one to name her baby. I have a friend who named her daughter Nevaeh and when I heard it was Heaven backwards I thought it was so neat and almost wished I had thought of it but I wasent going to name my next child that name. If another family member had that name or even a close friend I wouldnt name my child the same name as theirs.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
31 Mar 11
I understand how you feel, I would feel the same way. However, you can't stop her from doing it. My advice is to just accept it and let it go. Don't let that dwell in your heart because that will only cause you depression, anger etc. Don't magnify the situation, that is make it bigger, forget it and go on with your life and loving your daughter.Maybe she will change her mind,or maybe at least spell it a little different. She should take into consideration that these children will be growing up together. In any case their is nothing else to do.
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@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
31 Mar 11
You have a right to feel angry about your cousin choice to name her baby the exact name that you have already named your child. She really is being selfish, not you. You would think, with all the beautiful baby girl names out there, she can only want the same name as your child, give me a break. I think you should buy her a baby's names book for a baby shower gift, maybe she will understand that she is really upsetting you by her action. I think if this doesn't work, then you should just come right out an expression your dissatisfaction. This should not cause a big rip in the family relationship. She should just back off and choose another beautiful name for her beautiful baby girl; she has a few more months to come up with one.
• United States
1 Apr 11
Hmmm everyone has someone named after them in this wonderful world. I named my daughters middle name that several of my cousins and sister in law daughter the same name. So i would say it is a free country. Thanks for sharing and Hope you have a great day
• United States
31 Mar 11
Hmmm.... perhaps your cousin's husband can talk her into picking a different name? If she does not change her mind, do not let this affect you.
• United States
31 Mar 11
She isn't married, in fact she is the jump off. The father is married with 4 kids of his own! I won't let it affect me, i just find it annoying is all.
• India
31 Mar 11
There is nothing in the name if there are two peoples of same name they it is not necessary to have the same behavior and identity. So dont worry about the same name just think about the right carrier and well behavior which will differ your daughter from your cousin daughter........
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
I'll be upset too but what to do honey? There's no existing law against it and she can do it if she wills. IPR doesn't cover it yet! Perhaps it's not yet too late. Maybe you can still talk her out of it by giving her other pretty names that she migth like for her baby.
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@oasis_9 (831)
• Philippines
31 Mar 11
I always get mad about people copying from me also but with the name sake not sure if i'd react the same way...Well first thing she's your cousin so she's practically a family and she does loves the name and its not like you created the name on your own right? you maybe just did copied it off someone elses too.. her child would be a junior of your daughter or something...
@maclanis (2406)
• Belgium
31 Mar 11
Wow, this is so weird! I would definitely mad as well if this were to happen to me. I don't think it would even matter if she lived in a different state. And I think it makes it even more weird that your daughter is still so young. There will probably be a lot of confusion. If this were to happen to me (not that I have any children yet), I would be so mad at my cousin and I think I'd tell her not to name her child like that. I think the rest of my family would try to talk her out of it as well. Isn't there any way you can stop her from doing this because it really it weird...
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 11
Hi, Actually there is no need for you feel angry because your cousin is getting the same name as your daughter. Of course, she has the right to pick any name she likes for her daughter too and just let it be. Anyway,your daughter and her daughter are two different person and i believe the surname won't be the same,right? So there is still a name different between both of them.
@kheydia (882)
• Philippines
31 Mar 11
Oh, well at first maybe i will be puzzled why of all the names in the world? i am not happy as well having the same name in the family even in the neighborhood i wanted my child's name to be unique, but if somebody will gonna like to copy it, maybe that would be fine as long as i'm the first one who use it for my child, or maybe it depends upon the reason why she will copied it.
• Australia
31 Mar 11
Hie Neicy, My partner has the same name as his cousin. His cousin lived with us for 6months and whenever i would call my hubby's name, our cousin would say 'yes'. It was a weird experience. I totally agree that your cousin has the right to keep her baby's name whatever she likes but she indeed needs to give her baby a name different to any of the family member. Happy MyLotting!
@sashakiddo (1102)
• United States
31 Mar 11
I do see how it would be annoying that someone copied you in a situation that should be independently thought out. A name represents the parents' feelings and tastes. However, maybe that person admires something about you, and maybe she truly identifies with your name choice. Sure a name is supposed to be unique, but there are so many other things, more important things, which represent a person's individuality. Some people flaunt their names like it is their life - doesn't it seem a bit chauvinistic? No one is truly an individual, maybe this situation will be a good lesson.