Will you feel unhappy if you've been out of job for a long time?

Hong Kong
March 31, 2011 7:55am CST
Working over the computer at home is so boring sometimes,especially when your job searching over the internet is not effective at all. Everyday seem s so boring if you have to do the smae thing again and agin,but see no result at all. I feel so frustrated for doing the same old search to jobsdb.com,Ming Pao Jump,Recruit Hong Kong, Classified post and the Labour Department almost everyday jsut because I want to see some new job information.Sometimes , I can send out my CV once awhile after my search, but can never head any feed back from all those emails or letters that I have previously sent out before.Will there be any breakthrough, I ask? How long do I need to reach my exit after such a long frustration, I ask again?But it seems like there is no answer for me. Do you hav such an experience? Share with us?
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24 responses
@sublime03 (2338)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
I understand it may be so tiresome to look and wait for things to happen when you are applying or when you look for a job. But always look at it in a positive way for you to not get in to that state of unhappiness. I have experienced just waiting for responses but with the right outlook on things you will get that job you are looking for. Do not entertain frustrations because that will put you down really bad and it would be hard for you to get things together again. Just expect great things to happen to you and good things will happen. Just believe things will turn out really well and stay positive.
• Hong Kong
1 Apr 11
Thank you for your encouragement and I think it is a kind of attitude or feeling that any jobless person needs to go through. By attitude I mean it i important to stay with a positive attitude while the situation is just not that good at that moment. By feeling I mean that no matter how posiitive a person might be, it would be reasonable for someone whose been out of job for 2 and half years to get upset and down for awhile. Well I know that I will eventually get through all this problem by God's grace, but for the time being , it is just hard to deal with those up and down emotion everyday. I do expe ct great things are coming and tomorrow will be a better day, but I just feel tired today. May God has mercy on me and I can find the job as asoonas possible or any good idea to start uop a business without any capital would be another good idea too.
• China
31 Mar 11
i am also out of job for a long time.i do not want to work at any company. it's very boring! start my own company is a great way for me,also for you i think! although it need a long time's hard work.but i think it well worth for it at all!
• Hong Kong
18 Apr 11
For sure I really wanted to start up my own company when I have the capital. But it is always the problem of money when talking about build up your buisness. You can have agreat idea but cash flow is very important for any business. I know that amny business failed just because of this key factor. Anyway, I am still trying my best to fight with the present situation and I really don't know how much time I still have to fight for things like that. It destroyes all my plana nd life schedule to get something done. No job, no income and a waste of time are all the result I gor for this failure experience. Even I want to take some courses to upgrade myself, but no money for the tuition fee. In our city, it is not easy to live a normal life if you don't have the cash and I hate it. Well, there are timewe will experience things like that in life, so just keep fighting about this until it is over(or I will over).
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
4 Apr 11
Have you actually showed up at any offices dressed to impress asking for a job? Not all companies will put their jobs on internet boards. Maybe you should take a couple of hours a day to look for information on companies you are interested in and actually go to their office with your resume, walk in and ask to talk to someone about your qualifications and what you can offer the company. In this way, you aren't just a piece of paper piled on someone's desk. By going in and introducing yourself and handing them your resume, you would be showing initiative. I don't know if that would work well in your country, but that has been suggested to me at times. Seeing your face and feeling your firm handshake would have far more effect than just an emailed resume. Is that something you can do or are there not many jobs/companies in your immediate area?
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
18 Apr 11
I too had experienced your case before. I am working in an online company and was really looking almost everyday on every possible job sites where I can apply work. Even tried applying for work abroad just to be able to leave the company I have been working for so many years already. But I will just end up trying to love the company I am working with more since I don't receive any feedback at all from all those companies I have applied. It annoys me sometimes but then I don't have any other choice but to just love what I have now and thank God if ever I receive positive outcomes from any of those I have applied online. I am still working in an online company but I am loving my job now since the people I am working with are very nice and the environment as well.
@LadyDD (515)
• Romania
3 Apr 11
I know what you mean. It's very difficult to find a job these days. When I saw I was waiting too much to find a job it was a sign employers are looking for something else. Trends in job opportunities are changing over time and according to the period we live in. I tried to adapt to the new trends and found other jobs related to my specialization. Also I had to update my knowledge and enrich it according to the trends. I noticed that if I acquired some new skill, I had a plus in front of the other candidates for the same job. You have to find those things that makes you different from the others.
• Romania
31 Mar 11
Why do you feel so down? There will be in life opportunities to get the job you really wanted. All you have to do is search and hope that a employer will need your help. What is your latest school that you have graduated? I know its hard today, all you go they will ask for experience. Thats hard to get. But don't feel down, you'll have the chance to make something off your career.
• Hong Kong
18 Apr 11
Thank you for your encouragement and I ,ve been down for a long time. Although I have tried all my best in the part two and a half years to find a job but just couln't find it. If you are living in a stiuation like this for a long time, it really hurts and will created a low self-esteem when you look at so many people are going to work on the street everyday.My situation is a bit complicated and the unique to explain, therefore I prefer not to go in to details. I hope that I can get a job as soon as possible and I think I will feel less pressure from life when I have the job.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
1 Apr 11
I worked as a children's nanny in Finland when I was 18 years old and then traveled around Europe. I had a Business and Finance (Shipping and Transport) diploma. I got a job with a ship brokers and worked as a container marketing controller. The recession hit my home country. I got left some money in my great aunts will. With this I bought a little cottage in a village. I was very happy in my life traveling up to London every day by train and working in the office. I was very miserable when I was made redundant from my job. I hoped to get a shipping office job in Dover but I didn't have any luck finding that sort of work. I then began applying for any sort of job I thought that I would be able to do. I was getting more and more unhappy applying for jobs, getting very few interviews and many rejection letters. In those days I found job advert in newspapers because the Internet wasn't around in those days. I decided enough was enough and enough so I bought my airline ticket around the world. I got a working holiday visa for Australia and let out my cottage to get a monthly income. I stayed away for just over one year on that trip and came home with the idea of training to become a primary school teacher.
@banban (601)
• China
1 Apr 11
Emm, I think most people will feel unhappy in your case, because the life seems so frustrated... For me, it depends, I guess. Actually I long to have no job, and I can do anything I'd like to. But the premise is that I don't need to struggle for my life, such as earning money for the daily life, or making money to afford a house, etc.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
Well, don't give up looking for a jobs. Just consider one thing. It may not be your failure but all things will set in time...Wait for the time your completely luck. Simply all people who have no jobs will be lonely and depress because they think irresponsible sometimes...but do not lost your hope. You can find a good jobs someday!
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
I have been employed for 18 years before I decided to stay at home and that was about 8 years ago. So you see, I've been out of job for 8 years and it really pissed me off if I have nothing to do at home. I started searching for online work at home and earnings from these stuffs are not dependable especially when you have some bills to pay. My only consolation is my husband has his job and I can be with my children anytime they need me.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
1 Apr 11
Yes I have such experience on 2002 when I was searching job in the daily news paper and go for interview submit my CV but they say we will call you later. Go on second company interview was good but they also say we will tell you later. Then my mind was not working and my thoughts convert in negative way and I was so unhappy but finally my friend suggest be beleive on your own you will got the job and after 6 month later we got the job in Nagpur. So believe on my friend you will also got the job and better way is read the news paper and find out the job. Because searching job internet is not good I think
@kwylima (451)
• United States
1 Apr 11
Always when I am looking for jobs I feel like you are feeling... It is not easy and we can no give up... Never! I know tha. It is not easy and there are a lot people in the same situation. What I can tell is.. You have to believe that there is a good job waiting for you.. trust me always there is! Good luck and never give up!
@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
2 Apr 11
not only unhappy but also torturing, most especially if you have dependents. But in a way you are given a chance to be more creative and imaginative to look for an alternative like starting a small business instead of being an employee.
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
working over the computer at home is really boring, especially when you dont benefit for what you are doing. . im not searching for jobs beacause im a housewife with two kids to attend to, so i look for a job online to earn even when im at home. but there is no result as of now. my husband is telling me to stop it already because he said im wasting my time spending so many hours in front of the computer. but i want to help him also for our expenses. . but dreaming that someday ill finally found the right job online keeps me the courage to continue searching for that perfect job i am looking for.
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
1 Apr 11
For me, I think it depends on whether being out of a job is voluntary or involuntary. I enjoy not working because I say home and take care of my children, while my husband works. Last year was the opposite though, I worked and he took care of our daughter because he had been laid off. He had been laid off for a long time and began becoming depressed because he was unable to find a job. After months and months of looking he finally found a great job that he is at now. I think that it is different for every person, but for people who are use to working need to work and can become depressed. Hope that things get better for you.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
1 Apr 11
What kind of jobs are you looking for in Hong Kong? I was lucky that when I was looking for work, it didn't take me too lon gto get a job and the paid wasn't bad. I was worried though if I would take a long time to get my first job but it didn't. I wonder if it is still that difficult to get a decent job in Hong Kong these days.
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
I think I would feel more frustrated than sad. I don't want to put my spirits down by being a pessimist. Yes, I have experienced being off work for almost 7 months. It is really difficult to find a job specially if your previous experience isn't related to the position you are applying for. So, 6 months into job hunting my husband finally convinced me to go with him in the capital since there are more opportunities available. So I got a job within weeks and I am really happy with it since I got a lot of free time to be at Mylot!
@sfleric (83)
• China
1 Apr 11
I've never been out of job for a long time. I can feel that it is really a hard time for you, but don't lose your confidence. According to a survey, in average, you can get one opportunity after you have sent fifteen apply letter online. So please be patient and optimistic, keep focus on your daily life to ensure everything goes ok. I hope you go through it soon. Best wishes!
• Philippines
1 Apr 11
I feel useless when I don't have a job it feels I'm not doing anything about my life what I'm really here for, I kind'a experience things about being jobless a lot when I'n still am job searching but I have to go back to school to earn another degree cause my previous degree did not go well and job mismatch is the problem there are too many professionals who are underemployed.
@shaace (105)
• Singapore
1 Apr 11
Hi Wildlittlefan, I have been that situation before (Sitting at home, send resume, not hear from the head hunter), I completely understand your frustration and unhappiness. There are several things that will be good to do: 1. Happiness. Try to enjoy everyday of your life as much as possible. There is no benefits of fret over the situation at the moment. 2. Fun. Do something that is FUN for you, mine is traveling for few weeks :). That really helps to clear up the mind. 3. Make Changes. Seek from professional expert (or friends) on "CV writing". Definitely need to put something that catch the head-hunter or employer. Or like what others has commented: Set up your own business. Hope this help and It will get better.