My dad amazed me on what he used W-D40 for.

United States
March 30, 2011 6:14pm CST
My dad passed away almost 19 years now but when I was a kid he amazed me on what he used W-D40 for.Every time someone got a sore on them he would spray it on their sore and it would heal it. He would put it on dogs fur too and it would make their fur real shiny. He didn't put it on there fur all the time either.It's jut that it stayed shiny for a long time by doing that. One day a cat had a infected throat so much that it had a big hole in its throat. The cat belonged to my uncle.He sprayed W-D40 on it and it healed up. I was amazed.I never seen anyone use W-D40 for that before and still haven't. I seen him put that on some pretty bad wounds and it would heal up.I'm surprised but I just started thinking about this. I've never done this myself.
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8 responses
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
2 Apr 11
I had never heard of using W-D40 for health reasons, but it seems like it has many uses anyway. I'm not sure what is in it, but you have me thinking that maybe I should look up the properties of the substance and try to see if there was a reason that it worked in the instances you mentioned. That is really interesting! Thanks for sharing!
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Apr 11
He is the only one I've known of that has used it for healing wounds. It would be interesting to know what in it made it heal so fast. I don't know if it still would be good for that or not since ingredients change so much in things.If you find out something share it with me.Thank you for commenting..
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Apr 11
I decided to look up WD-40 heals and this is a site I found that is interesting. It talks about the uses or WD-40 and says that its main ingredient is Fish Oil.I seen lots of websites about it but this one is real interesting. This is no referral link.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
1 Apr 11
i had heard it was used on sores sometimes but i wasnt sure if that could be true. its actually like an oil, but not sure what it contains so i never have seen it used or tried it myself. i might go look up some things about it in search and see. thats interesting enough id want to know whats in it.
• Brazil
1 Apr 11
Hello how areyou? I`m Brazilian and you`re from where?
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
1 Apr 11
welcome to mylot rico. we are in the USA, myself and the discussion starter.
• United States
2 Apr 11
Bunnybon, I never heard of it as healing except from him and seen the proof that it worked then but I don't know if it would be safe still today for that or not since they change ingredients on things a lot over the years. That would be cool if you could find something out about it healing. Rico1971 Hi!
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
5 Apr 11
Interesting, and it is not that expensive either. I wonder what it would do for my Chronic wound I cannot get to heal? Wonder if it would even be something recommended to try? Hmm... Something I might have to think about.
• United States
5 Apr 11
KrauseHome,I don't know if it would be recommended or not.My dad used it for things like that but that was so many years ago that I don't know.
@missybear (11391)
• United States
30 Mar 11
Hmmm...that sounds kinda scary, I guess if it works it's all good but I don't think I would spray it on any of my sores. I might try it out on my boyfriend though
• United States
30 Mar 11
Things like that does sound scary especially the things we know now about somethings going on our skin can go in our system.That is funny about your boyfriend .what word do you make to make different facial expressions on here, like the laugh. I just copied what you put for the laughing facial one and put it on microsoft word so I would know it but do you know how to teach me how to do other ones. You might have to pm me it because it might show up as the face on here instead of the words. Thank you for replying!
• United States
31 Mar 11
Thank you for responding back. I see that where it says my code. Thank you.I didn't know what that was for.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
1 Apr 11
WOW..I have never heard of that. There was always a can of WD40 at my house growing up, but I don't think my grandfather used it for wounds. I might be afraid to try it..LOL...Your dad sounds like he knew what he was doing though.
• United States
2 Apr 11
I haven't heard anyone else talk about using it for wounds.I don't know if it would still be safe for wounds or not since things change so much in the ingredients of things. That is wild that he tried it. It makes you wonder what made him see if it healed wounds.Thank you for commenting.
@DanaS2011 (351)
• United States
31 Mar 11
Wow I think that this post is interesting I have never heard of anyone doing this but I'm sure it would work because some hone remedies that my grandmother used seemed odd but worked as well
• United States
31 Mar 11
I thought it was pretty interesting back then. I don't know if it would be safe now though since things change their ingredients sometimes. That has been a long time. It is neat how some home remedies that we wouldn't think work for things work.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
30 Mar 11
I remember hearing about WD 40 helping wounds and stuff like that heal. I would not want to try it now as I am not sure that WD 40 still contains the same things that made it such a healing agent. It's a wonder what things there are out there that can be used for more then just one thing.
• United States
30 Mar 11
Somecowgirl, I was thinking the same thing. Sometimes they might change the ingredients in things and he might be different now.Thank you for responding. It is neat that you've heard of it healing before too. I've never heard of it except through my dad and haven't since. You have a good week.
• United States
31 Mar 11
I have never heard of this before. I have only thought of it for loosening rusty areas. Somehow I can not correlate the two with applying it to the skin and or wounds. This sounds scary but you say your dad did this all the time. I am not sure I would want to try this, afraid it might cause more harm and or damage.
• United States
31 Mar 11
I haven't heard anything like that before except through him. I probably wouldn't try it now since things change when it comes to ingredients.