More End Time Events.....

United States
April 7, 2011 8:33am CST
While most observe the natural disasters of the foretold End Times events, and while they are significant and important, the global political landscape is the more significant foreboding sign of times... While I personally take a logical, historical and objective approach when observing "signs" of the times, the events of the global political landscape is one of serious concern to me. I don't discount the chaos of the natural realm, I do spend more time observing global affairs of governments and recently the Middle East, The U.N., The United States locked in a very heated discussion over Israel handing over land that includes the Holy Land...which is a very significant foretold End Time event.... How much do you observe of the political landscape of the world and how it may possibly fall in line with End Time Events?
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6 responses
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
7 Apr 11
Yes, all the pieces must come together and the political situation is a major component, especially the UN and the Anglo-American world power. The pieces are all present. They just have to come together to complete the world situation that will ignite the fireworks. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6)
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Apr 11
Gog and Magog. It is interesting to trace the names of nations given in Isaiah 38 and 39. Reads like a newspaper account of all the nations that h@te Israel today...Russia, and all the Muslim ruled countries. Very interesting study. And I agree with is all falling into place quickly.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Ok...have a question. God made promises to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob and to the prophets of Israel concerning the eternal possession of the land to Israel. Then Israel was conquered and spread throughout the world. Did God make a mistake? Was HE somehow fooled and mistakenly promised the land to the descendents of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not knowing they'd return?? Could it be that He has a plan to draw out a remnant of Israel and intended all along to keep His word to them..after all, God knew they'd eventually return to the land, even if mankind did not. he also knew that there'd be those of the nation of Israel that would come to faith in the Messiah. Be careful friend, that you are not calling God a liar. I do not agree with this teaching. What is God, a man who changes His mind or does not know the outcome of His word?
• United States
7 Apr 11
You've just given the synopsis to what is taking place, my friend. For a long time I have felt that I would see something of historical significance in my life-time...and I believe I'm on the cusp of that now... ...Israel stands alone in the world, as was predicted. The Holy Land is being threatened to be trampled under foot by the Gentiles, as was predicted it would be in the End Time...this is the significant event as this will usher in a major chain reaction and more foreboding occurrences.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Apr 11
I look at it basically the same way you do. There really is nothing we can do. If it's suppose to happen, it will. Mankind has this pride thing going on, we like to think we are in control. We're not in control of anything BUT our souls. And I think it's time we all started to think about that.
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• United States
7 Apr 11
Very true, debra...we can only control what we personally have the power to control. Natural disasters, while they can be highly destructive and be responsible for loss of life and personal belongings and make life extremely uncomfortable for survivors, they don't affect us all. Governments do affect us all, some on a lesser level. Governments can have a more profound, more long-term affect than any natural disaster.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Apr 11
And we are fast loosing whatever little input we had with our government.
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• United States
7 Apr 11
It's my belief we have already lost our input. Laws and Bills are implemented that are supposed to be voted on, and aren't because they're pushed through. Our Constitution is of little value...Obama has said that himself.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
8 Apr 11
Oh yes, it's not only "an increase in earthquakes" and thus etc.. but the world going global, religion seeking to go global (not bad things of themselves if it wasn't for the untrustworthy nature of man) and there's also the happenings in the Middle East especially around and concerning Israel, plus the already gathered sentiment against Israel..
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Apr 11
and when you see these things, look up...for your redemption draws near.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
9 Apr 11
Hi, Franciscoandlee I came to think of a scripture that talks about spiritual Jews, and that is understandable as God left the Jews as a nation and started to collect spiritual children from people of all nations. Romans chapter 2 (American Standard Version): [i]"28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh: 29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit not in the letter"[/i] There are lots of scriptures that show that there is a spiritual Israel chosen from all nations that God now is using to spread the Good News of His Kingdom. I trust that 1hopefulman can describe this better than I can..
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
10 Apr 11
OK, my friend as you welcome every input: There are many who think that God has plans for the Israelites, and as individuals He welcomes everyone who follows Christ, including Israelites. But I find the parable that Jesus told very interesting in this connection. It is about a vineyeard and some bad farmers who killed everyone that the owner sent to them and in the end even his son. Of course the owner will punish the bad farmers and lease his vineyard to others who give the owner his share. Jesus shows what he wants to teach to the Jewish religious leaders by saying according to Matthew 21:43(New Living Translation) "I tell you, the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation that will produce the proper fruit." According to Daniel 2:44 the Kingdom of God will rule over all the earth, so there will not be any other nations any more. It looks like we are living in the time when this prophecy will be fulfilled. "During the reigns of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed or conquered. It will crush all these kingdoms into nothingness, and it will stand forever."(New Living Translation)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Hello buenvida.... ...I understand what you're saying, and I agree there is also a spiritual Israel, however, God makes promises, and keeps them...Revelations isn't speaking of the spiritual Israel, but the literal Israel, as this is ascertained in Scriptures...and there is but ONE Holy Land and never is there a reference to anything else ever being the Holy Land. I welcome all input, as it is educating and interesting to talk about these things...and important to us all.... Thank you, buenavida!!!
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@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
7 Apr 11
There are so many different interpretations of the predicted 'end of times' that I do not feel we can give credence to any. I think we all just need to live our lives daily being as prepared as we individually feel possible. I'm not one of the doom & gloom 'Chicken Littles' but I am also a realist. I cannot affect the outcome of world events or natural phenomena. I can only view these things in my chosen perspective and do what I can within a limited range to help others when they are affected. I'm surprised that there have not been more people subscribing to the theory that the world will end on May 21. Seems like the 2012 end time has been more widespread.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Apr 11
People wonder, it is normal to do so. And while we cannot change events like natural disasters or nations coming together in war...we can change our lives and be prepared for the eventual judgment. God always warns of impending judgment so no one is caught unaware. There will be no excuses on judgment day. In this, I see God's justice and mercy.
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• United States
7 Apr 11
I give credence to my interpretation, as that is all I need to go by...and as I stated...I do take it from an objective POV, as I don't believe every leaf blowing in the wind is a sign. I also am a realist, but that is open to debate, is it not? Your perception of reality as what the perception of others may be? Your realities may not be the realities of others....doesn't make you right....doesn't make you wrong. Frankly, I have no idea when it will all come to the End of Time as we know one does. Therefore I'm not of the May 21 nor the 2012 school of thought...and I mention neither in my discussion. I'm not of the "chicken littles" either, but I'm not wrapped so tight that possibilities and events fail to keep me in the loop of life and my surroundings. Growing up in neighborhoods that required an astute sense of awareness or you get killed, studying martial arts for the 25 learn top pay everything. I simply pay attention, friend... Have a great day and thanks for your response!
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@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
18 May 11
I totally agree with you, politics is a big factor. But these natural disasters like great earthquake and tsunamis are happening every now and then also. This really what alarms me most. I'm actually located somewhere in the Pacific Ring of Fire so I know there will be a lot of these disaster in the future. But in the end, my faith and trust is still with Him.