Implementation of Waste Segregation
By KG & digits
@ichipink (541)
April 22, 2011 6:25pm CST
Finally! Proper waste segregation is now officially implemented through a city ordinance. We have long been practicing proper waste segregation in our barangay for quite a while. But since there is really no ordinance about it, many still take this practice for granted. At least now, whether we like it or not, we still have to make it a habit to segregate our wastes.
I’m also wondering if this ordinance has been implemented nationwide. Are all cities and municipalities supposed to implement this practice? If not, what are your opinions regarding this? I think Mega Manila specifically should implement this kind of practice because I’ve heard that it’s the most polluted among all the areas in our country.
11 responses
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
hi there ichi! here in Cebu we have already started to implement the waste segregation. There are days scheduled to get the biodegradable and days for the non biodegradable. If the home owners wont follow their trash wont be collected and they would also be fined with 5000 pesos or imprisonment. Everyone is struggling to practice it now because of this ordinance.
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@ichipink (541)
• Philippines
28 Apr 11
Wow! You’re fines are really high. I think I like that better so people would really be push to practice this. Our city also practices that same kind of collection. There’s also a different schedule for biodegradable & another for the non-biodegradable.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
Our country should really have implemented and practiced this law long before. So people won't be having a hard time in doing it now because we will already be used to segregating our trash. Our city is also practicing this just now. Garbage collectors don't get the garbage of those people who don't segregate their trash. Sad to say people who are so lazy enough to even do just a simple thing, don't segregate their garbage forcing the collectors to not get it and end up just being thrown by these lazy people to the streets. End part of this is, the city garbage collectors are forced to clean this up and get it so the streets won't smell. I really do hope we all get to be aware of whats happening on our environment and just separating our garbage will already be of help.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
23 Apr 11
I'm glad your city is practicing proper waste disposal, it is a good start. Let's help each other to lessen this kind of problem. Don't be dismayed but instead be happy that finally we are doing something to it. =)
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@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
24 Apr 11
Yes, I am happy that many are already practicing it here in my city and in your city as well. It won't be too far before we can have a more eco-friendly country. Hopefully those lazy people will start to think and act so they too will have a use in this world!
@spockers (221)
• Philippines
24 Apr 11
Good for your city, it will help your place to be more eco-friendly. And that must be the goal of every community here in Philippines, because we are gifted with more beautiful attraction we must preserved it. And the first move is to try to practice proper waste disposal, so that it will no harm our environment.
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@hindichinese (748)
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
What I know is these program was implemented a long time ago, only that the people are the ones who does not follow it. The problem is the people who aren't following the simple rules and doesn't want to have more responsibility in simple things like these. Some did follow and obey, but many who doesn't care about it.
But if the government really wants to push it, they should push it harder and give big sanctions to those who doesn't obey. And also for the people, they can really make it in a simplest way to segregate garbage. Like for us here in the province, We dug a medium sized deep hole in our backyard. On that hole we put our Biodegradable waste in it and let it decompose. Then after quite sometime, we can use it as natural fertilizer in our vegetables in our garden.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
23 Apr 11
You're right, if the government really wants this to be pushed through they'll do everything ... a long time ago. But I'm not frustrated because its being pushed through now. In Quezon City, where I live, if you throw garbage elsewhere you'll be fined 1,000 Philippine peso. In our place, there is a time for the garbage to be collected and if not segregated the collectors won't take it. I'm a proud Filipino!
@ichipink (541)
• Philippines
27 Apr 11
If that has long been implemented in your area, then there should have been fines or punishments enforced. Our ordinance (669) includes fines for violators of this program. That is why we have to follow it whether we like it or not.
So I could say the city government really wants to push this through.
Together with this ordinance also is the separate collection of biodegradable & non-biodegradable. There's a garbage truck that collects only non-biodegradable trash & a truck that collects only biodegradable trash. The biodegradable truck only collects garbage from commercial areas since the other areas are required to have compost pits like yours. So because of this, I think the garbage collectors would scan your garbage to check if it's only non-biodegradable. I'm not sure of this yet because garbage trucks have not yet reach our barangay. But they said soon it will. For now, we separate non-biodegradable that we can sell & set aside those that can't be sold. We also use some of the trash to substitute fire wood in our dirty kitchen.
It's nice to hear by the way that Quezon City is also implementing the same kind of practice. It's very important especially in an urban area like yours because it helps avoid floods.
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
26 Apr 11
i totally support it. but i have to admit sometimes i feel like it's such a hassle to segregate the house wastes or garbage...hehe...but it all takes just a little effort to do such a small thing, and benefit a lot from it...and not just me...but everyone , every living creature in the present time.
@ichipink (541)
• Philippines
28 Apr 11
lolz… I know how irritating (hassle) it can be at first. Yes, a little effort will do much. I can give you a piece of suggestion; put 2 trash cans for the inside (of the house). One trash can for the biodegradable & the other for the non-biodegradable. Then on your backyard, you can separate the bottles, cans, plastics, etc. into different sacks.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
I agree with you. With waste segregation, it would be easy to identify the things that could be reused and recycled, and the biodegradables could be dumped into a pit and could be made into compost, which is a good fertilizer. There has also been in a ordinance to that effect in my home town, and I really wish it could be done as well in Metro Manila. For me, I segregate all plastics, bottles, cardboards and paper. I just wish that our trash collector does not dump them all together in the dumpster. There are a lot of people collecting recyclable materials and I hope they give my trash to them instead.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
23 Apr 11
There is a city ordinance in Metro manila for proper waste disposal. If ever you'll be going around Manila, I'll cite an example -- the malls. The trash bins in all malls have two separate bins for recyclable and non-recyclable wastes. Its not just in our houses but also in the community. Let's help each other.
@ichipink (541)
• Philippines
27 Apr 11
I don't think the garbage collector would have time ti separate these junks. I think they just let junk collectors do it themselves. I think you should also sell your own recyclable materials or let kids do it for you. Some kids would be happy to earn a few cash for selling junks. My cousins already earned 50 pesos for just selling to junk buyers that goes in our barangay every Sunday. Is there a junk buyer that collects at your barangay or subdivision? It would be good if there is, it saves you from the hassle of delivering garbage to a junk shop.
@spockers (221)
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
That's what we really need is our situation right now. We are one of the most populated country and the result of that is we had more waste. Specially in urban areas where people are putting their trash anywhere and not separating the biodegradable and non-biodegradable. If we will not act now, our next generation will suffer. Am i right?? We must be futuristic about our environment, for the sake of our child and our grand children. We must preserve something to them, but us not to blame in the next generation.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
23 Apr 11
Act now! I like what you said but we, I mean most of us still have the "later/tomorrow habit". True, the future needs our actions today.
@ichipink (541)
• Philippines
27 Apr 11
I see your point. We must act now for the betterment of the future generation. But it's hard to make our fellow Pinoys understand. Especially the uneducated ones, it's hard for them to get the point on what we are doing. Our ordinance is already written in bisaya (our native language) but they still don't see the point of the ordinance. They're only following it because of the fines.
@spockers (221)
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
Yup you right, Filipino's are known for that bad habit. But we must change that for our own good. We never had future if we will tolerate that kind of bad doings. If we can do something now, why not doing it now. We must not wait until it is really last to us to do something. Prevention is better than cure. That really be our motto if we want to have a better future for our child's someday.

@leateagee (3667)
• China
23 Apr 11
Oh my. I'm sorry to have added comments to all that responded. I got carried away, I thought I started this. My apologies ichipink. Anyway, I have said a lot already. As an individual citizen of this beautiful country let us do our part in properly disposing waste. Let us be role models to the kids, the community and the country. We can segregate in our house -- teach everyone in the household and be strict so they'll follow -- later on you'll see it'll become a habit. We can show our neighbors that our garbage has been segregated, later on little by little, some of our neighbors will follow because they know we are doing something good for the environment. We can also do this in our offices or schools. Show where to put what should be recycled or not. Just be patient. Let's continue in helping the government clean our country. Remember, the whole country is our home. It is my home, so I make sure it is clean. How about you? Do you consider Philippines your home?
@ichipink (541)
• Philippines
28 Apr 11
No problem… lolz… thanks by the way for the comments. I don’t go online everyday so it takes a bit of time before I can reply on comments from my posts. I’m also glad that you enjoyed commenting on this discussion.
I like your idea to be patient. Do what should be done & wait for other to follow. You’re right, it’s hard for everyone to do the same practice that we already got use to do. I’m also teaching my 4-year-old cousin this practice so he will eventually make it a habit. I hope that soon everyone will be as environment conscious as we are. n_n
And yes, I consider Philippines as my home. I like the happy people & their simple way of living.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
24 Apr 11
ichi, mismanagement of waste segregation in our city merits us a Php 1,500. That is why we have to be keen on which garbage goes to the bi-weekly collection, biodegradable or not.
In my family though, we are seriously trying to practice a zero waste program. One way is eradicating the plastic in our lives. Plastic is one pollutant that is causing havoc on this planet, without many of us realizing it. As much as we can, we don't buy products packed in plastic. But we sure have a long way to go achieving a 100% result.
@ichipink (541)
• Philippines
28 Apr 11
So you use your own bags too like what Graceekwenx is doing. That’s a good practice and I’ll try to do the same.
You’re right; we are still far from 100%. But like what leateagee said, let’s be patient. We might get there sooner than we think. n_n
@greenpeas (998)
• Philippines
24 Apr 11
I think it should be implemented by passing a law making it mandatory nationwide. Then the government can launch a public information program to teach how to segregate the perishable from non-perishable trashes. They could require the use of certain type of garbage bags that are color coded.
But it will not be an easy task though as many of our kababayans are "pasaway" so they will likely ignore the laws if there are fines or punishments. Also those living in the squatter areas will likely continue with their "convenient" way of disposing their garbages in one lump under the bridges, rivers or street alleys so there should be a stricter law also of imprisonment for anybody caught doing these, and if they are living near river or bridge the unconditional demolition of their illegal structures.
@ichipink (541)
• Philippines
28 Apr 11
I agree with greenpeas. This law should be implemented nationwide & it should also be mandatory. Actually, the uneducated ones are the usual pasaway in our country. They would only take this kind of law for granted, then when the government takes their illegal homes, they’ll cry blaming the government of being cruel to them.
Another thing I have thought about if this kind of law will be strictly implemented, then I’m pretty sure they’ll catch a lot of violators. But the problem is where should they be imprisoned? Our jails are not even big enough to accommodate criminals, how much more for trash violators.
@maunesrockford92078 (305)
• Philippines
24 Apr 11
I am doing my green part in garbage segregation mostly by collecting empty bottles of plastic and empty cans of sodas here in our city the local government is gearing up for a multi million dollar worth of Waste Management contract that would convert waste into energy like electricity it is a German project of garbage segregation. It is very promising the energy will be sold to electric cooperatives all over Mindanao for a much lower price, thinking about green this is wonderful. There is money in trash, rubbish, garbage and whatever stinking we call it that literally comes from our own dirt.
@ichipink (541)
• Philippines
28 Apr 11
I never heard that project before. Where exactly in Mindanao will this project be launch? It’s good to hear that we can produce electric power from garbage. Really promising for our country, I hope it would start soon.
@ohsodianne (433)
• Philippines
23 Apr 11
I totally agree that Manila should implement the same program. It would really have been useful in preventing the floods caused by Ondoy. Some people may not realize it but waste segregation can really help prevent floods. It's such a shame that other people don't show concern.
@ichipink (541)
• Philippines
28 Apr 11
I think some people don’t show concern because they either don’t understand its importance or they’re just too lazy learning a new & useful habit. I think they have implemented this in Manila like what leateagee said on a previous comment.