Thanks Donald Trump! Barrack Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate is Released.
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
April 27, 2011 8:35am CST
We can question all sorts of things about Barrack Obama, but as far as I'm concerned, the issue about where he was born is settled.
Thanks for releasing your official birth certificate Obama! Why didn't you just do this two years ago and get it over with? Why did it take Trump to get you to do what almost everyone with a government job has to do anyway?
I know there are people out there who will never accept anything as "proof", but (to me) this lays the question to rest.
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18 responses
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
27 Apr 11
I just heard the news. Now we know for sure. Of course, Obama is doing this to be re-elected, but at least it will show that he is not a foreigner whose birth certificate was forged. It will also make Americans to keep a closer eye on him, especially in his intention to lower America in the world. It also shows that those in charge should not think that they can get away with what is considered the law by the rest of us, that we have to show our long form birth certificate or something like a baptism to prove that we actually exist.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
27 Apr 11
Well, it was a very good strategy to distract people from real issues and divide the nation, creating a lot of controversy and hard feelings and dividing people along partisan lines. Meanwhile, he got a lot done that people paid no attention to!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
27 Apr 11
I took umbrage at being a source of amusement for Obama....
“We provided additional information today about the site of my birth,” Obama said.
“This issue has been going on now for two, two and a half years now, and I have to say that over the past two and a half years I have watched with amusement, I have been puzzled by the degree to which this thing kept on going.
How dare this arrogant, elitist joke of a president make a simple request by many of the American people to furnish a legal birth certificate as a source of amusement for two and a half years. If he meant by "better stuff to do" taking care of our economic woes then I agree...however instead HE PERPETRATED THIS SOURCE OF AMUSEMENT using the American people as the butt of his amusement instead of just showing the damned birth certificate..
I did not think Obama could ever sink any lower in my estimation but now I have absolutely no respect for this person.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
27 Apr 11
irishidid Thank you so much for your support. However this comment is nothing compared to what he/she says to me in the following link:
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
27 Apr 11
Yeah I saw it. I doubt this one will be around long so I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe another version of the bug? Who knows!

@K46620 (1986)
• United States
28 Apr 11
I agree he should have released it long ago. But it still doesn't tell us whether he is a natural born citizen. That the only thing that I ever questioned.
I've heard natural born citizens have two citizen parents. I haven't been able to confirm that this is what the founders meant.
Overall the birther issues are a distraction but now that it is in the news so much maybe I'll research that.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
28 Apr 11
No, if you have 1 parent who is a citizen, you are a citizen. I have no idea where people get the idea that you need two parents who are citizens to be one.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
28 Apr 11
Para, Aside from the fact that the BC is a clear forgery, it matters not a whit where the usurper was born since he cannot pass the threshhold test for being a natural born citizen, TWO US citizen parents.
The BC is just a smokescreen, takiyya tactic - permissable lying to distract, deceive, disarm an enemy in order to vanquish them.
BHO is not and will never be a legitimate, Constitutionally eligible person.
Art.II, Sect.1, clause 5, demands two conditions in order to be considered natural born:
1. the child of 2 US citizens
2. place of birth
It is not either/or, but the only category of citizenship demanding BOTH criteria be fullfilled.
BHO Sr. factually was NEVER a US citizen. Jr.'s citizenship is traced through the father.
At best he could be considered a "dual-national" per the State Dept, but that still exempts him, because our founders did not allow for dual allegiance - common sense.
Article 1, Sect. 8, refers directly to the LAW OF NATIONS for the precise definition of natural born:
"The natives, or natural born citizens, are"
those born in the country of parents who are citizens......
WHEN the truth comes out, it will be seen that the usurper hoisted himself on his own pitard in stating Kenyan national and NEVER US citizen BHO, Sr. is his BC father.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
29 Apr 11
Where do you get the idea that it takes TWO parents that are U.S. citizens to make a child who is a citizen? The idea that citizenship is traced only through the father is complete and utter stupidity.
Actually, the only two conditions set by the Constitution is age and natural born citizen. According to the law, there are only two classifications of citizen.. natural born and naturalized. Since natural born citizens are people born in the US, his birth certificate showing he was born in the US is sufficient.
Prs. Herbert Hoover's mother was from Canada. btw.
Question Obama all you want, but at least do it with facts instead of myths.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
29 Apr 11
The only time the U.S. code requires both parents to be citizens is when the child is born outside the United States.
Read, and learn.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
29 Apr 11
US Code does not nor does anything else supercede the Constitution itself in Art. II, Sect. 1 Clause 5, ONLY A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN.
In Art,1, Section 8, the Constitution cites with specificity Emmerich de Vatel's The Law of Nations, on which that Natural Born citizen is based, and clearly in which it is defined.
Natural Born Citizenship has the mandate of 2 requirements: citizenship of BOTH parents AND place of birth.
NO DUAL ALLEGIANCE IS ALLOWED. Not only is this factual, but it is only common sense and wisdom.
para - "citizen" is NOT the same as "natural born citizen".

@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
29 Apr 11
Good for you for saying this proof and you accept it. It really was never an issue, though. His mother was American and that makes him a citizen, by law, no matter where he was born. The whole "birther" nonsense was just a means to stir up trouble by people who did not like the outcome of the election. I am glad we are done with that.

@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
2 May 11
You are right in stating that one might be an American "citizen" if their mother was such. But you are patently wrong in your not understanding that "citizen" is one of many classes of citizenship defined in the Constitution and that ONLY one class of citzen is eligible for presidency, "natural born citizen" i.e. born in the US of TWO US citizen parents.
Obama did not win the election, even in face of over 2,000 election violations.
He did not "win" because he is NOT ELIGIBLE to be on the ballot EVER. He is NOT a natural born citizen; he declared himself that in his latest BC forgery.
The State Dept. declared him that 7/10 when it stated he is a dual national.
Silly and delusional applies to those who have no understanding of their own Constitution.
The Pillsbury Doughboy cannot be president no matter how many people vote for him, because he is not eligible; neither is Obama/Soetoro/Dunham/Soebarakah; in fact, not only is he a self-confessed dual national (INELIGIBLE), but, had not Lt. Quarles Harris, Jr. been murdered 4/08, he would have testified that BHO is actually an illegal alien in this country.
You see, he is, in fact, a dual national of Kenya/Britain through father BHO Sr.'s citizenship status, and of Indonesia through adoptive father Lolo Soetoro's citizenship status.
He has no apparent citizenship in the US at all.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
1 May 11
The "birther" nonsense was and is the taqiyya creation of the usurper, himsef, and his minions. It is about distraction, division, and deception.
If one parent is a citizen, one CAN be a "citizen", but NEVER a "natural born citizen" unless BORN IN THE COUNTRY TO TWO CITIZEN PARENTS.
No other term of "citizenship" Constitutionally defined allows one to be eligible for the office of president.
Not "citizen", "born citizen"(or half of Mexico would be president), "naturalized citizen", or "native born citizen"(place of birth).
NONE but "natural born" as defined above.
@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
2 May 11
Spreading more lies and misinformation. By law, if your mother is American, you are an American citizen. It is called jus sanguinis (hope I spelled that right). What that means is that if your mother is an American citizen, you are a citizen, by birth, no matter where you were born. I guess you morons are now going to want to dig up Obama's mother's birth certificate. What a bunch of whiny dimwits.
Pay attention now:
The earth is round, not flat.
Pi does not equal exactly three, no matter how much we all wish it did.
There are no unicorns, and there never were.
Obama won the election.
Obama is a natural-born citizen.
Get rid of this silly, delusional nonsense.

@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 Apr 11
Nope I dont beleive it his own grandma said he was born in Kenya
and they can fix a certificate up with dates and anything they want o put on it and it also looks to freash no creases in it no markings at all that it had ever been handled.
Most bith certificates have been handled crease turn colors from age all that stuff.
and what about his college days where it showed him to be an exchange student .
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Apr 11
Thanks for this. I actually never really bought into the whole thing about his birth. I wondered just WHY he did not come forth with it just to end the argument but then again, it really is nothing that any other president had to make public or got questioned over. I assumed that the people that actually needed to see and confirm had seen the necessary documents. Logic just told me that someone of importance beyond the general public would have pushed the issue a little stronger if it was in fact an issue. Like you said...there will be those that still are skeptics.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
28 Apr 11
If you notice, no elected official had seen this before. Obama was being treated "special" in not having to prove his eligibility.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
28 Apr 11
Well I was satisfied with the COLB but now that he released the long form which proves that the State and Federal Government weren't involved in some conspiracy. Well all you need to show is a COLB for a job if you even need to show that generally your SSN is the only thing that is required for any kind of job so they can do a basic background check well as for president they need the COLB or Long Form BC to prove where you are born to see if you meet the requirement for being a natural born US Citizen which in the COLB it proved that yes he was a Natural Born Citizen and therefore able to hold the Office.
(I have to say it feels good to be right. I kinda new that I was the whole time but it gives that extra little step)
As for it taking Trump to do it I think what Trump had to do with it was putting the pressure and having the numbers where at least right now looks like he could be a challenge for Obama in an Election year type of situation.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
28 Apr 11
Many federal and state jobs do require actual birth certificates.. including US military enlistment. I don't see why military recruits should be held to a higher standard than the president.
But yeah, it's your day to pat yourself on the back! :~)
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
28 Apr 11
I know the DHS (Department of Human Services) doesn't I do live in Portland Oregon and neither does the local Federal Building here.
You must be a U.S. citizen or resident alien.
You must be at least 17 years old (17-year old applicants require parental consent).
You must (with very few exceptions) have a high school diploma.
You must pass a physical medical exam
These are the only requirements and a COLB can be used to verify your SSN which verifies your citizenship status.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
27 Apr 11
Hussein O, knows that he cannot run for office again unless he proves he is an American. He also knows that this time folks are going to dig deeper into other shadey stuff. He figures if he puts this out folks will shut up...I doubt that a bunch of them will even accept this as the
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
27 Apr 11
If he can spend about a million bucks covering this up then I am pretty sure he would have no qualms about spending another million for a perfect fake birth certificate.

@irishidid (8687)
• United States
27 Apr 11
Took this long and the information is totally boring. I was hoping for something juicy like Senior wasn't really the daddy or something! Heck, my birth certificate is more interesting.
Obama once again proved he's the equivalent of a floating turd.
@greenfeathers (1206)
• United States
28 Apr 11
The whole thing makes me wonder..Isn't it true that Unka Donald, the man who has turned going bankrupt into a parlor game, is considering throwing his hat into the next election? That being true, I can guess why he hasn't pushed his 'Americans have the right to know!' center stage performance until now, in the shadow of the coming election..hmm..and while I'm stirring the caldron..Can I see a show of hands on this? How many true blue, red blooded Americans out there acquired fake id in their teens?
The question of the bloody birth certificate is ridiculous and were this country being run as we have been indoctrinated to believe all these years, that being thru ALL 3 branches and THE PEOPLE, then this issue would have been dealt with at its origin and said certificate would have been produced, by force if necessary, or Obama would now be enjoying a Nixonesque early retirement from public office. As neither has occurred, take the hint..
This whole thing has the air of a late night Vegas Follies show with Obama the Magnificent magicly pulling a proper birth certificate from the hat at the insistence of heckler Unka Donald with a well choreographed entrance..
If you want to worry about something then worry about what has really been going on whilst you were enraptured in the dog and pony show..
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
28 Apr 11
He should not have to release his birth certificate to prove anything to anybody. I think he word should have been enough. The only people who questioned him was pretty much the Republicans, in hopes of trying to get him out of office. You never seen former President Bush in the birth certificate conspiracy. Now that its releases this issues should be over and done. Will it? We'll see. BTW the sole purpose was to, as the President states "put the side show on a hold, and focus on more important things" is why he released his birth certificate.
@kris182_2000 (5475)
• Canada
28 Apr 11
I thought you had to be born in the US in order to become president?
So, wouldn't that mean that you would have to prove this to someone? Even if it's not to the public, some sort of government official needs to see it to make sure he's eligible to become a presidential candidate.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
28 Apr 11
Exactly, he is the President, so I'm sure he had has to proven this to somebody.
@RebeccaScarlett (2532)
• Canada
28 Apr 11
Nice to see a staunch Republican saying "yep, ok, he's American. On to some real issues."
I think you're right that if he was not a citizen, it would have been an issue. If I found out the PM of Canada wasn't a Canadian citizen, I'd be pretty ticked, lol.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
28 Apr 11
Well, I'm not a Republican, I'm a conservative.. but I understand what you mean. I'm actually pretty relieved that he is eligible.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
27 Apr 11
I really do think Trump had a lot to do with it. He was the only candidate willing to go out and publicly call for the birth certificate and ask why the president wouldn't release it. The USA Today poll that showed only in 3 Americans felt definite about the president being born in the US also put pressure on him. He had to do it. You can't run for reelection if only a third of the voters think that you're a citizen.
The question of why he never did this before is a good one and I think it comes down to arrogance and distraction. He kept his detractors in the "fringe" category by allowing the controversy to fester.
But, and here's the next conspiracy, since he clearly states in his book 'Dreams from my Father' that he had his own copy of his birth certificate in his possession, did he have to go get this? And how come it's not a copy but a photo from the book?
Just noting where the questions will come from, not that I think it indicates fraud.
@zralte (4176)
• India
27 Apr 11
Yeah, my question exactly. Why couldn't he released that two years ago and put all the doubts to rest? More to the point, why did American people elected someone who didn't provide that and then complain about it later on?
What can I say? I'm just a simple Indian who get confused easily.